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What Would Inspire You To Fight Harder For This Event?


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The only thing that could make me fight harder, would be if DE didn't force us to do this with Archwing.


I'd be far more inclined to do more work if it was a series of sabotage missions that didn't have me up against enemies I can't fight because I don't have experience in a mode I don't play, because there is nothing fun about grinding Archwing missions.



Also, I'm annoyed as hell that I won't be able to get all the rewards because of the holiday season making me work 15+ hours a day several days in a row, and out of my house several nights a week, preventing me from accessing the game enough times.



DE you really dropped the ball doing this over Christmas, on top of making it a god damn Archwing pack that requires way more time invested in a dead mode with no appeal to a majority of the players.

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DE should have made this event happen AFTER allowing clans to own rooms on the relays... THAT would have made things a lot more interesting, seeing clans fighting to defend their own rooms on the relays...

At least that would have been something people cared about saving...


While I totally agree with you about this, how would you like to be the clan on Earth when the mission run for scores over 100k was worth 50k in credits when Saturn was worth 75k for the same score and the same difficulty? Those clans on Earth would be crying bloody murder when the very mercenary Tenno made an economic decision to use their keys and place their efforts in a more fiscally rewarding battle. 


Watch it: every time there are two Fomorians in play, the one with higher credit rewards will drop faster. 

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If only people with MR10 were allowed to participate, because it's us Veterans carrying the newbies and the noobs,

MR has little if nothing at all to do with AW. I'm MR16 and have been carried all event lol. I just dislike archwing completely as it adds nothing to our core gameplay and provides no beneifts whatsoever to said WF gameplay. Archwing is just another time/credit/effort sink with no real benefits to players that like Warframes normal gameplay. Now if AW had rare mods for ground gameplay that you could not get anywhere else I would do it for that reason alone. As is for me it is nothing more than MR fodder.

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While I totally agree with you about this, how would you like to be the clan on Earth when the mission run for scores over 100k was worth 50k in credits when Saturn was worth 75k for the same score and the same difficulty? Those clans on Earth would be crying bloody murder when the very mercenary Tenno made an economic decision to use their keys and place their efforts in a more fiscally rewarding battle. 


Watch it: every time there are two Fomorians in play, the one with higher credit rewards will drop faster. 

That makes literally no sense at all considering the monetary reward is for 1 run and no more. I could see that being a speaking point if it was per run but it's not.

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The problem with providing incentives for doing things is that they have to be WORTH the trouble of acquiring to more than 75% of the community. In previous events DE has given fantastic rewards that people were happy to grind away to achieve. Where as this event is a reward that appeals to MAYBE (and I'm being quite generous here) 25% of the community (judging from the massive party that was thrown on Strata and the overwhelming amount of feedback disliking archwing gameplay in general). You cannot implement an event with repercussions based on a gameplay mode that is considered by most as unnecessary and even downright awful by some. That just drives the IDGAF attitude. In addition to that you then offer rewards for that same gameplay mode further alienating the majority of your players. To further compound that you make it time sensitive during a season of the year in which time is the one commodity we have too little of to begin with. If DE further compounds this problem for the community by making Baron show up less frequently, charge more for his items, or have less in stock then they will have wronged the community thrice with one event. Which does not bode well for DE's future at all. In short there is no type of reward that would make it a must for any players in WF atm.

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While I totally agree with you about this, how would you like to be the clan on Earth when the mission run for scores over 100k was worth 50k in credits when Saturn was worth 75k for the same score and the same difficulty? Those clans on Earth would be crying bloody murder when the very mercenary Tenno made an economic decision to use their keys and place their efforts in a more fiscally rewarding battle. 


Watch it: every time there are two Fomorians in play, the one with higher credit rewards will drop faster. 

So we're actually the Ferengi Corpus?

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Personally I love the event and I like the relays. I took a particular interest in the Kronia relay cuz I happen to like Saturn, so I fought tooth and nail to keep it from falling(and it was close). Did my actions make a difference? I dunno. Prolly a small one at least. I spent the entire night rallying people in the recruiting channel, running the mission over and over. At one point I ran outta Cryotic(I had a lot to start) and had to do an Excavation mission to make the last 2 keys. I probably ran the Fomorian mission at least 10-15 times. I feel like I contributed sufficiently to it's destruction.


