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Void Drop Tables' Rotation C Was Stealth Nerfed, Please Raise Awareness Of This Issue


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The problem is they stuff too much into Void drop tables. I've been saying this since 2013.

They really need to add more Void missions if they want to keep these drops in the Void...just adding the items is drowning the loot and players.

The loot itself is being beaten down by the RNG...because the more loot you add the more numbers you add and certain numbers will come up more often than others...The players are being beaten down because after so many runs and NOT getting even KIND OF close to what you're grinding for,many will just walk away and leave the content to rot...


I'm not against RNG...AT ALL. I do think it needs an overhaul though...We need MORE missions with SMALLER loot tables.

Each mission should have 4 basic rewards 25% drop chance) and one 1% drop that is rarer and more desirable.

(JUST an example)


Ironically, adding more Void missions just transfers the dilution problem to the keys instead of the prime parts. As it stands the reward tables in the Void definitely are diluted (also I think we all can agree the weighting on the odds is brutally uneven for certain parts), but key distribution would have to be improved too somehow to offset the extra dilution there.

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Ironically, adding more Void missions just transfers the dilution problem to the keys instead of the prime parts. As it stands the reward tables in the Void definitely are diluted (also I think we all can agree the weighting on the odds is brutally uneven for certain parts), but key distribution would have to be improved too somehow to offset the extra dilution there.

Which could immediately be solved by having Syndicates sell ALL keys. Each one gets 2 different types, that allows us to fit in Sabotage. T1 through T4. Still requires grinding, just this puts a cap on how much grind is needed for a key.

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Which could immediately be solved by having Syndicates sell ALL keys. Each one gets 2 different types, that allows us to fit in Sabotage. T1 through T4. Still requires grinding, just this puts a cap on how much grind is needed for a key.


Yeah, I have to admit having the hardest tier of key being the easiest to get in volume is incredibly silly.

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I'm noticing that the guaranteed random prime part at round 4 intercept, wave 15 defense, 20 minute survival is no longer guaranteed at all. I just ran 8 rounds of t4 intercept and got:


r5 core, forma, akbronco prime, forma, akbronco prime, r5 corex5, akbronco prime, wyrm prime systems.


I ran t2 survival and got


R5 core, R5 core, R5 corex5, forma.


this pattern is recurring in almost all my runs. And before you all cry "that's just bad luck bro" I'd like to point out I'm not screaming that the new prime parts be handed to me, I'm saying that I'm not even getting CRAP prime parts. Please stop putting forma and cores in the rotation C, It is highly upsetting

Dude, RNG. I've been playing T1 Capture for THREE DAYS trying to get an Hikou Prime part. I have enough boar prime receivers to build a god damn castle. 

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Dude, RNG. I've been playing T1 Capture for THREE DAYS trying to get an Hikou Prime part. I have enough boar prime receivers to build a god damn castle. 

No no no no no. You need to reread my post. I'm not saying "I'm not getting the part I want, WAHHHHH give me DE". I'm saying that you are guaranteed a prime part. You're talking about bad luck with prime part drops. I'm talking about prime parts aren't dropping, PERIOD. I would rather get crap prime parts then get NOTHING

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Yeah, I have to admit having the hardest tier of key being the easiest to get in volume is incredibly silly.

Giving people an easy way to play the mission they want to play is not silly, especially when the rewards people want from said missions are south of 1% chance.

If you burn through 50 keys, and then are told that you have to go play a non-void game just to have another chance at the reward you want, that's the exact opposite of progression.

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I've never had this before and I've run countless survival missions of any tier. Today I did T4 and it was the first time that at 40 minute mark R5 cores dropped. So I was either incredible lucky all the time or they really did change it, which I don't like at all.

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Same for ODS I keep getting T2 C keys at roattion C (20 minutes and 40)


ODS is the worst offender. Did 40 min today and got keys at 20 and 40 min as well. A total of 6 keys in total. I have actually never gotten any prime part from ODS. Either when I tried farming for Burston parts or now with Nova prime.


At least they should be upfront about it instead of listing it like this on the Prime Gear Drop Location sheet.



Rotation C:





That is not the whole truth is it now DE?

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ODS is the worst offender. Did 40 min today and got keys at 20 and 40 min as well. A total of 6 keys in total. I have actually never gotten any prime part from ODS. Either when I tried farming for Burston parts or now with Nova prime.


At least they should be upfront about it instead of listing it like this on the Prime Gear Drop Location sheet.



Rotation C:





That is not the whole truth is it now DE?

Its likely more akin to  (though personaly id prefer it listed by part than mission as typically you want to know where a Part is not what each individual mission drops):



Rotation C:




   Other junk = 70%

Edited by Loswaith
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Its likely more akin to  (though personaly id prefer it listed by part than mission as typically you want to know where a Part is not what each individual mission drops):



Rotation C:




   Other junk = 70%

why pessimistic? :-)

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