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The Legend Of John Prodman


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I heard Stalker was too afraid to send John a death mark after he finished off Phorid.


You are on the right track, but it turns out there is more...


Recently acquired Intel suggests John Prodman killed Phorid to draw out the Stalker.


My trustworthy sources inside the well known "Steel Meridian" faction revealed that John's twin sister was killed by a carelessly loosed Dread arrow while on a routine maintenance mission to Europa. Tenno familiar with the Dread bow will know of the terrible piercing injuries inflicted by this cruel weapon.


This tragic accident occurred in the Naamah sector at the compound usually patrolled by the Raptor prototype. John and his sister were well-known visitors in the far-flung settlement because of their warmth and kind-hearted encounters with the local community.


Eye-witnesses told of a sudden infiltration force consisting of several Tenno sweeping through the compound seemingly intent on only destroying the powerful predator drone. A dark swirling mist was also later observed in the "safe room" on CCTV.

Standard evacuation and concealment protocols for female Corpus personnel were executed with the usual swiftness, but not before Laura Prodman was split in half by a single arrow destined to send her brother on a furious path of vengeance.


Corpus High Command have called on John Prodman to return to his assigned post, but they also fear sending crewmen regulars to round him up. Those nearest to him spoke of a strange look, a troubling glint in his eyes. One that they had not seen before...


It is believed by some that the lone prodman is on a collision course with the Stalker that will take him into the Void, the Hellspace, and back. It is also rumored that female Corpus personnel have started a campaign of defiance and anger. It is thought in some circles that the tragic death of Laura Prodman will unleash female Corpus warriors into the ongoing battle for control over the solar system. For too long it has been forgotten that behind every slayed Crewman stands a Corpuswoman...  

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awesome to see john prodman official now, so when do we get booben official?


When Booben storms DE's office, pulls out a Prova, and starts forcibly reorganising the main support columns.

Edited by Kthal
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Ok , what is going on? I don't understand any thing of this! should we hunt him ? is there is a good drop??


Some time ago, a noble Tenno witnessed a Prodman going one-on-one with the Phorid, and win.

Then there was a thread about it, which took off and turned into a popular thread.

Then other people started making little stories about this illusive Prodman, and someone named him John. 


DE then thought (i assume) this was a funny little gimmicky thing, that their community had spawned, and decided to join the fun.


All in all, it's just fun and games right now. Nothing has officially been realesed into the game, there is not special prodman to hunt (that we know of).

What DE want the community to do, is to take note of Prodmen doing cool stuff, and taking on tough enemies without dying. Then you need to take pictures of this, and make a fun little story in this thread.

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