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What Whould Make Archwing Be More Fun/ More Popular


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Hi fellow tenno,


with the latest event/tactical alert i saw a lot of people on the wiki complaining that they are pushing us into playing archwing, and i kinda agree with that cause lets be clear archwing isn't what is should be. here are some of my ideas to make it more fun;



Let tenno use their frames in space

this is an actualy pretty obvious fix, instead of using 4 abilities in space let us also use the frame's abilities cause when u see us in space u can see the frame itself is completly visible so let us use their abilities.


make it easier to help your team mates up

something like the nekros augment mod, so u dont need to be right on the player but u can shoot a kind of defibrillator that would help the player go up but u lose some shield ( cause it needs an energy source ) and u need to wait till he is completely back up.


Fix the dual stat mods

now u lose half the dmg for some status chance and that is some big Nerf cause if u see with the warframe weapons the difference is only 30dmg for 60% status chance, this arent the only mods that are bad compaired to some other but it is the most noticeable of them all cause they are new. also am i the only one that thinks the archwings should have more shield ( especially odanda cause he is a defensive wing) 


Give the frames a purpose in archwing once again

like give them a passive ability in archwing like

vauban the mechanic keeps healing his fellow archwings,

frost,ember and saryn should give the weapons +?% more dmg of their type

mirage duplicates the abilities she uses and gives the weapons a faster projectile speed,

nekros ( obviously) would have no effort in resurecting players even after death ( helpful cause maps are so huge)

Nyxes abilities would also confuse the enemy into attacking their allies 

etc. i believe this way people should think before taking a certain frame into battle and this also gives more diversity to the archwing builds


Use archwing like u showed us in the trailer

so the ship where the mission was is almost completely destroyed ordis cant land to get u out of there, so she shoots your archwing to u so u can defend ordis and get out of there safe ( exp would be divided between tenno and archwing) this would open up more mission modes for archwing cause u got ordis to defend/ u can open up space to use a kind of hyper drive so u can shoot out of the conflict area (kind of hacking mining bots to remove debris that is in your way) 


Give us some parcour in space

this is maybe the hardest one to do cause it is with moving meteors ( moving environment), so u can wall run between 2 asteroids that are gonna collide or u die trying, doing this would boost the speed of your archwing ( cause it can shoot itself of the asteroid) and it can also kill enemy's that are chasing u.


like am-bunny said: some elements doesnt work in space

so why not make new elements that do work in space ?

like void: creates a black hole inside of the target pulling all the enemys closer to him/her/it

light: aura effect : increases dmg done to this target, stackable but doesnt increase the dmg of the light itself ( high5 teamplay)

darkness: blinds the target in darkness, this effect is contagious and spread to other enemys in 10-20m (can only spread from



let us use Sentinels in space

like ok the kubdrows cant live in space but sentinels can right ? the only thing they got is that they are pretty under-powered in space cause some abilities doesn't work or are passive in archwing ( vacuum cleaner,wyrm's pull, etc) 


Make some weapons even new peeps can get

ok i kind of get that u need to farm for GOOD weapons but right now why would u farm the weapons ?

the starter weapons are stronger eather way ?

for leveling ? that 1 level isnt gonna make the difference


Maybee make some sync in the archwing abilities ?

u cant really pull of combos with the skills the current archwings have

some are to weak ,some are even not useful at all, some shouldn't even have a timer ( odanatas shield should be like rhinos iron skin but then weaker ( cause he has other skills to u know ?))

there is no team in archwing only an I .


