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December 19Th: Community Hot Topics!


Community Hot Topics  

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Tactical Alerts

I think the conclave restriction on tactical alerts is ok, but the restriction should be a little less severe.  Currently it tends to land at warframe + one weapon - one mod for 500 conclave.  Moving this up to allow for warframe + two weapons would be a lot better.


Having different conclave ratings for warframes also makes this very goofy.  Why shouldn't all frames have the same conclave rating?





Survival spawns vary from location to location.  Some locations always have good spawns, some locations never have enough.  Ideally, spawns would scale based on how quickly you kill them.  The goal would be to ensure that there are always a minimum number of enemies in the tile that the player(s) are in.  This minimum should scale both by the number of players and the number of kills per minute.


D Polarity on rifles

The D polarity is absolutely crap on rifles.  There is only one mod that it is even used for, which is the ice damage mod.  Rifle aptitude and hammer shot are useless on 99% of weapons.  WHY THE CRAP DOES THE KOHM HAVE A D SLOT???  Most of the useful rifle mods are V or DASH slots.  Most rifle builds need 3 Vs and 1 Dash.  I wish all rifles came with one or two V slots.


Please change the ice damage mod for rifles to be a dash like the rest of the rifle elemental damage mods.  Please add more D polarity mods that are actually useful.


V Polarity on warframes

The V polarity on frames suffers from some of the same issues as the D polarity on rifles.  There just aren't enough options for what to do with it.  In fact if you aren't building for power strength (or a maxxed primed continuity), there isn't really a good reason to have a V polarity.  Rage and continuity don't use enough points to justify polarizing a slot for them.  I would much rather have all warframes come with two D slots than anything else, since those are much more universally useful.


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In your opinion, do enemies spawn fast enough in Survival missions?


Sometimes. But most of the times, the higher tower level you play will make enemies spawn rate faster. But the lower tower level you play will make enemies spawn rates slower, maybe almost no enemies or just a few. 




What is your opinion on the Nullifiers?


Their shields should not stop gun + their shield must be energy not like eximus frost globe.

They should be nerfed or more.

Seriously, this guy is really annoying while playing Void T4 Survival, blocking all projectile (wasting ammo only for destroying his shield) and Nova Molecular Prime.


And his Lanka, one shot the Tenno. Come on, we have Bombard in the void, so please change his gun to something balanced. Example: Spectra, Tetra , or Dera like the other.

Edited by ZackNeutron
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   OK, I haven't read every topic and every comment about the Nullifiers (there are a lot of them), so maybe these ideas have already been posted. I haven't encountered the Nullifiers very much, but from what I've experienced they aren't hugely overpowered. Yes, you do have to stop and think differently than you normally do, but I'm fine with that. The biggest problem I see with them is the punishment to slow firing weapons and reward for fast weapons. The best way I could see to fix this would be to increase the delay before the shield restores and/or decrease the regen speed of the shield. This would still make it more rewarding to use faster weapons like the Soma, but it also wouldn't lessen the use of slower weapons quite as much. This could make the shields die to quickly though, so you might have to make them slightly (only very slightly) tankier.

   The other idea that I had was instead of making the shields negate damage, have the shield redirect damage (and maybe lessen it some too) into the Nullifier, like a self cast bullet absorb. This woulld act kind of like a taunt in an MMO, in that it would redirect damage to the caster. The Nullifier would still protect it's damage dealing allies and both slow weapons and fast weapons would be the same level of affectiveness. Now, I'm sure many people will yell at me for this next part, but the Nullifier himself (the unit, not the shield) would have to be tankier, since damage will still be done to him (again, possibly reduced some). I also realize that this is functionally a different unit (it would have to be almost completely reprogrammed), but tactically it would still fulfill the same role.

   Again, I haven't encountered the Nullifiers very much, so I'm open to the possibility that I don't know what I'm talking about. But I thought it was an interesting concept.

Edit: On the survival spawn rates. I find that in Void survival missions during the first 5-10 minutes it tends to bounce wildly between large (but low level) groups and no one at all. What I would suggest is somehow spreading out the groups a little so that it's more of a steady spawn rate. It doesn't have to be perfectly steady, but there shouldn't be times when I start wandering around the Void just to find something to kill.

