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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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One- Clarified! (Fixed.)

Two- Fixed!

Three- I know next to nothing except that he was shot(?), so intentionally left that out.

Edit; Wait... Didn't I write it out that way? I believe I mentioned the Ancients were all dead beforewards from the Colossus gnawing Temperance like a chew toy. I'll just have to clarify my post there.

Edit 2; Edited accordingly to tasks completed and corrected. Still unaware of the time in which Temperance was shot to properly be able to add to post. While all minor fixes, they at least keep it neat into the IC.

It was a narrow shot, but I think I've finally managed to successfully inject myself unto the breach once more! It's good to be back.

I think it went quite well, wouldn't you all say?

Oh yes, and to fix the second mistake, I added a little sentence at the end of the second paragraph for clarity. The first two bodies of my post were at current time in the IC.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Well seems like I missed quite a little bit, I've read everything OOC so its nice to see some new faces. STMPD is leaving eh? Well I'll need to make a post once a catch up to whats going on IC.  I do apologize for my absence as I'm sure some of you know life has literally been kicking my &#!. Things are... acceptable as of right now so I think I can finally get back to writing here. I'll drop in first thing tomorrow so I can catch up.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After much debate on my part, and checking to see just how active this particular RP in general was, I've decided to step up to the plate and submit a character to this in hopes that I can get them into this RP. From what I've read so far, it seems like something I'd be interested in. But for now, I'll stop running my fingers along this keyboard and submit this here character.








Preferred Loadout:

Tiberon, Gammacor, Ether Reaper



Null stands at around 6'3" not counting the "top hat" which he so graciously wears atop his frame. When frameless, his full height is around 6'0" even. Short brown hair is cropped back and usually slicked naturally by his helmet. His face is comprised of sharp features befitting a tinkerer-Tenno of his caliber. His eyes are a bright green color, the same as the energy comprising his frame. And speaking of his frame, he has dyed his Warframe with a bright gray primary, a dark orange secondary, and using flashy golden accents to complete the color scheme. (Here's a visual representation for those of you that'd like one.)




Null really really likes to build things. Especially experimental things that may or may not disintegrate or explode upon use. Successfully. When he's not building items that intentionally explode for her fellow Tenno to use, he's busy making modifications to already existing equipment, or taking apart stolen equipment just to see how it works, before seeing how exactly he can make it into something new and deadly.

He's a tinkerer at heart, and loves putting new prototypes into use in the field to see what crumbles first, his creation, or whatever he's firing/slicing/throwing it at. Why wait for it to be tested if it works just fine the first time? However, the happy-go-lucky engineer isn't always at home wherever he goes. Being trapped in a cryopod a thousand leagues below the seas of the planet Uranus left him with a near crippling case of claustrophobia.

His most prized possession -other than the "top hat" that he wears- is a device of his own creation that he is constantly working on during his free time: A Grineer-Corpus hybrid device designed to amplify his Rift powers. It's intent was to allow his greater control and mastery over the Rift Plane, but unfortunately, such technology involving the Void and the Rift is fickle, and prone to being esoteric and difficult to understand. As such, he's never gotten it to work successfully so far.


Bio and History:

Awakening from Cryosleep was a momentous occasion for Null, however, waking up deep underwater on the planet Uranus, was not. Being trapped inside a cryopod in the ocean deep however, left him with many a solar cycle to think and experiment in the small confined space of his cryopod (it also left him with a nigh crippling case of claustrophobia). It was this experimentation that led to a violent explosion of Rift energy that propelled his cryopod out of the waters and forcefully broke it open, leaving him stranded on one of the many Grineer bases that dotted the planet's surface. After days of hiding away from the Grineer, stealthily taking their resources with clever application of his Rift powers, he was able to commandeer one of their smaller spacefaring vessels and take to orbit with his ill-gotten gains. It was there that he was finally out of the signal jamming range of the Grineer controlled planet and was contacted by the Lotus, and told of how the situation in the system was going. Needless to say, being a Tenno, he was inclined to accept. He quickly grew to love the Corpus, or at least, their technology, which he would continue to steal and bring back to his stolen Grineer vessel, now having been repainted in a manner more fitting for a Tenno of his stature. His crowning (or near-crowning) device is his Planar Ability Enhancement Device (PAED for short, pronounced "paid") which if successful, would allow banished objects and individuals to vanish from the physical plane and exist solely on the Rift Plane, becoming effectively invisible to any not in the Rift. Unfortunately, this device has proven to be a monumental undertaking for Null, seeing as how both factions of the Origin System would love to get their hands on such technology, and the fact that he can't even figure out how to make the damn thing work whatsoever.


