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Update 15.2.0


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So instead of fixing the core issue with earning rep being directly tied to exp, which means people are reverting to the same old boring grinders, you gave three unloved frames even more nerfs. Instead of listening to your community, which has given you at least a dozen different possible ways of making earning syndicate reputation fun, fair, and enjoyable for everyone.




Meanwhile, Limbo Banish trolling is still a thing. Having to wait until Cataclysm is over to pick up those drops inside is still a thing. Eximus auras still don't need LoS.


What are you doing? What are you even thinking? Stop the kneejerk nerfs and take a look at the core issues instead of applying ugly rotten bandaids to them. You're going down an extremely ugly road.

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  • Enemies targeted by Nyx’s Mind Control no longer take friendly damage until the duration of the ability ends, at which point all accumulated damage to the target is applied at once.

Yay, we can have nice things again!  Is the visual effect going to be updated so that people don't unload tons of time into a controlled mob, not realizing they aren't taking damage, like controlled MOAs?

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In time, things will inevitably calm down and this whole "viver" thing will be condemned to the history books and the ones who where there have yet another "back in my day"-story to tell newbies.


That is not to say that the way this situation is being handled is a massive overkill, and could have been just as easily solved through more thoughtful changes. The core of this very issue is more complex than Viver, and has been covered in numerous threads already.


I expected better from DE, I really did.


Players do what players do, they play the game. They develop tactics to beat said game, its... how it will always be. Blaming players for something like this is just not right, it is not their fault.

While I see exactly what you are saying in defending your point, my argument isn't necessarily set on the loss over Viver due to players.  My argument consisted of players needed to fall back onto skill that was developed before the Era or Rhino and Boltor Prime. Your argument is justified, as is proven through many other players' posts.

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Seriously, DE? Another Trinity nerf? How badly do you hate that frame?


Not to mention the fact that the Excalibur and Mag nerfs were COMPLETELY unnecessary. It would have been far better just to rebalance reputation gain instead of making frames less viable for every kind of content in the gamenot just rep farming.


Also, shiny new weapons for our Archwings... shame that Archwings A) don't benefit us outside of Archwing mode and B) still scale horribly.


DE, PLEASE get your priorities straight!

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  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin...  will now check for line of sight...





Line of sight in another bad way.


Shield polarize=useless.

Radial javelin=useless.

Energy Vampire=Useless and now so is Trinity. I've never sold a Warframe (except to replace it with its Prime version), but it's time to sell Trinity.



We knew the nerf was coming and it is just what i thought.  Added line of sight to Mag and Excaliber.  Thanks.  Not.



Instead of fixing viver and/or the rep system

You nerf 4 warframes

Good job DE

Good job..



Aaaaaaand Excalibur is S#&$ again. Thanks for nothing. Why do you always give Excalibur a buff that lasts for 1-2 weeks and then nerf him beyond recognition. 

That his blades were now basically auto seeking targets was his one cool feature. The stealth jump is buggy and useless, sword dash is inferior to every other skill and blind already checks line of sight. 

Sheesh DE.....It's not like Excalibur has some crazy strong imba scaling damage abilities....remove line of sight check for his ult.

Furthermore you gave Nyx a buff...a frame that already has a S#&$ ton of goodies. DE seriously...can you stop touching things that aren't broken? 

I guess Exca Prime can be shelved again...after all he's now once again just a normal shooter character again with his skills all being generic, weak, and blocked by all obstables.



very disappointing with the frame nerfs...



I hope that these "fixes" are placeholders untill you guys come up with a proper solution for the issues we have, because this is gonna make a lot of people mad/ not want to play.





Edit2. Molten impact and a heatsword BP really give me a good feel of the "more lore" we were promised before. At this point i'm just gonna look for more stuff that's disappointing/uncalled for cuz i'm mad.


I аm а Warframe veteran. And I never disapoint so much about updates or fixes.... until I had got this one... Shame are you, DE....

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thanks for your updates, DE






how one node changed the game. along with the 50 mod limit thing, you guys are so quick to nerf but where are all the other changes that we've been asking for so long? who's fault is it? Viver? or the Syndicates that created such a grindwall in the first place.


with such a system behind the Syndicates, you can guarantee exploits will be found and abused. if this is a part of your endgame, i hope you put this into consideration.  but i am excited to see what comes next, so keep at it!


