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Update 15.2.0


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Ty guys for the updates, additions and fixes


The Rathbone shows it needs 2 handles and 1 head to craft, should be 1 handle and 2 heads ?  


Still no adjustment for Cosmic Specters Conclave requirements not being able to be met with  current mod values with the removal of Ability mods?   and also stupid mod requirements to get to the conclave rating such as Quick thinking (apologies to Tenno who use them)  


Also While I agree that for "Realism" (lol) line of sight attacks and power uses are required, Trinity's and some other frames abilities are ethereal or blanket powers so sight or lack of sight should have no effect.  

Edited by ComplexLain
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I really hope you guys bring back Syndicate reputation/standing to be affected by conclave rating like it was when it first came out.

Intentional or not, it added risk vs. reward, and for someone like me who rarely uses his ranged weapons it's very helpful and beneficial.

Please consider on bringing it back.

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If you guys want line of sight, then do it to all frames, not just the ones you guys hate for some reason.

I've got to agree.  This nerf seems very biased.  I'm against the line-of-sight restriction myself.  But, it should be consistent between frames and powers for the sake of fairness.


I'm for restoring Excalibur, Mag, and Trinity and replacing Viver.  And syndicates are too grindy with too little payoff.

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They sure listened well to a suggestion made by a player, eh?


I sure hope they listened to the vast majority of outcry, more suggestion, and even solutions that have been flooding every topics on every board since the first update, right?

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Warframe Changes:


  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).




  • Points can no longer sit neutral, they must be owned by either AI or players
  • Score now scaled directly by the number of points you have, instead of being reduced if the AI owns more.
  • Abandoned points (eg. was capturing but left point before completing the capture) now start to drain faster (5 seconds after leaving from 10 seconds) and drain back to the original state far quicker (at a rate of 25% per second)
  • Updated all point prefabs so the points will start captured by the AI and must be taken by the player, score does not start accruing until a player captures a point


Guess no more Viver...


And no more Excalibur, and no more Mag. We can put them on a shelf guys.


That nerf, i think they used the new Rathbone nerf-hammer


Didnt see that comin' so HEAVY

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Want to 'fix' viver exploit. I understand that. As someone once told me, when it comes to farming for anything in any game people are going to use the path of least resistance. Weither that be an efficient farming route or an exploit. So naturally if something comes up that makes it easier ppl are going to use it.


However, the frames line of sight restrictions, most especially Trinity's EV, I feel was too far. Its not a damaging skill and has a max distance already. Even for the voids now, what with Trin Im supposed to stop what Im doing and say ok guys everyone come here to make sure you are all in line of sight so I can give you some energy? Thats silly imo. Trinity has been through enough and is hard to find people that play as her/want to play as her as it is.


DE - Please change EV back at least. TY.


Mag I think is another who's line of sight restriction could be argued as a bad choice. Since it depends on enemies being grouped if you have to wait for line of sight that reduces the effectiveness of it as more time goes by the more spread out enemies are going to get.


All that aside, great work! <3 Warframe and hope to continue to do so for a long time.

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Really? when i equip enemy sense/radar i still need line of sight to nuke 'em with radial javelin?

If you need line of sight for something like Frost's Freeze or Ember's Fireball then it's ok.

But Radial Javelin?

Why? DE why? i didn't even play Viver. I didn't even care for syndicates.

I just some old player that love his excalibur.

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Oh well back to my <secret frame> and back to viver...gona quit @4


Radial nerf was really uncalled for...Instead of stupid line of sight.... Radial Jav should be made like it can target only X enemies per use....


Seriously... A lot of players came back to WF only for this... VIVER...now its gone...


GOOD BYE WARFRAME... Till next big patch !

Edited by Zyfe3rX
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I'm just here to throw my hat in the "not happy with this patch" pool. Something needs to be done about the grinding being done on viver, but nerfing frames was not it.


Really need to figure out what these Syndicates are supposed to be at a gameplay standpoint (extra gains for the new player, or an "endgame" bit of content) and then stand by it. If it's endgame, then maybe I see why you're nerfing hardcore farming methods. If it's to be done alongside normal content for a new player, we vets need a way to experience this without a mind numbing 100 hours of gaining exp we no longer need.


I won't attempt to give solutions or fixes, just a suggestion on direction. Figure out what you want syndicates to be, then focus on making them as such. Don't punish Excalibur, Mag, and Trinity players because of another group.

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Warframe Changes:


  • Enemies targeted by Nyx’s Mind Control no longer take friendly damage until the duration of the ability ends, at which point all accumulated damage to the target is applied at once.
  • Vauban’s Tesla beam from the Tesla Link Mod has received an improved visual effect to reduce visual clutter when cast multiple times and
  • Vauban’s Tesla beam from the Tesla Link Mod should now properly deal Slash damage.
  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).
  • Banish / Rift Walk will no longer stack energy regeneration when used on targets in a Cataclysm bubble.



We did not ask for syndicate .  You brought this madness for Rep farming in game. You should be rather fixing viver than nerfing my two girls. 


If viver rep was problem then just let infested take over Viver like  just like other nodes at Eris. But nerfing Mag & Trinity is a big NO GO!!!

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The number of players I've known who uninstalled the game after this update has risen to 11, they even posted screenshot of their steam uninstalling the game as prove.


DE, see what damage you can do when you don't listen to your own player base? If this will get worse I'll also uninstall because if you prove to us that you don't care, then we too will not.

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Viver (before) is FUN to play, remember this is GRIND game not PVP or MMORPG or something like that.


If you dont like what peoples doing in Viver, why not you just change the SYNDICATE POINT?

With 3 frames nerfed is non senses at all. Specially excalibur, he hasnt good skill except RADIAL BLIND before and you gave a miracle with buff his RADIAL JAVALINE but now its nerf in a days count.


You just exploit Miasma to all tenno's............. BOOM!!! Adios Amigos!


note: oh yeah, sorry im forgot with Trinity buff and nerfed.

Edited by --Q--Gasz
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Why do you continually do nothing but nerf the Quality of Life of all frames who offend your delicate sense of smell?  This is good for game health, making it a giant question mark in players mind as to whether or not their frame abilities are going to work?  Permanently damaging the playability of your game is how you answer excessive spawn rates on a single mission/tile-set?

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