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Lotus In Bloom [Ooc]


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For what it's worth, I do give a damn about Lusith. A Valkyr who isn't ruled by grimdark and edgy trauma is a breath of wonderfully fresh air.

As Drandko said, posting is the only real solution for this funk you're in. The important thing is that you relax, do something enjoyable and reconsider the situation a few more times once you're happier.

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Sorry about that... About earlier. I'm not leaving LiB, I was just not in a good place earlier. I really should get myself checked, all these random depression attacks have been more apparent as of late and it's starting to worry me..

(God, if only I could get rid of those posts. What an embarrassment..)

Edited by WingedCrusade
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There is always the "Edit" button if you really feel that a post needs to be cleared away.  Or, you could ask one of the moderators to remove it.


Either way, I'm glad you're still with us, Wing.  I'm going to post one more time to wrap up this whole Colossus mess, and then we'll settle into character interaction for a while.  Lusith can slip right back in with minimal hassle, especially since we we'll have three new faces on deck.

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I have created a realtimeboard (online whiteboard) illustrating current groupings of characters as well as their general location and annotations. I am going to maintain it, and you are free to register for the site (it does not send out many emails, just a update-notification now and then), and request permission for the board from me. For that, you need to send me your email-adress with which you registered with the service in a private forum message. 

Of course, this is purely optional. It is meant to provide an overview and help with posting without confusing who's where. There will be no exclusive information posted there.

Edited by ArrexDrandko
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I have created a realtimeboard (online whiteboard) illustrating current groupings of characters as well as their general location and annotations. I am going to maintain it, and you are free to register for the site (it does not send out many emails, just a update-notification now and then), and request permission for the board from me. For that, you need to send me your email-adress with which you registered with the service in a private forum message.

Of course, this is purely optional. It is meant to provide an overview and help with posting without confusing who's where. There will be no exclusive information posted there.


Nicely done!

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It's been a while that i've wanting to partake on a good RPing thread, but never really had the courage, now i've decided to risk it, while i am an active member of the forums, the time i'm in the forums is from early in the morning to at maximun noon which seems to be the time where noone is online (also there is a small diference on the time zone).


either way my character submission (tell me if there already is anything similar or you wouldn't have any use for)



Warframe:Ash / Ash prime(read description first)



Primary : Woke up with none, prefers bows, or shotguns.

Secondary: Has a Lex prime on holster, still, has a thing for throwing weapons.

Melee: Had a pair of Fang primes but ones broken.


Description/Backstorie: Was (will be) found in a cryopod on an infested derelic ship, before that he was one of the guards of the orokin of that ship when an infestation attack ocurred after the orokin brought an strage fossile found on an exploration of the edges of the solar system, the infested that was awakened from the fossile had a skyn harder than any metal, probably from all the time it expent on the freezing vacum of space,

the crew of the ship was decimated quickly, but the feel tenno warframe soldiers fought until the end, most of them, when Sephke at the brink of death, noticed there was no use fighting the creature, it's weapons either broken or out of ammo, his warframe shredded, his friends all dead and the creature still standing as if nothing had happened, he decided to run for his life, the creature was too slow as a concequence of it's impenatrable armor, Sephke found the safety of a room where a feel cryopods of the dead remained, he locked the door as to only another frame would be able to opened, and entered a cryopod which did not have any time destination, with the hope that someday, someone would find him.


Edit: this all happened before the orokin fall. 




Appearence: Has a destroyed Ash prime warframe his original helmet completely obliterated, so little of it remains that you better just throw it away, but still the frame still has a value to him as a memory of his lost friends (still he requires a new helmet), scars cover his body , caused by the fight with the creature unkown, before, a conversation starter and a joker, now his closed face shows his lack of trust in himself as a guardian, as for while it may have occurred ions ago for other, that had just happened to him, an requires time to recover, but still he shows signs that the old him still remains, Blond with a long hair but will shortly shave his head while making a judgement to find and kill the creature and all of the rest of the infeasted,


On a last note this character will need a form of setup to be introduced, untill them I wait patiently a response.

Edited by Dwolfknight
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Hey guys. Seems I've missed quite a bit. Glad you're staying Wing. I agree with  Achiax that your Valkyr is a unique and wonderful part of this RP, do stick around. On the topic of characters I'm considering making a new one. I'm getting this horrid impression that my current one is not very well liked. Although I have to try and remember that just because my character is not liked doesn't mean that I myself am not.


Though I still find the fact discouraging. I'm not sure if its force of habit or just being out of the loop for this long but he seems like I'm very good at making characters for people to hate, weather its my intention or not. I'm not trying to be a downer its just an observation I've made after looking back on my previous RPs and now this one currently.


