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Soma Prime...ruined Dreams



I just can't get it this awesome gun was not questionable king in the game before boltordoesn't or..DE's raise old good boltor from ashes and move it to the top

And what they did with soma? This was mastery 6 weapon dedicated to really good players, it was a pass to the unknown areas of endless def or surv. With that gun, i mean you have that feeling...you could almost get drunk with that power...and now soma prime...nothing else to me but commercial toy

This weapon should get at least 50% base crit chance + that tiny base damage buff, it should be locked at mastery 12 minimum so every player that could get that would have that...that "yes finally"

But now...absolutely nothing special. It shouldn't be a prime but wrath or vandal...its does

And to all those that was so worry about "somas prime" everywhere...boltor prime will still be everywhere and vets didn't get dream weapon

I am so disappointed. ..how could you do that DE's with nearly perfect SOMA...

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Really long survivals or really long defenses similar to the recent event make the weapon worthless really, for the majority of the game it may make sense, but many players out there would never pick such an ammo inefficient weapon to kill lvl 200 enemies.


A nice weapon, a bit unreliable on the critical side since sometimes you do a non critical and not kill enemies, the MR requirement is a bit bogus and should be raised.

In other words it's something to used by low-mid tier players or for fun by all the players.

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It's quite funny, the playerbase seems to be divided between hating the Soma Prime because it's a direct upgrade to what was already considered a top-tier weapon and hating the Soma Prime because it's not "broken enough" for them.


Who cares if it didn't get a +120% damage boost like the Boltor -> Boltor Prime. It's a full-on improvement to a gun that was already on par with the Boltor Prime to begin with folks, be happy it got upgraded at all (it could've been more like the Akbronco Prime or Glaive Prime and constitute as a side grade with no direct damage buff).

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I dunno why people $#*(@ about the buff. A 55% increase in sustained DPS is rather significant, and the added ammo pool definitely is a nice bonus. Plus a tiny bit of status :)


Yes, it would have been nice to see a crit chance buff to be able to reach 100% for consistency's sake, but it would be too much, unless they also reduced the fire rate. Hmm, they should just buff Critical Delay to 10 ranks! :D



Primed Point Strike

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I just can't get it this awesome gun was not questionable king in the game before boltordoesn't or..DE's raise old good boltor from ashes and move it to the top

And what they did with soma? This was mastery 6 weapon dedicated to really good players, it was a pass to the unknown areas of endless def or surv. With that gun, i mean you have that feeling...you could almost get drunk with that power...and now soma prime...nothing else to me but commercial toy

This weapon should get at least 50% base crit chance + that tiny base damage buff, it should be locked at mastery 12 minimum so every player that could get that would have that...that "yes finally"

But now...absolutely nothing special. It shouldn't be a prime but wrath or vandal...its does

And to all those that was so worry about "somas prime" everywhere...boltor prime will still be everywhere and vets didn't get dream weapon

I am so disappointed. ..how could you do that DE's with nearly perfect SOMA...

34k DPS

The Boltor has up to 40k

Deal with it.

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Was a bit dissapointed myself, I'm glad it didn't come out broken, but I did expect a bit of a extra crit chance % to say the least, or at least like 10 slash... But we'll probably see some buff like all the other weapons recently  (Synoid Gammacor/That new shotgun) So just keep on complaining, DE will see it!

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Oh look another one complaining about a prime weapon not being OP as sh**... 


Guys come on, what do you expect? Having 120% damage increase? Imho it's good as it is. It has a large magazine size and i don't even want to mention the ammo pool. It is a upgrade to the Soma (Like it should be!). It is not op at all an that's what makes me like the Soma Prime especially. It has actually a upgrade without just turning the damage up. I wish more primes had those 'passive' buffs like maybe more ammo or a better reload, accuracy buffs etc.

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Oh look another one complaining about a prime weapon not being OP as sh**... 


Guys come on, what do you expect? Having 120% damage increase? Imho it's good as it is. It has a large magazine size and i don't even want to mention the ammo pool. It is a upgrade to the Soma (Like it should be!). It is not op at all an that's what makes me like the Soma Prime especially. It has actually a upgrade without just turning the damage up. I wish more primes had those 'passive' buffs like maybe more ammo or a better reload, accuracy buffs etc.

Yea, that extra ONE HUNDRED ammo in the clip is GODLY. Would just prefer boltor prime to have double mag size, over a lil dmg buff.

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I didn't want to 120% damage increase, i never said that.

In yours opinions this is ok, but with mine it's not. It should be at least a 10% better than boltor prime.

I wanted to have weapon better to be able to go farther in game, and let's be honest here, soma was that kind of weapon before and it's deserve to be the best as a prime!

All of you are saying " we don't need anather op weapon" yes for regular mision we don't, but reach unreachable before we need, and i had hope that soma will allow me to do this.

And one more time, consider this please, for regular misions almost half of the weapons in game will be op if you forma them and put maxed mods.

And i don't know how are you guys , but i don't use boltor p or old lovely soma for regular misions, it's just pointless....

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What happened to people using the good old fashioned regular braton? I feel like I'm the last guy that still uses it as there main choice. I could move up to other weapons, but I just love the sound of a braton.

have my dread for stealth missions, but my braton build takes down lvl 35 enemies with ease. I would get the braton prime, but I just cannot find the stock no matter how hard I look. I'm out of plat, so I can't trade and everyone who has spare parts has all the mods I trade.

It seems like now all people look for is boltor prime and I'm sure soma prime is next.

Edited by (PS4)Crixus044
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