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What Do You Think The Next Warframe Will Be?


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i dont think they will make typhus to be honest, fan concepts are nice but i dont think they will actually use one over any idea they came up with

Zephyr was a fan concept. They literally stated it in a devstream, and I believe Steve called out the person that made it in a post shortly after, as he forgot their name during the devstream. There was nothing coincidental about it.


Zephyr was confirmed to be originated as a fan-made concept in Devstream 22, by user Volkovyi, although Digital Extremes did not specify who followed up the idea, instead, it was spoken as general constructed by the community.

  • Volkovyi was acknowledged as the one who inspired Zephyr by Grineeer (Scott) on twitter, explaining that his nickname simply escaped him during the Livestream.
Edited by xRufus7x
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Am I the only one who really hates the Typhus concept?


I want to see that four-armed philosopher king guy. Typhus is just 3edgy5me "hurr durr I shoot bone spikes everywhere" generic crowd-control press 4 to win frame.


Also, if I remember correctly, some guy had a pretty sick idea for a dancer frame, but we just got a female so the next one will be a male. Maybe Zen monkframe will be a thing? I hope so.

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Am I the only one who really hates the Typhus concept?


I want to see that four-armed philosopher king guy. Typhus is just 3edgy5me "hurr durr I shoot bone spikes everywhere" generic crowd-control press 4 to win frame.


If Typhus is done right, he could be the first frame who scales off his enemies, due to the concept of him being a parasite. So, he won't be generic at all in that case, imo. I just hope that DE doesn't f*** him up if they are actually doing him.

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Ok all this L posting is making me wonder why you are making it into a thing to be so vague.

We do have Valkyr who many, me included want to see unspoiled.

Then there is the female Ash, and Nemesis from Dark Sector.

As for Typhus. Let me set things straight. He is not a press 4 to win frame. He has a frailty only bypassed by buffing with stolen stats from killed enemies. The idea is new and the fact he is a samurai/knight who were transformed by the mutalist-parasite, makes him the first infested warframe, a long time request.

With Alad and Mesa, this makes total sense.

I love the concept so much I try to do a 3d model of Typhus. If you dont like it, thats cool. But I advice you to read the first page of the thread, read the lore and powers.

My take on how Typhus could look;


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Ok all this L posting is making me wonder why you are making it into a thing to be so vague.

We do have Valkyr who many, me included want to see unspoiled.

Then there is the female Ash, and Nemesis from Dark Sector.

As for Typhus. Let me set things straight. He is not a press 4 to win frame. He has a frailty only bypassed by buffing with stolen stats from killed enemies. The idea is new and the fact he is a samurai/knight who were transformed by the mutalist-parasite, makes him the first infested warframe, a long time request.

With Alad and Mesa, this makes total sense.

I love the concept so much I try to do a 3d model of Typhus. If you dont like it, thats cool. But I advice you to read the first page of the thread, read the lore and powers.

My take on how Typhus could look;


i actually like typhus,i think he should be added and used as a springboard to herald a new age of more innovative warframes

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i actually like typhus,i think he should be added and used as a springboard to herald a new age of more innovative warframes

i honestly feel that mesa and frames to come are possibly raising the bar on warframes. cause mesa is great. there are those who say otherwise but she has powers that actually work together unlike limbo, and although those skills aren't the best they could be, they are still good in their own right (i just wish shooting gallery wasn't a jumping ability -_-) i think typhus can fit into this batch of frames since he isn't just a generic radial javelin/stomp/etc frame

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i honestly feel that mesa and frames to come are possibly raising the bar on warframes. cause mesa is great. there are those who say otherwise but she has powers that actually work together unlike limbo, and although those skills aren't the best they could be, they are still good in their own right (i just wish shooting gallery wasn't a jumping ability -_-) i think typhus can fit into this batch of frames since he isn't just a generic radial javelin/stomp/etc frame


Odd example, since I feel like Limbo's skills work together moreso than any other frame. Perhaps he's not the strongest, but some of his skills literally require others to function properly.


