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Reached Max Syndicate Rank... But The Grind Isn't Over


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I don't think easy-to-please people are inferior since I've been one myself at the beginning. Otherwise I wouldn't have started playing the game when it turned open beta and when there wasn't much to see yet because back then only 2 or 3 tilesets existed and nearly no variety in enemies, and only a handful weapons and warframes.


But it wouldn't be too bad to increase ones expectations about additions to the game over time, especially if the game is in Open Beta for more than 1.5 years already (slowly approaching the 2 years mark) and even more if one invested money to help founding it in believe that the developers will eventually use that money to exhaust the possible potential of the game.


So you may or may not understand my dissapointment when they were announcing endgame content at the beginning of the year and when it finally gets released as a last minute addition it turns out that we keep on getting the same bland and mindrotting grindwall gameplay presented just in a few different costumes.


And this is not only a developers fault but also of the community. Because many people were complaining about the lack of "endgame" content and things to do beyond the grind back last year (also at various times throughout this year) and now many are acting like this addition is one the best things that ever happened to Warframe while in fact DE didn't really add any of the promised "endgame"-content, just a few more subpar baits hidden behind even more of the same grind gameplay we already did before and is just there to hold us over even further.


To come to the point where I clarify what I exactly meant... a newer player may not have many expectations about the game yet, I can relate to that, but it's mostly the older, veteran players I targeted with the last sentence of that post.


So we may bury the problem now if some have fun with it. Fine. But I wouldn't be surprised if in a month or two from now many people are sick of the grind again (some are already, just look at OP) because many of them chose to take the bitter pill or not to have expectations now.

Totally agree with the above and your first post - well put.

How much rep do you need to get to rank 5 in total? 200.000+? So lets say, I log in every day, to do the 3 syndicate mission, and earn something like 1000 rep. I mean, S#&$, that's so much grind, and it would take me 100 days doing the same 3 boring mission every day. And we are not talking hard missions - these missions are a walk in the park, so basically we are starting to play Farmville. Log in, do ur thing, and wait for the next day, so u can repeat. And as you stated - this was proposed by Steve as "end game" or part of the end game, as he also said "Warframe doesnt really know what it's end game is yet". 

I dunno, to sumarize - I agree with you, and im disappointed as well. (and dont get me started on these useless augments.)

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Day 145

The creature has still not emerged from its cave and i start to fear the worst. 

The odd clicking sounds and foul stench assuresme it still lives, yet how it acquires sustenance to survive is unknown.

We have made attempts to communicate but my experts explain it is most likely in a zombie like trance with no understanding social interactions.

Supply crates of junk food and an industrial grade portable toilet have been left outside the abyss on the rare chance it will emerge at some point.

Tomorrow we will attempt to lure the entity with a full paid subscription to Hello Kitty Online Pokemon Edition Level 9000.

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This post is just another example of people letting themselves suffer in what they call 'grind.'


If you're taking it the grind way, it will be a grind doing the same thing all over again and again for hours and days.



I see people repeating what's given every update and be bored super fast and complain.


But you see, I spend only my night time to play or mornings on weekends, because I have work and school.


Just casually, I have been playing since U10 and it's never really been grindy, because I play for only few hours a week.


Look, DE isn't expecting you to spend all your free time on Warframe and give feedbacks, whether they want you to or not.


Why do you have to take it to the limit and go for the contents in a nonstop fashion? Relax and have fun in game, every month we have new contents. What's the deal with people playing so much to the point they don't want to play but still grind? Why suffer that way?


It's your choice to repeat for hours and days because no one is forcing you to rush your way up to the highest rank in the syndicate.


Sometimes, I feel like some people REALLY don't have a life and other games. Seriously.

Edited by GaiaNyix
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this more bearable than... just about every other game ever... Doesn't even have to be AAA it can be FFF MORPG... THEY ALL DO IT!!!

DAT 0,01% drop chance on a card that it's not useful at all.

DAT 98% chance of breaking your weapon if you try to refine it again, losing both weapon + all augments.

DAT nightmares.






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This post is just another example of people letting themselves suffer in what they call 'grind.'


If you're taking it the grind way, it will be a grind doing the same thing all over again and again for hours and days.



I see people repeating what's given every update and be bored super fast and complain.


But you see, I spend only my night time to play or mornings on weekends, because I have work and school.


Just casually, I have been playing since U10 and it's never really been grindy, because I play for only few hours a week.


Look, DE isn't expecting you to spend all your free time on Warframe and give feedbacks, whether they want you to or not.


Why do you have to take it to the limit and go for the contents in a nonstop fashion? Relax and have fun in game, every month we have new contents. What's the deal with people playing so much to the point they don't want to play but still grind? Why suffer that way?


