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The Best Game You Ever Played.


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Dark souls: Prepare to Die Edition, Dem feels when you were dragged to the past to learn about the falls of new londo and The Abyss Walker Knight Artorias, and then helps his baby wolf, Sif to defeat The Father of Abyss, Manus and take vengeance for his fallen master, and then when you comes back from the past and fights the Present Sif that was guarding his master's grave to prevent anyone from taking his master's path again, Sif recognize you as his savior and feel reluctant to fight you, and that moment just breaks my heart into thousand of pieces while being rekt'ed by a giant Wolf mouth-wielding a giant sword.

And less but not Least, Borderlands 2, Man that game is just epic to me and that game is like... weapon porn.. it fills every needs of my body and souls

Edited by Tar_Spit_Fire
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For driving game: Gran Turismo 4. HNNGH! I MUST GET IT! NOW!

For 3rd Person Shooter: Ghost Recon Phantoms and Warframe shares the first place. Lovely shooters but P2Ws F*** YOU!

For FPS game: Star Wars: Battlefront and Battlefront 2.

Fusion of 3PS and FPS: Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. I WANT THE SEQUEL OF THIS GAME! NOW!

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It most most certainly is. The gameplay is a lot of fun, the world is beautiful and imaginative, and the story is deep and engaging.

My only gripe is that this is a game that deserves to be in HD, and the wii's graphics don't quite do the world justice.

That said, it's still gorgeous, and  many areas are still burned into my mind years after playing it; once you see a meteor shower above eryth sea, you're not going to forget it.



Also, dem plot twists.


So, I came back to this thread...let me update you on something:

I said to myself "I'll try Xenoblade for like...hmmm...15 minutes. That should be enough to get a feel of it, then next week, I'll really get into it." ...I sat in front of my TV for 3 hours and 31 minutes. Remember when I said that I'd "get a feel of it"? WELL ME TELL YOU, I'M REALLY FEELIN' IT!


This game is amazing. I can't just even like....even like ever like even. Seriously, this gave my dusty Wii a reason to live on forever. 

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My favorite game...

That Oregon Trail game they make you play in 5th grade taught me so much

Like how you should always bring a doctor. Even when sacrificing rubber ducks and tissues to the dark lord kfulu, bring a doctor

Yes! O man I sucked at shooting Buffalo, wasted so much bullets. 

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The Mass Effect Trilogy. Its not one game, but its one story. Played the trilogy seven times, each time differently, but one thing was constant. A certain Quarian engineer was always the target of my affection.


To me that series had some of the best character development and connections I've ever experienced. It had action, plot, exploration, SPACE SHTUFF, and all the other and bells and whistles that came with a massive Bioware RPG. 



+1 for Tali.


Anyways, I don't really have a "favorite" or "best" game I have ever played, unless I put them in categories.


Best Third Person Shooter I have ever played has got to be Gears of War. Had loads of fun, shame that the 2nd and 3rd one isn't on PC.


Best First Person Shooter I believe is Payday 2, loads a fun. And loot. And money.


RPG, I don't honestly play very many RPG's but I would say Mass Effect.


That being said those are the only 3 genre's I play alot of so, unless you count Stealth as a separate genre, in which, favorite Stealth game has got to be Hitman Absolution, I haven't played the previous in the series but it is so fun.

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I'd have to say that the Mass Effect trilogy would be my favorites as well, despite how it all ended (and the ludicrous amount of fetch quests in the third game).  And not just because of Tali's adorableness.


Curing the Genophage was the most impactful mission in the games for me, followed closely by the Geth vs Quarian war.  Mordin's sacrifice and the following scene still get me all misty eyed, more than any other moment in any of the three games.  And the first time I didn't have enough Paragon points to save both the Quarians and Geth, when I chose the Geth and watched the result of my choice, I loaded the only manual save I had -- a six hour old save -- first chance I got.


But if I need some lighter, kill-some-time games, I always fall back on Killing Floor and L4D2 more than anything else.  Can't wait for KF2.

