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The Never-Ending Pain Of Farming Resources. Come And Give A Suggestion For Improvement.


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This has been a huge problem for me and probably for many other Tennos playing Warframe. 

People farm for new prime parts for hours, days, weeks and when one has finally, after hundreds of void keys, got the needed parts he realizes a one small little thing.


That you need from 8 to 15 orokin cells to craft a prime weapon. After so many hours of repetitive gameplay, which i find okay while doing void missions, i still find out that STILL after years, the fastest way to get orokin cells is to kill General Sargas Ruk in Tethys, Uranus. Why game this good that i have spent almost one thousand hours playing STILL has this stupid mechanic. Kill the boss, no rare drop, do it again until you have the needed rare resources. Couldn´t there be any other solution here?


The only thing that keeps me away from this game is actually that small thing. FARMING OROKIN CELLS. So little thing that frustrates me every now and then. For example, I made this post after a long session, killing Sargas Ruk over and over again. I counted down the amount of runs, each lasting from 1:20 minutes to 2:00 minutes. I completed 32 runs in about one and a half hour and got 13 orokin cells, 15 detonite ampules and some nano spores/plastids. Why can´t the drop rate be solid 100%? Or is there possible to be any alternative resource farm in the future?  


Anyone else can relate to this? u__u 

Solutions? Anyone? DE? Help?

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The find/grind mentality is it's own problem.


DE put tons of rewards all over the game. People tunnel vision on just one of them at a time and all the other things they're getting don't matter to them. People doing nothing but void and some key farm where cells don't drop is a classic and it comes up every time they put a new round of stuff in the void. 


I'm not immune. Believe it or not no where I normally play has no Nanospores. I am OUT OF NANOSPORES. I maintain prime extractors on all three nanospore planets and that's the only way I can make things like health restore packs, keys and this event gear item. If I use a lot of packs leveling stuff (ammo for pre-buff Glax, power for spamming skills on frames) I end up farming. I've been lucky for quite a while now with the nanospore alerts at just the right time but atm I'm low. I think I only have 35ish of each kind of restore pack. :/

Edited by VKhaun
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The find/grind mentality is it's own problem.


DE put tons of rewards all over the game. People tunnel vision on just one of them at a time and all the other things they're getting don't matter to them. People doing nothing but void and some key farm where cells don't drop is a classic and it comes up every time they put a new round of stuff in the void. 


I'm not immune. Believe it or not no where I normally play has no Nanospores. I am OUT OF NANOSPORES. I maintain prime extractors on all three nanospore planets and that's the only way I can make things like health restore packs, keys and this event gear item. If I use a lot of packs leveling stuff (ammo for pre-buff Glax, power for spamming skills on frames) I end up farming. I've been lucky for quite a while now with the nanospore alerts at just the right time but atm I'm low. I think I only have 35ish of each kind of restore pack. :/

That´s a good point. I´ve been working an idea on my mind for a couple months now. What if we had a great resource trade market, a grand exchange? Where every player could send their unneeded resources and trade those to some other things, of course without a price or a tax. For example this kind of a station could be in the player liset. Think if I could give someone, like you, my extra 2,3 million Nano Spores or 1 mil Alloy Plates in exchange for some salvage and polymer bundle. Then I could set the rate which I would "buy" or trade those resources. 


How does that sound like? :3

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I think that every alert should have resources as a reward. That way it's -actual- farming and not a kill lottery. Maybe the ones that aren't stressing resources have half the value of an alert that does stress resources. So instead of 3000 Ferrite, it's 1500 Ferrite on the alert that isn't stressing resources.

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Nekros + 6 forma full efficiency desecrate build. :)

Nah man, think about those who don't have Nekros. Or forma!


The other day I saw some people talking about combining resources to form rarer ones. This would probably make RNG muuuch more bearable for everyone. :)

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Solutions to the grinding issue in general?


1. Make a "hard cap" on the time it takes to acquire items that are dropped via RNG, or even out the drop chances so we don't have massively weighted RNG drop tables.


