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Quitting For The Foreseeable Future.


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I don't want to turn this into a "pitty me" thread but rather explain why im going to be quitting warframe for a while (possibly forever).


I have bought grand master founder and 3 top tier prime access packs. Im not some random kid that wants stuff for free.


I have been playing since a little bit after open beta started. I LOVED the game when it first game out and readily recommended to every friend I could that they check it out and come play with me. They all long ago stopped playing, many of them quit after only a week of play citing reasons such as "repetative" and "grindy".


I am the last person i know who played actively up until two weeks ago. I stayed faithful that the devs would fix it and turn away from the ever increasing grind. Mirage I found to be exceedingly annoying. They dangle a chunk of lore in front of us and tell us "pay up or wait 12 hours per piece to get more". This annoyed me because the grind was now taken out of my hands. I kept on chugging, made a forum post about it and went back to farming up prime parts and leveling equipment.


Then came Mesa. Mesa combined a wait wall, with an RNG wall, with a grind wall 3 times over to get to a dice roll chance at getting what you need, only the dice were weighted to never land on one of the sides. I wont go into it since this post I made already has all my thoughts on it: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/353293-problem-with-walls-mesa-is-grindwall-waitwall-rng-wall/



300 likes, 14 pages, and not a single offical post on it. The devs never even glanced at it or discussed the topic.


The newest event came out and I got excited again because finally there was something new to do. Only there wasn't.

It was yet again, grind out resources to build a key and then run the mission a single time to get 1,000,000 points. then come back the next day when the next mission was up. About half way through I quit because I had a key eaten 3 times in a row and I frankly did not want to do any more excavation missions (i finished the mission and got no rewards because the key is sucked up when you used it in game and not at the end)


After that I quit getting on, my computer is dyeing and I had to reinstall windows due to a near dead hard drive. Out of curiosity I check the forums to see if there is anything new. An update! I read the patch notes and instantly loose any desire I had to reinstall the game.


All of the recent additions have been more grind filled than the last, and now DE has seen fit to INCREASE the ammount of grind you have to do to get a reward by 5x. The choice we have is to be frank, $&*&*#(%&. We can spend HALF our daily rep limit (mr14 nets me 30k rep per day) to buy a single guaranteed key or spend 25k rep to get 3 "random" keys with one guaranteed T3/T4 key (knowing DE's definition of random it will be two T1 keys with a T3 key 90% of the time. T4 key 0.1% of the time and if your lucky a T2 key every blue moon).


In summery, I feel DE thinks the solution to every problem is more grind. I've given them ample time to talk about it or even acknowledge the complaints with a slight mention. We get grind topped with grind and locked behind grind and now we get punished for having to attend to IRL matters or for dieing in a mission and not buying more revives.


This game is quickly turning to freemium.


Let me know what you all think be it agree with me, dissagree with me, or flame me. I'll watch this thread for a while and glance at the forums occasionally. As it stands though I will not grace warframe with the space on my near death hard drive.

Edited by --Strider-Hiryu--
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Hope this gets locked since it really isn't a 'discussion'

 you ignored the entire post then, i presented what i found to be an ongoing issue and at the end of my post asked for peoples oppinions on it. If you dont think thats a disscussion then you may find another thread

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I agree with you, I was talking to one of my closest friends today, he stopped playing actively several weeks ago, thats what he said(just copied rom fb, he also fights for a better warframe):


I'm thinking of not making it even my side activity, the game has become such grindfest that it repels me from it whatsoever, still don't have half of the things added before christmas, still missing high noon (non-desecratable brood mothers is a joke btw), missing all the new primes and centaur blade



We had a clan once, a small one consisting of highly active hardcore players, we actually wanted to score in events, but events were a pure matter of grind, not skill, so that failed. One after another we lost interst, now there is not much left. Only me and 3 others. And the hardest playing we do is stephano rep farm then logout.


I was once known as the guy who always has the latest stuff and highest mastery. Now I dont even have the new prime stuff because is causes heavy disgust in me to enter a void. Archwing is possibly the worst addition to warframe and being forced to paly it for mastery is even worse. The last 4 updates have been a fun-famine to me.


Lets see how long Geno can suffer.

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 you ignored the entire post then, i presented what i found to be an ongoing issue and at the end of my post asked for peoples oppinions on it. If you dont think thats a disscussion then you may find another thread

Feedback goes in feedback forum sections. They equally require no preceding rant as to why you are quitting and how nothing has changed to your particular liking. Yes, the devs read them. No, they don't require dev responses.

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I will say that I have seen a lot happen to this game in my time playing. What I saw today in the patch notes is indeed disheartening and discouraging. I also agree that the grinding has gone up to an excessive level. I find myself often taking breaks and checking in. I really want to see this game head in a better direction. But it seems unlikely that will be so given the recent decisions and additions.

Edited by XxSeether1992xX
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Every single time something poorly designed happens, I just want to believe it's an honest mistake. That DE had the best intentions and made an accidental misstep. It's becoming increasingly hard to use this justification as it keeps getting worse, and worse.


I'm not one of the conspiracy "PWE influence" people, I think DE has just been treading this path on their own for a long time now. It's becoming disheartening, and as much as I want to love the game it keeps drifting towards increasingly terrible directions.


I guess only time will tell now.

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Feedback goes in feedback forum sections. They equally require no preceding rant as to why you are quitting and how nothing has changed to your particular liking. Yes, the devs read them. No, they don't require dev responses.


I gave feedback and attempted to start a general discussion, dont like it then report the thread for being useless and not being a discussion. Try actually discussing instead of saying its a rant.

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obligatory "can I have your stuff" comment



Just remember to donate some of you plats since you wont need them anymore.



Please do not post things like this, he is clearly not re-installing a large game to give away things. He didn't even mention giving his stuff away in the post itself. Stop.

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Just remember to donate some of you plats since you wont need them anymore.

I would if I could but I squandered all of them. Actually i spent about half my grand total of plat rushing dojo rooms and weapons for my self and buying forma and taters and the like for weapons. the rest i bought mods and weapons with.

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See you around Hiryu, hope that your future gaming endeavours bring many a happy smile to your face. I'll probably be joining the same path you've taken, even though I've spent a helluva lot lesser on this game, so I suppose I shouldn't complain too much. 

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