   After 10 minutes, however, I find that the enemies start getting harder to kill. This causes them to start to build up more and get steadier rates. Around 15 minutes the enemies are a lot tankier but still spawn at the same speed. This tends to lead to getting swarmed by tanky damage dealers. That doesn't end well for me. Overall this tends to make survival missions suddenly get much harder around 15 minutes. If it was a smoother build up it would be a little bit easier to judge whether I can survive to the next reward.

   So, summary, the spawn rates are too slow/inconsistent during the first 10 minutes and they are too fast (or the enemies are too tanky) starting around 15 minutes. The 10-15 minutes range seems to have a pretty good balance between spawn rates and enemy levels.

Edited by Yargami
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Opinion on the Nullifiers

1. Physical projectiles should be able to enter their shield. If a warframe can WALK into the shield, how is that stopping an arrow or bullet penetrating it? You can make the damage of the projectiles weaker, but completely blocking them makes no sense.

2. They spawn WAY too often.

3. As a normal spawn unit , they shouldn't have highly offensive (Lanka), highly defensive (bubble) and super utility (cancel all warframe ability) all in one.

4. Yes, you can melee them if they are on their own. Not so much when bombards, heavy gunner are inside them.

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3. Spawn rates in survival.. just make ALL enemies drop life support and then reduce the qty of enemies in total spawning.. buff up their dmg per unit and xp per kill.  This will help those on lower spec machines, stop clients crashing when too many enemies get primed or killed at once and lots of other performance related issues that volume over quality have.




No thanks. Serious. No. The game already is catering TOO much to toaster ovens, cardboard boxes and <insert any other random appliance> PC's.


DE needs to take the OPPOSITE stance, finally stop supporting archaic, old, unsupported by Microsoft Windows XP and any other 32-bit platforms. I want MORE units fighting me, with HIGHER level of advanced A.I. WITH better Textures and Meshes. At the moment, compared to other high performance games, Warframe would be considered to be at a Medium. I want Ultra, nothing less is acceptable.

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The point I am most concerned with are the nullifiers. They basically force you into melee (which is suicide from a certain point on) or into a weapon with a lot of ammo because those shields take quite a lot and you need to get them down fast.


As for other shielded Enemies abilities still go through the shield. As for the nullifiers nothing goes through.


Solution a) would be to drastically decrease their numbers (Their are flooding the map - or at least it feels that way). As a result they would become a hassle, an occasional annoying obstacle to overcome, forcing you to decide wether to go to melee or wasting ammo. But it would bring a certain "kick" to the game. 

Solution b) would be that punch through works - but with all other damage-increasing mods nullified. At the same time the Nullifiers shouldn't have shields on their own; their bubble would be their extended personal shield. This would make accurate shooting an essential part of gameplay and would give sniper rifles and similar weapons a proper place in the game.

I would go so far as to say I'd like it if punch through would go through all shields - with the same effect of having only the base damage but that's another discussion I guess. (Regarding this idea in general I have to say that I do not know how much health all those guys have I just noticed they get down rather quickly when you melee them. - Of course only up to where you can kamikaze-free melee them. So probably your punch-through-number should affect how much damage you keep. Or only mods that increase specific dmg are disabled (ergo: mods like serration would stay enabled) - Basically: One Vulkar mag should be able to bring one down even in a T4S 30min+)


Bottom line: Don't make the Nullifiers shields completely impenetrable.

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The only part of this poll that scares me is talk about reducing the quality of Syndicate AoE effects.  It is just right where it is, if anything it may need a buff on range based on every new tileset having gigantic long areas.  Syndicates really come alive when you use a Weapon Mod or a Weapon with the new AoE passives/buffs.  Without them remaining effective in mid to late game syndicates are a failure and waste of time as the Warframe Augments are only there for collector's, Nova's that want to troll a defense or mobile defense mission or Vauban players.

Vauban's augment is literally the only augment that has some value and that value is to reduce the quality of Defense and Mobile defense missions by trapping every chokepoint.  If the AoE is nerfed to useless then Syndicates need a complete rework as it is the only part of Syndicates worth the effort and really one of the only additions to the game other than simply more stuff to cram into your inventory.