2. Have goals in the game that are not related to acquisition of items, Like a main story line, challenging bosses, PvP (No, we don't have PvP, we have OPvP).


3. Gameplay is fun, but not space ninja enough. If it were more space ninja, people would play the game just to be a space ninja, and no effort would be needed to keep people playing.


I think three should take priority. Because space ninja.


EDIT: Bad spelling space ninja'd me.

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The find/grind mentality is it's own problem.


DE put tons of rewards all over the game. People tunnel vision on just one of them at a time and all the other things they're getting don't matter to them. People doing nothing but void and some key farm where cells don't drop is a classic and it comes up every time they put a new round of stuff in the void. 


I'm not immune. Believe it or not no where I normally play has no Nanospores. I am OUT OF NANOSPORES. I maintain prime extractors on all three nanospore planets and that's the only way I can make things like health restore packs, keys and this event gear item. If I use a lot of packs leveling stuff (ammo for pre-buff Glax, power for spamming skills on frames) I end up farming. I've been lucky for quite a while now with the nanospore alerts at just the right time but atm I'm low. I think I only have 35ish of each kind of restore pack. :/


People actually use extractors?


I dont think I used them more than a couple of times and I've never run out of resources.

I dismissed them as a complete waste of time after the 3rd time they just returned trash resources. 

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The find/grind mentality is it's own problem.


DE put tons of rewards all over the game. People tunnel vision on just one of them at a time and all the other things they're getting don't matter to them. People doing nothing but void and some key farm where cells don't drop is a classic and it comes up every time they put a new round of stuff in the void. 

Yes and no. The thing is maybe you have 3 or 4 current objectives that are mutually exclusive. For example, let's say you need the last Elytron part, 15 cells for the Dakra, and you are ranking up a sword and Frost.


For the Elytron part you won't get cells or rank up your melee. And it may take a long time.


Ranking up the frame and the sword can be done at the same time, but you won't get many cells (if you are playing ceres or saturn, otherwise you get 0) before your are done with it, and by the time both are Rank30 you won't have the 15 cells for the dakra.


The most effective thing to get those cells is to Nekros farm some defenses/interceptions, but if the weapon you are ranking up is a primary you can't take it there (unless you can rely entirely on your secondary). So you end up playing the same mission over and over, and not ranking up that other frame you left lv18.


What I'm trying to say is that most of the time you can't "just play" because many things require very specific farming.



And of course, people that already have almost everything in the game will have one or two objectives at a time when new stuff is released. That's not tunnel vision, that's a lack of stuff for them to do.

Edited by The_Doc
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It seems pretty simple to me.  Expand the loot tables, and balance missions to give closer to equal rewards.  More items should drop in more places. Mods, resources, prime parts, everything.  Prime parts outside of void, resources dropping on multiple planets, practically any mod dropping from any enemy, etc.  


Makes the game less of a grind, we win.  Makes it more difficult to target farm specific items, thus more platinum purchases, DE wins. Hiding items behind higher and higher grind walls is definitely not the way to go.  That's how you frustrate and lose players not make more money.


Diablo 2 has the best loot system in any game ever.  Just copy the underlying formulas and principles from that game.  Not saying that we need runestones or unique items as drops or equipment with randomized stats.  But the way you can find practically any item in the game in some random barrel or from some trash enemy makes everything more fun.  It was never like Dark Souls, castlevania, or warframe when playing that game.  I'd just play through it normally, and the loot would follow.  I never had to kill the same enemy 100 times or repeat the same mission 100 times, just for the 1 item that only they can drop.  For the super rare stuff there was always trading too.

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It seems pretty simple to me.  Expand the loot tables, and balance missions to give closer to equal rewards.  More items should drop in more places. Mods, resources, prime parts, everything.  Prime parts outside of void, resources dropping on multiple planets, practically any mod dropping from any enemy, etc.  


Makes the game less of a grind, we win.  Makes it more difficult to target farm specific items, thus more platinum purchases, DE wins.


