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Update 15.2.0


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I was about to say "ha, next thing shield polarize wont restore your shields anymore" and whoopy doo when I join a mission to test the nerf (which by the way ruined a allready very situational and weak frame) I noticed a hopefully glitch that shield polarize IN FACT DOES NOT restore my shields on use... 



+1 - no shields restored from shield polarize - good job guys!


Now - I couldn't care less about Excalibur or how many spam 4 Viver sessions it will take those - whom have probably already played this game too much - to max out the newest thing. Couldn't give a rats @$$ ...


... but "tweaking" Mag's main Corpus utility ability so that now the ARMOR 15 frame has to remain in the line of fire to use it? Added to which, you've broken it outright and the utility part of the mechanic is just gone?


All simply to deal with (see punish) a bunch of rampant farmers -- whose voracious appetite for content YOU have encouraged over the duration of this game's development - and prevent them from their rampant farming addiction - you decided to dismantle a highly situational frame's whole style of play.

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DE punishing legit players for a handful of people with way too much time on their hands.


Can't wait for the full rage to hit the forums.

Oh the time you guys have spent milking the game has now made it worse for the rest of us.

Thanks Viver scrubs.

Great sigil... Looks like carpal tunnel to me.


Instead of spending daaaaays hitting 1 button for hours, maybe you could actually provide input into how to fix syndicates now?


But I suppose your syndicates are all maxed now and you don't care?



I don't blame you guys for milking a broken system but look at the result.

Anybody that tried to exploit Viver needs to sit down and keep quiet.

Enough time breaking the game. How about some input that will help us fix it now?

  Oh I'm sorry, have you not seen the forum for the past week, with people explaining and giving MANY examples of what could be done to fix the syndicate grind? Hell, Myself included, I made a post about how it needs to be fixed. Ya know, most of the what was done is BECAUSE of the grind wall, why play for 2+ more months GRINDING for the tiny bit of syndicate rewards when i can run Viver and level it up much faster.

I've been in the game since Alpha, I don't want to spend 2+ months to get something cool and shiny and new, why would I. DE basically just added interesting mods that could potentially change how some frames or weapons are used, but hide them behind a grind wall that NO ONE, wants to even @(*()$ do without something like Viver.

Even After the hours I put into grinding sydicate, I only got Steel meridian to level 2, as I don't have any forma to level it up to 3, and now that viver is gone and been reworked to prevent rep grind, I doubt I'll ever grind it any higher. Why the F*** should I when I can just ask a someone who's already maxed most of the syndicates for a mod and pay him or trade for it.

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No, no, no.

You guys don't understand.

DE doesn't want to soften up the Syndicate Farm, or any other grind wall in particular.

Because of this massive syndicate grind, DE is hoping for better sales on platinum and prime packages.

That's just a huge statement of "F*** You" to the entire playerbase.

I was really intrigued by the road WF started taking back in U14, but now it's a certainty to me.

DE doesn't care about their playerbase anymore.


So what they are going to do is try to milk this cashcow for the longest possible period of time and most probably will start to think about a new project/game.


It still isn't logical. They aren't losing dosh on Viver.

No public servers fried.

No merchandise lost (I see no rep boosters or rep packs).

No drops that are plat-only.

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Want to know what i think ? They just sold themselves and their work to somebody who has bought them.Im clearly  talking about that Chinese company that OBVIOUSLY  has the majority shareholder  ,like they  wrote in that post(somebody reminds it ? : D) on the WF website. Now, don't just  come at me and say you still make the decisions, we all see and know that is not true .Warframe has been changing the wrong way since then,not a single person in game is happy about your  (your ? ) decisions . We need buffs, not nerfs.


If this wasn't clear enough i'll make it simpler :


nerf = less fun


Buff  more fun


We are just getting nerfs, do your equations and see what the result is. 


I can say this : change your hotfixes and updates in the right direction, or one thing assured is i am going to leave this game for something  that gives me more fun. I promise this, and i think i am not the only one .

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its days like this that make me wish forum downvotes were still a thing. i wonder if the patch notes would still have a positive vote count if that wasn't removed.


so let me get this straight, to fix the perceived issue with viver they changed interceptions as a whole and made some of the more popular frames used to farm viver to follow LoS?


and still didn't manage to fix the "problem?"


i wonder if this is just a lesson the devs are trying to teach to all the people who cry and moan about everything. be careful what you wish for

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Thanks for completely ruining the map, the frames and increasing the grind DE. I won't be playing nearly as much and won't be buying more platinum for indefinitely..I hope the few complainers can make up for those that played this game and spent the most on it. Thanks so much for hitting the nerfstick over and over and over until it's just no fun to play anymore.