Edit:  You should have the Void Trader up on Hot Topics, most players are unsure if the items will come back around, or are they just another level of exclusive.  For veterans now it seems Void is the only place to go besides Kappa/Kiste to level something new quick to get back into the Void to make enough credits to pay the void trader.


Stop Charging Credits on Void Trader parts as it is in your own lore that he accepts nothing but Ducats.  Everything is taxed now and you have killed off Veteran's stash of credits.  We DO NOT need any further credit sinkholes.


Edit 2:  If you really want one of the main topics up there for veterans.  What will ever come of Primed Chamber (not Primed Charged Chamber) and the 2 Vandals from Closed Beta?

Founder gear I exclusive (although I dont agree with it and wish I could sell/trade excal/skana/lato prime to someone who wants it) and I can't find any clear decision on ever seeing Braton/Lato Vandal and the original Primed Chamber from the most exploited event in Warframe's history.

Edited by Nickeltoe
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Not gonna whine much this time (it's late as hell), so just gotta jolt down my opinion on the Nullifiers and leave I guess.


First side of the things - Lore.

Lore wise they are out of place, big time, along with stronger enemies that are immune to/ignore/cancel (like Stalker) Tenno powers, enemies that simply take the energy from Tenno.

First of all, except the Stalker, who is practically the only being in the game's universe that might actually has any reason to be capable of being resistant to Tenno powers, most enemies Tenno encounter are said to be brutally behind in technological level. After all the first thing we get to know about them (like Grineer) that they covet the Tenno's armor and other secrets, they greatly value Orokin technology. That can only be true if they themselves are on a lower level. Otherwise you can't explain their zeal (also it's mostly pretty damn apparent that they are less advanced).


So there is no reason to believe that, by any means, they could create something that blocks Tenno powers. If we meet the nullifiers solely in Orokin or Derelict Void, that I can accept, since the Orokin used their knowledge to create the Tenno armors to enhance the users latent powers, granted to them by some form of Void Affliction (or so it is told in Codex).


2nd - Logic

Being capable of simply ignoring something like a fireball is utterly ridiculous. I can understand or at least accept that Tenno powers are working in a similar way to each other, since their origin is essentially the same (void). But the created effects in most cases are physical and vastly different - as long as one is not capable of ruling over the physical world, it is impossible to completely shut out even a single of these effects. To stay with the fireball example it's logically possible to use negative temperature to shield against the heat or a slowing field to cool down the molecules making up/transmitting the heat but creating a field that protects against fire, a huge chunk of ice, poisonous fog, electrical discharges etc. is (as mentioned above) utterly ridiculous.

Also it's worth mentioning that there is no such thing as complete immunity in this world and as such there shouldn't be in the game's world either - the game is using the real worlds rules of physics already, deciding you should plain ignore basic principles of logic is weird. Yes you can do that, but people will instinctively know it's wrong. If you shoot a small guy with a Deathstar, it should have some effect. Just like that, there shall be a limit on how much power one needs to break the nullifiers' shields.


3 - Gaming experience

I personally found the nullifiers fun to some extent. On normal maps not so much but particularly on T3+ void capture missions, it's kinda fun to look out for them when you run like crazy with Loki, invisible, knowing that if you plummet into one of these guys, you might just die in a second or 2 :D Or at least will lose your invisibility of course. On the other hand, practically in any other situations, they are just plain nuisance. In this game where enemies jump at you in hordes, enemy AI is still on the level of dead snails, their accuracy is mostly still spot on (truth to be told in the weirdest situations they can miss numerous times in a row even while I'm standing still), even after recently added fixes/upgrades, the game is practically about wether or not you can kill them fast, since if you cannot, you won't be able to protect yourself without certain things. Anyways, with weapon balance being quite... non-existent, what usually decides how long you can go in a mission (particularly endless mission types of course) is your frame's arsenal, abilities. All the energy leeching, disrupting, nullifying, cancelling and ignoring enemies reek of the developers' attempt on cutting back player effectiveness but while I completely understand their concern (it's pretty damn obvious they have to limit your effectiveness in some way or another) I disagree in their methods.