Though I suppose that's not entirely a bad thing. I've always been an extremist when it comes to my ideas. If there was ever a need for someone always up to something crazy and over the top then it'd have to be me. Enough of my rambling though I need think about this new character thing a little more, and seek potential approval should I decide to go through with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You are forgiven, psych.  It took me long enough to cobble a post together with just a minimum of Real-Life stuff going on.


A brief warning though: I've got the mother of all hell-weeks coming up.  Actually, it's three-week stretch encompassing two projects, two essays, and two final tests.  Plus family obligations (Thanksgiving holiday) the first week, standard homework in the second week and studying for said finals in the third week.


Long story short: don't expect much from me.

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Wish you both luck in the coming weeks, work is gonna be pretty boring next week is like three days, 3-4 family diners for Thanksgiving and then plenty of pain afterwards. Post when you can and don't be strangers I believe that's about the most that we can ask of anyone.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Avete friends.  Sorry I haven't been around much lately; school and old habits have been conspiring to break me this past week.  So far, I think I've lost all capacity for emotive response, outside of vague senses of guilt or relief.  All that aside, I should be back with you this weekend when I head home for the Christmas holiday.  For those of you who have been waiting on me, thank you for your patience.  I will reply as soon as I am able.


In the meantime, have a look at the set of RP continuity rules I've been developing in my non-existent spare time.  Spoilers included for those who have not yet completed Second Dream.  Feedback is much appreciated.


Continuity Rules:


1)      There is no such thing as a Revive

a. To prevent any possible abuse of gameplay mechanics in an RP setting, characters that are killed through normally irreversible means will remain dead.  Space magic does not protect you from a bullet through the medulla oblongata.

b. Except in cases of Oro abuse (see below).

2)      Tenno are people

a. In the sense that outside of the Warframes, they appear as Technocyte-touched men and women infused with the power of the Void.

b. Corollary:  Non-Tenno characters.  For the sake of general sanity, it is preferred that player characters be Tenno.  However, you may petition the GM for permission to use Syndicate or other non-Tenno characters.  Non-Tenno characters will be expected to behave in a manner befitting their background and/or factional allegiances.  Writers are heavily discouraged from using Grineer, Corpus, or heavens-forbid, Infested.

3)      Warframes are suits

a. The natural corollary of “Tenno are people”; warframes are techno-organic battle suits, not remote-controlled platforms or bio-robotic golems animated by Oro.

4)      The Lotus is not evil

a. She may have been born from a Sentient, but Space Mom is still Space Mom.  Your characters are free to hold whatever beliefs they like; just know that in this setting, the Lotus’ intentions are truly in the Tenno’s best interests.

5)      Oro

a. In this setting, it is a combination of the Tenno’s consciousness and Void energy reserves, essentially equivalent to a soul. 

b. GM’S DISCRETION ONLY:  The ONLY way this may save your character from death is if the Oro is given sanctuary by a willing host IMMEDIATELY after the character’s “death.”  The host character will have to deal with two personalities living in their head, and will only be allowed to host the Oro with the GM’s express approval.  Other restrictions may apply.  This DOES NOT grant the host character access to the passenger’s skills, powers, or Void energy reserves.  Passengers cannot “take over” in the event that their host is knocked out, killed, or otherwise incapacitated; the only arena in which they have any agency is on the mental plane, where they may speak to their host or anyone in telepathic contact. 

6)      Cephalons

a. Cephalons are fully-realized AI constructs that require massive computing power to run.  Therefore, Tenno cannot carry a Cephalon or fork of a Cephalon into the field.  The smallest mobile platform that can house a Cephalon is a Liset-class dropship or Orbiter.

b. Exception:  Unless the Cephalon is “frozen” on a stable storage medium.  Cephalons in this state are “dead” until “revived” on a system with sufficient energy and processing power to house them.

7)      Homebrew frames

a. Don’t do it.  Just don’t. 

b. Exception: genderbent frames.  These are allowed, with the GM’s approval, as long as they aren’t fetishized.  HOWEVER, it is assumed that things like female Rhinos and male Novas are EXTREMELY rare, and will thus be greeted with a mixture of surprise and confusion by other characters.

