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Once The Initial Burst Has Calmed Down I Really Think We Need A Dev Response On The Mutualist Key Fiasco.


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If you've been browsing the forums at all recently I'm sure you've seen the many, many topics and posts about the Mutalist Keys (the keys to Alad V and Mesa), and the way everything about them works (how to collect beacons, how many are needed, etc...)


Now players tolerated stuff like Nekros and Hydroid (the latter a little grudgingly once the initial bugs and tweaks were made to the Prosecutor/Beacon drop rates), but with this new update I am seeing twice, if not more of the playerbase up in arms about the current situation.


I feel that a response from DE is desperately needed over this (an explanation, perhaps plans to change the method, etc...) as they are in serious threat right now of losing a fair amount of players due to the perceived "Perfect World"-esque farm/grind wall they have used with this update. 


Now I am not demanding a response, I am simply requesting/begging that one of the Devs please respond to the recent outcries and criticism lest they drive away more players who may feel neglected/offended over this.

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i'd really like to see an explanation as well. my entire enthusiasm for getting mesa was tossed out a 3rd story window when i finally realised how many nav coordinates i'd need to build keys. and as someone who works 40+ hours a week, i can't always be sitting at the computer waiting for these nav coordinate events to pop up, much less take the time to do each of them 3 times.

Edited by Telluric
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Nekros was pretty easy to get. I STILL don't have hydroid though. That's a toughy.
I personally like the way they released Mesa and the way to get her. I don't usually play invasion missions, so this gave me a not so grindy way to revisit content that i do enjoy, but often forget about.
After you get your key made, join up with a key share party. A  trustworthy key party! Be warned that there are scammers out there who leave before using their keys. I just ran into one in our party, but we did get Mesa's Chassis and Helm before he left.
It's not hard, just have to have the keys.

Maybe I'm just extremely glad I don't have to farm for beacons to get this frame too. If that was the case, I prolly wouldn't even try for her. Hydroid ruined the fun with that.
I understand working 40+ hours a week. But if everything was quick and easy, the game would die. We have to think about the long term. :)

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Yup. After completing the (rather time consuming) quest for the blueprint, it was disappointing to realize we don't get to meet the new boss until RNGesus decides to grace us with an invasion that awards the Navs... Three times. So basically:

1. Wait for an invasion

2. Do said invasion 3 times for one nav

3. 3 invasions later aka 9 missions + time in between RNG = 1 nav

4. Battle Alad V for one random blueprint.


Come on. Was this really necessary, locking another warframe behind a grindwall? [size=5]Especially one so good looking[/size]

I mean Hydroid is a problem as is, but at least you don't have to wait for randomly timed events in order to farm him.


I plead this gets changed, both for Hydroid and Mesa's sake.

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Don't see why we need a response, and I didn't even know it was a fiasco...


The viver situation, sure, but this? Give me a break. People are just over reacting. Some slight tweaks may be needed but it's not nearly as bad as a lot of people are making it out to be.

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I still haven't been able to craft the Halikar from the last update. I really want that Grineer boomerang. And I didn't even start with zero Oxium, I had 200 or so.


My point is: I'm not sure some grinds are worth the bother. I wanted Mesa, but now I'm just not going to try. Gettin Hydroid was a pain enough. I actually kinda enjoyed farming Ceres, you double your time getting Orokin Cells here and there. But having to run three infestation missions? No thanks. Three 10-minute survival missions in a row are painful, and I'm never putting msyelf through that again.

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I'm sure they'll address it eventually. It takes time, but they do listen.


However, they also easily forget it. You'd think it was common sense, but apparently i think they roll the dice when making their decisions too.

Edited by akkerusia
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However, they also easily forget it. You'd think it was common sense, but apparently i think they roll the dice when making their decisions too.


Yeah true.  I'm not so sure about rolling the dice, but I feel as if some grubby people in suits who want maximum profit from the players are controlling the strings.  I'm not even sure how anyone can think that the current quest is alright.  DE already has too much experience to pass this off as a 'mistake'.  They already made a few good quests already, and they know we hated the Hydroid grind.

