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[Invite-Only/ic, 18+] The Apocalypse - The Labyrinth.


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Cal moved over to the video and watched the guy while putting the whole business of 11 alone for now

Hearing the claim on the hammer Cal thought " damn I was just about to say that, I need a good reliable weapon again"

"Well this guy if he is the warlord will be a tough one to take down"

"Hope we have enough firepower and luck on our side" he thinks before moving up to their leader

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Kor nodded at that sentiment.  "Indeed, he'll be a tough one, but I've dealt with worse.  Much, much worse."  Kor said, remembering his military career, it seemed so long ago.  Kor looked at Cal.  "Back in the day, I used to tell my men that you could have all the firepower in the system, but if you can't use it, it means nothing."  Kor said.  "That's not going to be his philosophy however.  Like most Grineer, he'll want to use brute force to flatten you, and let me tell you, he will try to flatten you with that hammer."  Kor looked back at the image.  "Don't let that happen."  He said, staring at the Manticore.  Kor really wanted it.

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Emereen, out of curiosity, quietly stepped behind the group and peaked at the screen over their shoulders. A fresh wave of fear and excitement washed over her as her conflicting emotions fought for control over her body. In the end, the pure-blooded Grineer queen won. A malicious grin crept across her face as she relished the thought of participating in a firefight. Antsy to begin the fight already, she stole a glance around the corner, looking to see just how well the raiders were set up and to pick out targets. Still more-or-less behind the corner, she began to point and whisper to herself:


"I'm taking out you, and you, and definitely you." she giggled as she continued to pick out kills.

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"Yeah I still have some wounds from grineer" looking to Kor he added

"I'm pretty sure we've meet on the battlefield" standing arms length from Kor

"So what did you have in mind?" While looking at the young female grineer grin and point out something, which confused him

Edited by NexusDragoon
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Maniac regarded the warlord, no sympathy in his eyes, glancing at the monster of a man and paying more attention to his enemy's surroundings, wanting to be familiar with the battle ground, he'd left the grenades with Adalynn, and made note that his current shield would be made into metal filings if it came in contact with the hammer, so he instead thought quickly, trying to find a way to ensure the warlord never taking a swing with said hammer, even if it meant destroying it, he got four plans, deciding against two and beginning the other two which interwove to create a better plan. He retrieved the disc, stepping away from the group and feeling foolish, but put everything he had into wishing it would give him industrial strength tether line. It gave him nothing of the sort, instead granting him some thread that was nearly invisible, but, upon testing, incredibly strong. He then asked the disc for a rapid fire weapon, getting one, a Furis, and beginning his tinkering.

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"Yeah I still have some wounds from grineer" looking to Kor he added

"I'm pretty sure we've meet on the battlefield" standing arms length from Kor

"So what did you have in mind?" While looking at the young female grineer grin and point out something, which confused him

Kor was confused.  "Were you referring to me, or him."  He pointed at the picture of the Warlord.  "I've fought a lot of Tenno, and only two 'em survived."  Kor sighed.  "And from the looks of you, you're not a Saryn, or a Valkyr."  Kor suddenly became sad, and exhaled deeply.  Once again feeling the tremendous guilt of his actions.  Kor whispered almost inaudibly to himself.  "I should've stayed with Steel Meridian."

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Kor disagreed with her statement about there being no time, as her warning shots effectively halved the time they had, but he decided to not dwell on it as he had work to do.  "Alright, here goes nothing.  Kor took the Detron's power core out, and engaged the manual safety on the small plasma reactor.  "You might want to stand back, there may be fire."  He said to the group as he smashed the power core into the steel floor.  The core made a flash of blue light and a popping noise.  Kor opened his hand to reveal a Detron power core with a small crack that was leaking a blue fluid.  "Good, good."  Kor said to himself as he took out a strip of scrap metal from a utility pouch and pressed it onto the crack.  The metal slightly melted around the crack, effectively blocking the leak.  Kor turned back to the group and removed his helmet to better explain what he had done.


