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[Invite-Only/ic, 18+] The Apocalypse - The Labyrinth.


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The Warlord laughed at the Doctor's feeble attempts to would the Warlord. Mere bullets and plasma wasn't really going to affect starship-grade plating that he surrounded his alloy armor with. However this came at a downside for him; he was really weighted. Slowly trudging forward, the pullets just pinged off the plating.

Adalynn looked at surprise when Kor took a massive hit. She was surprised at the Grineer Commander's perseverance. He was really injured, but he still kept going.

The Warlord slowly trudged to Kor, eyeing him menacingly, with a fiendish grin. He gave a bellowing, blood-curling laugh. He slowly trudged through the snow, making thunking and clanging noises from his armor.

Adalynn hastily grabbed the straps of stun traps from her shoulder. Looking at the Warlord, she didn't want to harm Kor at the same time...

'Desperate action might have to be made.'

She flanked around, running as fast as she could.

"We're alike you and I." The Warlord spoke. "However there is only one difference. The strongest only survive."

He hefted his large hammer, placing on his shoulder. Before he could swing the thing, Adalynn jumped atop of him, activating the traps and tried wrapping the thing around him. The Warlord grabbed the horn of her helmet and threw her. She would slam against a wall.

'Why do I always have bad luck...' She thought.

The straps fell beside him, conducting against his armor. The conductive nature of the pates did give him quite the jolt; It staggered him and made his body recoil a bit backward. It would prove enough to be a distraction, allowing for flanking or attacks from behind.

"ADALYNN!" Cal dropped his dread he grabbed his skana and ran straight to the opening opened by Adalynn and slashed at his back with quick succession. After 5 slashes he jumped back as fast as he could, then charged again from another direction slashing the warlord when he got close, before jumping back Cal made the attempt to use his radial blind to create another opening but nothing happened. Cal was now paralyzed from this inability Edited by NexusDragoon
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Vallis looked at the scene happening, and seeing the majority of everyone distracted, he sneaked away from his cover. He first ordered his MOA to engage, the Proxy moving at the side, behind the pillars and covers.

It, for good or for worse, ran into a Corpus raider who was going the same way an an attempt to flank. The Corpus cursed in his own language, standing uo from his sneaking position and drew up his Detron as the MOA rushed him. He only fired off a single shot, deflected off the shieldings, before the rushing MOA knocked him back. Before he could recover, a string kicked knocked him to the ground, the Detron spinning out of his hand.

He tried to roll off his stomach and then the ground, but a strong stomp to the back knocked the air out of him. Before the Corpus knew it, his head was forced to the sound, the only hearable thing being the smashing and denting of metal as his boxhead was smashed in. He panicked, flailing, attempted to move out. The stomps were too quick, only allowing the Corpus to move centimeters at a time, the MOA always quickly adjusting. The Corpus screamed, cut off only by a sickening sound of both crunching bone and flattened brain, his limbs finally coming to rest around him.

The MOA pulled its bloody foot out of the cavity that was once a head. It spared the dead man no more a glance then it had to to identify him as dead before moving on, heading towards the direction of the Warlord, keeping to the dark sides.


Vallis sneaked through, going from cover to cover as sneakily as he could, headed towards Emereen, who would have still been attracting abit of attention with her firing of the Spectra. When he was as close as he could get he rushed to her cover, coping a bullet in the shoulder that jerked it back. His shielding protected him if any major damage, and managed to recover enough to jump behind the cover. He took a breath of relief before looking to Emereen, giving her an awkward wave before speaking a second later.

"I, uh, I'm gonna need my Spectra back."

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The straps fell beside him, conducting against his armor. The conductive nature of the pates did give him quite the jolt; It staggered him and made his body recoil a bit backward. It would prove enough to be a distraction, allowing for flanking or attacks from behind.

Seth cursed as the bullet bounced off, but when the Warlord was stunned, thanks to Adelynn. He had to take the chance.


while Kor and Cal had their turn at damaging the warlord, Seth removed his syringe and proceeded to sneak around the Warlord, when he saw the chance after Kor and Cal were finished, he would quickly jump onto the Warlord's back and attempt to inject the remaining amount of his acidic poison into the Warlord's spinal cord!

