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Update 15.2.0


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Some high rank guys farm one map 'cause the system for earning syndicate's standing is wobbly and your solution is nerfing some frame's skills. And recurrent bugs are still here... Big joke. Very very bad choice. You're killing the fun.



I'd like to emphasize this further.

3 Frames and Interception as a game mode have been changed due to Viver which is our only way to grind Syndicate rep at an acceptable pace.


Viver isn't the problem.

Viver never was a problem.

The Syndicate grind wall is the problem.




Edited by Hedasker
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God damn, people are still whining about that? I can't tell if you people are trying to be satirical by making of people who overreact about small things that can easily be fixed or you are serious. I really hope it's not the latter, if so, I am embarrassed to have posted in the same thread as you.



There is a difference between whining and bringing up legitimate complaints. The entire thread is either a legitimate complaint or people thanking DE. Get off your high horse.

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I personally believe Syndicates should be even more level exclusive. It's supposed to be more near the end of the game content, yet level 3s can participate. The only way I can see that DE could have prevented the Viver issue would be to have straight up not given benefits to anyone lower than MR11, while still letting people gather points leading up to MR11. At that point, a lot of players have played a decent amount of time and will have had chances to gather most of the weapons they want and upgrade them enough. So, a lot of them will have the extra mats to throw at the huge paywalls (that should honestly be lowered anyway) in the Syndicates.


I'm Rank 17, and I still find the grindwalls to be obscenely high, even after I spend some disposable income to scale paywalls, which are also quite high. I don't think we also need to add rankwalls to that.


I just calculated, with my play intensity it would take a shorter time to have a child than to grind enough rep to buy everything a single syndicate has to offer. Hell, I know a whole bunch of people sitting inactively in my friendlist that burned themselves out on warframe alltogether in a shorter time than it would take them to grind out a single syndicate warframe mod.


The walls need to go down!

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I bet DE is going to defend their decision in the DevStream and blatantly disregard the community.

That's a safe bet. And they'll evade the issue along the way, as always.



BUG REPORT: Mag's Shield Polarize no longer works on herself unless you make her face the screen.

As expected: rushed changes to "cure" symptoms.

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You know what do i really wonder ? How did they have enough courage , how did they were THAT brave to show their own very faces to the public in the stream KNOWING (don't tell me they didn't, because they did know )  this patch was going to come out. These people who i was now used to see,who i also had respect for , now lost infact all my respect and support.  You are going to regret what you are doing, Recently bought DE.  You are going to see the downfall of your own very work,which used to be good,hell,it was very good indeed.Buggy, ( :D ) but still a really good work .


Choice is yours,you can choose to gain new players and keep the veterans by changing  things the good way (in player's favor, not your chinese Owners)


or you can choose to keep things this way and lose all the veterans by ruining the game (in case you don't realize it,you are scattering the game,really, it's no fun  to just grind.YOU TRY TO DO THAT . Tell me if you have fun. DO IT. Be a player sometimes, not just a narrow minded ( :D) developer. Yes, im talking to you, the person who gave birth to this insane grindwall in the first place, and you, who have thought about this patch.

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BUG REPORT: Mag's Shield Polarize no longer works on herself unless you make her face the screen.


Well, don't you get it? She won't do it unless she sees you begging for it from across the screen. That, or maybe you don't have enough plat.


On a more serious note, why am I not surprised something as non-trivial as a proper line of sight wasn't implemented correctly in a game that can't get so many easier bugs fixed? DE are good on content pace, but their polishing is lagging behind.

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There is a difference between whining and bringing up legitimate complaints. The entire thread is either a legitimate complaint or people thanking DE. Get off your high horse.

I'm not saying that I'm better than those of you are are doing this, and yes it is whining, no matter how legitimate the complaints are. "____ is useless" is a huge exaggeration and helps DE to fix this problem in no way whatsoever. If you want it fixed so bad, talk to them like a calm rational adult instead of crying over spilled milk. Those nerfs can be reversed and I have faith that DE will eventually make all frames stand on equal footing as far as usefullness goes, albeit in different situations. The frames are pretty well balanced so far ( yeah the nerfs tipped that balance a bit, but that can be fixed), especially when you compare it to something like most other games out there that have multiple classes you can play as (cough, titans in destiny, cough cough)

EDIT: However, as someone who spends almost at least half of every day on warframe, I gave up on trying to rank my syndicate a long time ago. It's simply not worth the amount of time I would have to put into it because I KNOW that I will get bored of warframe if I do focus on that because of the repetetive grinding it will take. That much repetition will kill the fun for anyone, no matter how much they love the game. So the Grind wall should be lowered at least by 20% OR the amount of points you earn should be raised by about 20% and high level interceptions should be nerfed slightly while raising the usefullness of some frames such as limbo to make them more viable in open combat and therefore make the frames more balanced. If Dark Souls gameplay tought me anything about game design, it's that every single piece of equipment and every single character should have the ability to become strong and useful, no matter how weak their base stats or abilities are.