Hmm... I think that about covers him. Please let me know if anything needs clearing up or changing or whatnot, that's what I'm here for.

Edited by Starnsy_Warnsy
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After much debate on my part, and checking to see just how active this particular RP in general was, I've decided to step up to the plate and submit a character to this in hopes that I can get them into this RP. From what I've read so far, it seems like something I'd be interested in. But for now, I'll stop running my fingers along this keyboard and submit this here character.








Preferred Loadout:

Tiberon, Gammacor, Ether Reaper



Null stands at around 6'3" not counting the "top hat" which he so graciously wears atop his frame. When frameless, his full height is around 6'0" even. Short brown hair is cropped back, slicked ever so nicely in place. His face is clean shaven, with sharp features befitting a scientist-Tenno of his caliber. His eyes are a bright green color, the same as the energy comprising his frame. And speaking of his frame, he has dyed his Warframe  with a bright gray primary, a dark orange secondary, and using flashy golden accents to complete the color scheme. (Here's a visual representation for those of you that'd like one.)




Null can be described in one word as "eccentric" and that's putting it lightly. He's also one smart cookie when it comes down to problem solving and SCIENCE. Yes, science. The science of the Rift has been a study of Null's ever since he'd figure out the ways to manipulate it. As such, he's almost never not experimenting with what exactly could be achieved by harnessing its power. Null finds it very easy to get along with others, especially other Tenno, and especially loves bonding through prolonged sessions of bonding within the Rift. Of course, Null can't exactly keep from using his powers for a bit of fun now and then, especially with the modifications he's made to them. (Which I'll explain in the bio/history.) He is however, a very loyal Tenno, and any ally of Null's will have a powerful friend for life. However it is this loyalty that's gotten him into more than a few hairy situation.


Bio and History:

Awakening from Cryosleep was a momentous occasion for Null, however, waking up deep underwater on the planet Uranus, was not. Being trapped inside a cryopod in the ocean deep however, left him with many a solar cycle to think and experiment in the small confined space of his cryopod (it also left him with a nigh crippling case of claustrophobia). It was this experimentation that led to a violent explosion of Rift energy that propelled his cryopod out of the waters and forcefully broke it open, leaving him stranded on one of the many Grineer bases that dotted the planet's surface. After days of hiding away from the Grineer, stealthily taking their resources with clever application of his Rift powers, he was able to commandeer one of their smaller spacefaring vessels and take to orbit with his ill-gotten gains. It was there that he was finally out of the signal jamming range of the Grineer controlled planet and was contacted by the Lotus, and told of how the situation in the system was going. Needless to say, being a Tenno, he was inclined to accept. He quickly grew to love the Corpus, or at least, their technology, which he would continue to steal and bring back to his stolen Grineer vessel, now having been repainted in a manner more fitting for a scientist of his stature.Of all the experiments he carried out on his ship, the modifications to his Rift powers have to be his crowning achievement so far. Namely, when he or any other object, pwerson etc. are banished into the Rift, they are no longer able to be seen on the material plane thanks to the Rift bond being so strong. The applications are both practical and hilarious, allowing him to near instantly blink out of sight and then reappear after a nice little jog through the Rift. Cataclysm in particular is affected the most, as with a clap of his hands, he is able to blink away whatever happens to be in the section of the plane he collapses. However, these extra enhancements do not come without a price, namely, the addition of a Corpus-Grineer hybrid machine attached to both of his wrists and his upper back, small, sleek, but noticeable and powerful, thanks to the Orokin Reactors used in their construction, allowing him to amplify his Rift powers. If removed, he essentially has no abilities to use whatsoever


Hmm... I think that about covers him. Please let me know if anything needs clearing up or changing or whatnot, that's what I'm here for.