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Hmm... I have many different reasons to love games. I mean, I still cannot look just to the gameplay. What make some games my "favourite" ones depend on the nostalgic feeling it brings to me, interaction, etc... That being said...


Guess 3 of my favourite ones are Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong 2 and Addams Family Values, all for SNES. DK 1 and 2 have such awesome music (and I still use some as my ringtone and alarm clock) and it always makes me giggle when I play it again (the first time I had put my hands on it I was 4). Addams Family Values introduced me to the English language at the same age and it took me over a decade to understand the game better.


My mother loved to play it with me, and it was heart warming to see her getting an english dictionary and together we tried to find out what the characters were saying. Ended up that we learned together that the game is sarcastic and have a pretty *bleep* moral values, like Addams Family should be xD! We loved it even more!



Then my pc came and I started enjoying some other games. Ragnarök became my next favourite. I didn't mind the grinding, it was the first time I played a MMORPG and could make online friends. I still talk with few. Helping each other, laughing, making herp derp parties in game was a bliss.


Took me many years and many games to get into shooter ones. I wasn't interested at all. After playing The Sims 3 for over an year I was looking for something different for my aliens and found a custom skin called "Drell". 2 weeks later I had the Mass Effect trilogy in my hands. Despise the heavy criticism the third game gets, I loved every bit of it! Customization, immersion, MANY FEELS!


I also met a lover in the Multiplayer :). In the end we didn't work out, but he was the one calling me to Warframe. I was still getting my N7 weapons leveled in ME3, I didn't really want to start another game. After a while, I decided to give up and join him here, around March. Didn't left since.

Edited by LoyalFangs
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too hard for me.


got a knack for metroid series, but I stopped playing before wii, last being the one on DS I think

little mention for gba/DS castlevania series + sotn


Else pso got a special place as the first game to make me play so much hours without being aware of the time spent, though I don't regard it much as a well done game.

and probably a bunch more.

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too hard for me.


got a knack for metroid series, but I stopped playing before wii, last being the one on DS I think

little mention for gba/DS castlevania series + sotn


Else pso got a special place as the first game to make me play so much hours without being aware of the time spent, though I don't regard it much as a well done game.

and probably a bunch more.

Ahh, now you mentioned CastleVania, man I LOVE THAT GAME!!! I've play catlevania: Circle Of The Moon, Symphony of the night, dawn of sorrows, Portrait of Ruins, Order of Ecclesia, and all those other on my DS~ Man you've just Brought back all those fond memories in my mind and all those time i spent figuring how to find and beat the boss~~

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I don't think there will ever be a game that qualifies as the best game I have ever played.  Warframe is my most played game, perhaps ever in my entire life.  I just don't think it is the best.  I don't think any game is the best.  I do think Warframe is the best of all the games I play, but I still await the day when I can say "Hey, this game called ____ is the best game I have ever played."

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\My favorite game. would have to be GTA 4, my god I loved the story and characters, and what I loved the most is that Niko wasn't an arse like other characters in other GTA's


So yeah GTA 4 is my favorite also...








 ^I also loved this game!

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2)Pokémon (not one game in particular, just the entire world)



Okami is still the best game in my opinion, it's so deep. I could not choose only one because that would've made the other 2 less important to me, which they weren't.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eh, for the good old time's sake, i'm gonna mention my second favorite game (also the very first one i've played).


Super Mario Bros 3.


Ah the memories... All the good times i had with this game back when i was 3 untill i had to give my NES when i was 5 years old.


This is the very first game i ever played and totaly made me fall in love with gaming...


Mario, you will and forever be my number 1 hero. Forever a Nintendo fan! ^_^

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  • 3 months later...

. My favorite trilogy(Yeah it's not a single game, but one continuous story, so i'm counting it as a single one) by far has to be the Gears of War series


. Warframe is definitely in my top 15 list, Great gameplay, sure there are bugs and glitches sometimes, but look at Battlefield 4(Glitches galore), it has an even better community than most games i've played and the developers are incredibly interactive and responsive(DESTINY WE'RE ALL LOOKING AT YOU)


John Dimaggio is just amazing at voice acting though, you cant deny it

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