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Is That How Shotguns Will Get Buffed?


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I still don't understand why they bothered to prime Point Blank. Why not just buff up the original one to 10 ranks like Serration and Hornet Strike?


Well they released new 120% slash mods and puncture mods. Ya know, instead of buffing the older ones. Expect everything. And never let yourself be caught off-guard like I did (I am now suffering from mixed-feelings-syndrome because of that).



All the damage in the world isn't going to fix how they feel. Hek's a great example with it's new mod. Tons of damage, but can only kill 4 targets every 6 seconds or so.


Nice point, but buffing doesn't always mean tweaking mere numbers. Mechanics altogether can be changed, i heard about giving shotguns more spread, more pellets and no damage falloff. Liek, enjoy the mess of number in yo face at every press of the trigger. I would love that.

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Yeah, I'm really not sure what was going on in the devs' minds when they decided that a Primed version of an essential mod for an overall subpar class of weapons is a good idea. 

If shotguns are weak (as they are now), Primed Point Blank is just a way to buff shotguns that is inaccessible to a huge number of players.

If shotguns are perfectly fine, Primed Point Blank would just lead to a power-creep issue.


Overall, not nearly the best way the devs could have handled the situation. Considering that the mod isn't even out yet, it's not too late to fix this mistake.

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All the damage in the world isn't going to fix how they feel. Hek's a great example with it's new mod. Tons of damage, but can only kill 4 targets every 6 seconds or so.


Except that's a lie and it wipes out mobs in 2 to 3 shots.


Oh gawd another shotgun topic, need to block these things from my view rofl

Edited by DarkTails
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I find most Primed mods as being either band-aid or power creep. Often inaccessible due to timing unless rotations are solidified, but then if most mods can be primes then rotations might be even farther out than we think. A novel idea by DE but it will create more problems than it is really worth, plus ranking up the damn things is a PITA...

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All the damage in the world isn't going to fix how they feel. Hek's a great example with it's new mod. Tons of damage, but can only kill 4 targets every 6 seconds or so.

i concur. just adding more Damage doesn't 'fix' Shotguns. it starts to help, but Shotguns have mechanics issues abound as well.

and ultimately i'd rather we address the mechanics issues, they matter a lot more in the end.



you're the misinformation.

your arguments sum up to "it doesn't matter because i can still kill things with it".

when the rest of the Community is saying that other Weapons do all of their roles better. you can still kill something with a MK-1 Paris, but obviously most other Weapons are better. you can still kill something with a Bronco, but obviously there's many other Weapons that are better.



Shotguns in other Video Games are very powerful Weapons. they have defined Roles. and i love Shotguns in other Video Games. especially Marksman Shotguns. in much more realism centric Shooters, Shotguns are the totes. high risk, high reward, and if needed, much more force multiplication than the popguns most people use.

in Warframe, the other Weapon Archetypes out perform Shotguns at any role they might try to have.

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when the rest of the Community is saying that other Weapons do all of their roles better.


Yeah. That's what I say too. Not sure what the problem is. o_O


Please stop with the misinformation, thanks. Being honest is the only way we can identify the real problems and suggest solutions that will work.

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Yeah. That's what I say too. Not sure what the problem is. o_O


Please stop with the misinformation, thanks. Being honest is the only way we can identify the real problems and suggest solutions that will work.

Did they tell you about the lack of pellette spread and pellets themselves? If not, then they weren't being honest. Seems only one person said it so he was honest.


So that is the real problem. Time to suggest solutions that shall work.


But at the very least they were honest that they don't like shotguns in warframe and won't touch them since they don't function like they do in other games. They especially don't like having to be somewhat precise to kill stuff.


I remember the shotgun in Saints Row and how it blew people away, even groups w/o much effort at the cost of range. That's what they want. For shotguns to be unique and fun and have an aoe blast much like the Fluctus(Wide projectiles allow for hitting multiple targets with greater ease), but in a shotgun case greater number of pellets in a wide arc allowing the hitting of multiple targets with greater ease.


There is a particular thread with a diagram of how this should work. Unfortunately, it's buried under the rubble.

Edited by Jinryusai
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Depends, I use the new Hek and can wipe out the front door in Void Def from T1-3 (T4 I have yet to do)   With T3 Wave:35+ needing about 2 shots to clear it cause of shields, besides that it is a great gun for taking out groups.   Tigris is the same but sadly it falls off faster due to Slashing orientation.   I haven't used the other ones extensively but for large groups a good Primary shotgun is great with a Vaykor or Furis(New Loka mod)  to clean up the stragglers.   It all depends on how you wanna play it I guess. 


I for one welcome Prime Point Blank.

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Why bother using a shotgun when a sniper rifle is a better shotgun?  And if sniper rifles get nerfed because of that then why bother using sniper rifles?


The solution starts with making Sniping a thing, (instead of just another gun you carry around that happens to be low RoF and large damage per round), so that sniper rifles and shotguns do not step on each other's toes.  Then the shotguns can get unnerfed. 


The solution starts with proper distance mechnics so that weapons do not step on each other's toes.  If you want to see real sniper rifles, check out Sniper elite series.  A science fantasy setting should be able to do better than that.  Trying to cram sniper rifles into shotgun range then nerfing shotguns to make sniper rifle into something is not sensible.  It's like muskets is sci-fantasy skins.  It feels totally off.  (Muskets Confirmed!)


And Shotgun = Pellet Spread is an old boring idea.  Shotguns use slugs too, and all sorts of rounds.  Real shotguns do not have insane spreads unless you cut their barrels down to pistol length.  Some shotguns with insane spread is fine but all of them having it is boring, in my opinion.  Besides, Phage.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Shotgun damage is fine (more or less). It's mechanical changes that they really need; a buff to Point Blank won't do much for them IMO, and a replacement for Point Blank would just be flat out insulting.


Is it really easier and more practical to create an entirely new damage mod rather than just add a few numbers to the already existing one? I get that DE wants to give us credit (and ducat) sinks, but band-aid mods?

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