The problem mostly rises from the fact that simple player skill in aiming (since most weapons do damage incomparable to abilities) and movement (enemies hit you quite well, no matter how fast or dynamic you are) is secondary to how they focus their frames on certain powers and how they employ various tactics to maximize the effectiveness of said abilities. This is an accepted fighting mechanic for numerous recent games, with the boom in the MOBA (Dota, LoL etc.) genre - there the game is mostly about knowing all the abilities and statistical differences, deciding when to use what against what, the other parts, like strategy (and sometimes even in-depth tactical planning) are overshadowed. Problem is that while this system is fine for Moba games (or actually stuff like Diablo and such), Warframe is a 3rd person shooter, where you don't ask your character to go somewhere or shoot someone but you yourself control the character to do that - thus if your control is actually pretty much irrelevant, the game will come out lacking.

It's easy to lose sight of the way to solve your problems when an issue is so glaring like the usual "press-4-to-win" playstyle this game slowly becomes (or became) famous of. But instead of saying "you can't do that" (like DE tries to act), it should be better to simply make other playstyles more viable. That way you don't force the players to stop doing something but actually provide them with new ways to complement their playstyles and in the end that will mean if you don't grow up and do more than just pressing a single button you will be left behind by those that actually know their way around in all aspects of the game, like movement and aiming (as they are the most basic ones but simply planning your gear accordingly to the situation instead of just your abilities is among them too).


I have been playing for a while (rank18 blahblah) and I have seen numerous times how fast (some) people die when their abilities are rendered useless in some ways. They become useless themselves, unable to hit an enemy if it breathes down their face even, unable to move aside when something big comes. And honestly speaking, most of us already find it boring to just sit in a corner (or center of the room), pressing 4 and waiting for the end of the defense mission, interception, maybe running around desecrating after the others obliterated the (sometimes pretty scarce) enemies etc.


This is getting long as usual. Ah well, that's me I guess. Anyways, I believe that it's the wrong way to limit players by adding elements to the game that are just overpowering without any other way out than run or kill it before it shoots, waiting for it to end etc.  So my way as how I would counter the press-4-to-win problem and what I would do with the enemies that were born as a countermeasure against such (as it's glaringly obvious):

  • Balance weapons. That's damn easy, just math, no idea why it's not done yet. Rare stuff shall be stronger or more specialized maybe more creative in some ways but not much difference shall be allowed or you end up killing the fun for the players that couldn't get the XYZ Vandal or whatnot. We actually have tons of weapons now and I doubt DE can come out with anything truly worthwhile anymore. Guess that's why Archwing was born, to allow them to add the same things again. I can't blame them for trying of course.


  • AI, enemy behaviour. AI is dumb in the game. Kinda on the level of a Diablo game. Not fully responsible for the whole press-4-to-win situation but at least a little improvement to this would help greatly. Enemies are just too... robotic. They do not think about self preservation (some of them randomly runs away but usually simply just exposing themselves to our attacks), they barely react to anything in a logical manner - like they shoot you the moment they see you (no matter you just flew through a door with the speed of sound x 3), know where you are all the time or forget about you because you switched a console off (the 2 dozen pals of theirs you massacred before their eyes get forgotten in a bling...), randomly hit you even if it's practically impossible to even react, even less to actually hit you while sometimes they can't hit you from  2 meters, standing still.


    Again, back to the behaviour part, considering this is supposedly a ninja game, without an ounce of stealth... well. In the current situation it's impossible to add proper stealth to the game - for that we would need much more challenging enemies (meaning less bulletsponge and half-mile AOE nukes, more dynamic fighting, actualy blocking on both sides, controlled moves instead of completely preordined moves appearing as you smash EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE etc.)  that actually don't act suicidal, react to what's happening in real time and not just every 5 seconds, and so on. Anyways, huge crowds of enemies obviously make stealth impossible on these maps (though the maps are to be blamed for sure - on the other hand for the current game they are fitting and completely fine - also I myself highly value the mapdesigns and visuals present there). Also rewards shouldn't be given for kills, but damage, cooperation (teamwork) and for completing objectives.


