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I Don't Want Excalibur In My T4 Defence Missions Any More


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Lol I dont think you can white knight one of the lamest frames in the game (objectively)


My first frame and my most played frame.


I still have a lot of fun with him (but I don't build him to stand on an energy restore and 44444444).

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My first frame and my most played frame.


I still have a lot of fun with him (but I don't build him to stand on an energy restore and 44444444).

I dont understand how your build had anything to do with what I said at all, or whether or not he was your 1st.


That wasnt directed at you, and just becuase you dont play him a certain way, doesnt mean hes not a "meh" frame objectively or when compared to other frames. 


If anything, hes a nishe frame now because people just found out about his true potential

Edited by armedpoop
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Literally your entire issue is solved by not playing with pugs


I have played with pugs since I started the game a year ago and have not had this problem before.


Other problems sure, horrible players, rude players, trolls, the works.


But as far as I can tell the player who was sitting on the energy restore and pressing 4 to clear the whole map while everybody else tried to find something to do wasn't trolling.  They were trying to help with this neat new "rep farming" meta.  "Just stand there and press 4".


Too bad it wasn't fun for anybody else.

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I have played with pugs since I started the game a year ago and have not had this problem before.


Other problems sure, horrible players, rude players, trolls, the works.


But as far as I can tell the player who was sitting on the energy restore and pressing 4 to clear the whole map while everybody else tried to find something to do wasn't trolling.  They were trying to help with this neat new "rep farming" meta.  "Just stand there and press 4".


Too bad it wasn't fun for anybody else.

Rep farming is not done in towers, stop using buzz words to try and make your case heavier. 

Rep farming is done in interception maps. Rep farming is not all "just stand there press 4", I suppose it is for the excaliburs. 


Its like you werent around for the backlash of the recent nerf of excal. I mean you really want all that again?

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This game requires skill.


- Communication

Talk to your team how you are going to play together and if the current team setup is good.


- Knowledge

You need to learn that a Mesa in her ultimate or an Excalibur doing his job by applying aoe kind of damage cannot target specific enemies. Those did their job. It was your job to not go make a coffee but instead deal with the remaining enemies.


- Experience

Knowing when ( and which ) enemies will kill the pod within a split second so you might want to put your coffeee away and take care of them. That the damage dealer frames kill whole waves at the beginnning and you are bored cause you have nothing to do doesnt mean you can now AFK until wave 500.


After all you have written the only one who did something horribly wrong is you. The damage dealers kill everything the first few waves. If that stage of a mission bores you I cant help you ( and a nerf wont help you either because only 5 waves later you will seriously need their damaging abilities ). An endless mission is not the same all the time. Not all of the 40-60 minutes of playtime can be made purely so you can enjoy it. I am sure your teammates werent too fond of a player like you who thought he wouldnt have to do anything at all in the game because the first few waves were easy.


BTW : I lost 2 Defenses recently as well due to looting. Something like this happens. We didnt have any Excaliburs or Mesas in team. Actually it was my Banshee who made teammates think the pod would be safe for ever. But a single Heavy gunner will kill the pod within a split second and if everyone was looting then thats just an experience to learn from and not to blame teammates. I learned that I will stay at the pod until every dangerous enemy has been defeated. Problem solved.


I don't drink coffee.  Maybe I should take it up.


I had my sip of water before the game started, I was ready to go but unfortunately besides breaking a few bubbles I spent most of my time just trying to find something to shoot.  I stopped being engaged.  The other players stopped being engaged.  The guy standing on the energy restore and pressing 4444444 wasn't engaged.


Even if we would have left at 20 with our "free" loot it still would not have been an enjoyable game.


"rep farming" meta play is not fun.

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Rep farming is not done in towers, stop using buzz words to try and make your case heavier. 

Rep farming is done in interception maps. Rep farming is not all "just stand there press 4", I suppose it is for the excaliburs. 


Its like you werent around for the backlash of the recent nerf of excal. I mean you really want all that again?

Somebody posted a great link in the thread that I had not read yet


From DE_Steve




"Our ‘press 4 to win’ ultimates are metered primarily by the supply of energy. Finding an energy loophole means that Homer’s drinking bird can play the game for you. That is not team synergy. That is just broken.