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Ah well, I'm sure we will get plenty of the "I don't know what you're complaining about! I got enough parts to build 5 Mesas in 15 minutes! It's not hard!" kind of people. You know, the kind of people who assume all the player base has access to the resources they have.

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Mirage quest was awsome.

The archwing was a time wall but still enjoyable.

The kubrow was a pain.

Limbo was a pain.

Mesa is a pain.

Hydroid was a pain too.


Right now the only quest i really enjoy are the one that only give lore inside the game and the frame i did enjoy grinding to get were already on the solar system. The mesa situation is probably a intent to get the impatien to pay for it (wich is no excuse) or a error from themself (wich is no excuse).

Their are already 50 idea to make this frame more user friendly in the feedback section.The only way to make them see their error is to speak of this subjet in a civilised manner.

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I'm sure they'll address it eventually. It takes time, but they do listen.

I think thats the point of it. Force Mesa sales for plat and then 'fix it' so everyones happy.


Jesus christ I dont even want to begin farming hydroid, gonna take a week.



My marketing goggles read, "once everyone who's gonna buy is done buying, they'll ease up on the grind." XD


Exactly what happens all the time. Its getting pretty ridiculous tbh.

Edited by Qynchou
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Jesus christ I dont even want to begin farming hydroid, gonna take a week.

Sup fellow veteran! (Never said hi to you before, but I know you've been around.)

Regarding farming hydroid. Well it may take longer than that, I mean I've been periodically clicking the mission for the first component of the limbo quest (the helmet?) and... Zero squads active.

Sigh... If you don't farm when everyone else is, it may be difficult.

Good luck to you.

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The easiest solution would be to make the node permanently unlocked by some means- a one-time BP, quest completion, or 100% completion of a node.

That allows the mission to remain gates while preventing players from having to constantly farm. I'd love to play Lephantis or Vay Hek, but it's not worth farming to get the key. The fun bosses are locked behind grind walls, and it's no fun even when you end up with the frame.

Bosses are not a grind, they're an experience, and the farm DE creates prevents us from having that experience with so much grind.

Edited by UpgradeInProgress
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I think they could make it rng and very difficult to obtain and put it on lares. With 0,00001 chance of getting it. Than people should calm down and say that at least she is equal to Hydroid. if you don´t give playerbase the oportunity do get the warframe in one day they get mad. They don´t want to grind, they don´t want timewalls, and they don´t have any better suggestion also.

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The easiest solution would be to make the node permanently unlocked by some means- a one-time BP, quest completion, or 100% completion of a node.

That allows the mission to remain gates while preventing players from having to constantly farm. I'd love to play Lephantis or Vay Hek, but it's not worth farming to get the key. The fun bosses are locked behind grind walls, and it's no fun even when you end up with the frame.

Bosses are not a grind, they're an experience, and the farm DE creates prevents us from having that experience with so much grind.




It's not just about the items. I just wanna fight the damn boss, I don't even care about the frame. Why is the actual gameplay content held hostage here? Stick Salad somewhere on Eris and make him drop Neural Sensors for all I care. 


I have an idea, make the boss available from the star chart and put a big door behind him. After you kill the boss you need a key to open his special treasure room. There, it's the exact same thing. Unless DE thinks that we should grind like this just for the priviledge to face the boss... in which case I would reply with "CENSORED!".

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I think they could make it rng and very difficult to obtain and put it on lares. With 0,00001 chance of getting it. Than people should calm down and say that at least she is equal to Hydroid. if you don´t give playerbase the oportunity do get the warframe in one day they get mad. They don´t want to grind, they don´t want timewalls, and they don´t have any better suggestion also.


I don't believe its the fact that they can't get Mesa in one day that makes people angry, its the fact that it can potentially take a month or more to get her due to both the randomness of the Invasion/Outbreak rewarding Beacons, along with having to fight with hundreds of other players to get them before the mission is completed, along with the RNG of Alad V's Mesa part drops.

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