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I Think Lotus Is An Ai, Not A Living Person....?


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My theory is a little out there but here goes:



When we look back to the time of the Orokin, we know that the Sentients had the ability to take weapons the Orokin were using against them and reformat them to use back against the Orokin.


We also know that the Tenno were the downfall of not only the Sentients during the war, but also later dispatched the Orokin for reasons unknown. The Sentients couldn't apparently fight the Tenno, to which the reason that has been hinted at because for some reason the Sentients couldn't "corrupt" the Tenno and use them against the Orokin. My belief is that they eventually did.


Now, IF the Sentients were an AI race of beings, which I've always believed they were, I believe they managed to plan and calculate their own existence so well, that they even predicted their own death once the Tenno entered the battlefield. Then they devised a plan to destroy the Orokin even after they had been defeated, and perhaps they even wanted to be defeated in order to move their fail-safe plans into place.


So here's the radical idea: What if the Lotus is the last Sentient? Why would I ask this? Because it may have been that the Sentients put all their last hopes into a single AI that could interface with the Tenno, thus being able to control them, and then ordered them to kill the Orokin. The plan would have only worked however as long as the Orokin believed they had won the war and were safe, so that they would all gather in one place at one time (Stalker's codex entry) so the Lotus could execute them.

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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While i kinda like that idea redwire, it also poses the question of how the sentient managed to elude the orokin and the tenno into believing that while at the same time hiding the fact that Lotus is not of orokin grounds but of sentient ground.


Until we can get the time-line properly with all the events ( and a lot more info on the lore... ) we can't know for sure.

Heck, in the recent quest with the infested, that grineer researcher blames the tenno for releasing the infested that the grineer where working on while the fault probably lies with the grineer themselves. Maybe the stalker released them, but for what purpose then? The infested would only destroy the universe as we know it. Before i get side-tracked again (which happens a lot, trust me on that. ) let me finish in saying that Lotus, with the information we have of her as of now is most likely an orokin project or being that is created as a sort of protector, councelor and probably the mother-ish person for the tenno.

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The Lotus is a really a crossdressing 300lb dude masquerading as a Tenno masquerading as an AI that really runs a fast food chain. All those Tenno we rescue daily? Tennoburgers for the masses. Tastes like chicken. Greedy milk with your ordis...oops i mean order... sir? 


No reeeeaaaallly its DE Rebecca being awesome as usual ;-)

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there once was a similar post. discussion was about - is she or is she not an A.I.


I think that even DE doesnt know what she is......because when they decide, her character can go in 2 directions


i would be dissapointed if she is an A.I.

and also i would be dissapointed that she in NOT an A.I.     lose/lose situation here


buuut im still sticking that she is A.I. because she functions like 1.

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Considering the trans-humanism that saturates Warframe, it's likely that Lotus is originally human but with additions to make her job more feasible. She may be linked to Command and Control AIs that interlink via that headgear she wears. This would partially explain how she's able to keep track of all the Tenno, what's going on in the system, and what comes on at eight pm on channel four. She might just be a Tenno too, powering all her equipment with that inherent energy Tenno put out. Some folks call that energy Void magic, but I prefer trans dimensional vorticity manifold Einstein-Rosenburg bridge self-collapsing inertia, with a twist.


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well in a dev stream they said that you could escort her to do a job (hacking, spying ect) but then even the dev did not know what she could be (i think megan) said she would be a drone but then (steve or goef i dont remember) said other wise.


All we know is that she is there and she is not a enemies what is she well one day we will know

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Well, there's TOO many tennos to command isn't it XD....


It's too much....Unless she's using pre-recorded messages. But I doubt she can do that for all different situations either (Stalker, G3, Zanuka, 'change of plan' whatever....)


Well, I am not sure about this either XD

It's speculated that Tenno have a Hivemind, which are why they're so prone to know what happens to their fellow Tenno without being able to actually see them, since they can't see anyway.

The question is how Lotus is able to tap into that, but I'm assuming it has to do with the large Cerebro-esque dome background behind her.

Considering she can contact us at any time she feels like it, its really like we're a hive mind of some sort and shes the queen pulling the strings.


Considering theres head cannons of Tenno bascily being smart infested this seems to make some sense,

(Dammit, I was late to the party! Argh!)
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