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Update 15.2.0


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Ok DE since its so funny, i'd like to tell some jokes


Joke 1 : Cmon DE you don't need to focus on the players that have been by your side the whole entire time, its just not in your line of sight.


Joke 2 : I mean excaliber he was trash anyway right, and trinity was so 1960's who plays healers these days anyway. and Mag, who even cares about giant magnets anyway lets face it last time we cared about magnets was back in science class but really we haven't been in school for a while so its irreverent, but screw it nobody cares about physics anyway.


Joke 3 : Last time i checked spec savers were doing a pretty good deal for 2 for 1 on glasses, sounds like a good deal to me (line of sight)


Joke 4 : Hey DE you know the range on saryn ulti pretty great nobody cared about the damage anyway, lets make it a heal instead. then it would be useful


Joke 5 : i guess the new suggestion for nucleur warefare should take some suggestions from the ol' hellion dregs i mean, if we had given that idea to a few trigger happy nations we would be winning wars faster. Or lost you never know


Joke 6 : by the way, i think tower 4 is too easy with our freshly nurfed frames! might want to add another 100% damage increase and throw in a few more mod reductions, i mean cmon, 50 is way too high nowerdays.


Joke 7 : in the west part of viver born i was made and amazed on the grinding mission where i spent most of my days, chillin out cappin corpus acting all cool, and bashing some moa's with mah big heavy tool, after a couple of DEVS were up to no good, they nerfed everything under my hood, I did 60 minutes to long and the community got scared, and rabecca said, "were making nerfs and reducing vivir back to the dead."


Joke 8 : Knock knock.... whos there..... its the care workers, we'd like to take excal prime back to the vegetable factory...


Joke 9 : hey guys wanna hear a joke, grand master founder


Joke 10 : Whats the diference between DE and star wars, at least the Jedi actually listen to the council


Joke 11: when lotus said, "leave nothing alive" i didnt think they ment the Liset.


Joke 12 : Whats faster than running a T1 capture mission,everyone leaving due to this patch


This has to be immortalised somehow...

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  • Previewing the front sigil will now display the default color for the sigil you are viewing without changing the color of your equipped back sigil.


  • Fixed issue that caused Sigils to never display warframe energy color.
  • Fixed login screen not displaying last used Warframe, should now be corrected after one login.



okay... my loading screen is not showing any of my frames, only the stellar system, with its emptiness


well, i was coloring my founder sigil in green, now it show white...

while looking from the arsenal, it's still green, but display a white one ...

i did noticed that while in a mission, i guess it would have been green ...

ps: my back sigil is still yellow ...lololol




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RATHBONE: Archwing Melee

VELOCITUS: Archwing Primary




  • Enemies targeted by Nyx’s Mind Control no longer take friendly damage until the duration of the ability ends, at which point all accumulated damage to the target is applied at once.


  • Points can no longer sit neutral, they must be owned by either AI or players


  • Fixed the activation of Odonata Archwing abilities not properly issuing 25/50/75/100 Affinity respective of ability used (1/2/3/4).















1. So many equipment to rank up, so few mission variation and stability. -_-;


2. That's cool, convenient!


3. Hope enemies also STOP capturing points during the end of round to be fair.


4. They are not worth that much energy. 25 for all was fair enough and encouraged situation uses, not limited by energy costs.



How about a fix to FoV setting being reverted in some Archwing missions?

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ok the line of sight now for all three abilities is so annoying, you make a flawed system where people need to grind over and over again and you are trying to make it as difficult as possible and as boring as possible at the same time, the only reason these abilities were kind of OP was because they fit one mission grind that you DE created, and you also created the need for it, WTH 

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While I doubt anybody will read this, I'd suggest reverting the 3 nerfed frames, and switching the syndicates affinity gain from kills to mission reward (I.E. level 1-5 exterminate gives 100 points), while also lowering the overall cost of points to reach the next rank. and if you're wondering how the heck something like that would work for defense/survival/interception, just have the reward increase based on the level of the enemies (I.E, enemies went from level 10 to 15, up the affinity gain by 100)

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Is DE staff on drugs? If so please share. That way we can all be on the same page. Sooo looking forward to this next Devstream. The future of the game is now riding on how it gets handled.


