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I've Never Felt More Rude, Or More Accomplished.


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Me?  Hell no, I love Limbo.  He's one of the first Frames in a LONG time that took some learning lest I destroy a team's synergy.  Limbo is a thinker's frame, a tactical VIP takedown artist who can remove entire sections of the battlefield from play, or turn those sections into killing grounds.

I'm still trying to find a good setup for him.... he is the 3rd frame I actually put a Forma on.

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just another example of how the affinity system ingame is weighted too heavily on kills and who gets them instead of mission success and objectives =/


The blame lies purely on the player. You can't blame DE for this. No matter how much you try, there will always be such players, creating such situations.

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WTB votekick.


Edit: I realize implementing a vote kick function is by no means a fix to people being ignorant, and I'm not sure it would be a good idea overall.

The solution would be the problem instead, a vote kick option will be a problem of "system of game" now we have a "player-troll problem" and needs a "player-troll solution"


EDIT:  I've seen the problem causing a kick butto in another games. Players-trolls kicking any other player who doesn't like. Just think a bit, you in a public mission (an alert, an event, etc) and when the objetive is about to be completed... they kick you just for trolling.

Edited by Kaiser_Suoh
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I'm still trying to find a good setup for him.... he is the 3rd frame I actually put a Forma on.


I focus on power strength and range, but not on duration.  Cataclysm's shrinkage can turn a good Defense mission into a "why in god's name do all of the enemies have to be inside that stupid bubble" mission (however, this can be countered by a smart Limbo Riftwalking and destroying the enemies before they can do too much damage).  Limbo's not meant for ultra-powerful team synergy and press-X-to-win buttons like Nova or Rhino or Oberon.  If you're careful, tactical, and precise he's a huge boon to teams.


As an example, I like to drop Cataclysm on the spawn areas of enemies during Defense to soften up spawns with some damage.  If I have a long range weapon I'll Rift Walk and take pot shots at the enemies running through the bubble.  During the Tactical Alert this weekend, I would Banish my whole team, Rift Walk myself, and then Banish the VIP Target.  No more stupid Eximus shielding, no more crossfire from 20 other enemies in the middle of killing the target.  (And to do this I would spend a significant amount of time in Rift Walk to build up the necessary energy to banish 4 targets.)  I teamed with one particularly amazing Valkyr who'd Rip Line the target from across the map just to get him away from his Eximii long enough for me to Banish him.


Limbo really excels at removing big problems from play; Banishing a nasty Eximus (Leech, Sanguine, Caustic) will take their negative effects right out of the equation.  Then, Limbo can either unBanish when the team is ready or Rift Walk himself and deal with the Eximus on his own turf.

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I focus on power strength and range, but not on duration.  Cataclysm's shrinkage can turn a good Defense mission into a "why in god's name do all of the enemies have to be inside that stupid bubble" mission (however, this can be countered by a smart Limbo Riftwalking and destroying the enemies before they can do too much damage).  Limbo's not meant for ultra-powerful team synergy and press-X-to-win buttons like Nova or Rhino or Oberon.  If you're careful, tactical, and precise he's a huge boon to teams.


As an example, I like to drop Cataclysm on the spawn areas of enemies during Defense to soften up spawns with some damage.  If I have a long range weapon I'll Rift Walk and take pot shots at the enemies running through the bubble.  During the Tactical Alert this weekend, I would Banish my whole team, Rift Walk myself, and then Banish the VIP Target.  No more stupid Eximus shielding, no more crossfire from 20 other enemies in the middle of killing the target.  (And to do this I would spend a significant amount of time in Rift Walk to build up the necessary energy to banish 4 targets.)  I teamed with one particularly amazing Valkyr who'd Rip Line the target from across the map just to get him away from his Eximii long enough for me to Banish him.


Limbo really excels at removing big problems from play; Banishing a nasty Eximus (Leech, Sanguine, Caustic) will take their negative effects right out of the equation.  Then, Limbo can either unBanish when the team is ready or Rift Walk himself and deal with the Eximus on his own turf.

So, Blind Rage is recomended? I'm using Intensify and Transitent Fortitude.

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Maybe he got bored of just sitting there, and watching you guys do all the work. I would have went off to get kills myself if people were hogging all the fun.

I hope they bring in a blocking system where we can block ourselves from ever getting paired up with people like the OP WHO IS A TROLL, and these so called hallway heros.

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Maybe he got bored of just sitting there, and watching you guys do all the work. I would have went off to get kills myself if people were hogging all the fun.

I hope they bring in a blocking system where we can block ourselves from ever getting paired up with people like the OP WHO IS A TROLL, and these so called hallway heros.


Right, I'm the troll, even though we asked him nicely (and once not so nicely) to stop and he didn't even so much as respond.  If you're the kind of guy who's gonna be a hallway hero and go off and kill stuff far enough away from the team that WE DON'T GET XP, then I really hope you make good on your word and block yourself from teaming with me.


Try harder.

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Damn, are people really this butthurt about losing some xp?


Also, Banish shouldn't stop someone from using frame magicks, so not sure if real.

Some people shouldn't gimp the xp for three other people, either.  


OP already stated that R.J. appeared to be doing no damage and that he was going to do a field study.  I'm willing to bet it was a bug, if the Excal was able to continue killing things after being Banished, I doubt he would have thrown such a huge fit. 

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Don't think people should gimp other people's fun either. Watching a Vortex Vauban and another frame wail on a helpless blob of flesh? I sure as hell would spawncamp just to get out of there. Everyone was in the wrong, equally.

If you're capable of solo'ing the mobs, why join a team in the first place?  

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If you're capable of solo'ing the mobs, why join a team in the first place?  

Why should anyone be forced to be solo this game? He didn't go into a random match thinking "Oh these people are going to make the game boring for me." There's tons of reasons, what if the guy was trying to level a weapon but Ember was taking all the kills so he couldn't fairly focus level his weapon? We saw this guy's side of the argument, not the Excal's.

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Why should anyone be forced to be solo this game? He didn't go into a random match thinking "Oh these people are going to make the game boring for me." There's tons of reasons, what if the guy was trying to level a weapon but Ember was taking all the kills so he couldn't fairly focus level his weapon? We saw this guy's side of the argument, not the Excal's.


That's not how affinity works.  In fact it hasn't worked that way in almost a year.  Also, we asked him to bring it back and he didn't even respond.  If he wanted to solo he should have set solo.  And all he had to do to get unbanished is come back.


Real simple.  BTW, I'm not saying what I did was acceptable.

Edited by Vince613
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Why should anyone be forced to be solo this game? He didn't go into a random match thinking "Oh these people are going to make the game boring for me." There's tons of reasons, what if the guy was trying to level a weapon but Ember was taking all the kills so he couldn't fairly focus level his weapon? We saw this guy's side of the argument, not the Excal's.

I'm not saying that he should be forced to solo, I'm asking why someone would join a team with the intent of leaving the group to go solo mobs?  It doesn't make sense.  


There were several other options for leveling his weapons, that did not include being a hallway hero and gimping three other players and then be rude when they retaliated.


As far as not getting the needed affinity, all he had to do was communicate with his team.  His chat obviously worked if he was able to respond to being Banished.  A simple "hey, can I get in on this for xp reasons?" has always worked for myself and other clanmates.

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