"Alright.  This here is a very, very volatile plasma core mid meltdown."  He paused to let that tidbit sink in.  "It has a timer of about a week if not activated, so we'll probably be fine.  In order to activate it, you need to turn the manual safety located opposite of the crack to fire.  Doing that speeds up the reaction inside the core, bringing the timer down to about 10 seconds."  He paused again.  "This core is very hot, do not hold it unless you are me, or a Tenno." he said, looking directly at Emereen.


"Any questions?"



Maniac nodded at Adalynn's order, reaching for his knapsack before realizing it had disappeared, growling slightly and reaching for the disc, looking at it for a second and wondering why he'd kept it, and whether he could retrieve his items from it, of which he presumed it had taken. He watched for a second, and thought about getting grenades, instantly getting hit with the salvaged grenade and two more grenades, black, with sleek green lines running up and down it's sides. Both of them obviously grenades, evident by a pin on them, the first, having a firey red pin. The second having two colors, the top red, the bottom blue, almost like how magnet polarizations were marked. The pin was confirmed a magnet by a slight sensation of tugging Maniac felt from the shrapnel in his hands. Maniac held the three grenades out to Adalynn, the final grenade being the one from the trap from earlier.



"well that'll have to do for now" he replied to her comment


"i have a few mines and fewer grineer shock traps" holding out one of the smaller bags he had on him


Adalynn took the spare grenades from the Butcher and placed them onto the strap of her carry bag. As for the makeshift bomb and traps... she laid them out, taking some parts from her bag to make some lengths of string. She interlaced the string as best she could with the explosives and the few shock traps given. Now she had two long strips of destruction, basically a firecracker and something more electrifying to end it.


This crafting process took a few minutes, to perfect and examine how the straps would hold, but it was sufficient enough to bear its weight.


"Wait" Vallis said, a little too loudly for his own liking. "I, uh, accessed the camera feeds, and I saw someone. A big guy. A, uh, really big guy. The cameras didn't... uh... see anyone else, but I think he's maybe the leader."

He took out his pad, tapped on it a couple times before showing it to Kor, the screen showing the saved camera footage of the Warlord.


As everyone was eyeing Vallis and his pad, Adalynn caught a slight glimpse of the man. The Tenno felt that she didn't need to see the Raider leader. A description and the thoughts were more than enough from her compatriots.


"I've cooked up something a bit fiendish." She whispered to all of them. "If there is a blockade ahead, one grenade will probably suffice to break the crude defenses up ahead."


She held up the grenade belt.


"This will be used as the main attraction. I'll plan on throwing it out, seeing if I can get enough grouped around the blast radius."


She held the shock belt in her other hand.


"And this will be useful for tackling the big cheese. It should weaken him a bunch. Any objections to this plan?"

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Vallis wanted to say that they wouldn't care about noise and that they already knew they were here, though he didn't want to ruin the situation. He turned back to Kor and spoke quietly so those three wouldn't hear.

"They, ah, actually know we're here. And they don't care about, you know, noise. I... I thibk they're defending, waiting for us."

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Kor was confused. "Were you referring to me, or him." He pointed at the picture of the Warlord. "I've fought a lot of Tenno, and only two 'em survived." Kor sighed. "And from the looks of you, you're not a Saryn, or a Valkyr." Kor suddenly became sad, and exhaled deeply. Once again feeling the tremendous guilt of his actions. Kor whispered almost inaudibly to himself. "I should've stayed with Steel Meridian."

Cal extended an arm out ", you too, just on the same side Kor, sorry if I made you think I implied you, I'd like to meet the two that survived you. besides unless he has a scar over his left eye that comes around his check then down to his neck, his not the one I fought" cal frowned "I hope it's not him atleast, might try to kill me" he whispers

Then he looked to Vallis

"Then why don't we three make sure that we all come out of this alive" he says trying to sound positive

Edited by NexusDragoon
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Seth looked to Yves then returned to Adelynn just in time to hear the plan and then responded to her "I'll let my serum take care of our large friend" presenting his Syringe filled with his acidic poison.


"Just tell me what to do"


"If an opening is spotted, do your best to exploit it." She said with a slight regard to his safety. "I know that you are the epitome of safety, but please... stay safe."


