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I Hate Everything!


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When people say- "Omg Loki player probs pure stealth or useless"

I then either radial disarm enemies only when they're in large numbers and swarming him, switch teleport him away, or revive him with less than 5 seconds remaining.

Either that or when-even though I know I can't/won't be able to make it to an ally in time to revive him, I still attempt to reach him, getting there right as he dies. It still makes me feel very sad when that happens.

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All novas. they wont AMD.

People who have to ask why tysis is godly.

The guy in a lech kril run who flailed melee at him for 20 minutes with no effect, then said i was jealous of his flailing, and told me to get frost prime (which i was using at the time).

Soma Is Best Gun Rhino Is Best Frame Says Rank 14 Therefor True disease.

Elite crewmen.


Edited by FlyingLlama
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I don't know how "big" or small these are considered but the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that I can't just host a void mission and put it out there for ANYONE to join just like any other mission.


Same with trading, I HATE having to look through rapidly scrolling walls of text to try and find anything, or sell anything.


These two issues I have are such an old, outdated, and ineffective way of accomplishing what you want...


Aside from that I can't think of anything off the top of my head.

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I'm pretty sure it's just the Grineer head part stuck to the bottom of the Charger.

That's what I've been continually trying to get for the past year, but it never seems to deal headshot damage even if I fire a single perfectly-accurate bullet at a non-aggressive Charger. Same with every other thing that I've pictured as a possible head.


The worst part is, I'll score a headshot on them every now and then during gameplay with AoE weapons or melee or something and I'll have no idea how I managed to do it.

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I hate the fact that DE does not fix know game issues, like the corpus helmet inside the helmet or the fact that the ancients throw you a rope... WTF? 

They are just Tenno Fishing :P but ye is awkward

The edges around the glass of the liset!! its so dirty!!!!!! i mean why cant ordis take care of that sht while im out shooting some crewman helmets

well space is filled with dust, so Ordis needs a stronger and windshield wiper but i guess he needs a software update in order to think properly

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I love the principle of my Helios. I hate him scanning stuff that's already been scanned completely. No amount of percussive maintenance seems to work!


I hate certain color schemes.


I hate seeing certain overused weapons over and over, i like variety!


I hate the current combo system.


I hate Ordis' repeated 'idle' lines, but not his lines said in reaction to stuff.


I hate the Stalker not giving me the Despair, come on dude, it's been over 1500 hours! I've wanted them since Mr0! Please dude, please!


I hate the dojo room build system.


I hope these aren't too serious, since these are supposed to be silly, let me try harder.


I hate how thrown secondaries are allowed to be held-fire trigger, but not pistols, despite the physical involvement in throwing a dagger is larger than pulling a trigger. /soapbox


...And that's all i can think of, right now.

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The one Grineer or Corpus dude that hides all way back at the beginning of the map and that doesn't despawn/respawn somewhere else so you have to backtrack to be able to complete the exterminate mission.




Couldn't stand it today and alt+f4'd out of the game a few minutes ago because of that. Makes me want to avoid the game at least for a week or I'll flip the table soon. It isn't even a major issue rather minor, but still it is annoying as hell.




I just hate the forsaken spawn system and even more so the stupid way point system that never tells you of such things until you are at the extraction point. And that Lotus doesn't shut up complaining that there's still a bunch of guys left to kill when I'm already about to look for them, as if I'd be able to leave without killing them.

Edited by MeduSalem
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sorry, I have to mention this.


I hate when there is just that one enemy left on a level, and you go for it, but then you see someone else right behind you, going for it as well.


and in survival and defense, when that one frame just loves to show off his speed, by running back and forth trying to get as many kills as possible, while totally ignoring the objective.

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I hate that I clearly shot an enemy in the head with my Vectis, but I don't get a crit nor does the headshot count towards my headshot kills for the affinity boost.

I hate that if one enemy sees you (even if you kill them shortly after) all enemies see you, then they trip the alarm and then you have to disable the alarm, kill the swarm, blah blah blah

I hate that Sniper rifles don't have Stealth attack damage like melee weapons do.

The afore-mentioened chain rolling

The fact that the two planets with neurodes don't have bosses (and good luck finding them in the derelict for that matter)

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