More swarms of enemies

( like space mosquitoes ?)

give us the most annoying bosses and mobs to fight let us really hate the boss

( sorry for the reference )but Borderlands2 s handsome jack is a nice example of an ultimate boss,

he teases u the whole game and is the brain behind all previous bosses u fought,

like i feel like vor is the boss i hate the most not cause he is strong but cause he is annoying as hell

there is no other boss that teleports then shoots a ray that insta depletes your shield,( and talk even when he is dead)

or make a kind of a raid boss in space not a 4man mission but like 10man vs a huge grinneer battleship ( like the event that is going on now) but then a ship that moves arround and uses different kind of rockets

(hoaming, splash,nanoviruses and a black hole generator ?)



even though i don't dislike archwing i just don't find it as fun as parkouring in a free space exploring areas, trolling your friends





This are just some ideas i had in mind after they removed the link between archwing and frame ( health,shield etc)


if u got something else i should but in here just say it :)

Edited by xandro2
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let tenno use their frames in space

this is an actualy pretty obvious fix, instead of using 4 abilities in space let us also use the frame's abilities cause when u see us in space u can see the frame itself is completly visible so let us use their abilities.


But then it takes away the unique nature of the archwings, and we'd be bringing in extremely OP abilities (bladestorm, Radial Disarm) and just make the whole thing pointless.i

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4th skill of odonata is a radial disarm+push...



radial disarm already is in archwing though :p and what bladestorn is is the same as just sprint and mellee at the moment cause the automatic hit

Still, just giving us the powers we already have takes away the unique nature of the Archwings. Each archwing is different from one another, if we just get our abilities to use then there is no point in changing an Archwing except for cosmetic purposes. 

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or cause 


Still, just giving us the powers we already have takes away the unique nature of the Archwings. Each archwing is different from one another, if we just get our abilities to use then there is no point in changing an Archwing except for cosmetic purposes. 

or cause some abilities are really good like the nuke the flares and the mini bots ? it is not like the archwing abilities are useless i just hate it that there is no reason for even taking a frame with u

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or cause 


or cause some abilities are really good like the nuke the flares and the mini bots ? it is not like the archwing abilities are useless i just hate it that there is no reason for even taking a frame with u

...Because the frame is the one controlling it? I mean, this is simple logic here. 

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yeah but like there is no reason to take like mesa or frost or ... only if u die u lose a life of that frame that is the only thing

Yeah...but what's the negative to this? Back then, if you brought a frame like Loki, you'd fail miserably. At least here, you can bring any frame and it doesn't matter. It's all about the freedom of choice.

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Yeah...but what's the negative to this? Back then, if you brought a frame like Loki, you'd fail miserably. At least here, you can bring any frame and it doesn't matter. It's all about the freedom of choice.

but what is the fun in that, it like like flying with a corpse ...

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but what is the fun in that, it like like flying with a corpse ...

The fun is the unique abilities every archwing gives you. To try out new ones and experiment with which ones work best.

Having our regular frame abilities with us is just boring because we already know what they do and what to do with them.

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Let tenno use their frames in space

this is an actualy pretty obvious fix, instead of using 4 abilities in space let us also use the frame's abilities cause when u see us in space u can see the frame itself is completly visible so let us use their abilities.


This wouldn't work at all. Consider Ember. How can she make an open flame in space? It's positively ridiculous. Disregarding that, where would her Flame Blast and World on Fire erupt from, since there's no ground? Would her pillar of flame just float awkwardly in space?


At least half the Warframe powers wouldn't work at all in Archwing without a significant overhaul, and if the devs are making brand-new powers, why not just make more archwings instead.


Also, you really think if they pump the dual stat mods up to +90% damage, people will suddenly love Archwing?


I do like the second idea, of adding some way to revive more easily. Also, it's confirmed we will get Archwing/norml transition missions like in the trailer.

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This wouldn't work at all. Consider Ember. How can she make an open flame in space? It's positively ridiculous. Disregarding that, where would her Flame Blast and World on Fire erupt from, since there's no ground? Would her pillar of flame just float awkwardly in space?


At least half the Warframe powers wouldn't work at all in Archwing without a significant overhaul, and if the devs are making brand-new powers, why not just make more archwings instead.


Also, you really think if they pump the dual stat mods up to +90% damage, people will suddenly love Archwing?