Edited by TheHourMan
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I'm Rank 17, and I still find the grindwalls to be obscenely high, even after I spend some disposable income to scale paywalls, which are also quite high. I don't think we also need to add rankwalls to that.


I just calculated, with my play intensity it would take a shorter time to have a child than to grind enough rep to buy everything a single syndicate has to offer. Hell, I know a whole bunch of people sitting inactively in my friendlist that burned themselves out on warframe alltogether in a shorter time than it would take them to grind out a single syndicate warframe mod.


The walls need to go down!

The rankwalls aren't needed, for sure, but something like that would solve the Viver issue. Some walls are needed here and there to present a decent challenge. Make them too low, they become a breeze and then the game is too easy, make them too high, and we have this issue. Throw a rankwall in there, make the paywall lower, and you have a nice medium. Let them gain syndicate standing on their way to MR11, but don't let them have the rewards, while also lowering the paywall. Lowering the paywall eliminates the huge grind, and the levelwall makes it a bit more "endgame" as it was meant to be.

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I'm not saying that I'm better than those of you are are doing this, and yes it is whining, no matter how legitimate the complaints are. "____ is useless" is a huge exaggeration and helps DE to fix this problem in no way whatsoever. If you want it fixed so bad, talk to them like a calm rational adult instead of crying over spilled milk. Those nerfs can be reversed and I have faith that DE will eventually make all frames stand on equal footing as far as usefullness goes, albeit in different situations. The frames are pretty well balanced so far ( yeah the nerfs tipped that balance a bit, but that can be fixed), especially when you compare it to something like most other games out there that have multiple classes you can play as (cough, titans in destiny, cough cough)


Yeah lets no make any mention of the absurdity of their logic and gloss right over their ill thought out knee jerk coding reaction....


Sorry - *we're* supposed to provide the rationality?

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Warframe Changes:


  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).



  • Points can no longer sit neutral, they must be owned by either AI or players
  • Score now scaled directly by the number of points you have, instead of being reduced if the AI owns more.
  • Abandoned points (eg. was capturing but left point before completing the capture) now start to drain faster (5 seconds after leaving from 10 seconds) and drain back to the original state far quicker (at a rate of 25% per second)
  • Updated all point prefabs so the points will start captured by the AI and must be taken by the player, score does not start accruing until a player captures a point


"Hey look, our players are caring about our Syndicate content, and the old players - with nothing else left to do in the game - are working hard to gain the necessary reputation to unlock it all."

"Stop them at all costs. Add more grind. Nerf already underpowered warframes. What we want is to alienate players to the point where they hate the game."

- during DE meeting, probably


-2/10 update, honestly. 

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My archwing items are atill at lvl 5.. Oh yes, and thnx for frame "Fixes" we all like alot ! 


I feel hate only, tot to buy some platinium today, have 50% discount... but think ill pass.

Wow, nice to know that I'm not the only one who doesn't give a f*ck to the Archwing. I played like 3 missions, then it was that boring that I left my Odonata or whataver is called level 10...

And I'm not a Nyx user... So I don't see anything nice in this update, I just feel the pain for Shield Polarize loss.

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I'm not saying that I'm better than those of you are are doing this, and yes it is whining, no matter how legitimate the complaints are. "____ is useless" is a huge exaggeration and helps DE to fix this problem in no way whatsoever. If you want it fixed so bad, talk to them like a calm rational adult instead of crying over spilled milk. Those nerfs can be reversed and I have faith that DE will eventually make all frames stand on equal footing as far as usefullness goes, albeit in different situations. The frames are pretty well balanced so far ( yeah the nerfs tipped that balance a bit, but that can be fixed), especially when you compare it to something like most other games out there that have multiple classes you can play as (cough, titans in destiny, cough cough)

While you are correct that whining isn't great, you are wrong in that all complaints are whining.


