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December 19Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics  

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I'd like to see all endless missions flooded with enemies.


Ah yes, that river of blood cometh this way.


Oh and of course shotguns, it's their turn to get changed for the better.


it's been long since I touched a shotgun.


When the endless mission detects a corrupt mod(Especially Fleeting), you send a battalion to annihilate the Tenno and of course the nullifier, etc.


After all, those corrupt mods are very powerful, so it would be fair to the enemies to counter it.

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Granting passives to WFs should consider some proper nerfs here and there, please dont just buff them without a small trade, the community will not accept those new things removed once they are given for free

Edited by rockscl
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Conclaves: the conclave system is silly. you can just unequip everything but frame and insanely powerful weapon to make it through.


Nulifiers: the only problem is semi-automatic lankas.





also; I do wish you'd actualy put polls up on hot topics. some of these I've never seen mentioned, and there's many genuinely hot topics that you haven't put a poll on. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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The only thing I want for Nullifiers is a different weapon. We already have snipers using the Lanka, but there are several guns that are untouched or barely used. Quanta, Cestra, Penta, Amprex, Opticor (Hahahaha! The salt would pile so high it could bury a formorian!), Tetra, Spectra... the Quanta and Penta have really only been used in archwing missions and I feel that that's where they're the least useful at what they do.

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Passives would be interesting in warframe, possibly to give a frame a niche type weapon.



I just find their shield TOO BIG, I like how they work, but it's annoying having a bunch of walking plasma bunkers strafing around the map shielding all OP bombards oneshotting entire squads.

And the fact that they use a super charged lanka that fires 4x faster than we can, that's just bullS#&$, and the projectile is impossible to spot AND dodge.

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Nullifiers are fine, syndicate weapons are fine (except for ballistica), D polarities suck and all warframes need a passive. But the only thing i really care about is a frost/nekros/limbo buff,  a nerf to soma prime and boltor prime and shot gun and sniper rifle balance and the removal of weapon slots.

Edited by Cyberspace100
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I believe Nullifiers need a bit of tweaking.


-do NOT give them a ranged weapon, they don't need it anyway as they should be other corpus units will provide that when they huddle under his shield. They should have a melee weapon (not a prod but something with a bit more range and power ex. serro) The unit should be purely meant to support and amplify other corpus units and allow them to fire at the player with impunity forcing players to retreat/regroup.


-Allow players who do wish to engage them with ranged weaponry with a low ROF a means of taking down the shield, as others suggested, a weak point. Perhaps fluctuations in the shield that move around its surface at random that players with semi-auto rifles, bows, revolvers, and snipers can target and take down the shield with precision shots.


-The unit should be a bit more rare until higher level missions because its still a very powerful unit for what it can do for the corpus faction, it should also be treated as a heavy due to the amount of work needed to take him down versus other units. Having 3-4 of these guys spawn at once and then overlap their shields is a potential death sentence to newer players who may not have access to better weaponry/mods yet, especially if there's a detron crewman hiding in one of the shield bubbles when the player is forced to run in to melee if their long ranged weaponry proves inadequate to the task of removing the shields.

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Nullifiers are pretty great, I think.  Their bubble makes them relatively easy to spot and gun down from a distance, and having to play around them makes fights more interesting than 4 4 4 4 4 4 4.

If there's a problem with them, it's that they serve as a hard counter to frames and builds that rely heavily on their gimmick powers, like an eternal Hysteria Valkyr or maybe Limbo.  (I'll admit that I've not attempted to fight them with a gun that has a particularly low rate of fire.  So many players complain about such match-ups that I'm almost convinced it's not a problem, but it's worth a look at the very least.)


Warframe Passives are a cool idea.  I'll admit I was a little disappointed when I realized that Excalibur had no little bonuses that made him the Best At Melee Weapons, like his description implied.  A bonus to channeling or something, I dunno.  But passives for every frame would go a long way to making each frame feel different, especially at low levels where frames don't have their favorite powers yet.  Right now, if you strip them of their powers, they've almost all got basically the same set of tools.

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Warframe Passives:


Yes, this would need to happen. The passive should reflect on the warframe and some passives could be quite interesting (rhino deals more damage the more enemies are agroed on him?). If such passives could be implemented then it would spice up the gameplay a lot more. A community vote would most likely be required on what passives would happen, or have multiple passives that are interchangeable but exclusive for each frame.



Syndicate Explosives:


Currently I haven't been able to test many syndicates and their explosions, however I'm currently able to test Perrin Sequence, and I am not dissappointed with the explosion. It is quite powerful, however it made the Acrid become even better late game due to it's passive of 100% toxic proc per shot. The radiation explosion also allows for good crowd control. I believe that they should stay the way they are. The only thing that should change is maybe what the second buff does.



Combo Cancelling:


Combos are quite specific already so letting there be a cancel system would just make it harder. Currently just a small stop in melee-ing causes the combo to be broken.



