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Bows Are Illogical, Physically Speaking...


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EDIT: Since people think that I am saying that bows should be changed, I will clarify it for people who are confused. 

I never once said in my post that the bows should be changed. Please read and comprehend before you post.


 Okay, to start things off, lets talk about "Rail Guns", from Wikipedia: 


The United States military is funding railgun experiments. At the University of Texas at Austin Centre for Electromechanics, military railguns capable of delivering tungsten armor piercing bullets with kinetic energies of nine megajoules have been developed.[27] 9 MJ is enough energy to deliver 2 kg (4.4 lb) of projectile at 3 km/s (1.9 mi/s)—at that velocity a rod of tungsten or another dense metal could easily penetrate a tank, and potentially pass through it.


The United States Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division demonstrated an 8 MJ railgun firing 3.2 kg (7.1 lb) projectiles in October 2006 as a prototype of a 64 MJ weapon to be deployed aboard Navy warships. The main problem the U.S. Navy has had with implementing a railgun cannon system is that the guns wear out due to the immense heat produced by firing. Such weapons are expected to be powerful enough to do a little more damage than a BGM-109 Tomahawk missile at a fraction of the projectile cost.[28] Since then, BAE Systems has delivered a 32 MJ prototype to the U.S. Navy.[29] This amount of energy is equivalent to that of a school bus weighing 5 metric tons, travelling at 407 km/hour (253 mph).[30]


So, a Rail Gun is capable of piercing through a tank; In Warframe, bows are capable of piercing through many enemies thick armour (Paris/P most capable of such), so if you are thinking what i'm thinking, "A bow in Warframe is capable of piercing through armour, such as a Rail Gun? How does that quite work?". You see, it doesn't work, even if bows are said to have increased kinetic power, why do they still travel at the same velocity as a regular bow? Bows in Warframe go maybe... 150 ft per second (assuming)? Which means that in order to be able to shoot through so many enemies, should an arrow go... "Hitscan" or something quite near? 


TL;DR: Bows velocities don't match up with its power. A bow in Warframe has the potential to go through 2ft+ concrete or steel and still hit 1+ enemies, whereas a regular weapon, for example the SOMA, is unable to punch through anything at all.


I hope you can understand my comprehension of Bows in Warframe, and i'm not saying I don't like them, i'm saying that their velocity should be increased, but in the game, if bows velocities were increased, their would be no skill in using them. 


Thanks for reading. ~C.M.

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Instead of saying space magic, I say that the arrows themselves are what causes them to be on-par with a Velocitus.


Maybe they are made of a material that is extremely durable and very sharp, allowing it to go through many things.

What would make sense to me is they are super-heated. All heat is, is kinetic energy on a atomic level. Superheating an arrow would allow it to essentially punch straight through armor. Moreover English longbow men when shooting a 150lb yew bow could send a bodkin tipped arrow through 3 fully armored knights. So a space ninja with a bow of unknown weight, but clearly more high tech then an English longbow, and moreover a space ninja in a suit of armor that enhances their, strength could theoretically be pulling 500lb bows, and firing super heated arrows made from some element that at crazy high temperatures doesnt lose its strength, (or superheated metal being contained inside of a magnetic feild. created by a device in the shaft of the arrow and compressing the superhearted metal to a density higher then depleted uranium) thus allowing the arrows to punch through AS MANY EFFING ENEMIES AS DE WANTS. DONT NERF MAH BOWS I EFFIN LOVE THEM. AND THEY ARE BALANCED TOO.

Edited by Gear-hart
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The problem isn't with bows. It's the fact that a "Railgun" like the Veloticus shoots potato pellets.


Also, your last part confused me. You make a point, then counter your own point.

I meant that there would be no challenge to the game and they would be Over Powered, I am just stating my observations toward the game.

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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I think I have a picture for this...



Space Magic? The Warframes are biological suites that enhance the wearers abilities correct? So, if the suit is able to enhance the wearers abilities, then should it not enhance the wearers brain function? Meaning, the biological Warframe suits could possibly just enhance brain activity up to an astonishing amount that allows the wearers to have unique abilities. Although this is just a video game,  and humans are still uncapable of finding out what the human brain could do at even %15 activity. So Imagine a brain at %100, telekinesis could have been unlocked at merely %15-%25 brain activity. It's not magic, it's science.  

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The arrows in this game travel a lot slower than real-life arrows.


Considering the amount of force they carry at such low speeds, they're probably made of something denser than depleted uranium.

Such as Osmium? I guess I consider this what you are saying but if you would launch Osmium at 85 m/s would it still be able to pierce through concrete/steel?

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Is the game logical?

In fact, yes this game does have logic's in it. Here are some examples---


1.) Bullet speed


2.) Running


3.) Melee


4.) Liset. What era is Warframe in? We don't know. So having a personal spaceship is very logical, especially in the next millennium.




Oh, wait, hang on....

Space Magic Vidya Game.


As I said to (PS4)GeddaBolt, it is not space magic. It's science. 