A complaint is something you make when you are unsatisfied. Whining is a form of complaining, but it is not equal to complaining. If complaining is whining, and you're complaining that people are whining, then by your logic, you are whining and therefore, a hypocrite. Being a hypocrite is terrible when you are trying to make a point.  "'____" is useless" is almost none of this thread. Most posts are people with legitimate concerns and offer better routes than the one DE took.


Either way, it's wrong to complain about other's opinions. Opinions are opinions and arguing about something that isn't factual normally leads to flame because nothing in the argument is true. You can't reach a decent conclusion to an argument when nothing in it is factual.

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Update 15.2.0





Tenno Reinforcements:


RATHBONE: Archwing Melee

Using Archwing’s jets for thrust, this massive hammer crushes anything in its path.


VELOCITUS: Archwing Primary

When fully charged, the magnetized barrel of the Velocitus accelerates a metal slug to tremendous speeds, piercing hulls and obliterating armor.


New Player Quest: Introduction to Infested:


Once Awake

Intercepted Grineer communications reveal that Grineer have been experimenting with some sort of bio weapon. You must investigate.


  • This new quest will be immediately available to any player who has completed Vor’s Prize, and can be accepted directly from the Codex.  It will also be made available to players who skipped Vor’s Prize when the quest system was first implemented, meaning that only players who are yet to complete Vor’s Prize and are brand new to Warframe will need to wait to play!


Warframe Changes:


  • Enemies targeted by Nyx’s Mind Control no longer take friendly damage until the duration of the ability ends, at which point all accumulated damage to the target is applied at once.
  • Vauban’s Tesla beam from the Tesla Link Mod has received an improved visual effect to reduce visual clutter when cast multiple times and
  • Vauban’s Tesla beam from the Tesla Link Mod should now properly deal Slash damage.
  • Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.
  • Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).
  • Banish / Rift Walk will no longer stack energy regeneration when used on targets in a Cataclysm bubble.




  • Optimized Dojo memory use to improve performance and load times.
  • Optimized game code to improve loading times and performance.
  • HUD will now display the correct button mapping when using a controller with a remapped button layout.
  • Enemy spawn points are now spread into clusters in Dark Sector Conflicts.
  • Removed brown fog from Archwing missions.
  • Made small adjustments to flaming debris in Archwing Trench Run missions.
  • Previewing the front sigil will now display the default color for the sigil you are viewing without changing the color of your equipped back sigil.
  • Huras Kubrow Hunt Mod will now prompt Kubrow to pick an enemy near other enemies (since the charge is AoE).
  • Added knockdown to Huras Kubrow charge that should make enemies hit suffer an entertaining knockback.
  • Gilded Truth Mod will now provide a multiplier of 1.2 instead of a multiplier of 0.2.
  • Moved Vor’s transmissions during Vor’s Prize to sit on the right hand side of the screen to reduce obstruction.
  • Adjusted timers on special effects particles to prevent lingering FX (ie. smoke from destroyed crates).
  • Removed Neural Sensor Requirements from Large Restore Crafting Recipes.
  • Eximus units in the Void now require 3 scans for a Codex entry, as opposed to the original 20.
  • Changed all entries of ‘Fire’, ‘Poison’ or ‘Freeze’ damage elements to ‘Heat’, ‘Toxin’ and ‘Cold’ respectively to remove inconsistency.
  • 11/13 AM Addition: Archwing Parts (Weapons etc.) are now untradeable.




  • Points can no longer sit neutral, they must be owned by either AI or players
  • Score now scaled directly by the number of points you have, instead of being reduced if the AI owns more.
  • Abandoned points (eg. was capturing but left point before completing the capture) now start to drain faster (5 seconds after leaving from 10 seconds) and drain back to the original state far quicker (at a rate of 25% per second)
  • Updated all point prefabs so the points will start captured by the AI and must be taken by the player, score does not start accruing until a player captures a point


Archwing Fixes:


  • Fixed description for Elytron’s Core Vent ability incorrectly stated that it hurts enemies.
  • Fixed an issue with Archwing melee weapons not extending when viewed in the Arsenal.
  • Fixed color changes on Archwing weapons appearing to revert when modified in Arsenal, changes now correctly saved.
  • Fixed Archwing parts loading into non-archwing missions.
  • Fixed Odonata’s Disarray not affecting Dreg Spheres.
  • Fixed Elytron’s Core Vent not affecting Dreg Spheres.
  • Fixed the activation of Odonata Archwing abilities not properly issuing 25/50/75/100 Affinity respective of ability used (1/2/3/4).



