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Ability Targeting Like On Oberon's Smite Could Use A Bit Of Tweaking.


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In a fast-paced and busy combat scenario it's often tricky to hit smite properly and on the right target.

Basically targeting right now is awkward, to put it simply. It's not so much a matter of skill.


When simply targeting an enemy with it, it often only casts if you hit the ability while pointing at the middle torso of an enemy - anything further out than the shoulder barely registers.


So, a couple of ideas. Just for pure ease of use, NOT AS A CRUTCH FOR PEOPLE WHO CANNOT AIM.

I don't want you lot thinking I want auto aim or anything. Don't even bother.


-Soft lock.

When dragging the cursor over an enemy, you can have a sort of soft lock - which doesn't automatically target the enemy, nor does it affect your cursor, but if you twitch or something, it will remain targeted on that enemy until you target another one or move the cursor COMPLETELY off the enemy.


-Increase the 'detection box'.

As mentioned, shoulders and out. 

If I press 1 while pointing at an enemy's shoulder or hip or arm, I kinda expect to target the enemy.



Thoughts? Ideas?

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I've been wanting something to happen to the targeting system for single-target abilities like Smite and Soul Punch for a loooooooong time. I don't think soft lock would make too much of a difference since there's already a faulty targeting zone for those ability types, but the detection box increase surely will help.

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Regardless of underlined, capitalized letters, this is still a question of "should powers be easier to aim", with a yes or no opinion dictating whether or not you get answers in favor or disfavor with your suggestions. Simply making the reticule slightly larger would accomplish a lot of what you want. The reason it's more pin-point right now is because you can aim with guns and weak spots are a feature of this game. As most powers are not really capable of affecting weak spots, making their targeting reticule slightly larger is probably fine.

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Would be interesting if that outer-semi circle portion of the reticule acted as the targeting range for those abilities, with the ability targeting the person closest to the center dot if multiple enemies are within the reticule (meaning targeting specific enemies would still be important under certain circumstances, but it'd still be a lot easier to hit singular targets quickly).


I agree that currently targeting enemies with certain skills can be a bit of a pain with how pinpoint you have to be with the reticule at times.

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Smite should have projectile animation tweaked.


If targeted, enemy would be infused with energy, exploding with homing beams.


When nothing is in range of sight, it would project a small, fast moving energy bolt sticking to any surface and activated by enemy's presence.


Stick-bolt would not last very long, disappearing would not cause any effect.


That would not collide with newly introduced +radiation for allies mod.


I'm not for making Oberon a Vauban-ish multi tool, he's pretty good now, but I use smite very seldom even though he's my favorite frame.

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Yes, please. The targeting system for abilities like this is one of my long standing complaints with the game. I don't really care how they do it so much at this point, just that they do something to make these abilities easier to use. It's way too difficult to quickly target enemies when you have a pixel sized hitbox you have to aim at.

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I know a guy that set up a macro to spam an ability button (one that only works on perfect targeting) so he can hold the key down and Warframe will activate the ability when he does get a valid mouseover on the enemy.


So that's another possible suggestion.

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