8)      Homebrew weapons

a. No.  No you may not have a railgun tonfa, a rapier sheathed under the barrel of your sniper rifle, or any other clever not-in-game weapon or weapon modification you can think of.

b. Corollary:  Unconventional Loadouts.  It is preferred that you limit yourself to the standard in-game Primary/Secondary/Melee setup or some variation thereof.  However, you may petition the GM for permission to use other weapon combinations, as long as you do not exceed the hard limit of three “weapon sets.”  You may not take more than two sets worth of any one weapon class, with the exception of Primaries (see below).

i. 1 Primary – 1 set, 1.5 sets if taken with another Primary

ii. 1 Secondary – 1 set

iii. Dual Secondaries – 1 set, cannot be taken with another Dual Secondaries.

iv. Thrown Secondaries – as Dual Secondaries

v.  1 Two-handed Melee -- 1 set, cannot be take with another Two-handed or Long Melee

vi. 1 Long Melee – 1 set

vii.  Dual Melee – 1 set, cannot be taken with another Dual Melee

viii. 1 Short Melee – 1 set, counts as a Dual Melee if taken with an identical short Melee

ix. Thrown Melee – as Short Melee

9)      Homebrew equipment

a. GM’S DISCRETION ONLY:  The technology of Warframe is poorly defined and even more poorly understood.  To reflect this, characters are allowed to innovate new equipment.  However, all equipment will be subject to approval by the GM and other thread members before introduction.

10)  Power Use 

a. Power use outside the warframes is naturally limited and very difficult.  Attempts to do so carry an inherent risk of critical existence failure for you and anything around you.

b. Power use inside the warframes generally follows gameplay mechanics.

c. “Power tricks”: These are ONLY allowed with the GM’s express approval.  While inside their warframe, characters may attempt to use their powers in new and inventive ways, such as charging a battery with Volt’s Shock or using Ash’s Shuriken as a makeshift scalpel.  All such attempts will carry inherent risk of arbitrary failure.

d. Focus

a. As noted above, in this continuity, Tenno are people and Warframes are suits.  Therefore, Operators, such as they are, exist within their Warframes. 

b. The Focus Lens is treated as a way in which a Tenno can stably manifest their Oro outside their body for a limited time. This is NOT the same as being an out-of-frame Tenno.

c. The body MAY still be damaged while Focus is active.  Damage sustained to the physical body while Focus is active is automatically reduced, and a set amount will be automatically regenerated when the Oro returns to the body.  However, damage to the body may, at the GM’s discretion, affect the duration and power of your Focus, or in extreme cases, lead to character death.

d. Passive Focus buffs may be activated without entering full Focus, but will always wear off over time, and cannot be maintained indefinitely.  Sorry Naramon folks, no eternal invisibility for you.

11)  Timeline/Lore

a. ALL warframes existed in some form or other during the Orokin era.  “New” warframes like Zephyr and Nova were rebuilt using rediscovered technology, or refined from prototypes.

b. No Tenno knows exactly how long the Long Sleep from the Collapse to the present spanned.  It is assumed to be centuries at best, millennia at worst.  Anyone else who does know, isn’t telling.


The Long Sleep in this setting was proper cryosleep, not the Transference-induced in medias res of the Second Dream

c.  All in-game event represent actual points on the Warframe timeline, and will be tracked according to the progress of the RP.

d.  At the GM’s discretion, certain changes appropriate to the setting and RP-specific lore may be made to established factions or events.

12)  Gameplay vs. Roleplay

a.  Certain elements of gameplay simply don’t make sense in a roleplaying context.  These include but are not limited to:

i. Visible When Holstered on/off:  All weapons are always visible when carried or holstered.  No additional weapons may be held in Gear storage.

ii. Focus Invulnerability:  It’s really no fun for the enemy when you leave your body on the ground and start laying into them with an invulnerable energy form.  Your body can still take damage while in Focus (see above).


Operators.  Second Dream was amazing, but it left us RPers with a bit of a dilemma.  To preserve the essence of personal interaction in RP, Operators exist within their Warframes (see above)

b. Certain elements of roleplaying simply don’t make sense in a gameplay context.  These include but are not limited to:

 i.  A Trinity storing small medical tools in her over-sized fauld.  Not far-fetched for a medic-frame, but not practical in-game.

c. Questions of Gameplay vs. Roleplay may be debated by all thread members, but will be finalized by the GM.



Addendum:  Thread Procedures


1)      Petitioning the GM

a. You may petition via the OoC thread on the forums, the GM’s Private Message box, or the chatango page.

b. Be prepared to explain why you and/or your character should be allowed the exception for which you are applying.  Consider how this deviation from the norm has affected the character, especially as an element of their backstory, their fighting style, and/or their interactions with others.

c. The GM reserves the right to make all petitions public for discussion among thread members.

d. The GM’s decision is final.  Repeated and egregious acts of defiance, incivility, and/or disruption in both OoC and IC contexts may result in arbitrary character death.

2)      Interacting with fellow RPers

a. An RP is a collaborative effort.  Treat your fellow writers with the respect and civility they are due.

b. Have fun.  It’s why we’re all here, crafting an online story when we could be out interacting with other human beings.

c. Always strive to improve.  Thread members are encouraged to read and offer constructive critiques on other writers’ posts.  It is the job of the writer to be open to such critiques, and the job of the critics to ensure that they are delivered in a tactful and appropriate manner.

