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Is This What Odd Has Come To?


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And if you don't obey them, they will release their true ultimate: tantrum prime


You mean a Vauban spamming Jump Pad all over the places you're trying to stand because you didn't listen to them?  Been experiencing that lately.  Keep forgetting to bring my Limbo so I can banish those jerks.

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And if you don't obey them, they will release their true ultimate: tantrum prime


To be fairly honest, the only time I saw someone throwing a tantrum was when me and two other guys decided to leave (Fairly early.) on a T3D because people kept dying. 


The guy was a child because he was on mic and the voice betrayed his age. He went "If you leave before I say so, I'll abort the mission!"


And he did it. But that case was a limit between 'asking politely' and 'throwing a fit'...


I don't see tantrum being thrown in what the OP told us. I see more some hurted pride from others don't recognize his 'greatness'.

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But don't complain if in PUG people leaves\kick you if you don't follow directions...


It's still silly, people need to remember what the directions are for (making everyone win).


If nobody is in trouble and everything is going smoothly towards success, then it doesn't matter if you don't follow the directions.

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To be fairly honest, the only time I saw someone throwing a tantrum was when me and two other guys decided to leave (Fairly early.) on a T3D because people kept dying. 


The guy was a child because he was on mic and the voice betrayed his age. He went "If you leave before I say so, I'll abort the mission!"


And he did it. But that case was a limit between 'asking politely' and 'throwing a fit'...


I don't see tantrum being thrown in what the OP told us. I see more some hurted pride from others don't recognize his 'greatness'.


And that's when you tell Region/Recruiting not to team with the little fart.

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It's still silly, people need to remember what the directions are for (making everyone win).


If nobody is in trouble and everything is going smoothly towards success, then it doesn't matter if you don't follow the directions.


From my point of view it doesn't matter if you're being successful or not, if you're not listening to directions you're proving yourself unreliabe and unwilling to cooperate. 


And personally, if aiming for a long run, I'd rather restart with someone reliable.


What he did was being very akin to the Hallway Hero thing, he ignored others to have his fun. 


Even if it works out, that's not how you do teamplay.


Especially with strangers.

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From my point of view it doesn't matter if you're being successful or not, if you're not listening to directions you're proving yourself unreliabe and unwilling to cooperate. 


And personally, if aiming for a long run, I'd rather restart with someone reliable.


What he did was being very akin to the Hallway Hero thing, he ignored others to have his fun. 


Even if it works out, that's not how you do teamplay.


Especially with strangers.


Except Hallway Heroes screw people out of XP.  If they were just slashing stuff to pieces while still getting people their energy, heals and kills...  what the hell was the problem?

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Except Hallway Heroes screw people out of XP.  If they were just slashing stuff to pieces while still getting people their energy, heals and kills...  what the hell was the problem?


Exactly, I was staying put in the square where the pod is placed, using Vauban's vortex to my advantage...


Hallway hero'ing is completely different.

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Except Hallway Heroes screw people out of XP.  If they were just slashing stuff to pieces while still getting people their energy, heals and kills...  what the hell was the problem?



Exactly, I was staying put in the square where the pod is placed, using Vauban's vortex to my advantage...


Hallway hero'ing is completely different.


I have always seen Hallway Hero-ing more as 'not taking into account what other say' rather than the mere xp screw up.


They told him to come up, but he didn't and kept doing his thing. He could have simply stopped and gone to the place he had been asked to stay in. Maybe the host wouldn't have left then. Instead (I assume.) he kept doing his stuff.


Then he came to the forums and gave us a nice /something/ speech about his badassery, how well he performed and how others were so horribily wrong in being disappointed by his behaviour. And unfairly left. Because "You're not doing what we asked you to do." isn't enough of a reason for them to not like partying with him.


Sorry but no sympathy from me here.


And for the record, the Host could simply have aborted the mission. No rewards for anyone, no 'wasted' key. Yet he choose to politely stay until the first useful wave to leave and *then* leave. 


Compared to you that had to come and greentext on the forum, the Host had shown us the behaviour of a civilized gamer.