Why, you ask? Because now every time I step onto the Kronia relay I can do so with a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that my hard work is part of the reason why it's still there and I'm able to be on it. In a way it's like a giant event badge - that you can dock at! Kindof like signing your name to something. I like to think that somewhere on the relay, behind some wall, on the back of some random panel, is a small inscription, "Meneliki helped save this relay."


Who knows, maybe I'm a little too 'into it', but I poured a lot of time and resources into the defense of that relay and I don't regret it one bit. If another Fomorian showed up at Saturn(and sadly, it may well) I'd be first in line to confront it. As for the other relays, well... I've only got so many resources. lol


Which brings me to my opinion of the limiting factor  - the keys. They aren't cheap. The cryotic/spores add up fast. If they weren't single use, or were just easier/quicker to get... I'd be running these missions nonstop.


TLDR: Did it for pride/sense of accomplishment. Keys limiting factor of why I don't do it more.

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That makes literally no sense at all considering the monetary reward is for 1 run and no more. I could see that being a speaking point if it was per run but it's not.

Let's assume that not everyone breaks 100k score on their first attempt, shall we? Maybe they get a bad team, maybe there is lag and everyone drops - but that first attempt doesn't work. All other things being equal, if you are a new player, or even an old player who is tired of repetitive sabotage, are you going to spend your limited time and disruptors on the map that will reward you with 50k or 75k? 

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Personally I love the event and I like the relays. I took a particular interest in the Kronia relay cuz I happen to like Saturn, so I fought tooth and nail to keep it from falling(and it was close). Did my actions make a difference? I dunno. Prolly a small one at least. I spent the entire night rallying people in the recruiting channel, running the mission over and over. At one point I ran outta Cryotic(I had a lot to start) and had to do an Excavation mission to make the last 2 keys. I probably ran the Fomorian mission at least 10-15 times. I feel like I contributed sufficiently to it's destruction.


Why, you ask? Because now every time I step onto the Kronia relay I can do so with a sense of pride and accomplishment, knowing that my hard work is part of the reason why it's still there and I'm able to be on it. In a way it's like a giant event badge - that you can dock at! Kindof like signing your name to something. I like to think that somewhere on the relay, behind some wall, on the back of some random panel, is a small inscription, "Meneliki helped save this relay."


Who knows, maybe I'm a little too 'into it', but I poured a lot of time and resources into the defense of that relay and I don't regret it one bit. If another Fomorian showed up at Saturn(and sadly, it may well) I'd be first in line to confront it. As for the other relays, well... I've only got so many resources. lol


Which brings me to my opinion of the limiting factor  - the keys. They aren't cheap. The cryotic/spores add up fast. If they weren't single use, or were just easier/quicker to get... I'd be running these missions nonstop.


TLDR: Did it for pride/sense of accomplishment. Keys limiting factor of why I don't do it more.


This for me is why I'm doing the event, I've probably made... 50  key's so far and I've ran about 6-7 missions on each Fomorian to rear it's ugly head.


I like the relay's, I really do.  I was apart of the first people to figure all the stupid stuff out,  Like the Run-slide-emote thing that allowed you to meditate across a room. I was in the relays about an hour after relays went public and was laughing my unmentionables off as me and my clan were butt scooting around the relay, having a race and acting like complete idiots.  That's my memories of the Relay, hell it was on Strata relay that I did most of that. 



And yet...  And yet I don't feel any loss of it.  Sure, there's some outrage, directed mainly towards Hek for he is the in-universe instigator, but there's no real sense of loss for something that is copy pasted 6 more times.  The name means nothing to me, it's the place that's important and theres 6 more of them that I can relate to easily enough.


If you want people to really, REALLY dig in their toes, grit their teeth and grind like an industrial drill to save a relay, then you need to do two things.