This fall, starting with Excalibur, we’ve begun to take a hard look at these ‘X-Ray AOE’ abilities and wonder if we can bring more elements of skill back in. That’s the short answer to ‘why the hell is DE messing with us’. Homer’s drinking bird should not play the game for you."


I was around for it.  I was mad as hell that Trinity, Mag and Excal, all frames that I enjoy played were being "nerfed" because of "rep farming".


I read this post with the great graph that explained WHY people were doing it.




Syndicate rep was broken from the get go.  People wanted the shiny new toys (I like toys!) so they figured out the shortest most effective way to get that done.


But now I have to deal with "rep farming" meta bleeding over into my games where it is stopping me from having fun.



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And you and the other two stopped paying attention.

The Excal did not stop doing anything and the Excal did not kill the pod.


The others (and potentially you) stopped defending the objective, and the enemies killed the pod, and that's why the mission was lost.

How can you not link these two things together ?

Excalibur players took the fun away from everyone else in the squad. The pod died because people got bored, people got bored because of lack of fun/things to do because of excaliburs spamming 4's with a macro the whole time.



It's sort of like going to the gym and you need to get access to a certain machine but some random guy is using 4 different machines and doesn't let you use any of them until he is done with his routine. You are just sorta standing there......and get bored and annoyed. Ofcourse you can check your phone/watch tv or w/e while waiting but this is a game...


People shouldn't look for additional(out of game ways) ways to entertain themselves while playing a game(which is the main point of having fun).


Yeah, excalibur players are like hallway heroes that don't need to hallway hero to hallway hero.

Edited by kiteohatto
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Javelin becomes mostly a stun and delay power at the 20+ wave range in T4 defense, especially in pugs where not everyone is wearing corrosive projection. You should always be prepared for the worst and only go looting when there is like 1 enemy alive that is being distracted. Alternatively, ask what the excaliburs intend to do and set up a general rule or strategy to insure the pod will survive, especially if you intend to loot.

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Somebody posted a great link in the thread that I had not read yet


From DE_Steve




"Our ‘press 4 to win’ ultimates are metered primarily by the supply of energy. Finding an energy loophole means that Homer’s drinking bird can play the game for you. That is not team synergy. That is just broken.


This fall, starting with Excalibur, we’ve begun to take a hard look at these ‘X-Ray AOE’ abilities and wonder if we can bring more elements of skill back in. That’s the short answer to ‘why the hell is DE messing with us’. Homer’s drinking bird should not play the game for you."


I was around for it.  I was mad as hell that Trinity, Mag and Excal, all frames that I enjoy played were being "nerfed" because of "rep farming".


I read this post with the great graph that explained WHY people were doing it.




Syndicate rep was broken from the get go.  People wanted the shiny new toys (I like toys!) so they figured out the shortest most effective way to get that done.


But now I have to deal with "rep farming" meta bleeding over into my games where it is stopping me from having fun.



So I read the second article in its entirety, and that doesnt add anything to what you said. Your problem is STILL playing with pugs. Im not saying that nuking a playfiield isnt boring no matter how effective it is, but if you dont play with pugs or ask pugs to NOT bring frames you deem "rep meta" you should be fine. I dont think a frame needs to be RE nerfed just because you specifically dont like it.

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and I see excaliburs white knights is all over the place hoping he does not get nerfed... Time for me to vacate before I earn myself more warning points

You know, just because you dislike (object x) does not mean that any criticisms against it are immediately valid.


OP is lashing out.  Two players did not help defend the pod.  Neither of these two were the Excal.

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I was just unknowingly recruited to group that was doing this Excal/Trin garbage. I should have been suspicious when they asked if i could Trin, no-one ever asked me to go Trin.. ever (I <3 my Trin).

So i jumped at the chance. I didn't need XP or mastery i figured i'd just get soem credits or whatever. So we got into the map and the excal player was like "cap A and C neutralise D and leave B" or something along those lines.

I'm like "What?" and he's like "I spam RJ and you spam EV"

So i tried that for a bit, he was killing the mobs as soon as they spawned so yeah.. Before too long was the obligitory 'Where's my energy Trin?' Because i can totally EV the mobs when they are behind walls still in their spawn room right?