This, this, this, this and this again and this. People will always find the best spot and come up with creative solutions. Let's patch this out, but not address what initially caused the Viver grind. Funny how most people wouldn't have even gone to Viver if the Syndicates weren't in the game...


Am I sad Viver's gone? No. What's sad is that DE doesn't address the main cause first.

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While I see exactly what you are saying in defending your point, my argument isn't necessarily set on the loss over Viver due to players.  My argument consisted of players needed to fall back onto skill that was developed before the Era or Rhino and Boltor Prime. Your argument is justified, as is proven through many other players' posts.


Yep, I know. See my edit in the post you quoted, sorry for the confusion.

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I really don't care about any other nerf but the one that is pissing me of the most is Excalibur wtf is wrong with development team that they are after Excalibur like crazy. seriously man the first nerf wasn't enough that they decided to nerf him more. Talking about LOS where the hell is mirage's prism blind los fix?

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This sucks too cause I recently dusted off Excal and Trinity again, and I've been loving them. Not to mention MAG has pretty been my main against the Corpus for a long time. Now they're dead. Atleast now I have an excuse to only play Rhino P now, unless you're gonna go and nerf him too, which you probably will.

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Please Delete the last update and do it like that:

Regular Missions:
Lv  1  -   5  =50P

Lv  5  - 10  =100P
Lv 10 - 15 = 150P
Lv 15 - 20 = 200P
Lv 20 - 25 = 250P
Lv 25 - 30 = 300P
Lv 35 - 40 = 400P

On Capture missions maybe like this:

Lv  1  -   5  =25P

Lv  5  - 10  =50P
Lv 10 - 15 = 75P
Lv 15 - 20 = 100P
Lv 20 - 25 = 125P
Lv 25 - 30 = 150P
Lv 35 - 40 = 175P

Also for Each defendet wave on Defense missions or on each mesage decoded or for each 5 min u stay on survival u get aditional 50 points.

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This sucks too cause I recently dusted off Excal and Trinity again, and I've been loving them. Not to mention MAG has pretty been my main against the Corpus for a long time. Now they're dead. Atleast now I have an excuse to only play Rhino P now, unless you're gonna go and nerf him too, which you probably will.


Excal Prime is my alltime fav, not anymore.

Mag Prime was one of my most played recently, not anymore.

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Can DE either nerf the amount of rep required or buff the amount of rep gained. This would of been a permanent fix for both players that couldn't play Viver and players that were able to play VIver. What has happend now is that you've quieted the group of people that thought Viver was basically cheating but you've annoyed possibly both groups with line of sight fix and making interceptions harder, yet still haven't fixed syndicates.


This line of sight change what makes you think that players won't just use another frame like Rhino?


Interception is now probably (have already run a few rounds solo) the hardest mission because the enemy has every possible advantage besides from power which they can over come on high levels.


-cap nodes with you in it

-cap nodes much faster then you

-starts every round with all the nodes (makes sense logically but for the game it's a real bummer)


You on the other hand

-can't cap a node with any type of enemy inside it 

-you must wait near that circle, longer then the enemy has to.

-you lose all the captured nodes arfter each round.


For new palyers the look of getting past one of these missions seems pretty bleak.


Though I must say that quest and fixes (not relating to the stuff above) are very nice.

Edited by Postal_pat
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  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.

So Excal is completely useless now? 

I'm glad you've made the choice to nerf frames into the ground because they were used to "exploit" the massive grindwall you created. Play the game the way the devs want you to, not the way you want to, 10o.

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  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).

a part of me wants to pay a visit to each of the DE homes now...

Or  jjust quit warframe. 

but  Lord knows I wont do either

but its like. this game is still in beta. and de is killing this game off slowly. Like this game will be shut down and will never make it out Beta >.<

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Viver should be nerfed, but not like this.


The player base are calling for changes to the recently introduced Syndicate system, believing it to be far too much trouble for such little gain so they turned to the Viver farm. Obviously this was unbalanced and needed changes. Other maps need to give better reputation gains in order to address this issue.


Mag, Exacl and Trin did not need LoS changes when other options are still available to continue the Viver farm. Like others, I believe this is a kneejerk reaction that does little to address the underlying problem.

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