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Valid Concern - Consoles And The Eyes Of Blight Event


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There is no question that the PS4 community is smaller, and less 'advanced' in comparison to the PC community. 
The XB1 community is yet even smaller, and very much inexperienced for the most part.


PC has lost several relays from this event, this event occurred after they had received relays.

The consoles will seemingly get this event the same time we are receiving these relays.


The concern is, if the requirements for this event is the same as the requirements for PC, then I fear we will lose all, if not most of our relays. This fear is brought to light because of the PC experience, and many PS4 users take from that experience. The veterans will tell the casuals that it is not worth it to save the relays themselves, because, at this point in time, there really is no incentive. This tells me that the community will complete the fomorian missions for the event point and leave the relay to burn, much like PC, but because of the smaller community, there will be an obvious mistreatment, and I doubt we will get many high level relays below 50%.


Our invasions are taking a half a week to complete.


XB1 users have only been here a few months. I seriously doubt many of them are experienced enough to properly take on high level archwing missions.


This concern is that we will see a devestation of our relays far worse than that of PC, and that there will be very little for us to do to try and negate this. We lose a gift as we receive it. It'll be a terrible feeling.

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And maybe they should lower the overall difficulty, for the reason to follow=This event has been extremely hard for players with low modded archwing stuff, so considering the overall level of the PS4 and XBone community, most players wont be even able to attend some of the higher level missions due to them being shot to look like swiz cheese.

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Honestly, I think the biggest problem PC faced was the holidays. Not just in terms of their personal time that players had to spare on the event, but also because DE wasn't there to release hotfixes or tweaks to the event (like they typically have when an event mechanic was off).


I think it does seem like we'll be getting the relays and the event at the same time too, so I'm hoping DE fixes the details of the event so that it's easier to do and so that more people will want to actually do the missions.


Like other people have said, Archwing feels underdeveloped still (very few viable load out options) and the relays definitely are underdeveloped considering there's no differences between any of them yet.


That said, I'm real curious to see what will happen if we keep some of the relays that PC doesn't have anymore (or if we can).

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For all we know, rather than there being a fixed number of Formorians in total to fight, the event is scripted to go until the last relay is about to fall, at which point something scripted and cool happens.


Still a concern; without heavy scaling of a sort that DE has still not seen fit to do on invasions they're going to fall a lot faster on PS4, almost certainly fast enough to make it impossible to get the Vandal and very likely fast enough to make it impossible to get the mods...

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Honestly, I think the biggest problem PC faced was the holidays. Not just in terms of their personal time that players had to spare on the event, but also because DE wasn't there to release hotfixes or tweaks to the event (like they typically have when an event mechanic was off).


I think it does seem like we'll be getting the relays and the event at the same time too, so I'm hoping DE fixes the details of the event so that it's easier to do and so that more people will want to actually do the missions.


Like other people have said, Archwing feels underdeveloped still (very few viable load out options) and the relays definitely are underdeveloped considering there's no differences between any of them yet.


That said, I'm real curious to see what will happen if we keep some of the relays that PC doesn't have anymore (or if we can).

Actually the primary problem that Pc faced is the low number of people that actually play AW regularly. Now whether this is due to the fact that AW is not interesting to them, the rewards were for a 1 and done kind of deal(ie: you could only generate a reward upon completion of 1 run), or the runs were just too monotonous. The WF pc populace was on, in abundance in fact over the holidays. However due to various feedback in both the forums and in most games I played, I found that the reasons were many variations of what I stated above. Quite frankly it appears that the supporters of AW are just not enough to base an entire event around. Much less something to base a potential punishment of the entire playerbase for a lack of desire to play a given mode that has quite frankly faltered in it's attempts to really capture the interest of the entire community(or even a majority of the community as it appears currently).

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For all we know, rather than there being a fixed number of Formorians in total to fight, the event is scripted to go until the last relay is about to fall, at which point something scripted and cool happens.


Still a concern; without heavy scaling of a sort that DE has still not seen fit to do on invasions they're going to fall a lot faster on PS4, almost certainly fast enough to make it impossible to get the Vandal and very likely fast enough to make it impossible to get the mods...

As far as the mods are concerned that is no loss really as they are 60% fire damage+60% status chance for both Arch-Gun and Melee which as you know from AW gameplay is not really that beneficial versus using a mod for 120% fire elemental. As far as the Vandal goes THAT may be quite a loss considering it is an upgrade for arguably the best AW gun to date.