Dear Starnsy,


While I am both pleased and impressed by the level of detail you have put into your character, I do not feel that he would be the best fit for Lotus in Bloom in his current state.  The reasons for this are two-fold:  


1. While you have done a very good job with him, he fits the "eccentric scientist" person to a t.  "Eccentric scientist" is our third-most-common role on the ship, after Combat Trainer and Security.  You might explore other career options from the list in the first post of the OoC.


2. Special-snowflake powers.  While definitely not as egregious as some other examples, the ability to make Banished objects vanish has a lot of potential to be misused, or at the very least, over-used.  While you have been kind enough to give him a glaring weakness, I do not see it being an easy one to exploit, given that Null is still Tenno, and thus marginally terrifying in a fight.  


In sum, I am sorry to say that your character will require extensive re-work before being allowed to join the crew of the Manifold.  If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to post them here in the OoC, or join us in the Lotus in Bloom chatango.  You can also PM me through my forum account.




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After much debate on my part, and checking to see just how active this particular RP in general was, I've decided to step up to the plate and submit a character to this in hopes that I can get them into this RP. From what I've read so far, it seems like something I'd be interested in. But for now, I'll stop running my fingers along this keyboard and submit this here character.








Preferred Loadout:

Tiberon, Gammacor, Ether Reaper



Null stands at around 6'3" not counting the "top hat" which he so graciously wears atop his frame. When frameless, his full height is around 6'0" even. Short brown hair is cropped back, slicked ever so nicely in place. His face is clean shaven, with sharp features befitting a tinkerer-Tenno of his caliber. His eyes are a bright green color, the same as the energy comprising his frame. And speaking of his frame, he has dyed his Warframe  with a bright gray primary, a dark orange secondary, and using flashy golden accents to complete the color scheme. (Here's a visual representation for those of you that'd like one.)




Null really really likes to build things. Especially experimental things that may or may not disintegrate or explode upon use. Successfully. When he's not building items that intentionally explode for his fellow Tenno to use, he's busy making modifications to already existing equipment, or taking apart stolen equipment just to see how it works, before seeing how exactly he can make it into something new and deadly.

He's a tinkerer at heart, and loves putting new prototypes into use in the field to see what crumbles first, his creation, or whatever he's firing/slicing/throwing it at. Why wait for it to be tested if it works just fine the first time? However, the happy-go-lucky engineer isn't always at home wherever he goes. Being trapped in a cryopod a thousand leagues below the seas of the planet Uranus left him with a near crippling case of claustrophobia.

His most prized possession -other than the "top hat" that he wears- is a device of his own creation that he is constantly working on during his free time: A Grineer-Corpus hybrid device designed to amplify his Rift powers. It's intent was to allow him greater control and mastery over the Rift Plane, but unfortunately, such technology involving the Void and the Rift is fickle, and prone to being esoteric and difficult to understand. As such, he's never gotten it to work successfully so far.