Maniac raised a hand, pointing at the grenade with a red and blue pin,

"Experimental, magnetic, pull armor toward it." He hypothesized, hoping the Nyx would understand. Then pointing at the other experimental grenade, "Incendiary?"


With saying that to the Doctor, she turned to Maniac, who explained the the potential color-coding for the grenades.


"Hm." She said with contemplation. "Well, we don't know if he has shields, but it will most certainly produce some wonderful colors. Vallis would probably have to back off though, seeing as the magnetics could affect the nature of electronics."


She looked over at Vallis.


"When this thing goes off, stay back for a bit. If Maniac is correct about one of these grenades, one of them might affect your tech."


She put the slings over her shoulders, and proceeded forward.


---The Raiders...---


They simply awaited for the group to come in. all of them were waiting eagerly to attack the group. One of the Scouts from earlier was still hiding inside the frozen crevice. His body temperature was very low, but he was on the brink of freezing, since he was hiding for quite a while. He still valued his life, so he kept put. Maybe his Grineer blood will rile him up sooner or later...

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Seth started to prepare to approach the forward lines, keeping to cover and the shadows as to not get spotted. Wasting time debating will not help anything at this moment.


Hopefully there would be something among the Raider's inventory that could prove useful to either the outpost or his research.

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While the fighting occurred in the depths of the shattered ship, above, crested on a snowy ridge parked above the wrecked lied a Saryn, low to the ground, her white armor making her near invisible. She watched the group enter through the scope of her rifle, but waited for a while. She had patience, and she saw it best to wait until they left to scavenge.


However, they didn't come out. That left two possibilities to her. Either they were dead or they were making themselves comfortable. Despite her currently low ammo situation, she still found the first one preferable. She was a fighter, certainly not a talker. She checked her ammo. 2 clips for the Snipetron, 3 for the Ballistica. She sighed.


Desperate times call for desperate measures, she thought, as she got up and trudged quietly through the snow, towards the towering wreckage, as light and fluffy snowfall began to fall from the heavens.

Edited by SuwakoMoriya
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"It's alright. I'll be too far for the Osprey to work on me anyway." said Yves as he checked the amount of ammo that he had, brass checking his pistol as well. "I'll need to patch into your comms for synchronisation purposes. I have an idea on how to take the raiders down."

Kor grunted at Yves.  "I can tell you're not new to battle Yves, but it would be unwise to not accept the extra help."  Kor removed the Osprey mounted to his back and handed it to Vallis, and turned back to Yves.  "It's good to have a backup plan, even if you might not need it.  Besides, if you're planning on going after the big guy, You'll be in range.  Kor chuckled.

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11, deciding to actually make himself useful said "I'll draw attention from you when you go for the warlord. But until some type of orokin artifact is found I'm not as strong as I was, sorry." he said as sincerely as possible. For some reason he was willing to lay down his life for this ragtag group. "I must have been in cyrosleep much to long if I'm willing to lay down my life for this group."

Edited by devastator2
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Emereen retreated back behind the corner after she grew bored of blowing the raider's heads off with her imagination. She pulled the magazine out of her Grakata and checked it. She knew how it worked and how to use it, but it didn't feel right. It was out of her element. This was probably because she had just been transferred to Heavy Gunner training on the day she escaped. Having been trained to be a Scorpion, she was more suited for hand-to-hand and melee combat. Given the situation, however, she knew diving in with her Kestrel would be a bad idea and would most likely end in her death.


She let out a sigh. Her nerve's were beginning to fade again. 

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11, deciding to actually make himself useful said "I'll draw attention from you when you go for the warlord. But until some type of orokin artifact is found I'm not as strong as I was, sorry." he said as sincerely as possible. For some reason he was willing to lay down his life for this ragtag group. "I must have been in cyrosleep much to long if I'm willing to lay down my life for this group."

Maniac raised an eyebrow at the mention of some orokin artifact, but remained silent, looking up the side of the wall to see if it was climb-able.