My suggestion would be to post as many feedback threads bout this event in the PS4 forums as you can Prior to it's beginning in the hopes that DE will put a fix in place to scale the event to your AW player base not your player base as a whole, considering AW playerbase on PC was not taken into account thus part of the problem with said event. If you then combine the lower overall community of the PS4, Xbone, and the subsequently lower amount of AW players. You may have a completely untenable situation on your hands.


The best defense is a good offense. If you want to ensure the continued existence of your relays I suggest you be proactive. 

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Actually the primary problem that Pc faced is the low number of people that actually play AW regularly. Now whether this is due to the fact that AW is not interesting to them, the rewards were for a 1 and done kind of deal(ie: you could only generate a reward upon completion of 1 run), or the runs were just too monotonous. The WF pc populace was on, in abundance in fact over the holidays. However due to various feedback in both the forums and in most games I played, I found that the reasons were many variations of what I stated above. Quite frankly it appears that the supporters of AW are just not enough to base an entire event around. Much less something to base a potential punishment of the entire playerbase for a lack of desire to play a given mode that has quite frankly faltered in it's attempts to really capture the interest of the entire community(or even a majority of the community as it appears currently).


I agree that people hated how the mechanics for the event were set up; I think if DE had been around during the holidays though, they would have tweaked the mechanics as they've done in the past (in terms of scoring, multipliers, etc). Out of all the events I've seen DE do since I started playing the game, they have always been pretty good at swift fixes for problems people had with the events. This seems like the first event they've done that's gone pretty poorly.


I probably am underestimating how unpopular Archwing is though. :P Now that you mention it, it's pretty lacking on PS4 as well, but I'm hoping that because most people have maxed out the weapons/collected all the things that they can collect.

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Point noted. We'll do our best to make sure the event is balanced appropriately for consoles when the time comes. Also, there will probably be some time between the release of Relays on consoles and the Eyes of Blight event (Relays will have to be working smoothly on consoles first). 

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@DEDrew One of the other things PC players faced was apathy including myself because DE did not give us enough reason to care about the Relays themselves, because in reality they are carbon copies of eah other, most like myself who are of a practical nature, using common sense knew we would not lose all the relays due to all DE's work that had been done on them just to get them working would have been foolish to think they all would be destroyed. The scoring per Formorian also kept many from repeating the missions, it was just not fun nor practical to repeat the mission. Now whether this was true or not but a lot of the PC community also thought the Event was scripted because of the way certain Formorians would go down in health faster than others so with this in mind many thought why bother. What I think DE should do using the PC Event as an example is rectify many of the things wrong with the PC Event and alter them for the PS4 and  Xbox1  communities such as increase the number of points per Formorian, create cut scenes of people in a panic to get off the relay, Brave Tenno launching into space to try to buy time for the people on the relays, give them a reason to care about saving the relays.

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I rarely see more than three or four squads playing Archwing total, over the entire chart, at any one time. Even if they drop the numbers, I doubt this event will go well on PS4.

Very true. Even when archwing first came out there weren't all that many playing the missions. I'm still the only one in my clan who took the time to get and level both archwings, all the weapons, and all the mods. I look forward to having a new challenge to finally make good use of all that leveled up gear, but I hope I wont be out there fighting alone. -_-

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Point noted. We'll do our best to make sure the event is balanced appropriately for consoles when the time comes. Also, there will probably be some time between the release of Relays on consoles and the Eyes of Blight event (Relays will have to be working smoothly on consoles first). 


Talking about point noted.


Is there any chance you guys might post a list of "known issues and complains" somewhere on the forum, so people know which feedback, concern, bug reports, etc. have reached you?


It's really difficult to get a clear image of what is going on in development, except for the bits and pieces we might get from the livestreams every two week, but even those are highly unreliable, since subjects might get brushed aside or questions misunderstood.


So while threads about the same subject are regulary made, we have no clue if they were noted or considered important. It's like a two way mirror and we are standing on the reflecting side only able to see ourselves while having to guess if you pay any attention.


You can't answer every single thread to say if you got feedback or are working on it, likewise you don't need to tell us everything that's going on, but such a list could at least help us know what reached you.

Edited by Othergrunty
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