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She was a bit sad to see her new toy go, but she obliged and handed Vallis back his Spectra. She also handed over the charges that she had yet to use, having burned through one and the half one. 


"Welp, it's up to you. All I got left is this Kestrel, and unless you think I should try rushing these raiders, I'm gonna have to trust you to keep me alive."


No pressure.

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Vallis took the Spectra and drew his Detron handing it to Emereen. "It only has three shots... but its something right?"

He turned his head, looking past the cover and towards the side of the room. "I heard a Raider get killed over there. I sent my MOA that way, so it probably killed him, but before he died I heard a Detron shot, he may have some amo on him. I can cover you if you want to try and get it."

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Seth cursed as the bullet bounced off, but when the Warlord was stunned, thanks to Adelynn. He had to take the chance.


while Kor and Cal had their turn at damaging the warlord, Seth removed his syringe and proceeded to sneak around the Warlord, when he saw the chance after Kor and Cal were finished, he would quickly jump onto the Warlord's back and attempt to inject the remaining amount of his acidic poison into the Warlord's spinal cord!


The Warlord could sense and feel the small pinprick of the syringe. Some of the acidic material dropped on his cloned flesh, burning him. He gave a gruff groan of pain, becoming a tad bit enraged.


He slammed the doctor onto the ground. He will suffer some disorientation, and his wind being knocked out of him.


Kor watched in surprise as a Bravo Team lancer was hurled by Dr. Tengus into a wall.  He never thought Tengus would stoop so low to fight like that.  Either way, Kor was angry.  With a bloodcurdling scream he charged into the doctor, punching him straight in the gut, and quickly delivered a left hook into his face.  "We are nothing alike.  You are a monster, an animal."  Kor retorted to the stunned Dr. Tengus.  "A rabid dog must be put down lest he spread his disease.  You have already infected many."  Kor ranted.  "You of all people should know that."  With that, Kor drove his fist into Tengus's mouth, hoping to break some teeth.


Kor would break a couple teeth, making the Warlord even more mad. His mouth was bleeding and his flesh was dissolving. He hefted his hammer once more and swung his hammer. It would sweep Kor off his feet.


He gave a blood-curdling warcry.


He slammed his foot into Kor, trying to keep the Commander down. This would force air out and prevent air coming in. He stomped and kicked on Kor several times. This would be very painful.


"You scum! You'll die for that!" He shouted.


In the meantime, the acidic poison did its work; there is a fairly big hole, exposing access to his red muscle,, which is being eaten away. He will die of degradation, or put down quickly through swift attacks in that area.

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The Warlord could sense and feel the small pinprick of the syringe. Some of the acidic material dropped on his cloned flesh, burning him. He gave a gruff groan of pain, becoming a tad bit enraged.


He slammed the doctor onto the ground. He will suffer some disorientation, and his wind being knocked out of him.



Kor would break a couple teeth, making the Warlord even more mad. His mouth was bleeding and his flesh was dissolving. He hefted his hammer once more and swung his hammer. It would sweep Kor off his feet.


He gave a blood-curdling warcry.


He slammed his foot into Kor, trying to keep the Commander down. This would force air out and prevent air coming in. He stomped and kicked on Kor several times. This would be very painful.


"You scum! You'll die for that!" He shouted.


In the meantime, the acidic poison did its work; there is a fairly big hole, exposing access to his red muscle,, which is being eaten away. He will die of degradation, or put down quickly through swift attacks in that area.

"I have him in sight." said Yves, sprinting towards the Warlord and brandishing his combat knife. Upon seeing the wound, he knew where to hit and ran a scenario through his head as he sprinted.


"First, plunge knife into exposed flesh of distracted target, twist blade to ensure maximum damage. Use strength to knock him off his feet by sweeping his legs with a kick. Gravity will do the rest, withdraw knife while target falls. Straddle target once he hits the ground and stab target in the neck before finishing off with 6 headshots. Reload, help team kill rest of the raiders." he thought as he neared the distracted Warlord. "Chance of Warlord's recovery... minimal."

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Vallis took the Spectra and drew his Detron handing it to Emereen. "It only has three shots... but its something right?"