  • Fixed an issue with a checkered wall blocking progression on certain areas of the Infested Ship tileset.
  • Fixed a UI Bug that made Affinity Orbs appear to give 100 Affinity in the ‘pickup ticker’ when a Affinity Booster is active, when 200 Affinity was in fact being rewarded.
  • Fixed pause menu becoming inaccessible when viewing mission progress.
  • Fixed a crash that would occur for players with pending recipes available on login.
  • Fixed an error where Kubrow would still be heard when using Arsenal or when muted.
  • Fixed issue where using the search bar for Mods would always display Fusion Cores in the results.
  • Fixed a game freeze that could occur when selecting an event from the World State Window.
  • Fixed scrollbar inaccuracies in Events tab of World State Window.
  • Fixed inbox messages breaking after transmissions have played.
  • Fixed some profiles appearing incorrectly as Grand Master.
  • Fixed Trench Run minimap issues to correctly display objective marker and load correct room.
  • Fixed issue with Huras Kubrow Hunt Mod where charge would end after 5 frames of no movement.
  • Fixed issue with Huras Kubrow Hunt Mod where all Kubrow in mission would share the same cooldown recharge time.
  • Fixed issue that caused Sigils to never display warframe energy color.
  • Fixed issue that caused planets to not zoom in when on Solar Map, also reduced lingering on the full map once a planet/node has been selected.
  • Fixed dual wielded secondary weapons appearing in players hands in Archwing Arsenal.
  • Fixed menu tabs not displaying correctly when player switches quickly from one tab to the next.
  • Fixed login screen not displaying last used Warframe, should now be corrected after one login.
  • Fixed defense objective on Ceres alerts spawning off the lift, breaking enemy pathing.
  • Fixed loading issue with Grineer shipyard zones.
  • Fixed Europa incorrectly displaying 500-1200 conclave requirement, now properly reads 500-1000.
  • Fixed pathing error on Infested Corpus Ship tileset that would occur when entering certain hallways.
  • Fixed various gameplay freezes and crashes.
  • Fixed continued issues with Stalker not spawning properly.




  • Localized the Limbo Theorem and Archwing quest summaries for Russian and Japanese.
  • Localized final Archwing mission transmissions to French.
  • Resized Syndicate names to not be so long in Russian.
  • Various localization fixes and updates.


Nice job screwing exc again, why just dont nerf the fckin Viver? How about fix first the fckin napalm, granade and bombard dmgs crossing frost's snowglobe?

Edited by OutSider88
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Thanks DE for the Trinity nerf. I never took the point of you guys nerfing Trinity over and over again as a sign that you hated her. Now I'm quite sure you despise that poor lobster lady with all your heart. Everytime I see Trinity in patch notes my heart dies a little along with my satisfaction of playing her.


Again thanks DE. I hope you guys are happy with what you did to her. Your own creation, bashed and crushed over and over again with the nerf hammer until there is little to nothing left of her.


In case it isn't obvious enough #SARCASM


Good luck any future support frames. I hope you never suffer the injustice that Trinity has suffered.

Edited by Rhekinos
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I'm not saying that I'm better than those of you are are doing this, and yes it is whining, no matter how legitimate the complaints are. "____ is useless" is a huge exaggeration and helps DE to fix this problem in no way whatsoever. If you want it fixed so bad, talk to them like a calm rational adult instead of crying over spilled milk. Those nerfs can be reversed and I have faith that DE will eventually make all frames stand on equal footing as far as usefullness goes, albeit in different situations. The frames are pretty well balanced so far ( yeah the nerfs tipped that balance a bit, but that can be fixed), especially when you compare it to something like most other games out there that have multiple classes you can play as (cough, titans in destiny, cough cough)


Uhhhuh, right. Hm. You do realize that when you say with any sort of condescension how you feel embarrassed to be one with the crowd that you are showing that you feel you are a higher tier than your neighbor.

That aside, I have a question for you. When have you ever known DE to immediately retract a change, hm? The only time I can recall is when they accidentally slipped a Radial Blind logistics fix sometime around U14.2 - U14.5 (-ish?) or any other unintentional leaking of something. Only some of those were retracted, by the way. Do you recall many a time in end-mission extraction since U13.5+ that there was some sort of scoreboard that once returned to the mission hub you would be forced to restart the client? DE knew of this for weeks. Months, maybe. Didn't retract that until MUCH later on. Just a little, minor, minute thing...but when you stack little things on top of one another, it becomes a big thing, a big entity. A huge annoyance after so long of it being a problem. "Oh, don't worry. DE will fix this."