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I have always seen Hallway Hero-ing more as 'not taking into account what other say' rather than the mere xp screw up.




Hall way Heros are the people who stay away from the pod, spawnkilling the mobs, screwing everyone out of EXP. That's how the term originated.


This can easily be seen 2 ways.


The trinity was doing thier job, providing energy and blessings fro their team, but to sit in 1 spot, mindlessly spamming on button for hours is literally a chore and i'm certain DE would never encourage that, case and point, Viver.


However, it's thier key, thier rules, don't like it? You can just leave.


However personally, i don't mind someone meleeing near the pod as long as we get the EXP. whole ODD ledges just encourage this behviour OP was walking about as the infested cannot reach the players .

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using just your powers over and over again to kill everything fast for xp

but I have this gun, this pistol, and a really good sword

no, you're not playing the game the way I want you to play, conform to what we want or we'll just leave


There is something wrong when you have a game when you can configure your weapons and powers in quite a few different ways, and then everyone insists you play it the "right way".


I hate this stuff in most MMOs... I hated this stuff with Viver...  I hate xp farming in general!  This is a game, let's play a game, not farm for XP.  There are so many ways will get your XP in the game from simply playing the game.  If you're going to play to only optimize your XP gain, it sounds less like you're playing a game and doing work.  I'm sorry, but I get enough work during the day, I play a game to have fun and relax.

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...  what the hell was the problem?


I guess Branwyn basically wants to say:


"host's key, host's rules".


And that is somewhat relateable.


No amount of complaints of how boring, etc... a specific way to play is, changes the fact that Cat_Jam disobeyed a simple order given by the host. It may not have put the team to a risk (it's just boring ODD), but since it's a random group not knowing each other it is quite unpolite to disobey an order given by the host, no matter how much one dislikes it.


There's basically no way the host could have known if Cat_Jam is just a newbie, a troll or an ultra elitist wanting to show off or just a plain normal regular player wanting to have some fun. And that's why it is in the best interests to stay in line.

Edited by MeduSalem
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using just your powers over and over again to kill everything fast for xp

but I have this gun, this pistol, and a really good sword

no, you're not playing the game the way I want you to play, conform to what we want or we'll just leave


There is something wrong when you have a game when you can configure your weapons and powers in quite a few different ways, and then everyone insists you play it the "right way".


I hate this stuff in most MMOs... I hated this stuff with Viver...  I hate xp farming in general!  This is a game, let's play a game, not farm for XP.  There are so many ways will get your XP in the game from simply playing the game.  If you're going to play to only optimize your XP gain, it sounds less like you're playing a game and doing work.  I'm sorry, but I get enough work during the day, I play a game to have fun and relax.

I agree with everything you've just said and is the entire reason I got my butt off that ledge at wave 10...


I wasn't just gonna waste an hour of my time pressing 2 on a wall. I play this game to have fun, not to grind...


As for Branwyn, I wasn't downed throughout the mission- I kept myself up with my build and my cleavers (which with the Steel Meridian mod are very fun btw ^^). I mean, sure I could've agreed and sat on the ledge for the next 70 waves but where does that get me? I'll tell you where, it gets me on top of a ledge for the next 70 waves and that's not what ODD was made for...


He asked for a Trinity, I gave him a Trinity. He didn't ask for a gargoyle.

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There's basically no way the host could have known if Cat_Jam is just a newbie, a troll or an ultra elitist wanting to show off or just a plain normal regular player wanting to have some fun. And that's why it is in the best interests to stay in line.


Yeah, I'm not gonna treat anyone else as though they have some say in what I do in a game like this.  I gave up putting up with "listen to the team leader" when I quit WoW.  I'm not gonna play a game like it's a homework assignment and/or an exercise in following orders.  It's a video game.  If people are killing and contributing to the team, who the hell cares?  If someone is seriously going to say "my key, my rules" I'll go find someone else.  Or, hell, I'll take the huge stockpile of keys I've amassed since Update 8 and go run some my damn self, free of control freaks.

