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Syndicate Cap Limit


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I really hate the syndicate cap limit. When I have a day off and want to play warframe for 10 hrs straight the cap limit is done in 1-2 hours then it is back to just leveling up weapons I haven't used in a month. I am trying to get every single syndicate card and this makes it hard. I wish it would go back to unlimited. Just my opinion what do you guys think?

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i think that if we go back to the way it was the acquisition rate would be dropped back down, and situations like viver would continue.

DE wants this to take time.


raise your mastery rank. at 18 it's 38k per day.

and yes, you can still hit that in a few hours. but with dailies that's a new augment every day, or a new weapon every 4.

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While I would like to see the cap removed, I don't think it is ever going to happen.


This system is alot better and less grindy. It also rewards more casual players.


The system is just as grindy as it would be without a cap the only difference being that players can only grind for so much per day. And it doesn't reward casual players anymore than it rewards all other types of players.

Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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While I would like to see the cap removed, I don't think it is ever going to happen.



The system is just as grindy as it would be without a cap the only difference being that players can only grind for so much per day. And it doesn't reward casual players anymore than it rewards all other types of players.

cap limit raised
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It's a common mechanic in games featuring factions or alternate currencies obtainable through special quests or methods. Most of the time, it's a weekly limit which resets during or after the weekend. It's a passive method of pacing.


I don't mind it much as syndicate rep should just be something you keep an eye on from time to time then notice you need to rank up or spend it on something else.

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The reason the cap w introduced was exactly cause it was grinded farmed and abused. This system is alot better and less grindy. It also rewards more casual players.

Imo it's fine so far

Who care , I had rather get the stuff cheap instead having to pay hight price for it , and screw the casual who care about them

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It makes sense, and you can actually hit the cap limit in under 1/2 an hour if you know what you're doing. That's actually part of why it's there--they want you doing things BESIDES grinding syndicate points forever.


Further, without a limit, all of the items would be meaningless. Someone that knows how to generate 5 ranks worth syndicate credit in a single day could manufacture hundreds of these "rare" weapons per week.


Worse, it would encourage "gold farmers"--there's a well-known industry of forcing people to farm things for sale in games as virtual slave labor, and then selling the goods they produce for actual money. If it's someone's job to grind syndicate 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, so that their boss can sell their efforts, they will quickly flood out the entire game economy with tons of it, driving up prices of most items by stockpiling plat, while driving down prices of the items they can mass-produce.


Having an inherent limit keeps things sane.

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... as syndicate rep should just be something you keep an eye on from time to time then notice you need to rank up or spend it on something else.


So much this. It was always meant to be like that but ppl abused the hell out of it.

Edited by CruelMaiden
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2 hours?  I fill my cap in 20 minutes :(


To help fill the gap I try to hunt down every last medallion on the syndicate missions, which still award points after you max out your total possible standing.  The missions and medallions usually land me an extra 5k-25k depending on what medallions spawn

Edited by Rennagade
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cap limit raised


That wouldn't solve the issue, it would just change the amount of time I'm allowed to grind per day.


It makes sense, and you can actually hit the cap limit in under 1/2 an hour if you know what you're doing. That's actually part of why it's there--they want you doing things BESIDES grinding syndicate points forever.


Further, without a limit, all of the items would be meaningless. Someone that knows how to generate 5 ranks worth syndicate credit in a single day could manufacture hundreds of these "rare" weapons per week.


Worse, it would encourage "gold farmers"--there's a well-known industry of forcing people to farm things for sale in games as virtual slave labor, and then selling the goods they produce for actual money. If it's someone's job to grind syndicate 15 hours a day, 7 days a week, so that their boss can sell their efforts, they will quickly flood out the entire game economy with tons of it, driving up prices of most items by stockpiling plat, while driving down prices of the items they can mass-produce.


Having an inherent limit keeps things sane.


That's exactly why I don't like the cap. I can hit my cap in half an hour of playtime and then I'm left with little/nothing to do. DE's attempt to guarantee that I do things other than grinding syndicate points has ended up reducing my playtime (per day) to an hour at best. I get on, grind rep, hit my cap, and then exit the game.


That could be solved by changing how rep is gained (not tying it to kills affinity seems like a no-brainer). I don't see how being able to produce a ton of the weapons would really be all that negative. Over-saturation of the market would eventually balance itself out.


I don't even see how that would work with Warframe. Stockpiling plat does very little to the market as we can always inject more into the system, while driving down the prices of items also does very little (other than discourage 'gold farmers' due to the low benefit to time ratio). I'm never going to take the 'gold farmer' threat seriously since I just do not see how it could function profitably within Warframe.


That ^^^ ladies and gentleman is the kind of player we DONT want in this community.


That depends. I agree with the first part of their post, but disagree with the second part.

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While I would like to see the cap removed, I don't think it is ever going to happen.



The system is just as grindy as it would be without a cap the only difference being that players can only grind for so much per day. And it doesn't reward casual players anymore than it rewards all other types of players.

The old system you could at best get around 30-100 rep,so guys did viver to get the better 5k,which caused trinty,excalibur,mag to be nerfed to the faulty LOS (Line Of Sight) for a bit,which was bad

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That wouldn't solve the issue, it would just change the amount of time I'm allowed to grind per day.



That's exactly why I don't like the cap. I can hit my cap in half an hour of playtime and then I'm left with little/nothing to do. DE's attempt to guarantee that I do things other than grinding syndicate points has ended up reducing my playtime (per day) to an hour at best. I get on, grind rep, hit my cap, and then exit the game.


That could be solved by changing how rep is gained (not tying it to kills affinity seems like a no-brainer). I don't see how being able to produce a ton of the weapons would really be all that negative. Over-saturation of the market would eventually balance itself out.


I don't even see how that would work with Warframe. Stockpiling plat does very little to the market as we can always inject more into the system, while driving down the prices of items also does very little (other than discourage 'gold farmers' due to the low benefit to time ratio). I'm never going to take the 'gold farmer' threat seriously since I just do not see how it could function profitably within Warframe.



That depends. I agree with the first part of their post, but disagree with the second part.

Try not straight off farming,in reg missions I do,I get nice 1k+

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If you are capped, you can then do the dailies to get that bonus rep. But what makes the dailies even better are the hidden components that can be traded for rep. My friend got 20k rep just from dailies. That's more than his daily rep limit.

I've seen totals of 1,3, and 8 of the components. Seems the type of component is random and can be a mix of the 3. Go play some scavenger hunt and you will get more than your limit in rep :)

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That's too inefficient and just turns a thirty minute daily grind into a hour or two daily grind.

Who said I was grinding,if I was grinding I could hit my nice 38k cap,which I do not want to hit,look you will never get no cap ,because then that will make something that took months to make,into a a few days thing devs do not want that so that why we got the cap but the 10x more rep to help

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