It's your choice to repeat for hours and days because no one is forcing you to rush your way up to the highest rank in the syndicate.


Sometimes, I feel like some people REALLY don't have a life and other games. Seriously.




Grinding: It stands for repetitive, uninteresting, uncreative and uninspired gameplay.


No matter the amount of time you spend on the game (if it is 1 hours a day or 1 hour a month) it doesn't change the bare fact that it is the exact same bullcrap of gameplay that it has been before (so nothing new actually) but now with some additional layers you have to overcome that feel like being patched in a 10 minutes procedure.


Eventually it will become friggin boring if it isn't right from the beginning. You only do the same bland stuff over and over and over like we have been doing before.


I can't be motivated to do that kind of crap anymore. No amount of items that lose their value faster than it took you to earn them will change the cold truth that it sucks that they didn't even try to come up with something new in gameplay for once.


Don't even start coming up with "but they were dealing with Archwing! That's something new!"... because first of all that gamemode suffers its own balancing issues which are quite serious and it's a miserable excuse for why the Syndicates couldn't have been kept a little bit longer in the cooker to make them something more appealing. There's no excuse why a promised "endgame"-feature ends up being butchered so badly in something that could have been added in a coffee break because it doesn't really rely on new content.


Some sigils and mods? Wow I can draw some crap on a piece of paper (Sigils) and add some lines into the data base (Mods) as well but that doesn't make it a fully fleshed-out creative addition people will want to waste another year or two on. They just slapped a bunch of grindwalls ontop of the existing day-to-day gameplay and call it "endgame" and some people fall for it as if that's the best DE could have come up with.


If this attitude is being kept then Warframe is actually worse than crap like Diablo 3 (some people may know my love-hatred on that game already) because that game at least isn't bugged to hell, isn't completely out of balance for some classes and has a fundamental storyline and some in-depth lore around it while Warframe basically lacks of/suffers from all that. On top of the repetitive gameplay of endlessly slaughtering monsters for no other purpose of gaining more resources/items that will eventually lose value of course.





They could have at least tried to make the Syndicates become what has been called "Proxy Wars".


They could have at least tried to come up with something like a dynamic faction/syndicate war-system where Syndicates are ganging up on each other or try to make others fight each other while not getting involved themselves which may end up in a full scale (cold-)war between Syndicates and/or the Factions behind them.


Where alliances are made and broken up every once in a while so that you don't lock yourself in completely when going for one syndicate. With unique offers from allied syndicates that are only valid as long as they are allied so you get a chance to gear/stock up on the stuff the other Syndicates are offering as well without having to redo ALL the reputation from square one.


With the outcome of those weekly/monthly wars affecting the entire solar system and redistributing the powers and borders between factions and Syndicates on the Solar Chart, most of it being influenced by the Tenno who work as mercenaries for the respective Syndicates.


It could have been tied in to some extend with the existing Invasion system that lost appeal months ago as well as adding/expanding on it with some new mission types as well.


If the rank up system and the sacrifices would have been part of something like that which would serve a greater purpose... well then it wouldn't be completely a braindead grind that serves no purpose other to gain items. Then it would actually matter who you want to support because it will heavily influence the outcome on the solar chart. But as it stands now... I can't be bothered other than to screw them all over eventually until I get all the items I want and then never care again if I really give a sh*t in the first place.


Anything beyond the same old "grind for items"-trick would have been nice. Anything that would have given the thing more purpose. Anything that would have at least tried to cover up the "grind" partially.


But not only "grind for items" and nothing beyond that.

Edited by MeduSalem
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This post is just another example of people letting themselves suffer in what they call 'grind.'


If you're taking it the grind way, it will be a grind doing the same thing all over again and again for hours and days.

If you don't take it the grind way then you will never earn the rewards in a reasonable time. 

Only playing for one hour in a day, one may make the final tier of one synicate in about three months time. Unless one plays the focus your grind on it way, in which case that number could probably be cut in half. And that's before you throw on the costs for the mods you want, and the sigils. 

No one wants to wait three months, they want to work towards that goal, they want to push themselves to get it as soon as they can. But in doing so, they enter the grind way. In not doing so, they will never reasonably see the items they want. 

Even the devs have admitted Warframe is heavily reward based gratification more than skill/challenge/creativity based. Grind for rewards is the way it gratifies people, and the way the devs have acknowledged it gratifies people. To say 'don't grind', is to tell these people 'don't play'.  

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I got 2,500 hours game time and this is by far the worst update I've encountered so far.


Thanks for the pointless bash, now go back to pointlessly grinding for points.

If the gameplay is pointless to you then it's no one's fault.  If something isn't fun then it's not the dev's fault.  You're the one making the pointless bashes about how you don't find the game itself fun.

