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What Sentinel To Get



21 answers to this question

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thx getting deathcube

Deathcube is only a Damage Sentinel but the weapon of the Carrier is the Strongest (in my opinion) and the ability of the deathcube is like a vaporize... but gettin all the loot is much better from what i think...

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Wyrm/Wyrm Prime for multiple reasons that I will list


1. Good CC abilities such as Coolant Leak (slow aura) and Crowd Dispersion (knocks all enemies down in a small radius around the sentinel)

2. Highest dps rifle (Prime Laser Rifle, not regular Laser Rifle)

3. Sexiest thing in this game


Yes, I know that you can use sentinel specific rifles on other sentinels by the way.

Edited by Glowing1011
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Wyrm/Wyrm Prime for multiple reasons that I will list


1. Good CC abilities such as Coolant Leak (slow aura) and Crowd Dispersion (knocks all enemies down in a small radius around the sentinel)

2. Highest dps rifle (Prime Laser Rifle, not regular Laser Rifle)

3. Sexiest thing in this game


Yes, I know that you can use sentinel specific rifles on other sentinels by the way.


Coolant Leak can be used on any sent. 

Highest DPS rifle which isn't hitscan and which the sentinal cannot aim.




Carrier is still my recommendation even if it is only to get the Sweeper. It is extremely useful to have, not only because it is the best sentinel weapon, but because it uses shotgun mods. These are much easier to rank up than rifle mods AND if you are using rifles predominantly, you don't need a second set of mods just for your sentinel. 

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Helois for extra XP thanks to Codex scans.

Carrier for everything else .. vaccum means you never miss a mod.


Also Sweeper (from Carrier) kicks butt, and if your concentrating on rifles it's easy just to drop all your shotgun mods into it so you don't double up.


Wyrm was pretty useless and Shade was under whelming.

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Choosing a sentinel is basically the same as choosing a weapon. You choose it for the stats.

Wyrm: Radial stun is good for fighting groups of enemies, to stop you from getting swarmed. Especailly useful against infested.

Helios: For people who don't want to manually fill the codex.

Shade: For the stealth mode.

Deathcube: For extra damage.

Carrier: For people who don't want to have to pick up loot.

Djinn: Hard to explain, but basically it drawns enemies in, makes itself a higher priority target, then attacks enemies in range with radial damage that can stun, similar to wyrm.

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Dethcube was my first sentinel and is still my favourite. The Carrier is nice and all but you will develop really bad habits when you use it. Once you are addicted to the vacuum skill you will have a lot of trouble to come off it, some serious withdrawal effects resulting in lots of lost loot.

Edited by VikingoX
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Coolant Leak can be used on any sent. 

Highest DPS rifle which isn't hitscan and which the sentinal cannot aim.




Carrier is still my recommendation even if it is only to get the Sweeper. It is extremely useful to have, not only because it is the best sentinel weapon, but because it uses shotgun mods. These are much easier to rank up than rifle mods AND if you are using rifles predominantly, you don't need a second set of mods just for your sentinel. 

My bad I meant combined these 2 abilities make it a good cc sentinel

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I always use either Shade or Wyrm. Shade's invisibility is a lifesaver, but when I play a frame that is better off without invisibility such as Nyx, I use Wyrm. That knockdown will save your skin even more, probably.


I pretty much just use Shade because I bought a lot of cosmetics for it, and it's nice to have a less aggressive sentinel.

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If the Vacuum sentinel mod was able to be used on other sentinels, then I would go for Wyrm Prime (with the vacuum mod). Wyrm seems more active and aware with regards mobs than the other sentinels I've used (personal subjective opinion). (ok I like Wyrm Prime)


However, sadly the mod isn't transferable so my choice has to default to Carrier (purely due to the Vacuum mod).


Long survival etc means you cannot afford to not collect drops. I do not have a relationship with my Carrier, he just gets in my face from time-to-time, however I have missed Carrier when I've been leveling other sentinels.


IMHO - Vacuum mod should be made a standard Sentinel mod - let us choose which Sentinel we would rather use, based on other than one mod determining their worth.

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They all have their uses. Carrier is my favorite due to the utility value. Dethcube has his destructive moments. Shade helped me stealth through certain missions solo when I was lower level. Wyrm seems to fit somewhere between Dethcube and Shade, especially with Dethcubes rifle. I've used Wyrm the least.


If I could only ever have one Sentinel, I'd pick Carrier, and potato both the Sentinel and the weapon.


I'm yet to craft the other two. Stuck playing with my Kubrow atm. Cute little thing she is.

Edited by Kihana
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