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Update 7.8.0


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srsly ... 500 alloy plates ... again?

these alloy plates dropping so rare that you need days to farm 500 of them ... man i was happy that i got all the 500alloys for my boltor ... maybe ya guys should change a few drops too xD

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- Aborting missions now forfeits any obtained credits, mods, resources or blueprints, earned XP is still rewarded


There are now map bugs that prevent players from ever leaving the map, because the exit is outside the game map, on some older, unused tile or something.


I don't think it's fair to lower the hammer on mission aborts while the game has issues like this.

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Update 7.8.0


- Added up/down arrows to objectives on the minimap if objective is above or below the player's current level


I love the devs for this game. I was complaining about this not being in the game this morning, they had it fixed same day. Just awesome.

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- Prevent fusing/selling critical ability/precept mods when no duplicates are present


Nice start, but still looking forward to a lock button. Don't want to sell my fully upgrade Pistol Gambit by accident when I have like 3-4 low level ones.

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srsly ... 500 alloy plates ... again?

these alloy plates dropping so rare that you need days to farm 500 of them ... man i was happy that i got all the 500alloys for my boltor ... maybe ya guys should change a few drops too xD


Where are you farming?I've been farming Sedna, and I have enough rubedo and alloy plate both.Honestly, I've been wondering what to do with it all.Protip: Destroy all containers and open all lockers, they can have materials in them.
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YES!!!  Mak of the Underscore Twins!


I miss the smexy legs of the old moas already T_T  At least leave the old models in game, so you can have a mixture of different enemies.  Nobody's written/drawn fan-fiction/art of Tenno x Moa yet; the new models are not helping!


New moa's look disgusting T^T

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Other REALLY AWESOME thing that happened to me after this update (almost now):

-I fought Hyena yesterday to get control modules;
-I solo enter a random mission today and get some common mods and a rare Flow (that I didn't have until now);

-Stalker[49] appears because I killed Hyena;
-Stalker[49] kills me after 5-8 secs;

-Loot equal bye.

Seriously, this is sad.

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Hey DE, still getting 0 credit rewards on defence missions, in this case for finish&claiming on Xini wave 15 :o)


Nice update :>


That said:

I agree with previous posters who pointed out that there are too many ways to need to abort, to punish the player for it.

Yeah, it's pretty tough to punish the whole playerbase for what a small group of people are abusing.

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A suggestion to the whole abort mission discussion: Would it be possible to just have the penalty affect those who quit within a certain amount of time? That should prevent rushers, yet not fully penalize those who legitimately get stuck due to a map glitch who would just have to wait it out a little longer. I leave it to DE to decide whether this is feasible and the appropriate values.


Myself, I'm still waiting along with many others for the optional reset to hit so that we can start out fresh again. While the platinum was great to support the developers while also getting a nice feel of the game and the various frames/weapons without having to farm for months on end; the game is just not as appealing anymore having purchased things with platinum (for me anyway). I personally feel that starting out fresh, and building my way towards the frames and weapons that I like the traditional way would add the replayability that I am seeking; while I can use the refunded platinum more for slots, color palettes, and skins as they are released in the future.


I know this has been beaten to death, but would any DE staff member, maybe Steve if he's around, give an approximate update of when this feature might be rolled out? It kills me every time that I get excited with every new patch or update thinking it might be rolled out with it... only to find that it hasn't been. I understand that it's because a lot of users keep threatening to rage quit (doubtful, this game is too fun to ragequit in my opinion), and there's a fear that people might not understand what a reset actually means... but there are many like me who are fully aware of what it means, and would still want to go through with it because playing has lost quite a bit of meaning since we're currently stuck playing the waiting game instead.

Edited by WF-Sparhawk
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