  • Controlled, less overblown abilities. Tenno abilities, the most used ones actually, lack control. They are too "easy" to use. I'm not saying you should use a 8 button combo to bring them out, I mean they mostly are damn easy to effectively use in a fight - no need to aim, to time much. Too many abilities affect a whole bunch of enemies all around you. Even the Hydroid's ultimate is better in a way since you have to put it somewhere and if you mess up, you will get a bunch of weird looking (why are they half white anyways? what's wrong with us coloring them fully?) tentacles that never hit anybody. We were doing repruns as usual today and (not saying which ability on which frame so you won't nerf it right away :3) practically all it was that 2 guys stood in the middle of the interception map and kept pressing 4 while the others used some ways to support them with energy. Yea, you can add more energy leeches but then why not simply add a little goblin on the map with a huge panel with the text on it "Simon says: SIlence!" and while he walks past you can't do anything... at least that would be funny. Well, it wouldn't get old faster than the currently used energy leeches...


    Anyways, I would plain and simple make most abilities more focused and allow the players to control where and how they want to use them - partially through aiming, timing and at the same time, letting them use mods to vastly change the ability. The best mods for that are the corrupt ones where you get + for -. Then again, I would give them some form of failsafe so if the ability doesn't have duration a -duration effect should still impair you somehow.


  • Energy itself being more dynamic. I would pretty much remove energy drops from the game. Seems out of place anyways. Would give an innate energy regeneration to all frames, faster to casters, with a low energy pool. Most frames would only have 100 energy on max rank, and even with maxed mods you could only reach 150 or so. While that's the case (and as mentioned above, abilities are more localized and even weaker than now) the regeneration itself would mean that you can practically continuously fire away your first ability, while the big ones really burn your stuff. Again, you would need less "kill-everything" kind of abilities, but overall usefull ones (no meaning if the single useful ability is still the 4th one).


I'm aware that this would be vastly different than how the game is right now and that most likely no way such big changes will ever surface in Warframe. But let's just say I blame that on the time that was wasted without properly addressing the issue and mostly taking the easy way out that in the end meant that we just got more and more muddled in the forced countermeasures that never really did help instead of doing it back then when this problem was already damn apparent. Ah well.


You shouldn't neglect the base gameplay balance and issues (or taking the easy way out) in favor of additional content at any point since the players that only stay for the new content will leave again once they get it and that's not much playtime. 2 types might pay for the new things: one that really just wants to have everything and one that actually plans on using them. The first one already got bored of the game, will buy a few things then forget all about Warframe the first time he sees something new and shiny somewhere else. Bye. The other guy wants to use what he got but you neglected the core game thus the new shiny thing won't be fun to use in a game that's not fun to play. Then you lose the 2nd guy too.

Conclusion is that while adding new content is essential and keeps a game alive, their success is built on the core of the game. If that's weak, all will crumble.


Ah, I meantioned how I would change the mentioned enemies (including the nullifier) - I will keep in mind to stay in line with the current style of the game thus these ideas to fit into the game right as it is:

  • Energy leech v#1: Their aura doesn't take energy from player but removes non-drop and non-gear based energy regeneration (thus from abilities and mods).


  • Energy leech v#2, better in my eyes: Their aura halves the power efficiency for the Tenno. You cast something, you pay double cost. Or 1.5x.


  • Disruptors: Aura versions have very short range, leaving this range the debuff lingers for 5 seconds. Being hit by something bearing a disruptor property (doortrap, ancient disruptor) will place the debuff on you for 10 seconds. Debuff means disabled casting and scrambled hud. Nothing more, nothing less. Energy unaffected whatsoever.


  • Nullifiers: Shield protects against dmg as right now, in case an ability is activated, the shield is damaged according to the power of the ability (not depending on the damage, but more like the level and of ability, further enhanced if mods positively affect that ability, be it damage, duration, range). If the ability is too powerful, the shield breaks and the ability activates. Thus casting inside the bubble is also allowed, in case the ability overpowers the bubble, that breaks and the ability activates (or maybe you lose energy but it doesn't activate - shiled still dies though). Would be neat if entering the bubble with an active ability would be counted like this too, thus if your ability is just too powerful, it would break the bubble by entering it - again, it might be better to either break your ability too or weaken it (breaking both things seems more logical, fair and overall easier to implement).


