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Mesa Math


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in the past there has always been a way to progress under your own power, there is no such method in this instance.


mesa requires hours of downtime with no way to work toward her completion on your own, under your own power... this is my issue.

i have faith this will be revisited, in time...

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No, quote the part where I have said that.


You speak as if there is no middle ground between easy, giveaway and ridiculous grindwall. Disliking one extreme does not mean that I instantly favour the opposite extreme. That is really messed up logic.


If you read what I asked for I asked for genuine, new content and not artificial difficulty in the shape of endless tedium.

you didnt, BUT in a sense you want it easier like most warframe are minus primes.  the invasions are random yes, but alot of people wanted more teamwork in the game, this is a way of doing this.  the middle gound (being a quest) does sound nice, but just a quest doesnt last as long as doing this.  not to mention, doing this, your not always doing the same exact thing all the time and spreads out the content a little.  i like a lil grind wall, because of everything wasnt a grind wall in this game, i would find myself looking for another game due to not really having much to do afterwards :/


as for New content, everyone wants that, but wasnt that giving in the form of "Archwing"?  in which some people did have HUGE backlash on.  they tried new creative content but it didnt hold people over for very long it seems.  making new maps also takes time, it takes testing them a pain, the ammount of tile's a map set needs is quite a large ammount.  if the set is more machine in system (blocky map layout) its easier to work the engine around it, but if its like earth, the maps start to become a little redundent (there are times i can say i predicted which map tile came next)  they would also have to release a new planet to do this, but then question would be what would "inhabbit" this planet?  making a new faction would take serious time, not to mention how would you even put them in game without saying "they came from the rift" or pulling something out of your rear and says "time demension"  content takes money, needs ways to bring players into the game, and also still fit the game.  space ninjas


not 100% sure if DE would go down this route as it would be risky at every turn, and the ammount of bugs that may come also is a time factor.  if the community did something like a kikstarter for DE and say "make something cool and new that isnt much like a rehash of the old things we have" it be hard, not to mention, you cant please everyone, and they really dont want to make the entire community mad if it was something people think was bad.  but you never know.  maybe if something like this happen, it could bring something awesome into the game, and if it brings tons of players, getting notice by big company's (like star citizen has) could launch warframe into a open delta?  o.o


im rambling again, i is tired from stay up till 7am last night updating....

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you didnt, BUT in a sense you want it easier like most warframe are

I'm very tired of hearing things like this. I do not want to aquire fames easily. Period. If fact, that applies to nearly everything.

Let me repeat myself to be absolutely 100% clear - I do not want to get things easily. What I do want is for my progress in the game to be based on merit, skill, intelligence, and hard work - not random chance. Is that such a difficult concept to grasp? Is that such a far fetched ideal?

The point is there are solutions other than what we have now. I've heard and seen them here on the forums and in game.

But here people are anyway who feel obligated for some reason to defend a poorly derived system, just because.

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i dont want the frame but i can understand how hard it is for people who have waited for a frame like this...

i fell in love with valkyr recently, ive to say its a bit unfair.. you get valkyr pretty easily and its a very good frame with godmode...lol, if you know how to play her...


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Well my Mesa hunt is going just great, tried to do a keyshare with two groups and got bailed on twice. 2nd time we made sure everyone had keys and when it was time for the bailer to use his they just DC'd so they could keep their's and when they came back they ignored us. 



Who the f**k thought this was a good idea?

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How is this a bad idea? There are plenty of Warframes to easily obtain through minimal effort. You don't need to get Mesa. Nobody is forcing you to get her.


Because she looks like a really fun warframe to play as.

No I'm not being forced, however I was looking forward to using her before the release and then DE places a (near) impossible wall in front so it is either platinum or miss out.


And I am not going to support this mentality that DE is pushing on us with impossible grind to reach not only warframes, but even a boss. They put so much effort into these bosses then tell people they need to spend a week to even see it. Garbage.

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But here people are anyway who feel obligated for some reason to defend a poorly derived system, just because.


Not sure where the mentality comes from. Perhaps they get some thrill in telling others to "get up and walk" when someone kicks their crutches out from under them.