Edited by [DE]Danielle
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So, a Rail Gun is capable of piercing through a tank; In Warframe, bows are capable of piercing through many enemies thick armour (Paris/P most capable of such), so if you are thinking what i'm thinking, "A bow in Warframe is capable of piercing through armour, such as a Rail Gun? How does that quite work?". You see, it doesn't work, even if bows are said to have increased kinetic power, why do they still travel at the same velocity as a regular bow? Bows in Warframe go maybe... 150 ft per second (assuming)? Which means that in order to be able to shoot through so many enemies, should an arrow go... "Hitscan" or something quite near? 


Railguns are not created equal. In your garage you could hypothetically make a railgun that absolutely wouldn't penetrate a tank's armor. The railguns you're talking about here are giant vehicle mounted things powered by vehicle engines.


Now, the other thing is that kinetic weapons do damage from two things: Kinetic energy and momentum. KE is e=1/2m*v^2. That M is mass. The V is velocity. This means that you can increase kinetic energy not just by increasing speed, but by increasing the mass of your projectile.


The formula for momentum, meanwhile, is p=m*v, with P being momentum. This means that an increase in mass increases momentum faster than it increases KE.


Now this is obviously a huge simplification of the processes involved; I didn't even mention force or material stress, but you should get the idea that it's not just a straight up velocity = damage.


In short, velocity isn't the only thing that determines a physical projectile's striking power. So obviously bows in Warfarm hit like trucks because their arrows are crazy depleted uranium type superdense uberarrows and the fact that Tenno use them so casually means that Tenno are all superhumanly strong killing machines.
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Railguns are not created equal. In your garage you could hypothetically make a railgun that absolutely wouldn't penetrate a tank's armor. The railguns you're talking about here are giant vehicle mounted things powered by vehicle engines.
Now, the other thing is that kinetic weapons do damage from two things: Kinetic energy and momentum. KE is e=1/2m*v^2. That M is mass. The V is velocity. This means that you can increase kinetic energy not just by increasing speed, but by increasing the mass of your projectile.
The formula for momentum, meanwhile, is p=m*v, with P being momentum. This means that an increase in mass increases momentum faster than it increases KE.
Now this is obviously a huge simplification of the processes involved; I didn't even mention force or material stress, but you should get the idea that it's not just a straight up velocity = damage.
In short, velocity isn't the only thing that determines a physical projectile's striking power. So obviously bows in Warfarm hit like trucks because their arrows are crazy depleted uranium type superdense uberarrows and the fact that Tenno use them so casually means that Tenno are all superhumanly strong killing machines.


This still doesn't explain their speed. the arrows momentum decreases, and objects momentum without an outside force cant just increase itself to make it go further. What I got from what you said is that because the arrows are supposedly made of Uranium (By the way, how do you know this? Where is your evidence?) then they should have higher momentum making them have increased stopping power, which is correct, an object with massive momentum has incredible potential, but how does this effect the speed when momentum should decrease as the arrow goes through the air? And yes, the biological suits called Warframes could POSSIBLY increase strength. So, if strength is increased by wearing the Warframe, then why can Loki swing a heavy weapon such as the Galatine as fast as Rhino? Stereotypicallly, a larger being is stronger than a smaller being, stereotypically that is. Meaning that Loki shouldn't, and wouldn't be able to do as much damage as Rhino would be able to because he would be able to pull back the string further, or swing the Galatine at higher speeds with increased damage. But instead of having those stereotypical RPG classes, DE has decided that Warframes should be equal in the direction of weapons, so that every frame can use them without cons. 

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which ones? because i doubt there FULL of it, they might have some logic but i can guarantee that they are not all logical



Insurgency, ARMA, Receiver.


If we are going to list games that are realistic, then here we go. 
1.) Army of Two series
2.) Hardcore on Call of Duty franchises could be considered more realistic
3.) Warface
4.) Super Bike X
5.) Backyard Sports: Sandlot Sluggers
6.) Strike Zone
7.) Tennis Stars Cup
8.) WarThunder
Oh and here is a website for some more in case you are interested (thecool1232)--- http://www.vitalitygames.com/play-games/realistic-game
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Maths lots of maths. Who cares really? The soma is your comparison to the Paris prime? Horrid. Soma spray and pray vs a bow that kills slower and can hit enemies from behind others. But who cares on the end? No need to change for bows. They added lunch through because they have a charge time making things hard and longer to kill.

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Math, lots of math. Who really cares? The Soma is your comparison to the Paris prime? Horrid. Soma is spray and pray vs. a bow that kills slower and can hit enemies from behind others, but who cares on the end? No need to change bows. They added punch through because they have a charge time, making things harder and longer to kill.

Also, the Soma is definitely not spray and pray, it is one of the most accurate weapons in the game, some people have even said that it is useful for long distance kills. Have you seen Mogamu use it long distance on his video? 



Edited by [DE]Danielle
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Insurgency, ARMA, Receiver.

i only know 1 of those and i can tell you that in ARMA you should be down in about 3-5 bullets instead of surviving with 1 bullet away from death. im sure if you really thought about it you would find that these games aren't 100% logical. games are annoying and boring when they are full of logic.

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To answer your question about how arrows penetrate heavy armor.... They are heavy. Arrows. Far heavier than normal arrows. Weight focused in a small area causes penetration.  And dread arrows have PLASMA BLADES. Its like shooting "light sabers". Other bows im sure also have some "weird stuff" in their arrows that keep them going...But it really should change trajectory after piercing a damn dude....srsly

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