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I guess Branwyn basically wants to say:


"host's key, host's rules".


And that is somewhat relateable.


No amount of complaints of how boring, etc... a specific way to play is, changes the fact that Cat_Jam disobeyed a simple order given by the host. It may not have put the team to a risk (it's just boring ODD), but since it's a random group not knowing each other it is quite unpolite to disobey an order given by the host, no matter how much one dislikes it.


There's basically no way the host could have known if Cat_Jam is just a newbie, a troll or an ultra elitist wanting to show off or just a plain normal regular player wanting to have some fun. And that's why it is in the best interests to stay in line.


This plus I wanted to point out that the way the OP used to express himself, a way we all know from where it comes and which kind of people use it, felt more aimed to gather consensus for having been unfairly excluded from the party (How unfairly tho, given the Host even waited for the first chance to bail out.) rather than being a constructive critic on the problems of ODD.


There's everything present, from the greentext to the meme image, to portray the OP like the 'sir' and the VauPan like an uncultured bumpkin.


@Vince613: Then do it! But if you go on Recruit and spam [whatever] LF [whatever] or if you spam MeMeMe to anyone putting up an H[something] then you should be ready to follow what other said. If you have the keys, run them. If you don't have them, don't piggyback on the shoulders of others and then do whatever you want because no one can 'order you around'.

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There's everything present, from the greentext to the meme image, to portray the OP like the 'sir' and the VauPan like an uncultured bumpkin.


Not saying I was a "sir" nor was I saying the Vauban was a "bumpkin", I was telling a story of how I was doing the exact thing ODD was made for -- as in, protecting the pod -- and that the Vauban wanted me out for not playing like him.


And I can understand where you're coming from with the "host's key, host's rules" bs but in all fairness there's one objective to a single objective mission... And I can 100% surely say that the objective has absolutely NOTHING to do with the host. Even so- the host didn't specify what to do, we all joined and got on a ledge and played until one of us, me, got up and had some fun (without effecting anyone else). The host said "get up to safety" and I said no and justified my answer. The justification being I'm a support frame and I'm over equipped to take care of myself and the team if anything were to happen.


Get off your high horse acting like a soldier, this is a game-- play when you want, any way you want.

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Also present throughout MMOs are people joining meta groups and then getting angry when told to play meta. If you don't want to do it farmway don't join a farm group, or at the very least don't be surprised when you get booted for it. It's just as easy to craft your own key and post "hosting ODD fun run"


Basically, you joined a group of people who wanted to play a certain way and signaled your intent to play differently, their wishes be damned. That is what sounds selfish in this story.

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Yep, this is why I don't do Towers or OD with pugs.

"But if we don't do it EXACTLY like the YouTube video said to, people will think we're NOOBZ!"

Sure, I can do a long run. But I'm going to have fun while I do it. I refuse to grind so that at some indeterminate point in the future the possibility of fun will exist. 

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 If you have the keys, run them. If you don't have them, don't piggyback on the shoulders of others and then do whatever you want because no one can 'order you around'.


Would it still be considered piggybacking if I brought my A-game and top-shelf equipment to the mission?  I'm sorry but that's the problem I'm having here.  The OP dropped in to the playable area and started killing infested -- which is the freaking POINT -- while still fulfilling their duties as the team's much-sought-after Trinity.  If the team leader was enough of a tight-wad to say "get back up on the ledge because I said so" and "I'll restart with a better player" than how exactly does the problem fall on OP?  The team leader was a jerk. 


I want to hear one good argument as to how someone killing Infested on an ODD is a bad thing, and I don't want to hear "well the team leader said" nonsense.  The team leader is not the end-all be-all of Warframe, and if they abort the mission because you're not specifically doing what they ask EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE CONTRIBUTING, then you as a Tenno have better **** to do with your time than help them run their boring ODD ledge-rider competition.

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I've run 20 wave ODDs with random Alliance members where we all run around like crazy trying to melee everything and live through all the poison.

I've run up to 50 wave ones where I stood on a ledge and spammed Penta.


I will take those 20 wave runs any day of the week.

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