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So... Worst Weapon Ever?


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What do you guys think is the worst(or most deserving of a buff) weapon in warframe? 

My vote is for the Miter. It's the worst weapon ever... Of all time. 

 the miter is so ridiculously powerful that i can't take you seriously.



In my opinion "Worst" weapon would be: Furis.  SMG type sidearms have issues in general especially once you're past low level enemies, even level 30 enemies can often soak more bullets than you can hope to pick up meaning you'll never have enough ammo for much of anything.


Most deserving of a buff: Ignis- the first 'beam' weapon ignis needs a update to bring it in line with the other beam weapons that have stats significantly higher than it, as ignis was made back in damage 1.0 and it's stats really need adjusting for the damage 2.0 setup.

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The thing that truly needs a buff is the Ignis.


100 dps per second. Seriously wtf.

Wh... you've got to be kidding me. The Ignis is one of the last things that should be appearing in this thread.




- Tysis.

- Lato series.

- Miter (charge attack only).

- Ballistica.

- Single daggers. All of them.

- Machetes. All of them.

- Scythes. All of them.

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Wow, I found the Karyst to be so good, I put a potato on it and named it "Bane of Grineer" because it is so effective against them. Oh well, to each their own... Also, Ignis is incredibly strong against Infested (where it's meant to be used) and modded right is a great tool. If it was buffed, it would be OP as I tend to do the majority of the damage within the squad whenever I carry it.


I want to like the Hek but find it to be quite irritating to use (it's probably just me). The Machete is a joke with that lame stance which is just "whack-whack-whack" until something happens. Boring. But, worst weapon for me so far has to be Aklato or Mk1-Furis.

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Wh... you've got to be kidding me. The Ignis is one of the last things that should be appearing in this thread.




- Tysis.

- Lato series.

- Miter (charge attack only).

- Ballistica.

- Single daggers. All of them.

- Machetes. All of them.

- Scythes. All of them.

- Polearms. All or them.

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I would have to agree on Miter & Machete, mainly because I REALLY liked miter until DE changed its ammo stock with the other launchers, there's just no reason at all to have done that to it, it didn't explode and was far from OP, at least give it an alt fire like the blade gun from Dead space where the blade could spin a short distance away so it could be a close range melee attack and allow SOME ammo conservation, or make it spin at the edge before its launched and go for a bayonette style attack, or even a stance for it? now that's an idea.

And poor machete, such a bad form and piss poor damage for how slow it is, may as well just use something heavy and get damage as a trade off for the speed, seriously, weapons should have an innate trait that makes them useful and powerful with reasonable drawbacks & advantages.

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25k, 47kBurst, 22k Sustained DPS.

I'd like Tigris and Aklex to get a smart buff.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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Ballistica isn't bad with the single and multi shot mode. 


I can say the aklato needs the most love at this time but the dual weapons also with their similar max ammo capacity. Burst weapons also needs some love because they are all almost finger killer.

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Aklato, Akbronco Prime, Machete.


Aklato and Akbronco has the same problem, there's no reason to get the dual version when the single version do the same damage. You get half damage and double the fire rate. And Akbronco doesn't even have 2x mag size.


Machete is Machete. Skana is better and the tutorial gives you a choice to get one for free.

Edited by TotallyLagging
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