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Learn to adapt.
Hmm... another holier-than-thou personality type. Nothing constructive to say, just moaning.
'1st tier' complaints are what identify problems and instigate solutions. Your '2nd tier' complaint, "Learn to adapt", offers nothing useful to this [size=3](or any)[/size] discussion.
It is important that "The squeaky wheel get the grease", because that is how problems are solved: they are noticed, complained about, and solutions are found. "Learn to adapt" is much more akin to the annoying saying: "Are we there yet?" - why waste all of our time? Complaining about other people's complaints [size=3](2nd tier complaining)[/size] is a favourite past time of the absolute worst whiners.

its days like this that make me wish forum downvotes were still a thing. i wonder if the patch notes would still have a positive vote count if that wasn't removed.
i wonder if this is just a lesson the devs are trying to teach to all the people who cry and moan about everything. be careful what you wish for
Agreed on first point - it would be interesting to see the real up/down vote score.
Not that I disagree with your second point, but DE better not be making its decisions based on any kind of "be careful what you wish for" mentality.
DE is a business, and businesses should not make any decision based on personal feelings. They must keep a thick skin, and just know that no matter how many players may love or hate what they are doing: it's a job. Not just any job - a job with tens of thousands of people watching their every move. 
Regular people make decisions based on feelings, but I certainly hope DE doesn't even consider that type of thinking a possibility. Granted, DE is made up of regular people, but I surely hope [size=3](for their sake)[/size] they have an intelligent manager / director who gives them more than a stern look if they even consider saying or doing anything based on some gut feeling they had in reaction to player anger.
Businesses should be business: no feelings involved. Period.
Edited by Talaiar
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If i could make a sign like some do for images i would put one with this as a chant" Change the map, not the frames!


Also why did you have to do that to intercepts i mean Archwing Uranus is tough enough as it is with the speed of the enemy being faster than you, and being able to cap it by flying by it as well as that increased accuracy and no warning for missiles toward the player.



All in all bottom line is you could have just changed that one map and it would have been harder for rep farming but instead you reversed some Excal buffs that were put in and made 3 frames nee line of sight now when two of the skills nerfed are AOE. what next frost's snow globe only being half a dome?


Change the map not the Frames. simple as that.

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I finally found my favorite Warframe yesterday... Excalibro one day later... REKT I found love in Trinity some weeks ago... Update: REKT

Srsly Excalibur is not even worth the slot and Mag neither...

I don't just say this... I WANT MY 80 @(*()$ PLATINUM I SPENT ON THE IMMORTAL SKINS BACK


R.I.P Excalibro

R.I.P Mag

R.I.P Trinity...

Great job DE, you just lost a player...

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Well its 9a.m. for DE, I wonder when, or if, we will get a response about this mess. 


Personally I'd like to see a hotfix this morning reversing the nerfs to Mag, Trinity and Excalibur.  I am actually ok with the change to Interception, although I still think it is only a bandaid for the flaws in the Syndicate system, Interception itself is not the problem.  Like others have said, Viver was only a symptom of the real problem, and that is the Syndicates and the insane grind it presents, especially for the relatively meager rewards.   I also think the grind is worse for Vets (and this was supposed to be an endgame thing, what a joke) considering they don't really have much else to do, at least newer players can build syndicate rep while they work on other goals.

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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Well its 9a.m. for DE, I wonder when, or if, we will get a response about this mess. 

I have a feeling there's going to be a lot of locked threads by the end of the day.


I wonder if this thread will be locked before the next update/hotfix comes out?

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Thinking Questions for Overlords and Nerfaholics


- Discovering synergies between sets of warframe powers and using them to their maximum effectiveness is the WRONG way to play this game?


- Exactly how many meters per second must i move my warframe for it not to threaten the "fun" of other players, or game balance?


- How many kills is too much before we need to restart the same mission, hopefully not needing to seek a new squad, just to kill the same number of enemies eventually no matter what?


- How much XP per wave is too much after one has spent 500+ hrs collecting mods, weapons, frames and clearing every node to perfect a mass kill, super powered build? No matter what, we still need the same amount of XP to eventually progress.


- Will these "fixes" happen continually until we give in and play another 1000+ days for mods and glorified stickers in a manner deemed weak enough not to be "exploitative"...? I thought that in the context of gaming, "a fix" was an exploitative activity. Yet here we are shaving points by any means unnecessary.


- Is a precise positioning, frame build and point capturing strategy established and maintained by 4 players an exploit or a good plan? Even with the right instructions, everyone can't do it, join a public group and you'll quickly discover it's not as easy as it sounds...


- If we could see the "god/gods" of our world, how many times would it/they have to intentionally "knock us down a peg", depower us and otherwise stunt our abilities and growth before we decided to just give up or rebel?


I love this game and appreciate every second invested in it but shutting down a party when people are having fun and no one is being hurt has never helped me gain positive "reputation" with anybody but "partypoopers". It usually brings responses similar to ones seen and removed from this thread... DJ... bring back the beat....

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Good God, Digital Extremes really hate Trinity don't they? DE already nerfed her to 3rd class garbage, and now this? why even have her in the game anymore?, it's a fast paced action game, no one has the damn time to stay in one place looking at a target just to get energy all while getting pounded by hordes, ridiculous! and stupid, I expected better from a team of computer scientist,

Edited by DarkFrostX6
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