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TOOK ME 4 RUNS! HOW YOU LIKE THAT. Really when I got into a key share whenever it came time for me to host key, I crashed. Then i meet this one group of people i didn't think i could trust, and you know what? First key: Helm, second key: Chassis (had that), third key: Chassis(I got so scared cuz the last guy was the host and he wasnt showing his key so i got scared he ripped us all off, then turns out he has a key) Fourth key, the most confusing run of them all cuz i walked past door and saw a scorpion (grineer), then is was like "This is a sign". Turns out... it was. Got systems on my fourth run. I was so happy, i was going to add everyone in the lobby but the other except host left instantly. So me and the host are just sitting in squad congrating each other. I swear greatest day ever. Mesa will be done tomorrow, Tuesday December 2, 2014. Now i just need enough plat to buy a slot for her, can't get rid of mirage, excal, ash, or ember p.

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Okay, after reading all of this topic, I noticed some people mentioning something along the lines of "This isn't any more grind or randomization than say, Hyrdroid."  Well, while in a way that may be true, let me lay something out for you.

In Hydroid's case, the Vay Hek Beacons are randomly dropped from prosecutors while playing missions on Phobos.  This is a  (somewhat) acceptable form of embedded randomization because anyone who wants those beacons can go for them at ANY TIME.  They may not GET the ones they are looking for, but the opportunity is there.

In Mesa's case, the Mutalist Nav Coords are ONLY dropped by running 3 missions on Infested Invasions that randomly pop up on planets.  And while the concept is fine on paper (Node appears, run 3 times, let node finish, you are guaranteed to have coord), it fails in practicality for anyone not able to play the game on a near 24/7 basis currently because of the way Invasions work, and the fact that when a node DOES appear, because of the scarcity of the nodes, they disappear quicker than a pizza at a Weight Watcher's meeting.

In Hydroid's case, there's plenty of RNG, but in the end, the control at least FEELS like it's in the hands of the player.  The notion of "All I need to do is run this mission again and I can get the Beacon I need" is MUCH more powerful and driving a feeling to a player than "I must sit here and watch a website or the actual Warframe game like a hawk so I can bum-rush missions to get a Coord I need".  One feels rewarding, the other feels like tedium.

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It's a brand new Frame, and everyone again assumes the rules are permanent. All DE has to do after Mesa had it's time in the market is increase frequency of missions, or even get it hardwired to a planet to cycle some nodes.


Also the OP Math is broken, Every player in a team gets the nav, so there is 4 times more keys generated. All you have to do is make runs with clan members or mates. It is NOT DE's fault you have the inability to do that.


It is not the best system they have implemented but it is not the hell on earth people keep saying it is.


NEW FRAME! IN MARKET! for god sake stop behaving like kids that just saw a kinder surprise egg.

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You must be new here!


Welcome to warframe!


While I appreciate your assertion to check my math, the fact that firstly, "keyshares" don't tend to work out well, secondly, many players are stuck in solo mode for various reasons, and thirdly, virtually nobody keeps their entire team the entire time they're playing, it is, in fact, correct. Thansk for trying to be helpful, though!


Further, I would suppose it's important to remember, even if you could find a way to do everything in a permanent group of 4(which is not the general warframe experience), your group would still need an average of 50 total missions run, over the course of a week+. Pretty solid team you've got there, but that's still a *lot* of missions for a frame, when you can get others requiring a quest much faster(mirage; 9, limbo: 5) and can craft other keys much more easily(nekros & hydroid: can forge roughly 1 key per mission done).


Anywho, all of that being said, thanks for trying to be helpful!

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Finally got a group together to do a keyshare, got all 3 parts in 3 runs.


I'm suddenly wondering--a few other people have mentioned getting it in a very low number of runs.


How many people have done a full keyshare(4 people using 4 keys) and not gotten it? How many people have gotten it all in 1 run?


I'm wondering if they didn't correct for things by making keyshare groups have weighted odds.

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RNG in keysharing seems to be extremely good. O>o


Heard plenty of stories of keysharing people getting all the parts in around 3 runs if they're lucky and don't get cheated on. Didn't quite believe it until I did it myself. Got all the parts in 3 runs in a random PUG. One of the other guys was a mega nice guy though (he only needed systems), we got systems in the first run using my key, he stuck around so we could use his key too. :D

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