For nearly a year I've defended their bogus and simply idiotic work ethics. For a handful of months I've stuck by them and thought, "Don't worry, DE know what they're doing. They've got it under control."

And another thing. You want to call this spilled milk? If this is spilled milk, Hour Man, this is milk that's been spilled for months and has had more milk spilled on top of it by someone who barely knows what he/she are doing! It's sour, disgusting, and attracting bugs. (Pun entirely unintended, but fitting.) We've tried talking to them about things. I don't think you understand just how surprised I am that they listened to the controller users and implemented a setting that allowed you to personally remove the Context Action/Reload combination.

Do you know -- can you even fathom -- half of the insanity that is Warframe and its inner workings? Memory leaks, incompatibility issues, the complete disregard for basic logic (i.e. Frost being equally susceptible as any other frame to cold temperatures and vice versa for Ember), failed promises that were given two whole damn updates ago, irresponsible staff that can't keep up with their own work, a complete disregard for many entire sides of an argument with their in-Beta game...should I continue?

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im about to receive some hate,


AS i stated before in the last patch, it was an exploit that people totemagotes taking advantage of something that map wise/spawn wise, was not going to change.  the missions requirements to succed, however, did change (as a result in the way how the missions itself was being exploited)  HONESTLY i kinda saw the nerf for the 4 frames coming but i had hoped that it wouldnt have happened like it did.


In all my years of playing mmo's and such, everytime there was a exploit happening due to players saying "this part of the game sucks bc of the grind and i've already grinded to lvl max" it has almost always ended in the company, though not popular to what players want(or even what devs want to do but have too), nerfing any characters involved in this exploit (ie hunters, mages, tanks etc.) to making the said area/mission either harder, or place in rules and such to make it such the exploit cannot continue like it has.  this is, around 90% always the case that happens.  and the reason is simple:


ill have to explain it in a different way to show this.  if a store keeps getting their sh*t stolen because people dont want to pay the price, you bet they are going to 1) make it harder to steal said items AND 2) sue who ever is caught doing it.  i know this is a RL situation thrown in a game forum, but it applies the same concept.  if you keep exploiting a map due to spawns being somewhat close(thus a smallish map), and enemy's being easy to kill because a frame basicly goes "lawl no shields" when the enemy uses about 3/4 total life in shields to protect themself, then a frame that can hit everything, anything anywhere, killing this enemy (because its an ult move can totally handle the 1/4 of the health it has left and poor def they have)  you bet they are going to nerf them so they cannot do this the same way they had been doing it.  sadly Trin is that frame that keeps getting its hand caught in the cookie jar, and thus is having fingers removed for it because you wont stop doing it.


you have nobody to blame but yourselfs (viver exploiters) for this nerf, when they said it was END GAME content, it is, sadly it involves grinding from start to finish to use it.  but if you run your missions, do defense/survival, you will make a good ammount of points.


it truely sucks that it came down to this, i dont blame devs for doing this, and if they change the way part of their end game content is gotten completely, then what was the point of working hard to figure out a plan to put them in, how they worked, what kind of system base's they will work on, and what rewards would be good but not 100% unbalance the game.


Dev's put alot of work into this game, and for the long run, they have had to make unpopular decisions.  sometimes because of something that kinda breaks the game, or something that if people found out, would break the game.


lets not lie to ourselfs, the game has to bring in profit in order to keep going, in order to keep playing they have to be making more than the bottom line.  "hire more people if you cant get it done!"  its not that simple.  bring in 1 person, could take up to 40-60k extra pay for (game designers and programmers are not the cheapest, and no, i did not take an indepth look into pay ranges).  for a game that relys on people buying plat, and those same people mostly buying plat when it on sale, cuts really deep into that.  and for all we know, dev's could be putting extra hours, that they may not be getting paid for, for the sheer fact that love the game and want to see it grow, but know that games dont grow without a line of money to pay for the work and man hours it takes.


sorry for this very long post, i feel they did what they had to do.  in the future they may do a small change to buff the frames again, but if you keep exploiting the game, all you will see will be nerfs (unless they intended for certain things to happen)


now, time to go deal with some RL stuff before i get to have fun with new archwing weapons :D

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