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Primed Intensify


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Ok we got primed continuity not too long ago and i see that the trader is back in a week. Could we please get primed intensify??? Its got the same concept as continuity with the plus 30% that is clearly not enough. This would make nova perfect because the enemies would be supper slow without ruining ur efficiency with blind rage. And since we are already talking about primed +30% mods, pls don't say streamline too because that is clearly op. 

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we already have 2 other strength mods, so that's not gonna happen.....and fleeting expertise offers 60% efficiency, so a primed streamline won't happen too cos it's just a FE without the duration nerf.....seriously, 1 primed mod came out and you're already talking like the next one is this and that, chill >_> 

and why the hell do we need for nova to be perfect? 

Edited by Kenshin98
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we already have 2 other strength mods, so that's not gonna happen.....and fleeting expertise offers 60% efficiency, so a primed streamline won't happen too cos it's just a FE without the duration nerf.....seriously, 1 primed mod came out and you're already talking like the next one is this and that, chill >_>

and why the hell do we need for nova to be perfect?

We have constitution/Primed Continuity/Narrow Minded...

All giving us 185% more duration... stop making your logic, its same thing.

You dont want nova to be perfect, we do. Problem?

And you are happy with fleeting? Dont use primed streamline...

Everything in this game is genuine that contains endless missions with forever increasing enemy levels. So neither primed intensify, nor primed streamline will break the game.

And if its not primed streamline or primed intensify, what other primed mod you want? Primed Maglev?

Edited by Jaskaran498
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Powercreep beyond dimentions.


This. Please do not prime anything with damage or power bonuses on it. I guess we could stand to see the 30% physical mods primed but really a ten ranker just to get 55-60%? I don't think I'd bother. I hear Primed Streamline is coming though. :/



Considering Nova is a support frame - who cares. those who have ever played Nova will know that more then 30% is really bad.


and this... Power strength is irrelevant.


Now that we have an Aug which lets AMD absorb enemy fire it will scale forever with no power strength at all. The slow could use a little improvement IMHO so I do run Intensify, but it's adequate for nova.

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We have constitution/Primed Continuity/Narrow Minded...

All giving us 185% more duration... stop making your logic, its same thing.

You dont want nova to be perfect, we do. Problem?

And you are happy with fleeting? Dont use primed streamline...

Everything in this game is genuine that contains endless missions with forever increasing enemy levels. So neither primed intensify, nor primed streamline will break the game.


And if its not primed streamline or primed continuity, what other primed mod you want? Primed Maglev?

man I love this sarcastic replies, they just make my day

there's 3 duration mods cos there's 2 corrupted mods that nerf duration (transient fortitude and fleeting expertise) so have constitution, continuity (primed) and narrow minded is acceptable, but 4 strength mods with only 1 nerf mod (overextended) isn't balanced 

in the OPs logic, the "primed mod" offers almost half of what the normal mod (continuity 30%, primed continuity 55%...almost 60%) and if primed intensify is a thing, it'll have to offer 55-60% strength, so it beats out transient fortitude

primed streamline is just too idiotic to talk about, and she's already half perfect, not all frames are perfect, why does this have to be the only one? if u have strength you have to lose something else, that's what a smart build is all about, balance 

and seriously? primed maglev? I thought you'll go to a primed hush of something :P   

Edited by Kenshin98
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The remaining Primed mods have all been datamined. Point Strike, Vitality, and Intensify are not on the list. Primed Streamline is tho :3


ya know that DE may add them whenever they like? :P


We have constitution/Primed Continuity/Narrow Minded...

All giving us 185% more duration... stop making your logic, its same thing.

You dont want nova to be perfect, we do. Problem?

And you are happy with fleeting? Dont use primed streamline...

Everything in this game is genuine that contains endless missions with forever increasing enemy levels. So neither primed intensify, nor primed streamline will break the game.


And if its not primed streamline or primed continuity, what other primed mod you want? Primed Maglev?


I definitelly agree here with ya


for example I'm gonna be very happy for primed streamline - it will of course require phew more formas dropped into some of my frames especially: hyper-shiny-load-out-mag-prime.


I'd replace normal streamline with primed one ding last rank into fleeting and then ding some more ranks on blind range to keep my efficiency either at 75% or at least above 50.....

[and would take down fleeting from trin and put streamline in the place so she would have even longer duration oh her skills ^^]

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ya know that DE may add them whenever they like? :P


The ones that have been datamined should keep Baro Ki'Teer stocked for months. By the time those ones are released, DE will probably have come up with something new for him to sell, since a lot of people didn't like the primed mods conceptually. I'm not optimistic~

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There is no such thing as OP in this game. Stop saying "x" mod/weapon would break balance. People just want to slaughter thousands of enemies for FUN. If you want to limit yourself, go right ahead.


I want baro to give me great primed mods, not crappy primed mods because someone cries OP.

Edited by ArmoredCode
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