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Simple Fix For Void Rng That Does Not Devalue Prime Access.


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Allow the void trader to accept ducats or some other currency to purchase prime parts that are not on Prime Access currently.


You could even prevent the purchase of Prime parts from the current PA and the previous one to allow for a certain amount of platinum purchasing for trading to ensure the trading economy still drives plat purchasing.


An alternative is simply to have an exchange on a complete item basis.  By this I mean trade say 4 parts (number is just a sugestion) from one piece of gear for another part of that same gear. 
In the case of nova prime you could trade say 3 nova prime chassis and a nova prime system for a nova prime helm, or 2 nova prime helms and 2 nova prime systems for a nova prime chassis.  However you could not trade say 2 rhino prime chassis, a frost prime helm and an ember prime systems for a Nova prime chassis or any other prime part, becuse they are not all from the same completed item.
This would mean you will have to farm for parts for that specific prime gear, however if you get lots of parts for that gear item, you could trade those excess parts for the missing piece you need to actually make the set.



Easily fixed, hours and hours of frustration alleviated, entire community is happy with the void and looking forward to each and every prime release rather than dreading the grind.


If they want it fast get PA if they want it earlier than waiting for Baron to get it, suffer the RNG problem. If they are patient, get it later. WIN WIN WIN

Edited by geninrising
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Allow the void trader to accept ducats or some other currency to purchase prime parts that are not on Prime Access currently.


You could even prevent the purchase of Prime parts from the current PA and the previous one to allow for a certain amount of platinum purchasing for trading to ensure the trading economy still drives plat purchasing.


Easily fixed, hours and hours of frustration alleviated, entire community is happy with the void and looking forward to each and every prime release rather than dreading the grind.


If they want it fast get PA if they want it earlier than waiting for Baron to get it, suffer the RNG problem. If they are patient, get it later. WIN WIN WIN

Sounds fair, I won't mind if these cause my like thousands of ducats, at least I will have motivation to do void missions
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This would be friggin' awesome, as a lot of people I know thought the Void Trader would act this way from the get-go.

Those people didn't watch the devstreams, right?


I don't really see the need for the above suggestion, since items from old prime accesses become more common over time, and the current (and even previous) Prime Access is exempt from this according to OP.

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Those people didn't watch the devstreams, right?


I don't really see the need for the above suggestion, since items from old prime accesses become more common over time, and the current (and even previous) Prime Access is exempt from this according to OP.

There's no reason why the Void Trader can't be BOTH a way to exchange prime parts AND a provider of exclusive items.

There is still plenty of need, despite older prime parts being more common RNG always winds up screwing people over and trade chat is a nightmare. I don't think 100ish Void run's worth of Prime Parts for Those Few Prime Parts You Still Need isn't unreasonable.

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DE had a great oppertuity with the 'Void' Trader to actually assist in alleviating the grind for void, unfortunatly they insted just added to it. 

How the guy even has the title of Void Trader, is beyond me as he has nothing to do with the void at all (a machine converts the void parts to Ducats, and he takes ducats) as nothing he offers actually has any proof of coming from the void anyway.


Sure it is labled Prime gear, but given Tenno are in the void (actually it seems every man and his dog can get into the void these days) all the time and collectivly have never found any thing the trader offers, making it a strech to say it is actually things from the void he is offering and not some home made trinkets with the prime label added.


Sadly as much as it would be nice to see something like this DE had plenty of sugestions and oppertunities to do something like that already (even if it's only a small pool of prime parts offered each time). 

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See DE? This is how you compromise. This will not dig into your pockets and at the same time make a very happy community. On a side note, transfers will not be 1:1 of course, you have to give more than you get (Mr. Ti'Keer has to make something right?), even a 5:1 would be okay, just something to help those cursed by RNGesus.

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Those people didn't watch the devstreams, right?


I don't really see the need for the above suggestion, since items from old prime accesses become more common over time, and the current (and even previous) Prime Access is exempt from this according to OP.

DE said there will be no PvP in DS, too

so what they said is not important

Edited by akira_him
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Those people didn't watch the devstreams, right?


I don't really see the need for the above suggestion, since items from old prime accesses become more common over time, and the current (and even previous) Prime Access is exempt from this according to OP.

This has nothing to do with how the weighted RNG changes over time. I am well aware of how this works. What I am trying to address here is the overall effects that RNG have on the public PERIOD. 


Currently we are surrounded by individuals sick to death of RNG being in every single facet of our gameplay.


We are currently involved with RNG in everything from the damage we do in combat, the resources we farm, the prime parts we farm, the frames we farm, and now whether we can even farm the frames(see the large portion of the community that cannot even attempt to get Mesa due to their inability to acquire coordinates).


What I am proposing is an addition to Baron that would allow us to make all those hours we grind to no avail to get a SINGLE part we are stuck without for days on end, attainable within reason.


All I am trying to get across to DE is that here is an easy way to ensure they get their monies worth out of any Prime access they offer, and at the same time in one fell swoop SOLVE one of the most massive complaints the community has that DE has yet to come up with a solution for.


As far as 99% of the community is concerned, the primary gripe we have with this game is the unending battle with RNG.

This is a compromise that EVERYONE would be very satisfied with and would not hurt the developers bottom dollar.

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Weigh in folks. Nothing will change if we do not make the request en masse. We need to make it clear how badly RNG affects our overall outlook on this great game.


The only way that all parties involved will become satisfied with how the game works is if we ensure that DE recognizes our need for mechanics that can, when properly implemented reduce ANY amount of frustration possible.


RNGesus is an entity that most of us have grown to despise and beyond that we must keep an eye towards newer individuals that entire this game.


We as veterans understand that RNG is a horrible necessary beast for this particular game, however think on the amount of frustration this system has incurred. Now think about this, if you were a new player and had inside knowledge from a friend, would you sit down to face all that grind?

Would you wade through all of the mastery fodder to reach that MR all over again with no rewards to speak of at the top? Or would you walk away and find a game with less rng and more opportunities to acquire the things you want?

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