Bio and History:

Awakening from Cryosleep was a momentous occasion for Null, however, waking up deep underwater on the planet Uranus, was not. Being trapped inside a cryopod in the ocean deep however, left him with many a solar cycle to think and experiment in the small confined space of his cryopod (it also left him with a nigh crippling case of claustrophobia). It was this experimentation that led to a violent explosion of Rift energy that propelled his cryopod out of the waters and forcefully broke it open, leaving him stranded on one of the many Grineer bases that dotted the planet's surface. After days of hiding away from the Grineer, stealthily taking their resources with clever application of his Rift powers, he was able to commandeer one of their smaller spacefaring vessels and take to orbit with his ill-gotten gains. It was there that he was finally out of the signal jamming range of the Grineer controlled planet and was contacted by the Lotus, and told of how the situation in the system was going. Needless to say, being a Tenno, he was inclined to accept. He quickly grew to love the Corpus, or at least, their technology, which he would continue to steal and bring back to his stolen Grineer vessel, now having been repainted in a manner more fitting for a Tenno of his stature. His crowning (or near-crowning) device is his Planar Ability Enhancement Device (PAED for short, pronounced "paid") which if successful, would allow banished objects and individuals to vanish from the physical plane and exist solely on the Rift Plane, becoming effectively invisible to any not in the Rift. Unfortunately, this device has proven to be a monumental undertaking for Null, seeing as how both factions of the Origin System would love to get their hands on such technology, and the fact that he can't even figure out how to make the damn thing work whatsoever.


Hmm... I think that about covers him. Please let me know if anything needs clearing up or changing or whatnot, that's what I'm here for.


Much better, Starnsy :)

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Let's see how long he can maintain his position in the armory before they put him somewhere with less danger of explosions. :> 


And until then, I hope we'll have fun with him. 


By the way, did I suggest before that the list of characters in the first Post gets updated with their respective jobs onboard? If not, I wanna suggest it now. 

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Let's see how long he can maintain his position in the armory before they put him somewhere with less danger of explosions. :> 


And until then, I hope we'll have fun with him. 


By the way, did I suggest before that the list of characters in the first Post gets updated with their respective jobs onboard? If not, I wanna suggest it now. 


Thank you Arrex; I'll get on that.


Starnsy, you'll be clear to post as soon as we've tied up the loose ends surrounding the Colossus, which for the moment, means as soon as I get off my arse and get writing.


Edit:  There; updated the crew list in the OP.  Souna and Kat are missing jobs right now; that will come once we've introduced them IC.

Edited by Temperance000
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Hmmm... Just waiting on a little more things to happen before I post. Otherwise... *Whistle*

Dat Beast, am I right?

Also, what do you mean delayed? I'm alive. Just waiting for a better time to post. I don't have enough to make a nice beefy post. Lusith isn't exactly out there in the thick of things with 'ol gruesome.

Edited by WingedCrusade
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Don't you dare Winged. You're the one not posting and the rest of us are trying to work hard on getting this moving again so that we can go back to more character interactions. And we're almost done! We don't need that another one from the starters quit on us. And from my POV, its from a very weak excuse too.

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Yeah thanks for taking everything I say as me being angry. I'm upset. Do you even remember that you told us that you'd wait til the battel was over and the RnR started to get Lusith back in? As you stated that it would probably be easier for you to get into it again.

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YOu want a short and simple answere? Yes, I do care. Probably shouldn't but I do. I've been waiting patiently for you to return, not trying to act the nagging mother...again. And I payed attention. I always pay attention. I sat here, waiting for fish, waiting for snale who then disapeared too but without a word, I was there you were gone.


I also saw when you returned to other RPs and wondered when you'd return to ours.

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Winged, although I do understand the 'strange feeling' it gives to have been half-out (or completely out) of an RP for long, but I can tell you this:
There's only one remedy for it: Posting again. 
And if you think people are not interacting with you, there is one very safe solution to that: Interact with them. 


I know that often, when one person posts a question "into the group" for anyone to answer, that can be overlooked. Well, then simply don't. Look for someone who has just the slightest of hooks for Lusith, and grab him! Go at that person directly, and ask/tell that person specifically. "Person XYZ, can you help me with/tell me/....?"
I don't think anyone here is the kind of person to mailicously ignore that. And once you get to know one person, you can build off of that. The longer you keep at it, the easier it gets. 


Just my two coins of advice. And personally, I never found Lusith to be boring. So you can put that worry aside.

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