He turned his head, looking past the cover and towards the side of the room. "I heard a Raider get killed over there. I sent my MOA that way, so it probably killed him, but before he died I heard a Detron shot, he may have some amo on him. I can cover you if you want to try and get it."

"Sounds like a plan," Emereen said as she inspected the Detron. She then turned to face Vallis, a hint of concern in her orange eyes, "You sure you can handle this? Not gonna lie; I attracted quite a bit of attention."

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"You scum! You'll die for that!" He shouted.

"Death is but a bitter mercy."  Kor said retorted solemnly "One I was told I do not deserve.  I now understand what that means."  Kor turned a knob on is Harkonar exoskeleton, and his armor's energy lighting became a fiery bright white.  Kor felt the burning fire move through his mechanical body, it was immensely painful, but the pain had a role.  Kor felt his mechanical heart start beating at incredible speeds, giving him a newborn strength.  "Through the ashes of death, a phoenix arises."  Kor said as he grabbed the hallucination's foot, and squeezed it as hard as he could.  Kor could feel armor and bone break beneath his grip as his armor began to erupt in flames as he pushed Tengus off of him.


Surprisingly even through his injuries and being on fire, Kor nimbly got to his feet, and grabbed Tengus by the throat, his flaming hand charring the man's flesh beyond repair.  Kor began to squeeze when his cybernetic eye picked up a rapidly expanding flesh wound in the spinal region, and a Bravo Team lancer charging Tengus with a knife.  Naturally, Kor pushed Tengus to his knees, and towards the charging lancer.  "I give unto you a mercy, one you did not give to many."  Kor touched Tengus' forehead with a flaming hand, branding his palm print into the enemies' forehead.  "I give you death, and your soul unto the Void."  He said as he waited for his ally to finish the hallucination off.


((OOC: Kor being on fire is not a hallucination, he is actually on fire.  Just thought I'd clarify that.))

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Vallis nodded "I may not be a soldier, and I may not be good with weapons, but the Spectra was not always a weapon." Vallis quickly poked his box head out of cover, looking at the raiders, ducking back just as the bullets started firing.

He'd spotted a target. A helmetless Grineer, not too far away. He moved to the side of the cover, knowing alot better then to perk up in the same place twice. He took a deep breath and poked out, aiming the weapon where he knew the Raider to be. He quickly took aim, using the zoom to point the weapon at his one, non-cybernetic eye. He know how to work the weapon, knew how to aim it so the beam went to an exact place. He also knew how to work under pressure, the ability gained through repairing on the fritz generators and equipment, ready to blow at any second, or at one wrong move, along with the experiences of delicate work whilst being pelted at by enemy Grineer, back before everything went straight down south.

The end of the gun glowed and turned, the red beam shooting out almost immediately. It traveled forward at a speed not traceable by the human eye. The sensory organ burst before the beam even touched, the rest of the face aswell suffering from the almost instantaneous introduction of the intense heat. The beam slipped through the now empty socket, causing the brain to melt almost instantly. The beam cut off, Vallis jumping back under cover as the raider fell, his brain sloshing around in the burnt skull, not even having been able to scream in his last moment of life.

Edited by IceDragonofAmber
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Vallis nodded "I may not be a soldier, and I may not be good with weapons, but the Spectra was not always a weapon." Vallis quickly poked his box head out of cover, looking at the raiders, ducking back just as the bullets started firing.


Emereen took Vallis's attack as a sign to go. She made a mad-dash for the MOA, clumsily dodging bullets as they whizzed by her. After a few close calls and falling down three times, she finally made it to the body of the raider. After popping the charge out of the fallen raider's Detron, she began to pilfer the body for any other charges that may have been on it. Her heart was racing, her breathing was quick, and her mind was racing faster than her shaking hands. Come one, keep it together. she said in an attempt to calm herself. Even though her search was distracted, she was bound to find something.

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Hearing the thud the warlord made when he hit the group snapped Cal out of his self imposed paralyzise. Cal looked around to see the warlord being held by his neck by Kor who was on fire. "Well then, guess that happened" he thought

Cal moved over to the warlord put his sword to his neck and yelled to the rest of the grineer in the grineer language "ALL OF YOU PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPONS I HAVE YOUR LEADER!!"

That should slow them down for the rest to finish them off or for them to surrender.

