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The Legend Of John Prodman


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Similarly, unloaded a full mag of fully pimped sybaris into him, he deflected the bullets with his prod and then just stood and gave me a dsigusted look.


Then he one shotted me for 250k crit damage with a cross-room prova throw like a bolt of lightning from zeus himself.

250k damage wasnt a crit, that was just normal damage. he crit me before and the computer crash before i could see the number pop up

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I refused to believe the legend... until I ran into it the other day.


I was just mindlessly doing a Syndicate mission and looking for medallion-thingamabobs, when suddenly the doors were locked. I rushed to the terminal, ready to gut the unsuspecting Crewman who thought it was a good idea to lock us both in the same room, and smiled when I saw it was the weakest unit of all. "You're dead meat" I told him, unloading a Redeemer shot on his face at point blank... except he didn't die.


I was quick enough to take a screenshot of his ragdolling though, it was rather cool.


I just stood there, gobsmacked, as he slowly got himself back upon his feet and rushed me again with his Prova, leaving me at 600 health and no shields with one hit. That moment, I knew I wasn't dealing with something usual. That moment, I did the wisest thing possible, in my state of shock.


"Did you drop the datamass and one-hit him with your Quanta?", you ask. What a joker. Of course not!




I just ran. I picked my kubrow (who's failed to kill a Mine Osprey), ran to the end of the hallway, used a cipher on the terminal to open the doors before he could catch up, and ran... Forgot about the medallions, just rushed to the objective, "delivered the payload" (at least, that's what the Lotus told me I was doing), and extracted. All the way, I could hear sounds of Prova swings behind me, attempting to hit me. Never looked back.


I'm still afraid of doing Corpus missions as of now.

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My headcanon for encounters with him feature Lotus telling you to abort the mission and gtfo.  Except that you can't take him out like the G3.  You just run.  Powers won't work on him, he'll just walk through fire, bullets and lasers he just deflects, and explosions make him stronger.  There should be no way to defeat him.

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My headcanon for encounters with him feature Lotus telling you to abort the mission and gtfo.  Except that you can't take him out like the G3.  You just run.  Powers won't work on him, he'll just walk through fire, bullets and lasers he just deflects, and explosions make him stronger.  There should be no way to defeat him.


All nullifiers have a 0.0005% chance to spawn without a Lanka... just a Prova Vandal.


Its sheild is 50% smaller than normal, but doesnt break

He doesnt Run

He doesnt sprint

He calmly walks up to the Tenno that dared to halt the Corpus Pursuit of higher Profits (Ala Master Tonberry)

He can not be slowed, he doesnt stop moving. And he only speeds up when he gets within 10 Meters of the idiot tenno that ignore the Calm, cool, collected Prodman


Warframes struck by this man dont just drop like a sack of potatoes


They gloriously and ludicrously insta-gib into several chunks of tenno, For John Prodman is the King Midas of Gore.


There is no reviving the Tenno, there is no burning a revive. The Player can only stare at the screen as John Prodman cleans off, what was moments before a Living, Breathing Tenno, From his Prod.

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New mission type: Artifact Extraction.  You break into a Prodman cult compound.  As soon as all players arrive at the artifact it can be removed.  Then you get a warning from Lotus.  To retreat, all players must bow to every statue of Prodman they come across, lest he comes to strike them down.

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My headcanon for encounters with him feature Lotus telling you to abort the mission and gtfo.  Except that you can't take him out like the G3.  You just run.  Powers won't work on him, he'll just walk through fire, bullets and lasers he just deflects, and explosions make him stronger.  There should be no way to defeat him.

DE pls.

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I'd say, Corpus missions should have a chance to actually spawn John Prodman in one of the rooms in which case the Lotus should warn the players that "There is a threatening presence within this base". Thing is, he wouldn't run, he'd walk... walk in your direction constantly, tapping the end of his Prova into his hand (because self-electrocution is his only mean of knowing he still feels something... anything).


Shoot him and he'll block your shots.

Strike him and he'll parry you and perform a finisher on you.

Cast a power on him and he won't even be phased.

Let him get close and he'll beat you up instantly.


And should you ever fight alongside the Corpus against the Grineer or Infested, you'd sometime end up with him by your side... and if you went to fight Phorid, you'd just find it dead with a lone crewman walking away.


John Prodman, the "Lord British" of Warframe, ladies and gentlemen.

Edited by Wiegraf
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I'd say, Corpus missions should have a chance to actually spawn John Prodman in one of the rooms in which case the Lotus should warn the players that "There is a threatening presence within this base". Thing is, he wouldn't run, he'd walk... walk in your direction constantly, tapping the end of his Prova into his hand (because self-electrocution is his only mean of knowing he still feels something... anything).


Shoot him and he'll block your shots.

Strike him and he'll parry you and perform a finisher on you.

Cast a power on him and he won't even be phased.

Let him get close and he'll beat you up instantly.


And should you ever fight alongside the Corpus against the Grineer or Infested, you'd sometime end up with him by your side... and if you went to fight Phorid, you'd just find it dead with a lone crewman walking away.


John Prodman, the "Lord British" of Warframe, ladies and gentlemen.


What if a Limbo uses Rift Walk to become invincible and then walks right next to John Prodman?

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What if a Limbo uses Rift Walk to become invincible and then walks right next to John Prodman?


John Prodman smacks Limbo... and Limbo goes down against all logics and expectations.


Or worst, John Prodman enters the void himself...

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I had found myself in a corpus ship, most of the crewmen and machinery had been destroyed by me already, figures, they can't deal with my Ethereal Skana, all but a single corpus unit had been rendered demolished, when I had found out who exactly the single surviving corpus had been, I started to shake with terror, there would be no way that I could face him, it had been the one, the legendary, the Prodman, he had rushed at me with his Prova, green spacesuit seeming to radiate power as his helmet couldn't hold his power any longer, he had revealed his face, even by such little being shown I could tell that this man could gain more political power than Bek, Alad, and Anyo combined should he simply put himself into it, by the time I realized it was over, I had been just an electrified corpse on the ground, my teammates couldn't stand for it, as the Charger had ran to him he simply prodded it with his prod, and that had taken out the Charger in a single, powerful blow, when the roller started to charge he had simply looked at it, resulting in an explosion, this is how it ends, how I end, how the syndicates end, how the Tenno and Grineer will end, the Infestation is already destroyed by him, they just haven't realized it yet



unfortunately I actually did die to Prodman, and couldn't record it, RIP me

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Maybe we shouldn't make him our enemy as it may reduce his badassness or we would just get one-shotted.

Showerthought here, what if;


1. You are on a corpus tileset
2. You have low conclave rating

3. Stalker appears
4. John Prodman to the rescue

And they duke it out

Edited by Cosmeo
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