Edited by Temperance000
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May we still use weapons and gear that has been announced via prime time/ dev stream, such as the Rapier? And on the subject of visibility on/off, what about digital storage, which is really the only place i can assume one would store up to 999 boxes of team health, ammo, and energy restore packs.

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May we still use weapons and gear that has been announced via prime time/ dev stream, such as the Rapier? And on the subject of visibility on/off, what about digital storage, which is really the only place i can assume one would store up to 999 boxes of team health, ammo, and energy restore packs.


These are still draft rules, and so are subject to change, but in general:


1) No.  Weapons that have not been released in-game at the time the thread is set may not be used.

2) Digital storage functions as it does in-game, and cannot store weaponry or other large items (see 12a-i).  Capture targets are stored in a secondary buffer made specifically for that purpose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just posting here to say my internet has been acting up, otherwise i would have been in the chat more and most likely have replied in LiB by now.


That being said I have been wondering how to pace out Xiu going to the Docking Bay from Engineering on Deck 6, as it is three decks above him and i think at least three sectors towards the front of the ship. I dont think he could get there in one post but again im not sure how to pace this.

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a. As noted above, in this continuity, Tenno are people and Warframes are suits.  Therefore, Operators, such as they are, exist within their Warframes.


(Sorry for the abnormally late reply, guess I missed when this was posted)


So, may I request some clarification on this point?


Is it like, using Setebos as an example, Setebos, a separate being from the in-game Operator who does most of the grunt work piloting the suit, his Warframe, and then the essence/energy of his Operator existing within his Warframe to be summoned similar to how it works in-game, and then of course the Operator being physically somewhere far, far away.


So basically: Setebos(Not a spooky ghost psychic child)>Warframe>Operator(who, physically, is somewhere else, but who's essence/energy inhabits the suit)




Setebos is an operator, either as a child (which would probably make the Warframe similar to Fallout 4's power armor in terms of giving people increased height) or somehow aged enough to fully fit the dimensions of his suit, then his Warframe.


So basically: Setebos(Is a spooky ghost psychic child, aged or not)>Warframe

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(Sorry for the abnormally late reply, guess I missed when this was posted)


So, may I request some clarification on this point?


Is it like, using Setebos as an example, Setebos, a separate being from the in-game Operator who does most of the grunt work piloting the suit, his Warframe, and then the essence/energy of his Operator existing within his Warframe to be summoned similar to how it works in-game, and then of course the Operator being physically somewhere far, far away.


So basically: Setebos(Not a spooky ghost psychic child)>Warframe>Operator(who, physically, is somewhere else, but who's essence/energy inhabits the suit)




Setebos is an operator, either as a child (which would probably make the Warframe similar to Fallout 4's power armor in terms of giving people increased height) or somehow aged enough to fully fit the dimensions of his suit, then his Warframe.


So basically: Setebos(Is a spooky ghost psychic child, aged or not)>Warframe


Neither. As for the rules stated by temp, we are continuing from where we were before: Tenno are the only living beings involved with Warframes. And the warframes are suits they put on (or off), with barely any life on their own. 

So to say, we disregard U18-Canon for the duration of LiB, simply because switching now in the middle of the RP would be (in my eyes) totally awkward.

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Neither. As for the rules stated by temp, we are continuing from where we were before: Tenno are the only living beings involved with Warframes. And the warframes are suits they put on (or off), with barely any life on their own. 

So to say, we disregard U18-Canon for the duration of LiB, simply because switching now in the middle of the RP would be (in my eyes) totally awkward.

Agreed on that last point of awkwardness, but also as rpers we determine our own cannon regardless of what the game developers have decided.

More specifically the DM is Arbiter when it comes to Cannon, Rules, and what not.

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Happy holidays and many thanks to all of you who have worked with me to make Lotus in Bloom such a wonderful experience. Hard to believe it's been a year already. Here's to one more, even better than the last. Now if I could just get my post up before midnight rolls around....

With gratitude and best wishes,


Edited by Temperance000
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys. I've been completely quiet and inactive around here for what seems like forever now. I'd like to firstly say I'm sorry about that. I'm not usually the type to up and disappear without a word first. But the holidays and new years brought up a lot of ummmm... personal issues and some very heavy "emotional" baggage. You're all better off not knowing where that took me but the good news I'm back now and I'm.... ok? Yeah lets go with ok. I have a lot of catch up reading to do and that sort of thing so I'm hoping to be all caught up and posted by... tomorrow? I mean if I'm still even considered to be in this thing since I disappeared. Again sorry about that and I hope you all had a better new year then I did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the late post. Couldn't get into a good writing mood and my schedule was effectively stacked the past few weeks. I should have a more stable schedule now, so that's good.




Best virtual birthday present yet :D

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