That being said, prior to Limbo, this sort of design wasn't possible, because Warframes did not possess all of their skills by default. It wouldn't be fair to have a synergistic moveset since that would require players to consume four modslots with abilities. Now that limitation is removed, allowing more creative move designs that aren't radial javelin/stomp/etc. 

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Odd example, since I feel like Limbo's skills work together moreso than any other frame. Perhaps he's not the strongest, but some of his skills literally require others to function properly.


That being said, prior to Limbo, this sort of design wasn't possible, because Warframes did not possess all of their skills by default. It wouldn't be fair to have a synergistic moveset since that would require players to consume four modslots with abilities. Now that limitation is removed, allowing more creative move designs that aren't radial javelin/stomp/etc. 

well i used limbo since some moves could have been changed/removed and wouldn't make a difference. mainly rift surge. i keep forgetting that it even exists. and i feel like limbo doesnt need 2 moves that basically does the same thing but on different targets. (ally/ememy, self) but i'm not DE so i can't call shots. my opinion only matters to myself ~.~

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I don't know if some people are against Typhus for valuable reasons or are just...Jealous.("he's not a support frame" "weeaboo frame"...)


He was confirmed to have 90% chance of being ingame guys. (In a prime time.So the question is when)

Moreover,no one is forcing you to get the new frame/weapon,remember.


Imo, it's ether him or a time frame. (the time manipulation request is something I've seen in the forums since I joined it!)

Edited by unknow99
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I don't know if some people are against Typhus for valuable reasons or are just...Jealous.("he's not a support frame" "weeaboo frame"...)


He was confirmed to have 90% chance of being ingame guys. (In a prime time.So the question is when)

Moreover,no one is forcing you to get the new frame/weapon,remember.


Imo, it's ether him or a time frame. (the time manipulation request is something I've seen in the forums since I joined it!)


I'm just against Typhus because he's a terrible design IMO, but yeah I wouldn't doubt it if he's put into the game next update. Though I would like the timeframe more.

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I'm just against Typhus because he's a terrible design IMO, but yeah I wouldn't doubt it if he's put into the game next update. Though I would like the timeframe more.

At least you're honest : to each his own taste, after all.


Some people hate Zephyr,some don't,etc... That's normal.

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Just for reference, the original Zephyr concept was made by Liger Inuzuka.


Personally, I dislike the fundamental concept of Typhus. I don't feel that he fits in with the other Warframes. I feel like hes trying too hard to be that special snowflake by having a drastically different concept, and even then, I don't feel the concept of a viral/parasitic samurai works. If anything the two words parasite and samurai may as well be antonyms.


Personally, i'd like to see Earth Warframe next, as opposed to these odd themed Warframes we've had throughout 2014...a pirate, then a clown, then a magician, then a cowgirl. *shrugs*. Zephyr is the most "normal" out of the lot of them. She must feel lonely, being the only sane Warframe to come out of 2014.

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I don't know if some people are against Typhus for valuable reasons or are just...Jealous.("he's not a support frame" "weeaboo frame"...)

Personally I am against him being labeled as a samurai. Based on the designers skill set and description he is clearly nothing of the sort. As clearly no thought went into preserving the meaning of the word in the design or skills.

That being said you want to add him as simply a viral parasite frame, go ahead. But drop the tacky tacked on samurai-to-sound-cool tag... Either do a Samurai concept justice or don't bother thanks.

Edited by grimoireofalice
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Personally I am against him being labeled as a samurai. Based on the designers skill set and description he is clearly nothing of the sort. As clearly no thought went into preserving the meaning of the word in the design or skills.

That being said you want to add him as simply a viral parasite frame, go ahead. But drop the tacky tacked on samurai-to-sound-cool tag... Either do a Samurai concept justice or don't bother thanks.

Aren't you being a bit to litteral? Even though the Theme is Samurai/parasite, this is more an extension of the Lore.

He was a knight/samurai who served with honor. The mutalist parasite nearly broke him, but somehow he managed to control it lnstead.

The knight is lost, but the honor and loyalty to the Tenno remain.

Kind of like Valkyr, who was said to have been kind and gentle. Look what happened to her.

Allso, we can all bet the designers will have redone it and might even change the Lore and theme to what they like.

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