No, just NO. While i hate farming for something rare at least i know that when a mod or resource drops there is a high chance it will be what i want. With expansion of the loot tables you would end up running all over the place looking for one specific item you could earlier just go to specific place for. For me it should be complete opposite. While resources could stay as it is with the exception of rare resources being 100% chance drop from bosses (i mean, i go for boss to get detonite ampule? or god damn fieldron sample i already have thousands? thats a joke) mods should be more enemy specific, while it is true for most rare mods it could be done the same for normal ones with the exception of fussion mods. When it comes to Void i would threw out the Orokin Cells along with keys out of drop tables, maybe even cores, i mean i'm not staying till 35th minute in survival to get 5 orokin cells, one prime part thats lying around and 1 fussion core...

Edited by Kasarian
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That is so sad that Nekros is not too much more than a loot reroll.


So is Frost more then the "dome over the objective" guy?


Does Banshee even GET a mention as anything normally?


Perma Sound Quake bimbo? Sonic biatch? Anything?

Edited by DSpite
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TBH I've never had trouble with resources besides Neural Sensors. Do those ever drop outside of Salad V? Seriously. My friends and I ran a survival mission on venus for ~40 minutes with a Nekros dessecrate spambuild and got THREE. Thisisunacceptable.jpg


Bad RNG for you I think. It takes 33 Neural Sensors to build 1 of everything, then Forma and Reactors take 1, so all Frames an extra 19, meaning 52 all up before burning them for Forma.


I have all the Frames minus the 2 latest ones, everything built and 53 spare Neural Sensors in inventory, and it's not even the account I run the most, as my Excalibur+Glaive U14 test account became so fun to try and make catch up to my primary that I run that most of the time now.


Strangely enough, it's Neurodes I'm personally short on, so again, welcome to RNG.


And no, trying to "fix" this is not a good idea for DE as long as they have a market that sells resources for Plat. If we payed monthly fees it would make sense to balance drops out more to keep us "running smoothly", but that's not the case is it.


Farm harder or buy it.

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So is Frost more then the "dome over the objective" guy?


Does Banshee even GET a mention as anything normally?


Perma Sound Quake bimbo? Sonic biatch? Anything?

Frost's damage is good up until level 35 if you mod him with both Power Strength mods. Freeze is just a bad power.


Banshee's amazing for crits, especially with her Sonar augment.

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Yes and no. The thing is maybe you have 3 or 4 current objectives that are mutually exclusive. For example, let's say you need the last Elytron part, 15 cells for the Dakra, and you are ranking up a sword and Frost.


You literally just did exactly what I said was the problem for farm/grind mentality. You are cherry picking individual goals, but that's not my point. It's normal for a player to have goals within any given area like you describe. It's NOT normal to ignore all the other progress you can earn.


Example to clarify:

Look at people who farm/grind something like Dual Decurion or Rathbone. They go to an Archwing Sabotage mission where they could be finding Corpus-dropped mods. They could be earning tons of XP. They could be playing with their friends. Instead you see the same thing in every PUG. Join -> RUSH -> Complete with 1 kill because the guy was blocking a door. CRAP experience, ZERO loot, and NO fun.


Then you come to the boards and what do you see? Rathbone is a stupid grind. Where do I level my Archwing gear? Where do I find this mod? Why do I have to go back and farm a mod when I already farmed Rathbone? Why do we need obstacles or CC enemies it's fine to rush!


Do you realize, during Vivergate they actually were so tunnel visioned on farming rep they were leaving mods and cores on the ground to such an extreme extent the DEVS HAD TO PATCH THE GAME? In hotfixes just before they messed with Excal and Mag and Viver they had to limit the mods on the ground at FIFTY because people would leave so many rewards on the ground on that tiny pre-nerf Viver map it was KILLING STABILITY AND FRAME RATE.







The farm/grind mentality IS IT'S OWN PROBLEM.

Edited by VKhaun
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