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Quitting For The Foreseeable Future.


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I completely agree with OP.

I have not invested very much money in the game, but that is because I do not have the money to spend. I am MR18 and have played since early open beta continually. I too can see the direction the game is going in, and soon I may quit playing all together.

How I have seen the progression of the game go.....

>Cool game, needs to add a bit more stuff and diversity to enemies/levels

>Cool game, added TONS of weapons and stuff, a bit grindy to master them

>New warframes WOW (more grind, hmm)

>More weapons (more grind)

>Strange unpopular mission modes

>Cool tiles removed from certain tilesets (Grineer Asteroid in particular)





>Can't even play this anymore. >.>

Started going down a slope I wasn't too fond of, and then BAM it all started changing (before PWE may I add)

I'm seeing a pattern here. As people want more stuff to be added, DE has to find a way to make obtaining those items unique...

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well, someone that actually thinks a bit would share my opinion, but I'm tired of trying to convince blind people otherwise.

I think quiet a bit unfortunately, and I don't agree.


Insulting the general intelligence of people you've never interacted with is silly and tends to invalidate your point.

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Instead, you made the thread about you quitting, instead of the reasons you quit.

Funny, because if you actually read OP, it's actually all about "the reasons why he quits".

From what I see from your posts in this thread, it seems you're making a big deal out of 2 simple words in the title rather than the big picture.

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You speak as if I never had hope this game would be better. I've been playing for a year and a half. After so much time, I expect less than nothing every update and I'm still disappointed. All the valuable feedback that just gets ignored, all the half assed features, the broken promises, everything.

I'm not joking, you're being ignorant if all the issues in the game are 'mundane problems'. It's fine if you can enjoy the game in its current state, but don't pretend it isn't terrible.

Thats my point exactly.

You are speaking as if your opinion is a fact and that anyone who doesn't agree is somehow blind or wrong.


WF has its flaws and I openly acknowledge them. But I'm also not bitter and angry.

Perspective and critical thinking will get you a long way.

Hek, I invested in this game so you would think I would be one of the first to get antsy and be all jumpy over the issue.


Point being, a misguided sense of your opinions being "right" is not helpful or even remotely correct.

You're allowed to be unhappy with how WF is going and thats fine, but don't insult those that aren't so discontent and that don't fully agree.

Its arrogance at its finest.


"well, someone that actually thinks a bit would share my opinion, but I'm tired of trying to convince blind people otherwise"

Whats it like up there in your ivory tower?

Must be nice knowing you can demonstrate your lack of critical thinking while simultaneously ignoring it and condemning those you deem to be guilty of said crime.

Hypocrisy much?

Edited by StinkyPygmy
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I think quiet a bit unfortunately, and I don't agree.


Insulting the general intelligence of people you've never interacted with is silly and tends to invalidate your point.

I'm not trying to validate my point, it's unnecessary. It should be obvious to everyone.

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Funny, because if you actually read OP, it's actually all about "the reasons why he quits".

From what I see from your posts in this thread, it seems you're making a big deal out of 2 simple words in the title rather than the big picture.


Go read the thread. Are people talking about his feedback? Well, some of them are. 


But the majority of discussion in this thread is about the quitting and not the feedback. Unintentionally or otherwise, he sabotaged his own feedback post by making it about something other than the feedback.

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And thats fine. I'm not going to debate the issue. I feel like too much of a broken record on the forums anyway.

You have some points I agree with and some I don't.


What I can't stand is the amount of hyperbole, hypocrisy and the toxic attitude so much of the forums have.

"If you don't agree you're wrong"

"WF is so broken and DE is evil" (continues to play years later)

"if you don't despise DE and and/or not extremely bitter then you are a DE fanboy"


The list of examples go on.

Hence me feeling compelled to somewhat sarcastically respond to the post that caused confusion.


I'm at least content to see how things keep going.

Goodluck with future endeavors and hopefully WF takes a turn for the better.


I always try to be open minded when making posts and replying. people that leave short posts about "lol bye" and "attention @#&*(" irk me because i cant have a discussion, its either i ignore them or rage at them which actually makes me rage lol

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I read the main post and this is my reply. Sorry if you don't like/agree with it. You guys can keep shoving the toxicity down my throat I'll shove my calling out down yours.


You're making a decision to stop playing a game and you decide the community needs to hear your story on it? No all you're doing is generating more heat for no reason.


If you wanna stop playing then leave you don't have to make a thread about it. 


if people don't speak up about how they feel about the game then how're they going to know what they're doing wrong? I mean look at this overwhelming amount of feedback they're getting about RNG and this new afk punishment crap? If you seriously think that its not a problem then you're clearly in denial.

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Truly takes a lot of attention and care to reply to a random poster in a forum.


Well, maybe to you.

can you just not derail the thread and insult people in it? youve said you dont want to give your opinnion so all you are doing here is causing flames and fanning them. please leave.

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Always sad to lose a founder. I tip my hat to you, for if not for those who ventured, this game would not be where it was today; I regret that your investment didn't place this game where you, and many others, would've favored.


However, knowing the pain of gamedev myself makes me realize that sometimes, DE may not have a choice in some of the things they do. And some of things they're allowed to tell us. If anything, I'm glad they aren't doing far worse then they could be doing. These new changes, this one event, are all small to me now, in the grand scheme of things. I will still have faith in DE.


That being said, I can understand this frustration. I'm not asking for reconsideration, but the future you see for this game is malleable. I can only hope that you will see it change in a way that re-introduces it to you, like Update 13 did for me after I left.

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You dis Mirage !?!?

Begone Heathen !!


I enjoyed the Mirage story and the way you obtained her .. I found it far better then 'rush 3x assasinations and make immediately'.

Frames should be something worthy of obtaining, not just a light task when you have spare time in between exterminates or tower missions. 


Mesa was the same, it was a TOUGH battle and a randomness to gain the keys .. but it promoted community discussion between random players to go out, mix it up together, and take on a tough foe. It was hard, but I enjoyed it because again it felt like the reward was just. 


What I like about the game is that there are so many angles and games within the game.

What you mention as negatives I actually see as positives and most of all flexibility ..

Wanna run syndicate ? .. sure !! run them missions and score some rep.

Wanna rank up some guns or play with some new toys ? .. go for it !!

Wanna churn some Tower D's for credits and prime parts ? .. grind away !!

Wanna just run around some exterminations to blow off some steam after work ?? .. DONE !!


It's that flexibility that I enjoy about WF .. I can hop on and play a style of game that I wanna play at that time.

Also I can jump on with some friends in my Dojo and we can score items and help each other out as our own micro-community.


I think you're taking the big picture as a negative .. you do not need to do all the things in the game, take a step back and just play the bits you enjoy. Of course if you don't enjoy any of it then that's a problem .. 

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