I do like the second idea, of adding some way to revive more easily. Also, it's confirmed we will get Archwing/norml transition missions like in the trailer.

the mods are just bad compaired to the frames mods, like i dont think that making a mod would be that hard, and cause of this people with experience feel underpowered and so are faster bored in archwing ( same reason some people stay forever with rhino, Boltor p and soma) cause some weapons are so underpowered it is to painfull to level ( like making tier weapons instead of getting weapons with mastery u need to learn how to use them by mastering other weapons ( easyer weapons) 

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People might have more fun in Archwing if they would simply...


"Git Gud."


Most the time I'm running missions I never see anybody actively moving while firing their gun. The fastest I ever see anybody travel is when they melee enemies. Otherwise people just sit there like bullet fodder. Obviously.... Archwing is so bad because that Level 14 Corvette destroyed you right?


That outa my system now.... Archwing does have its flaws. This much is very clear. But it's still very new, but it's not right off the assembly line either. Most of the biggest problems it had are gone now. Archwing has been cleaned up nicely. It just needs a bit more polishing for a shiny finish.

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People might have more fun in Archwing if they would simply...


"Git Gud."


Most the time I'm running missions I never see anybody actively moving while firing their gun. The fastest I ever see anybody travel is when they melee enemies. Otherwise people just sit there like bullet fodder. Obviously.... Archwing is so bad because that Level 14 Corvette destroyed you right?


That outa my system now.... Archwing does have its flaws. This much is very clear. But it's still very new, but it's not right off the assembly line either. Most of the biggest problems it had are gone now. Archwing has been cleaned up nicely. It just needs a bit more polishing for a shiny finish.


the problem with archwing is that it is to linear atm there are no unique things or things that makes u feel unique everyone uses the odonata and the beginner weps cause well to be fair the beginner weps are pretty strong compaired to the mk1-items for warframes (compaired to other weapons) 

they do however got some unique weapons like fluctus ( horizontal beam instead of just a bullet) and the rathbone instead of just slashing it pushes them away the problem is that they arent that strong...  the imperator is without a doubt the strongest archwing gun and veritux the strongest mellee ( cause no crit melle or gun yet ( plz dont make a archwing soma) or a gun with just high base dmg and a bit of status chance (ex boltor) i would love a gun where u can get huge different builds ( dmg-build/status-build/crit-build ) or if they aply a new dmg type ( ex void ( collide with enemys nearby) , light ( blinding everyone and makes tennos who are nearby the enemy with this status would do more dmg(like mirages eclipse )) cause like AM-bunny said some elements would work in space so seeing element that do work in space would be nice

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I don't thin parkour would make sense in space really, though wall running in those astroids looks fun, there wouldn't be any point of it: We could just fly off.

well my thing is if the asteroids are gonna colide u get a speedboost when u wallrun (jettpackwallrun) it would we like a kind of liftoff ( evasive manouvers) 

cause some enemys got some hard shells and the asteroid collision would be an instakill for them ( just need to be lucky to see one :p

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DE is using Archwing as a sort of fresh start, they are getting away from the OPness and balancing things from the start. So, no to frame abilities carrying over. However, there should be one frame specific ability that can be used in Archwing. Just one ability (either completely new or an updated original) that can be used in Archwing. For example, if you are using Frost you can make a snow globe (but much larger range), maybe an extended range radial blind for Excalibur, give Rhino Iron Skin 2.0,maybe give Vauban a super Vortex, and blessing seems like an extremely useful ability for Trinity in space. You get the idea. DE can re-balance the abilities for Archwing as to not destroy the decent balance there is now. 

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All Archwing needs to be great:


- The invisible missiles that some enemies fire need to be fixed and possibly nerfed.

- Hybrid missions that mix on-foot and archwing (which is in the works and will be arriving hopefully soom )

- More interesting enemies. Ogma and the Gox are a good start. More big mini-boss enemies. (grineer and corpus ships)

- More maps. Interception gets boring very fast. Exterminate is meh.

- Better heads up display, the warframe minimap doesnt work in Archwing at all.

- Guns and Archwings "parts" that drop like Void equipment need different drop rates and areas

- Archwing melee to not eat up the same meter we use to sprint

- better indicators of where enemies, mods, and items are when they are in the distance

- sentinals and kubrows in space

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