No pressure. ;-)


ps: the 12 jokes of warframe...pure gold....as we head in to the 12 days of xmas... on the  first day xmas my true love gave to me ...update 15 in a pear tree...etc

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about me....


mastery rank 17, over 1400hrs gameplay, lots of awesome survival runs

nothing compares to a good ole nuovo with casuals --- yes I like playing with casuals

update 15 came  ..... oh booooy

couldnt play warframe anymore on winxp 32 due to DEs programmers not having had any recovering holidays for the longest time..lol 


what to do? simple answer - fix it yourself!!

ordered new gaming computer with win8x64,ssd,gfx970 for my beloved warframe... what the heck I swim in money...

followed forums on those hasty crappy updates 15.0.1.- 15.2.0

all the while, DE, reminding me more and more a bunch of demented zealots, are still busy patching the FUN out of warframe  and have simply lost their way....excuse me!! excuse me??


this new gaming rig monsta arrived today

me, all hail the Veterans, will not!!! install warframe for the time being


I think Im cured, thank you DE

cured yes but still labouring on an inflammation of tendons in my left arm stemmed from all this abusive zoren coptering of mine during last years ninja action


as with hoping for a change in the weather

Im hoping for you DE that you will collect your wits about it and bring my favgame back to its former glory to commemorate those days of fun  


tough deep inside I KNOW THAT it wont happen, simply cause the cow is milked, the carpet is torn and the jug is broken


It will never be FUN again...It will never be whole again... I will never be kickass Tenno again



who to blame ??   ... just to be clear :



.....I blame the console-launch of warframe for this homemade misery ....


     by splitting your forces too thin you will just perish or in this case (b)vanish into the void 

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By the way, there's a real question about «making this game better».


What we are for, I mean the Founders and the Community?


You just decided to break the fun (we're talking about nerfing 3 Frames at the same time) for everyone, because of Viver farmers.

Shouldn't be that discussed in DC section and shouldn't that be a Community Poll (edit: not only H-Topics)?


Radial Blind - Line of sight

Radial Javaline - Line of Sight

well maybe in the future:

Slash Dash - Line of Sight

Super Jump - Line of Sight

Nyx's Chaos will be affected by Str-mods

Loki's Disarm will be affected by Str-mods

Loki's Transposition will be affected by Str-mods (to prevent being Immortal Rhino with Loki's Aug-mod -- genius!)

Saryn will be affected by non Push-Up Bra

All Frost powers will be affected by indoor & outdoor temperature, no Ice - no fun!

Valkyr's Hysteria and Warcry will be affected by environment sound transmission & absorption.

Nekros will be affected by Oberon's Reneweal and Trinity's Blessing that causes him immediately to die.

Warframe will be affected by Grindwall the Invincible.


Edited by Spectre-Agent
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Ok DE since its so funny, i'd like to tell some jokes


Joke 1 : Cmon DE you don't need to focus on the players that have been by your side the whole entire time, its just not in your line of sight.


Joke 2 : I mean excaliber he was trash anyway right, and trinity was so 1960's who plays healers these days anyway. and Mag, who even cares about giant magnets anyway lets face it last time we cared about magnets was back in science class but really we haven't been in school for a while so its irreverent, but screw it nobody cares about physics anyway.


Joke 3 : Last time i checked spec savers were doing a pretty good deal for 2 for 1 on glasses, sounds like a good deal to me (line of sight)


Joke 4 : Hey DE you know the range on saryn ulti pretty great nobody cared about the damage anyway, lets make it a heal instead. then it would be useful


Joke 5 : i guess the new suggestion for nucleur warefare should take some suggestions from the ol' hellion dregs i mean, if we had given that idea to a few trigger happy nations we would be winning wars faster. Or lost you never know


Joke 6 : by the way, i think tower 4 is too easy with our freshly nurfed frames! might want to add another 100% damage increase and throw in a few more mod reductions, i mean cmon, 50 is way too high nowerdays.


Joke 7 : in the west part of viver born i was made and amazed on the grinding mission where i spent most of my days, chillin out cappin corpus acting all cool, and bashing some moa's with mah big heavy tool, after a couple of DEVS were up to no good, they nerfed everything under my hood, I did 60 minutes to long and the community got scared, and rabecca said, "were making nerfs and reducing vivir back to the dead."


Joke 8 : Knock knock.... whos there..... its the care workers, we'd like to take excal prime back to the vegetable factory...


Joke 9 : hey guys wanna hear a joke, grand master founder


Joke 10 : Whats the diference between DE and star wars, at least the Jedi actually listen to the council


Joke 11: when lotus said, "leave nothing alive" i didnt think they ment the Liset.


Joke 12 : Whats faster than running a T1 capture mission,everyone leaving due to this patch

I laughed way too much, now there's greedy milk coming out of my nose.

There's plenty of alternatives to Mag, Excalibur, and Trinity in Viver farming, we can keep going at this stupid charade until all the frames and weapons are nerfed to the point where they would be completely useless even in low level missions like Mercury

If these utterly needless nerfs keep happening, the game won't be called Warframe anymore, it'll be called LOSFrame where everything needs line-of-sight.

You want to kill that level 54 Heavy Gunner behind that wall safely with your abilities? TOO BAD, you'll need LOS to be able to affect it, most likely killing you in the process.

You want to finish crafting your foundry items while you're not in-game? TOO BAD, you'll need to have LOS on it at all times to keep the timer ticking!

You want senpai to notice you? TOO BAD, you need LOS for that too!

DE, suck up your bloody worthless pride and fix the real problem, the Syndicate reward system. 

Edited by DKKenny
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  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).


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