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Why I Am Still Playing This Game?


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''Why i am still playing warframe?'' i asked myself. So i though a little. ''The game is so freakin awesome with so awesome things, the mesa warframe looks so fun to play with!'' them i though a little about the why i am so bored in the game. Why i am so angry at it? them realized  the answer.

''75 Plat costs 9$ in my country, to buy mesa alone it would cost 40, to craft her i will need to camp in the computer all day long, hope i get all 3 parts in 3 runs, wait 3 days 15H counting the time to build 3 keys...  '' them i just closed the game and unistalled it before i started raging. Posting this while i install league of legends... this game has SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much potential but grind walls are pretty high, RNG makes it triple sized and time walls to build the warframe... yeah. not going to check this topic again so do whatever you guys want to do with it.

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Well, have fun with 5yo in LoL then, where nothing is saved and you have to level it over and over and over again >.>

And till you get all the champions you need, you would have half the frames and all prime weapons =)

Replacing gring with a grind... such a smart move

oh wait...

Edited by Grobbus
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He's right about the grind walls. Is our objective really just collecting stuff in this game?

No. A game that has the objective of collecting items is called a Collect-a-thon. Like Banjo Kazooie where you can collect sooooo many things in the game.


Warframe's objective is to eliminate the threats that lie awake in the system. That is our objective.

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Still millions of people who like the game


buh bye

Wrong. But there is people who still play this game pretty often around the day but, I can't see even 1 million on this game.


Edit* to make clear I can't see a million people on at a time in 1 day. Though there is alot inactive would still count as a number if you follow me on this.

Edited by Monsterwithin
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people dumping WF for LoL make me lol!!!!

No. A game that has the objective of collecting items is called a Collect-a-thon. Like Banjo Kazooie where you can collect sooooo many things in the game.


Warframe's objective is to eliminate the threats that lie awake in the system. That is our objective.

aaaaaaaand......to look awesome and serve Lotus :3 

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I am guilty of this by posting here too, 12 posts and over 100 views? So you're leaving, it won't matter to the whole. If you're not happy then go. What you're trying to do is just as silly. So kthxbai.

How is the post amount relevant to what you do in the game?

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No. A game that has the objective of collecting items is called a Collect-a-thon. Like Banjo Kazooie where you can collect sooooo many things in the game.


Warframe's objective is to eliminate the threats that lie awake in the system. That is our objective.

That is role play, how do you even function? 

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Just about any game you play if you don't spend money is a grind. RNG sucks bad for some ppl in Warframe, but any game that gives stuff out for playing it will have RNG or just crappy payouts not worth the time you put in. What so you can't have a frame as soon a possible, well think of it this way, YOU CAN GET IT FREE. Unlike some games where you have to pay for anything released. I'm glad that stuff is hard to get or everyone would be walking around with new content bored the week after wanting yet more free hand outs...

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That is role play, how do you even function? 

I don't know whether to feel insulted by the last comment or not, but anyways it isn't role playing. That is our objective from day one. To eliminate the threat that is posed against us, not to collect every prime and weapon. 

Those goals are set by us (the player), but in the end our true and main goal is to eliminate the threat that is the Grineer, Infested and Corpus (Corpus is to some extent).

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