Edited by NexusDragoon
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Maniac even halted, looking at Cal and walking over,

"What you doing? We kill them all, or else they come for us later. Also, they raiders, they envy leader, no respect him." He grumbled, taking cover against the nearest place he could. "Kill him. Take guns, use guns against enemies." He managed, looking hopefully at the Drakgoon.

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In order to draw more attention away from Emereen, Vallis got more aggressive. He poked out of cover and killed another Raider, though using a slower method. He purposely picked out a Grineer raider with a lancer helm. It took two seconds for the laser to burn through, allowing the Raider ample time to scream before he flopped over dead. This, of course, directed attention, which was exactly what Vallis wanted. He fired off another quick shot at the eye of a Crewman. The man had been wearing a helmet, but it seemed the upper part of it had fallen off long ago.


Vallis stayed under his cover as it were pelted, thankful that none of the Raiders had any grenades. He was ordering his MOA, through the pad, to once again reposition and charge out at the Raiders as a distraction. He halted though when he heard Cal, his stylist hovering over the button to issue the order. The MOA was still hidden to the side, though Emereen should be able to see it a little ways up from where she was.

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Cal looked over to Maniac "was giving them the chance to surrender" Cal then hovered the blade closer to the warlords neck

"Besides Emereen and Vallis needed their attention drawn from them for atleast a few moments" pointing to them with his free hand

Cal moves away from the warlord to his gun, he desides to pick up the drakgoon and throw it to Maniac "sure you'll make use of this unless someone else has objections"

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Emereen took Vallis's attack as a sign to go. She made a mad-dash for the MOA, clumsily dodging bullets as they whizzed by her. After a few close calls and falling down three times, she finally made it to the body of the raider. After popping the charge out of the fallen raider's Detron, she began to pilfer the body for any other charges that may have been on it. Her heart was racing, her breathing was quick, and her mind was racing faster than her shaking hands. Come one, keep it together. she said in an attempt to calm herself. Even though her search was distracted, she was bound to find something.


Emereen would find some ammo and bandages from the corpse. The ammo for the Detron was in a meager quantity; about one-and-a-half cores. Hopefully she can make do with what she has.


Maniac grinned maniacally, as was his wont, and focused the Drakgoon's barrels, launching flak towards the raiders heading towards Emereen and Vallis.


The flak from the Grineer cannon would fan out and hit some of the Raiders. Some might suffer puncture wounds, some glancing blows. Either way, they're mad.


Cal looked over to Maniac "was giving them the chance to surrender" Cal then hovered the blade closer to the warlords neck

"Besides Emereen and Vallis needed their attention drawn from them for atleast a few moments" pointing to them with his free hand

Cal moves away from the warlord to his gun, he desides to pick up the drakgoon and throw it to Maniac "sure you'll make use of this unless someone else has objections"


As Cal moved away from The Warlord, The big Grineer thought that picking up his weapon was going to be a bad decision... However Kor still had a grasp on the Warlord, with his hand branding his face.


He winced in pain, but leaving the big man unattended will sure cause some consequences. He pried his head head out of Kor's grip, showing the black had on the Grineer's face. His eyes showed hunger and disgust. He punched Kor around the mid-chest area with his metallic hand. The spikes on his fist would penetrate through his armor.


He stood and tried shoving the flaming beast into the snow, in attempt to get him out of his roid rage.

Edited by Zeus154
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Seth groaned as he felt his back slam on solid ground, his head ringed like a bell and his vision became blurry with a concussion, it took him a few minutes before he noticed that the acidic poison of his was working, Faster than he expected it to go. he prepared his Marelok with dazed vision before pulling the trigger, aiming for the acidic burns that were occurring on him!

Edited by Drakeardian
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Seth groaned as he felt his back slam on solid ground, his head ringed like a bell and his vision became blurry with a concussion, it took him a few minutes before he noticed that the acidic poison of his was working, Faster than he expected it to go. he prepared his Marelok with dazed vision before pulling the trigger, aiming for the acidic burns that were occurring on him!


The Warlord failed at throwing Kor into the snow. A couple shots would hit their mark. Although the pain tolerance of the Warlord was great, he found it that it was time to give up. His army basically crumbled before him, and the rest of the invaders had survived the onslaught. He screamed and grunted in pain, before hitting the ground.