Tactical Alerts:


The Tactical Alerts need a rework, as stated by other posters, the system just requires you to get rid of melee and secondary and sentinel and you're ok.





Make more enemies spawn the longer you've been in the mission, however then add a limit to the amount of enemies that can spawn at once in comparison to how many are already spawned. And please increase the O2 drop rate. It is one reason why Nekros is annoying to play, because you NEED him to play survival for long.



D Polarity:


There need to be more mods with the D polarity. For warframes it's ok, however with weapons there are only a few mods, most of which there are better versions of them with different polarities.





They need a rework however they are too bullet spongy to continue on the way they are.




-Reduce amount of pellets/damage needed to kill a shield


-Take away their ranged weapon


-Make it so bullet damage is reduced inside.


-give the shield a crit spot for easy take down if you aim correctly (would allow slower firing weapons like snipers, bows, or shotguns more viable against them)

Edited by gkuoni
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Syndicate explosions: another example of the fear of nerfs by the community. They are as strong as our frickin 4th skills, and we dont need energy to cast them while they also buff us.


This game is going more and more into a gunplay-only direction, and this makes me feel bad. Skills are becoming nerfed to death by DE because they cant handle their balance.



Seriously, abolish energy and give us cooldowns, dont know why its so hard to make more ability-based warframes that can kill enemy independently from weapons.



About survival: Let us just adjust the enemy spawn with an option before startign the mission, im sick of having to play with people to get a halfway good amount of enemies.

Edited by Genoscythe
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It's just too bad that the Tactical alert vote didn't have an "other opinion" option on it. Currently in tactical alerts people just bring a warframe and some outrageously OP weapon and still blast through it. this limitation does not phase those who should be most affected by it. I do like the idea of enemy difficulty scaling with conclaive, but if a newbie gets stuck with a bunch of vets he'll have a dreadful time. At least the vets can carry him though. I think if the game were actually balanced it would be easier to gauge what conclaive or difficulty enemies should be at.


Combo cancelling though? Can we cancel a combo... into another combo? If so, all of my yes. If not, still all of my yes, but I will cry oceans of tears.

Edited by Racercowboy
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I'm disappointed that no dojo related hot topic is being considered in this post. Many people want to see dojo feature overhauled.


Tactical alerts

Add conclave restrictions to each part of your equipment (warframes, weapons) additionaly to overall loadout conclave restriction.

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 Passives have been a long time coming. Frames like volt should be inherently faster and unaffected by electrical damage(not rhino or loki), Excalibur should inherently be better with melee weapons, Ember shouldn't be effected by fire damage, frost shouldn't be effected by freeze, etc... This would also give more incentive for people to buy and use other frames.

Edited by MEsoJD
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Please add something about shotguns to this.


The problem with D's is, IMHO, that they're often put in the FIRST slot and we can't swap that. This means when you hit Rank 30 you're locked into a weapon which must use cold as the combo in a three element setup, rather than having the option of combo+cold. 

Once you put a forma into a weapon you can swap any polarities, this counts for any weapon. So you are not forced to use freeze mod. The reason why I don't like the D polarity is that there isn't much diversity off mods for the D polarity. Hope this will be looked at or being worked at. 

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Also Spawn rates to be honest are fine in the survival missions. But the reason that most  people complain about it like me and many others is. That once you join a group they will divide and mess up with the spawns. Most off these people don't know how the spawning mechanics work and sadly many tenno aren't listening or grouping together to get better spawn rates. 

I had runs where I constantly had to switch between rooms because off people hoarding from rooms to other rooms. I rather would have a smaller map where the flow off enemies is more nice and the grouping is better than in increase off enemies. I played the survival event and I enjoyed the defensive maps alot more you were constantly in action. 

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Once you put a forma into a weapon you can swap any polarities, this counts for any weapon. So you are not forced to use freeze mod. The reason why I don't like the D polarity is that there isn't much diversity off mods for the D polarity. Hope this will be looked at or being worked at. 


I don't accept that. We already have a rank-up period before a weapon can use all it's mod points and it has lined up with the mastery mechanic very nicely since before open beta and for as long as we've had melee 2.0, which was longer than we've had forma.


I feel very strongly that DE should not be making weapons that have to be forma'd before we can use them for normal things like this.


There are a lot of places where people see "GRIND" because they are burned out or don't really enjoy the core gameplay and just want rewards ASAP so I hesitate to use this word and open up a can of worms, but if DE is lowering the bar and upping the time and cost to get a weapon to a basic level of usage then that's not good. Saying we may have to level our guns twice now and consume a forma in the process just to use the Damage 2.0 system properly is a step towards real grind that I can't defend or argue and I'd like that to stop here rather than go another three steps and walk off a cliff into a forum blowup.


At this point it's just a long standing oversight. I would like to see dev comments to the effect that this oversight will be fixed, rather than rationalized and made standard.

Edited by VKhaun
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