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Grinding: It stands for repetitive, uninteresting, uncreative and uninspired gameplay.


No matter the amount of time you spend on the game (if it is 1 hours a day or 1 hour a month) it doesn't change the bare fact that it is the exact same bullcrap of gameplay that it has been before (so nothing new actually) but now with some additional layers you have to overcome that feel like being patched in a 10 minutes procedure.


Eventually it will become friggin boring if it isn't right from the beginning. You only do the same bland stuff over and over and over like we have been doing before.


I can't be motivated to do that kind of crap anymore. No amount of items that lose their value faster than it took you to earn them will change the cold truth that it sucks that they didn't even try to come up with something new in gameplay for once.


Don't even start coming up with "but they were dealing with Archwing! That's something new!"... because first of all that gamemode suffers its own balancing issues which are quite serious and it's a miserable excuse for why the Syndicates couldn't have been kept a little bit longer in the cooker to make them something more appealing. There's no excuse why a promised "endgame"-feature ends up being butchered so badly in something that could have been added in a coffee break because it doesn't really rely on new content.


Some sigils and mods? Wow I can draw some crap on a piece of paper (Sigils) and add some lines into the data base (Mods) as well but that doesn't make it a fully fleshed-out creative addition people will want to waste another year or two on. They just slapped a bunch of grindwalls ontop of the existing day-to-day gameplay and call it "endgame" and some people fall for it as if that's the best DE could have come up with.


If this attitude is being kept then Warframe is actually worse than crap like Diablo 3 (some people may know my love-hatred on that game already) because that game at least isn't bugged to hell, isn't completely out of balance for some classes and has a fundamental storyline and some in-depth lore around it while Warframe basically lacks of/suffers from all that. On top of the repetitive gameplay of endlessly slaughtering monsters for no other purpose of gaining more resources/items that will eventually lose value of course.





They could have at least tried to make the Syndicates become what has been called "Proxy Wars".


They could have at least tried to come up with something like a dynamic faction/syndicate war-system where Syndicates are ganging up on each other or try to make others fight each other while not getting involved themselves which may end up in a full scale (cold-)war between Syndicates and/or the Factions behind them.


Where alliances are made and broken up every once in a while so that you don't lock yourself in completely when going for one syndicate. With unique offers from allied syndicates that are only valid as long as they are allied so you get a chance to gear/stock up on the stuff the other Syndicates are offering as well without having to redo ALL the reputation from square one.


With the outcome of those weekly/monthly wars affecting the entire solar system and redistributing the powers and borders between factions and Syndicates on the Solar Chart, most of it being influenced by the Tenno who work as mercenaries for the respective Syndicates.


It could have been tied in to some extend with the existing Invasion system that lost appeal months ago as well as adding/expanding on it with some new mission types as well.


If the rank up system and the sacrifices would have been part of something like that which would serve a greater purpose... well then it wouldn't be completely a braindead grind that serves no purpose other to gain items. Then it would actually matter who you want to support because it will heavily influence the outcome on the solar chart. But as it stands now... I can't be bothered other than to screw them all over eventually until I get all the items I want and then never care again if I really give a sh*t in the first place.


Anything beyond the same old "grind for items"-trick would have been nice. Anything that would have given the thing more purpose. Anything that would have at least tried to cover up the "grind" partially.


But not only "grind for items" and nothing beyond that.

Hey! You can talk crap about Warframe but if you start talking crap about Diablo 3 then I'm going to rip your lips off

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If the gameplay is pointless to you then it's no one's fault.  If something isn't fun then it's not the dev's fault.  You're the one making the pointless bashes about how you don't find the game itself fun.


I guess one could hand a blank sheet of paper to you and you'd find that fun as well?


Hey! You can talk crap about Warframe but if you start talking crap about Diablo 3 then I'm going to rip your lips off


Welp, are you trying to threaten me here?


I could start explaining why Diablo 3 is a piece of crap and deserves the low user ratings it got but I guess I don't have to, to startle somebody as low tempered as yourself. /sarcasm

Edited by MeduSalem
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I guess one could hand a blank sheet of paper to you and you'd find that fun as well?



Welp, are you trying to threaten me here?


I could start explaining why Diablo 3 is a piece of crap and deserves the low user ratings it got but I guess I don't have to, to startle somebody as low tempered as yourself. /sarcasm

Maybe you just have a very poor taste in games?


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If something isn't fun then it's not the dev's fault.


Strictly speaking, if a game (or portion of a game) isn't fun that's usually on the devs, not the players. The players weren't responsible for producing the game/part of the game, after all. 

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Strictly speaking, if a game (or portion of a game) isn't fun that's usually on the devs, not the players. The players weren't responsible for producing the game/part of the game, after all. 

Unless it's boring for only 1% of the playerbase

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