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Am I The Only One Seeing The Decline Of Warframers (Ps4)


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Either People joined clans and now avoid the recruiting channel, or the game has actually died a bit.

If you look at the region/recruiting/trading chat, they seemed to have died down.

Previously, I've seen pages and pages of Names, now its just a list of A-Z where you can read through all the names in about 20 seconds.


That's a side effect of the recent chat changes, not the game dying. PC player numbers are climbing.

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hate to say it but warframe has past it now. there is hardly anyone one these days you  try and get in a match and you cant find any groups to play in you always running solo. there's not enuf updates to keep people playing this i guess 

We're all dying slowly.  That's what living is.

Edited by Lunamaniac
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Got any stats on how many get on at least once every two days?


There was an article on one of the game sites..one of the MMO related ones? I beliee it was after PAX Prime where they gave out some numbers regarding how many accounts were registered at that time, which was a few weeks ago.

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I've got my money on Warframe outliving Destiny.

Go on the Facebook pages for both games and tell me which one gets more consistent flak from it's players.


The answer? Destiny by far. Warframe will usually get maybe 2-5 comments per page complaining about issues that the player has encountered, maybe 1-2 saying DE sucks or whatever may have you. It's pretty much half the comments on Destiny's page that are doing that if not more. People aren't happy with the fact that they payed $60+ for a very much unfinished game.


Conclusion: Destiny should have been F2P with pay to play DLC.

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Go on the Facebook pages for both games and tell me which one gets more consistent flak from it's players.


The answer? Destiny by far. Warframe will usually get maybe 2-5 comments per page complaining about issues that the player has encountered, maybe 1-2 saying DE sucks or whatever may have you. It's pretty much half the comments on Destiny's page that are doing that if not more. People aren't happy with the fact that they payed $60+ for a very much unfinished game.


Conclusion: Destiny should have been F2P with pay to play DLC.



there 's 500 million reasons to disagree with you on that one -  ( all more than covered  the first day ) 


but back on topic with the new games coming out what where seeing is part of the natural cycle  and every one is going to see a lot less people the week of Nov 18  - farcry 4 , dragon age in, assassin creed un

Edited by Ravel7
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Go on the Facebook pages for both games and tell me which one gets more consistent flak from it's players.


The answer? Destiny by far. Warframe will usually get maybe 2-5 comments per page complaining about issues that the player has encountered, maybe 1-2 saying DE sucks or whatever may have you. It's pretty much half the comments on Destiny's page that are doing that if not more. People aren't happy with the fact that they payed $60+ for a very much unfinished game.


Conclusion: Destiny should have been F2P with pay to play DLC.

Destiny was hilariously overhyped. It's not a bad game per se, it just failed to live up to the absolutely massive hypestorm surrounding it.

there 's 500 million reasons to disagree with you on that one -  ( all more than covered  the first day ) 


but back on topic with the new games coming out what where seeing is part of the natural cycle  and every one is going to see a lot less people the week of Nov 18  - farcry 4 , dragon age in, assassin creed un

I recall people saying something similar before destiny came out.

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The latest Call of Duty was just released on PS4 too, so I would expect Warframers on PS4 to decline.  Personally, I have GTA V on pre-order, which will also be released on Nov 18, so I'll expect other people might start playing that too.


Also, I think DE will be making another mistake in bundling 14.10 into U15 (like they did when going from end U13 to U14.  DESteve, are you listening?!).  If they released 14.10 on PS4, it will help existing PS4 players have a little something extra to do in the meantime.

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from what I am seeing this is just going to keep getting worse and its sad too because of how good this game is and could be I hate that we all have put so many hours into it to just get stranded running with all new players who don't have a clue how to actually run the missions or just goof of while you do all of the work and stand at extraction forever waiting and waiting for them

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I agree there is competition with Destiny, but I felt the game was over hyped and ultimately not that great, I'd rather play Warfare than Destiny. I feel like a minority though. As for the content drought, I agree, it's the same for the XB1 atm, more frequent updates would stop the game from dyeing. 



Despite all that there are lots of ppl playing destiny, me included, just because it's a good shooter.

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from what I am seeing this is just going to keep getting worse and its sad too because of how good this game is and could be I hate that we all have put so many hours into it to just get stranded running with all new players who don't have a clue how to actually run the missions or just goof of while you do all of the work and stand at extraction forever waiting and waiting for them

Agree thats why i stopped playing, so fed up with the rushers, most of the time i take my time in getting to mission end killing everything on way and come out on top of group.

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