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"so What Are You Waiting For!" I'm Waiting For You To Die, Ordis.


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I've enjoyed Ordis is a companion. I especially like his "Operator...what are you thinking about? and his "Just thought you'd like to know"

But I decided to finally turn him off while my Archwing is cooking after hearing "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!?" enough times.

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Does he say this every 3min?

I haven't encounter this glitch yet, but really? It's a @(*()$ glitch. Get over it, it's not by intentional design. How about we hate him when he is actually functioning, hmm? Jeez, you all need to stop thinking with your damn wieners. 



Edit: Unless I am wrong and it is not a glitch.

Edited by PeripheralVisionary
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No matter how many lines of unique voiceover DE gives Ordis/lotus/whatever it will still become repetetive after so many hours. I want Ordis to stop. It's Warframe's own Jar Jar Binks and I absolutely hate it. Yes, I have muted it but it still pops up and interferes with my screenspace.


It's just a really cheesy addition that serves no purpose.

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No matter how many lines of unique voiceover DE gives Ordis/lotus/whatever it will still become repetetive after so many hours. I want Ordis to stop. It's Warframe's own Jar Jar Binks and I absolutely hate it. Yes, I have muted it but it still pops up and interferes with my screenspace.


It's just a really cheesy addition that serves no purpose.


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It's cool that some people like Ordis, but I don't understand people who make a thing about others having a differing opinion. So some people don't like Ordis and wish for a change of voice? Seriously, why do you care? Lol

Clap trap was annoying, too. (IMO)

DE would have to increase Ordis' lines by something like 1000 for me to take interest. I don't hate him, or lotus, I just don't care and since I have the ability to silence them I do. I appreciate DE giving me that option.

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I had it muted but I had to unmute to listen to the video-communication received in the inbox, give him a second chance after that, but shouting "what are you waiting for" after each mission, while it's already building, don't like much.

Edited by Aekzo
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I'd like to crawl into Ordis' brain and start pulling out microchips while he sings Daisy. He adds literally nothing to the experience. I wish ejecting his AI core from the ship was an actual in game option, as doing so is the only way he would ever be able to bring me any enjoyment of any sort.

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How long do you people stay on the Liset? Seriously, I spend more time ingame than on the ship. He doesn't talk that much. 


Considering that i'm maxed on like almost everything and all i have left to do is overwatch recruit chat for the few void missions i need for Scindo and Nyx, guess i basically spend 99% of my game time inside the Liset.

Edited by SaintLucifer
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So you're complaining cause Ordis is ruining the majestic and dramatic side of warframe. ...............did you by any chance take a look at Limbo?


Haven't played him yet, but I hope he's not going to become known as Sharkframe.

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I both want new Cephalons to pick from, and many, many more lines for each of them so that they do not become as stale as Ordis has. I want a glitchy Suda as my Cephalon, and I shall call her SHODAN.


I also want to be able to turn off the Ordis and Lotus screen popups in the Liset. It is really annoying when they are constantly covering up my color pallets while I am customizing my gear.

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While I like having Ordis when he at least comes up with a few different lines every once in a while......


.... I just plain HATE him and would blast his useless processors to oblivion during quests because of the same stupid line being repeated over and over like a broken record.


This has led me to two things... either I make him shut up with the options to volume him down or lately I just don't start the game at all while I have to wait on the crafting to finish up because there's not much else I can do... and I don't really feel like grinding senselessly anymore.

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Mostly tolerable, but the "WHADDAYA WAITIN' FOR" starts to grate after a while, especially considering I already started building what he wants me to build, it just takes like 36 hours or something. So hearing this after every single mission is a little annoying.

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