He was on all-fours, grunting... waiting for the pain to stop.


"I can't..." He said in defeat. "I'm dying either way... Either kill me now or just leave me here..."


The Raiders stopped shooting at the survivors. They were in shock that the leader was in defeat. Their history with him as commander... they have won their engagements, a great majority of the time, save the few casualties that would happen. HE led these men to a new hope, a somewhat brighter future, in this decrepit land.


It is time - Kill the Warlord? Or spare his life?

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The Warlord failed at throwing Kor into the snow. A couple shots would hit their mark. Although the pain tolerance of the Warlord was great, he found it that it was time to give up. His army basically crumbled before him, and the rest of the invaders had survived the onslaught. He screamed and grunted in pain, before hitting the ground.


He was on all-fours, grunting... waiting for the pain to stop.


"I can't..." He said in defeat. "I'm dying either way... Either kill me now or just leave me here..."


The Raiders stopped shooting at the survivors. They were in shock that the leader was in defeat. Their history with him as commander... they have won their engagements, a great majority of the time, save the few casualties that would happen. HE led these men to a new hope, a somewhat brighter future, in this decrepit land.


It is time - Kill the Warlord? Or spare his life?

The doctor slowly got up, groaning as he did with the pain that riddled his head and back and limped over to the warlord with a aura of anger and disappointment before shouting to the raiders. "I speak to my fellow Grineer! You all have lost purpose! you all have failed in your duties to our queens! You have failed to uphold the honour of the Grineer Empire! You all are decrepit! Disgusting and dishonourable failures to your queens! Know the punishment for failing our Queens!"


He looked to the Warlord before proceeding to tear off the his mask and pointing his marelok to the Warlord's face, speaking the final rites in Grineer "May you live in eternal dishonour Coward!" 


Afterwards, Seth Raam, Doctor, Healer, Scientist and now executioner, pulled the trigger on his marelok pistol.

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11 watched dazed as Seth pulled the trigger. ' Perfect time' he thought grimly to himself as he switched with the warlord. Suddenly he was in more pain than he had been in for a long time, and for the first time in his life cried in pain. Ashe fell unconscious he smiled under his helmet and cried tears of joy "Cal I'm sorry." he said aloud


(twist! He wanted to die feeling as if he deserved to be killed for his actions)

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Emereen pocketed the bandages and charges and made a mad-dash back to Vallis, this time only falling and tripping twice. She grew concerned, however, once the gunfire started to quiet. Carefully, she stood up to look over her cover and saw the Grineer Warlord on all fours as his men watched in disbelief. At first, she felt relieved because she believed that the fight was over. However, when the good doctor turned executioner, a sense of fear of the doctor began to grow inside of her. Her fear transitioned into horror when she saw 11 switched places with the Warlord and took the shot for him. She covered her mouth and let out a small noise as the shot rang out, unsure of what exactly to feel aside from shock.

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Maniac regarded the now nearby Loki,

"You truly are a fool." He growled, "If you wished to die, you had but to ask me. Instead, you put pain in the shoulders of our doctor. So tell me now. Do you truly wish to die?" He asked, focusing the Drakgoon's barrels and leveling the shotgun at the Loki's head.

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Cal yelled out "ASHE!" Without really knowing why

Cal ran over to him and said "who are you. Why do I know your name" "Seth can you can keep him alive, he needs to answer for this."

Cal moved to Maniac "Shoot him only after I have my answer, please." Cal pleaded to him. "What's going on?"

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As the events happened, a stranger watched from a distance, keen eyes hidden to the ice of Europa, watching and analyzing them silently. Bow in hand, hood and cloak shrouding her in white, the lone Tenno knelt silent and motionless to camoflauge herself, observing their behaviors.


It looked to be a brawl between raiders and survivors, judging from the looks of things.  It was too early to intervene, however.

She twitched at the sound of the bullet ringing out, a warm breath escapes her as she calms herself quickly.

Hostile? Friendlies? Only time can tell who the people there were.

As for this Tenno, she could only observe.

(And thus, her presence is achieved.)


(Edit; changed some details for better clarity, and more detail in general.)

Edited by WingedCrusade
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