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Emereen retreated back behind the corner after she grew bored of blowing the raider's heads off with her imagination. She pulled the magazine out of her Grakata and checked it. She knew how it worked and how to use it, but it didn't feel right. It was out of her element. This was probably because she had just been transferred to Heavy Gunner training on the day she escaped. Having been trained to be a Scorpion, she was more suited for hand-to-hand and melee combat. Given the situation, however, she knew diving in with her Kestrel would be a bad idea and would most likely end in her death.


She let out a sigh. Her nerve's were beginning to fade again. 

Kor heard Emereen sigh.  It was obvious that waiting was draining her mentally.  Kor walked over to her and cleared his throat.  Once he had her attention he decided to give her some advice.  "It's the waiting huh?"  Kor said sympathetically.  "Whenever I become impatient, I take a couple deep breaths and try to relax."  Kor said with a sigh.  "If it makes you feel better, you can stick close to me.  I'll have the benefits of the Shield Osprey and I can always teleport with a sniper to get you out of the fight for a while.  Or you can hang back and deliver some suppressing fire to our friends."  Kor looked down at her.  "I'd recommend you hang back and deliver some suppressing fire.  It's easy and you don't really get shot at."  With that, Kor took out one of the Detron cores Vallis had given to him, and looked over to maniac, and remembered he had received some sort of wiring from that strange disc, and suddenly Kor had an idea.  He turned to Maniac, Detron core in hand.  "Can you get some more of that wire, Butcher?"  He asked, a grin forming under his helmet.

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Kor heard Emereen sigh.  It was obvious that waiting was draining her mentally.  Kor walked over to her and cleared his throat.  Once he had her attention he decided to give her some advice.  "It's the waiting huh?"  Kor said sympathetically.  "Whenever I become impatient, I take a couple deep breaths and try to relax."  Kor said with a sigh.  "If it makes you feel better, you can stick close to me.  I'll have the benefits of the Shield Osprey and I can always teleport with a sniper to get you out of the fight for a while.  Or you can hang back and deliver some suppressing fire to our friends."  Kor looked down at her.  "I'd recommend you hang back and deliver some suppressing fire.  It's easy and you don't really get shot at."


((All I could think about while reading that was 'Emereen will remember that.' XD))


Emereen took Kor's advice and took a few slow, calming breaths. She felt a little bad that she wasn't much use in a fight, but then again it was to be expected. Perhaps she would end up with a little one-on-one with a raider, allowing her to flex her combat skills. 

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Seth started to prepare to approach the forward lines, keeping to cover and the shadows as to not get spotted. Wasting time debating will not help anything at this moment.


Hopefully there would be something among the Raider's inventory that could prove useful to either the outpost or his research.


The Doctor would be able to sneak past the vigilant eyes of the Scout. Without any eyes being able to spot him, he would be met with a large fortification blocking the main path. This would prove to be bit of a problem, however there are barrels of flammable substance. While the barrels were almost used up, some reactive elements still remained. He would have to examine these canisters in order to gather how full these things are.


While the Doctor was at the barricade, Adalynn still kept her marching pace amongst the group. She kept a weary eye out, however as time goes on, she felt like she was getting a bit tired. The fact that a battle was going to happen was racing in her mind was the only thing keeping her awake.


'I gotta stay awake. Sleeping on the job may be a problem...'

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The Doctor would be able to sneak past the vigilant eyes of the Scout. Without any eyes being able to spot him, he would be met with a large fortification blocking the main path. This would prove to be bit of a problem, however there are barrels of flammable substance. While the barrels were almost used up, some reactive elements still remained. He would have to examine these canisters in order to gather how full these things are.


While the Doctor was at the barricade, Adalynn still kept her marching pace amongst the group. She kept a weary eye out, however as time goes on, she felt like she was getting a bit tired. The fact that a battle was going to happen was racing in her mind was the only thing keeping her awake.


'I gotta stay awake. Sleeping on the job may be a problem...'

Seth looked over at the barrels and started to slowly and carefully approach the barrels, keeping an eye out for anything or anyone that could spot him. he cannot afford to make a mistake. he stopped from time to time to check for patrols or raiders around the area.

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