  • Officers: Abilities should affect officer-class enemies too but with 25% less effect - the most prominent effect shall be affected. If it's cc, then the duration, if dmg, then (yea, surprise) dmg.


  • Bosses, hunters: Abilities either have less effect like against officers (25% less dmg or 25% less duration AND power for basic CC) or in case of snare/stun abilities, they just slow the target by a relatively large amount for a relatively small duration (eg. 50% slow for 2 seconds).


This felt good. Hell, writing all this (I know, mostly useless) stuff was actually more enjoyable than playing the game. Now that I think about it that's pretty sad. I think I should go now.

Edited by K_Shiro
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hmmm enemies with more power than us ,,,,


BB gun aganst a bull elephant = you lose .


buy a 12ga.   and get a pellet gun hmmm ,


some things just not a good idea ?????.


just my 2 cents .

Edited by mudpaws
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Tactical alerts, IMHO, are pretty good, but sometimes (I said SOMETIMES) they are a bit too easy.


The conclave rating is good enough.


As for that dreaded D polarity, only some weapons should have it. I usually use it to slot in cryo rounds, but if a weapon can kill an enemy fast enough, it's usually not needed. However, it's good for builds against the corpus.

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Corrupted Nullifiers need to have spawn number limit.

I don't want to see three Corrupted Nullifiers at the same time.



One shot from T4E Corrupted Nullifier's Lanka deals 300 shield damage + 341 health damage to me. So the raw damage is roughly 710 at level 31~33. Combine with fast firing rate, Corrupted Nullifier's DPS is way too high.


And this. Three Bombards in one globe. There was another gunner few seconds ago.

The globe either forces you to spam your bullets or engage close combat with dangerous units. Both are very bad.


Edited by yles9056
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Passive buffs for Warframes has always been a nice idea to me, but I think the passives each frame has should reflect the play style the frame in question was intended for. Now I realize that wording isn't very good, so I'll elaborate. I don't mean that every play style for a frame is the same, it of course varies from person to person. But as a general passive for things, such as Trinity getting some sort of health or healing buffs like a small constant shield regeneration or Frost inherently dealing more cold damage and being immune to the "ice hazard" effects that can randomly happen on missions, Ember taking reduced fire damage and dealing more fire damage, etc. I think these "general" passives that fit with a particular frames gimmick or image could fit the game rather nicely. 


Syndicate radial explosions are powerful enough as they are. They've certainly never seemed incredibly powerful nor noticeably weak to me. In terms of the damage they do, they're fine. As for them being player controlled, I really don't like RNG all that much (in a game like Warframe I know that sounds absolutely ridiculous) but the more things you can control, the better. I don't really see a reason for them to not be player controlled in some way. 


As for combo cancelling, again another element I wish could somehow be controlled. But I'm obviously biased in this because I almost never use melee weapons. Even when I do, it's for maneuverability purposes and not to attack enemies. So I don't have a strong opinion on this really. I can understand how it could be incredibly annoying to some players though. 


I feel the conclave limits currently imposed on Tactical Alerts are just fine. The missions aren't supposed to be incredibly easy, so I don't see a point of having the rating so high you could bring your fully decked Rhino and do the missions without so much as a scratch. 


The spawn rates for survival missions are incredibly inconsistent from my experiences. I used to absolutely LOATHE doing T3/T4 Survival with friends to get fusion cores or any prime part I didn't possess, it seemed like even with a Nekros that the spawn rates were so low we would almost always run out of oxygen within 20 or so minutes. But recently when playing T4, it seems almost like there are too many enemies and it's congested. Granted i much prefer the heavy spawns over next to nothing spawning, but it's just so inconsistent that I have mixed feelings on the issue. 