I facepalmed irl at this point and said "Why don't we just play the game like normal people?" to which he replied "This game is too grindy"


As i watch the Excal player doing his RJ animation he looked like a literal grineer grinding machine with two or three energy restores under him. "This is the definition of grinding" I said. I added "This is pretty lame, i'm gonna leave at the next round"

/End story

Funny thing is though i've never had the need to do this sort of farming, the closest i've come to that is doing rep farm for 20 or so waves on DSD. It didn't really seem that effective either, the other two teammates were one-shot and didn't bother reviving. I don't blame them i'd do the same it was boring as all hell.

I can't really offer any solutions. But i'd say there is a problem.

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I was just unknowingly recruited to group that was doing this Excal/Trin garbage. I should have been suspicious when they asked if i could Trin, no-one ever asked me to go Trin.. ever (I <3 my Trin).

So i jumped at the chance. I didn't need XP or mastery i figured i'd just get soem credits or whatever. So we got into the map and the excal player was like "cap A and C neutralise D and leave B" or something along those lines.

I'm like "What?" and he's like "I spam RJ and you spam EV"

So i tried that for a bit, he was killing the mobs as soon as they spawned so yeah.. Before too long was the obligitory 'Where's my energy Trin?' Because i can totally EV the mobs when they are behind walls still in their spawn room right?

I facepalmed irl at this point and said "Why don't we just play the game like normal people?" to which he replied "This game is too grindy"


As i watch the Excal player doing his RJ animation he looked like a literal grineer grinding machine with two or three energy restores under him. "This is the definition of grinding" I said. I added "This is pretty lame, i'm gonna leave at the next round"

/End story

Funny thing is though i've never had the need to do this sort of farming, the closest i've come to that is doing rep farm for 20 or so waves on DSD. It didn't really seem that effective either, the other two teammates were one-shot and didn't bother reviving. I don't blame them i'd do the same it was boring as all hell.

I can't really offer any solutions. But i'd say there is a problem.

You obviously didn't use the correct mods. Low duration, high strength and range. Y U NO TE4M  PLAYA?

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I don't drink coffee. Maybe I should take it up.

I had my sip of water before the game started, I was ready to go but unfortunately besides breaking a few bubbles I spent most of my time just trying to find something to shoot. I stopped being engaged. The other players stopped being engaged. The guy standing on the energy restore and pressing 4444444 wasn't engaged.

Even if we would have left at 20 with our "free" loot it still would not have been an enjoyable game.

"rep farming" meta play is not fun.

Adam, Mary, John and Jessie got together to do a pitch for a transaction. They then split the research required into 4 parts. Adam was hardworking and naturally, he did most of the research. Seeing how dedicated Adam was, "Just leave it to him!" Mary said, "He's hardworking and will surely get a whole lot done". "Yes, definitely!" John and Jessie chimed in. As Adam alone was responsible for doing all the work, he was obviously quite discontented. But nevertheless, as hardworking as he was, he continued his role, trying the best he could.

A week later, it was time for the pitch. This was a difficult client. It was not rare to see the client criticising previous teams which presented their cases. But as Adam did the research, Mary once again proposed: "Adam did the research. He should be the one leading the pitch." John and Jessie, as eager as they were, agreed. Unfortunately, Adam was not very good at doing presentations. Not only did he stutter, but he also misunderstood some of his research. The client promptly criticised the entire team and the pitch failed.

A disheartened and slightly jaded Mary met with a few friends one night. "This Adam should have done less!" she exclaims. "If he's incapable of doing the pitch by himself, he should not have done his part!" "What could he have done though?" asked Mary's curious friend. A confident Mary answers: "He shouldn't have done all the work for us! He should've been less hardworking and let us do some of the work as well!" After a sip of water, clearing her throat, "Everything I thought of, Adam has done. I'm left with no ideas!". "John, Jessie and I were all bored to death because Adam did everything!"

Edited by AcquisCommunitaire
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im loving how the exploiters/abusers are blaming the op when the op sounds like the only person who is playing the game correctly. A game on the world wide web and hes being criticized for pugging


/so confuzzled


some "playstyle" this is basically a non rushing version of the infamous 2 min Nova rush from gradivus. anything that can hit mobs 3 rooms over and 2 floors down with no negative consequence to the player needs to be adjusted. Period. you dont even have to be at the keyboard for this, you can macro and walk away and come back later


This is coming from an Excal Prime main. you guys claim that you dont want nerfs, but the only way you can play shows exactly why nerfs are needed.

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