One.  Make it memorable.  The memories I had of Strata relay, were of me and friends scooting around the halls, racing on our rears while floating 3 feet off the ground.   That memory can still be called upon any time I step into another relay.  Now say that those halls actually had a race track in them, with the FEEL of a race track,  the sounds or metal crotch plates dragging the ground as we scooted our hardest towards the finish line. Imagine that, all gone.  Gone up in the hellfire of a Fomorian Laser.  Imagine now, unfeeling silver walls, without the race track, without the sense of belonging.  That's what I'd miss if I actually had it to begin with.  Give us something to miss instead of taking away one of our multitude of new cardboard boxes.


Two.  Make it personal.  I want to walk along a relay, maybe one of the out of the way area's with a window or something and see a small family -let's say a mother and child-  looking out that window.  I want to see a Fomorian off in the distance, a single red eye glaring balefully at us.  Now imagine for a moment the girl, turning to her mother after seeing this spectre of death and ask  "Mommy... where's daddy?  What's happening?  I'm Scared, mommy."  or any Variation thereof.  I don't want the mother to answer, I don't even want her to look at the child, hell she could be wearing one of those funny Lotus hats for all I care.  I just want her to turn, bend down, grab her daughter and hug her like her life depended on it.  I want to see her body shaking in fear because she can't tell her daughter the truth; That she doesn't know.  Then I want her to 'see' me.  I want that mother to look me in the eye/faceplate/whatever and just stare because she knows what I know; That it's quite possible we'll fail and she's now condemning me for not doing what I and the rest of my fellows were all but created to do.  I want that feeling of utter hopelessness to fill my entire being just long enough to make me regret not doing more, to regret that I've been wasting time here in the relay when I could be out there fighting the good fight.  I want to be able to nod slightly at the woman.  -Message received- And turn around, my back straighter, my fists clenched and my eyes forward.  I want to board my ship with an extra bit of force in my step, a hand already reaching for the load out roster for my gear... and as I fly off, perusing what sort of bladed implement I'll shove up Vey Hek's exhaust pipe, I want to see that little girl and her mother watching me, watch as I stand like a bulwark against the darkness.  I want to face that kind of evil, that vile, murderous mountain of machine and hatred, of conquest and ruin.   I want to stare it down and snarl at it, to spit and bite at what madman would defile the peace and safety that those two called home.  I want to face that incoming doom and not blink in the face of destruction.  I want to see... I want to hope that maybe, just maybe, I'll make a difference...

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Would have liked to see the event work like it did in the trailer for it. Archwing to the Fomorian (maybe get rid of the shield generators), then jettison from your Archwing inside the Balor Fomorian and attack it from the inside. Would have been really nice. Was kind of a tease that I was left moderately disappointed with.


Also would have liked to see the Balor Fomorian above Eris get infested. That would have been fun too. I just would have liked a bit less repetitiveness from the event. I like it and think it's worth defending the Relays, but it's just the same mission over and over again with nothing changing. It gets old pretty quickly...

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The syndicates are in those relays right? They spent time to make their rooms nice and pretty, they would really appreciate the hub not getting destroyed. Why not have an additional reward, the highest tier medallion for every 1 million points. If would be the new rep farm.

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you know why i don't play the mission too often?



killing me while I'm still on my loading screen

killing me through my shield

killing me because they spawn way too often and do too much damage

and then there are the helions with a shield


I'd play the mission a lot more if achwing was a bit more balanced

uranus is still way too hard for me and I DO have all the high level and rare mods

Edited by Shiagur
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I'm a bit of a latecomer; the first event I was really able to participate in was Cryotic Front.  But this Fomorian thing will be the first one I haven't gotten full completion credit for.


My archwing/weapons/mods are leveled and I don't mind the play mode.  But crafting and recrafting the key is such a monumental pain in the *** that I don't expect to see even the first-tier achievement for this event.  I'm having difficulty soloing the missions to get the components, the key is consumed win or lose and if you die on the mission, you're just screwed.  Doesn't help when you've burned through your revives farming the mats in the missions because your warframe grabs the wrong loadout (archwing-boosting mods instead of mission mods).


Warframe is awesome, DE is awesome, but this event seems to be working too hard to keep people out.

Edited by MasterFu
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