Alas, onto the dreaded D polarity for weapons. This polarity gets a bit too much hate in my opinion, but I can easily see why this happens. Personally, I don't even mind it being on some weapons, but that's because I build nearly all of my weapons to have Viral damage. However, the limited amount of mods that make use of this polarity is inexcusable. Only having a single type of elemental damage use a variant of polarity and nothing else is ridiculous no matter how you look at it. Unless you intend to build something that involves cold damage, the polarity is absolutely useless. I propose just as many others have before, that either new mods be introduced that make use of this polarity, or some underrated already existing mods have their polarities changed to have a D polarity. We could even have a poll on the mods that people would want changed to the polarity if DE decides to go that route, but I personally would prefer if new mods were introduced instead. A few ideas could be something like elemental damage mods that are already  combined element. To elaborate, say a mod set that does something like 40-60% Viral, Blast, Magnetic, etc damage. The mods would provide a decent buff, but shouldn't be as powerful as already existing 90% damage mods to keep things balanced. Perhaps some new Nightmare mods could work as well. A mod that increases critical chance AND critical damage by a small percentage wouldn't be too extreme as long as you kept the percentage fair. New Nightmare mods are greatly needed in my opinion. At this point, they're completely dominated by "primed" mods. 


Finally, Nullifiers. I really hated these enemies at first. Their shields seemed indestructible and they can easily 1 shot you in T4 missions if you have an even remotely squishy frame. But after adjusting to them a bit, I don't them nearly as annoying. Especially after learning that it's fire rate that makes their shields grow smaller and not just raw damage, which is a wise decision in my book. If the shields were based purely off the amount of damage the players dealt, they'd be  shot by Dreads and Pentas just like every other enemy. I do wish that they would be given a different weapon. Granted with them having Lankas they stay a bit away from you at times, which is better to me then having them rush directly at you to destroy your abilities. But their damage seems a bit ridiculous. Perhaps let them keep their Lankas but reduce the damage they do by a bit. 


I'm surprised there isn't a poll on here on how people would want an "Augment slot" to be implemented. I personally wouldn't mind if it acted like an aura slot and would increase mod capacity, but maybe only increase the capacity by however much the augment would originally cost to equip. IE: if an augment would have cost you 7 mod capacity to equip, it would give you an extra 7 instead. I don't really think this change would be "overpowered" simply because of the new introduction to "primed" mods. These things are making nearly every build I possess require me to forma my frames more and more as they're released to be able to equip the mods I want to use. Having an extra 7 or 9 capacity wouldn't be too outrageous in my opinion. 

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On the nullifiers, I voted "their shields should not stop guns", but I'd like to have multiple choice here:

at the same time, I think they should not spawn as often.


Frames are balanced based on their powers. So you can't be taking their powers away so liberally.

It is simply not "fair play".

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I would like to add some additional ideas for tactical alerts.  Instead of it being just conclave based, it should be some other original sort of restrictions, like no primary weapons, melee only, without companions, energy or projectile weapons only, or mk1 weapons only to not be detected by some radar for some ideas.


And what I'm sure would be a really unpopular idea, no essential/required mods of damage only, multi-shot, or use only bar polarity, or if you want some evil random rng thing of, disabling random mod slots.


I'm just saying, not everything should be just the almighty conclave, which people find ways of working around (or at least I do, like only going in with a high powered pistol and nothing else.)

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Opinion on Nullifiers:
The shields are fantastic, they add challenge so that you can't just afk with the 4 button on macro (litteraly or metaphorically, because come on playing space invaders on your phone or reading the forums with warframe open isn't really playing is it?) I hate them so much, but they're fantastic, don't take the shields out.

I think that limbo interacts really strangely with nullifiers. I think limbo shouldn't care as much about the nullifiers, as he's not really IN the nullifiers bubble when he's phased, and I think there are a number of bugs there anyway.

But most importantly:
Their Lanka is stupidly powerful. They hit like a truck, and the fire rate is hilariously broken. As I mentioned in another thread, if they miss you with the first shot, they'll hit you with the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth shots before you hit the ground.

This is more of a side note, but I remember seeing the nullifiers in the enemy design thread, as a female engineer, and more than anything I'm disappointed that we've added yet another male corpus, even though the female model was handed to us on a silver platter.

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Honestly, the only thing that I think Nullifiers really need is to either not block fire, or actually change size with a variable speed proportionate with damage. At present, the bubble shrinks in proportion to damage, but does so at a consistent speed; because of this, when firing high-DPS weapons, there's a period of time where you don't know if you've actually taken down the field or not and continuing to fire constitutes wasting ammo. In addition, this means that there's a cap on how quickly you can eliminate those fields, which reduces mobility for slower frames reliant on active powers for survival. =/

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