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Why Do People Think High Mastery Rank = Good?


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So none of it is a valid estimate of skill or even playtime, so why use it at all?

I was under the impression hitting 1400-1500 Conclave would require the use of potatoes, and forma to get that high, with the mods to get it up there.

Where MR again, spamming 4 in a few runs over the course of a week leveling the easy fodder weapons could get one to about MR 7 or 8, I myself am only at 10 and have no intention of giving any kind of a care to getting it higher, so this being said, I'll be judged as inferior, because I didn't do the spam MR farming on crap weapons after I found everything I like to play with?

Somehow, that just sounds really stupid to judge anyones merit in the game when the system by which one judges are all broken.

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I don't have MR requirements in my party, but when a MR4 and a MR6 join my Draco squad, I'm skeptical that they have all of the mods needed for the desired build. Every single +11 MR I've played with has exactly what I need while about 40% of the -8 MR players have no clue what is what and have the builds required.


MR isn't representative of skill, but I would say it's quite a good representation of equipment. Most of the time neither of those matter, but when it does it's easier to trust high MR players.


Also I still find MR 8 players hallway heroing and popping life support at 70% during T4 survivals.

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It may not be 100% of the higher MR players, but most I've played so far are fast at picking things up; not much communication is needed and you just both kind of pick up the pace naturally.  Lower MR players tend to miss a few things in my experience.


Lower MR players are better listeners though, imo.  At least if one of them is actually paying attention to you.

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A really high mastery rank is alot like a really high xbox live gamer score or psn trophy score...

A really low one might raise a few eyebrows, people might wonder if your much of a gamer

An average one nobody thinks twice about

If it's absurdly high odd's are that you did a lotta things you did'nt necessarily want do do to achieve it..


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Mastery Rank means nothing other than the fact you spent quite a bit of time leveling gear, that's it. It does not reflect one's skills.

Skill is acquired through experience. Mastery Rank is acquired through experience. It kinda is reflective of one's skill.


IMO it's the best indicator.

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Skill is acquired through experience. Mastery Rank is acquired through experience. It kinda is reflective of one's skill.


IMO it's the best indicator.

I thought mastery rank was earned by purchasing weapon and warframe slots with platinum... and equiping secondary weapons that you dont actually use... and afinity boosters... and hanging out with Vauban...

My bad..


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So none of it is a valid estimate of skill or even playtime, so why use it at all?

I was under the impression hitting 1400-1500 Conclave would require the use of potatoes, and forma to get that high, with the mods to get it up there.

Where MR again, spamming 4 in a few runs over the course of a week leveling the easy fodder weapons could get one to about MR 7 or 8, I myself am only at 10 and have no intention of giving any kind of a care to getting it higher, so this being said, I'll be judged as inferior, because I didn't do the spam MR farming on crap weapons after I found everything I like to play with?

Somehow, that just sounds really stupid to judge anyones merit in the game when the system by which one judges are all broken.

Some things you say are an indicator. An experienced Warframe player is going to potato everything. Its not even a question as potatoes aren't even considered hard to get or optional really. Who likes playing at half capacity?. High Mastery is also indicative of having a robust mod collection/inventory slots/decently filled in Codex/multiple companions and different types/arch wings/have farmed sufficiently to be able to use your Foundry/have used Clan labs etc etc.

You simply can't hit a number without some background work.

Edited by Kartumterek
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I thought mastery rank was earned by purchasing weapon and warframe slots with platinum... and equiping secondary weapons that you dont actually use... and afinity boosters... and hanging out with Vauban...

My bad..

That's also a possibility, if you want to throw away thousands of dollars on a F2P game. I suppose some do that.


I got MR 17 and the only thing I ever spent plat on is weapon slots.

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If you randomly select 1000 people with MR18 and 1000 people with MR2, I'm quite certain there will be more people who are actually good on MR18 side.


There will be a lot of exceptions, but generally you can expect better gameplay from people with more MR. Yes, I have met bad high MRs and good low MRs, but that case is rarer than good high MRs and bad low MRs.


I wish there could be a better system to judge tho (KDR, etc... but those kind of stats can be altered / farmed with enough effort though.. so I don't really have any suggestions better than MR or possibly conclave)

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A high mastery rank or conclave dosent correlate to skill..

In the case of MR it ONLY dirrectly corralates to platinum.

If you actually buy platinum with real money, and in turn use it to buy weapons, frames and slots... guess what? You didnt earn it. In an rng based game (and the rng in this game is laughable) your the sum total of your efforts... and wether or not your a skilled player is has nothing to do with the above. Maybe you are.. maybe your not.

A high MR dosent make you special, and any chump thats ever played anything that resembles an mmo rpg knows how to find the most efficent ways of grinding out exp and looking up builds via youtube and google.


I'd like to apoligize for the hostile tone of my post, I actually know quite a few people that spend a substansial sum into warframe, and thats not necessarily a bad thing. I've been doin alot of arguing today and prolly need to get some sleep LOL

And yes you can make a generalization as to competance if you use a polarized example like MR 2 v.s. MR 18.. but the scales are going to be muched more balanced when you start thinking MR 6 or 8 or 12 v.s MR 18.. and thats why it's not a reliable indicator.

Edited by (XB1)MAXsandwich
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Skill is acquired through experience. Mastery Rank is acquired through experience. It kinda is reflective of one's skill.


IMO it's the best indicator.


You are wrong. Anyone can level up weapons; it's the most trivial thing in this game. 

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You are wrong. Anyone can level up weapons; it's the most trivial thing in this game. 

Can someone who just joined the game and doesn't know anything max their gear in an hour, get all the resources scattered across the system to build new gear trivially? If anyone can do it without first putting in a hundred hours into the game then your answer should be "yes, every single one of those new players can build a akvasto prime on the second day".

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Ok that's a bit too much of a difference there, MR 18 & MR 8 would be a better one, and I'll bet you, there would be less of a difference in player skill than your think.

That's the issue I have, its an arbitrary and broken system that operates off a guestimation that the player actually put the effort in to attain that rank, when it could wholly be possible that the guy bought his gear, or got handed everything needed to get there from friends.

Or just followed an EZ MR farming guide somewhere on the web, none of that indicates skill, therefore a presumptuous jerk who drops 5 people because he's getting a bunch of MR 7 or 8 players, takes an 18 that didn't actually earn it, a bias choice based on presumption is akin to predicting the future, indicators may be there that a given result will happen, but to bet anything on it, is to still tempt fate, and to force others to suffer that over an imperfect system is just plain BS, any way you slice it.

However I can only concede, as there is no other way to determine actual player skill, short of possibly hours played, and even that gets sketchy, I just dont like elitism in my games, I understand it, and it applies when your forming a team to perform a given purpose, but it infuriates me all the more when its based off of spurious information that forces others to be considered "unviable" because of it.

Anyway, that's my take, hope the community or DE can sort this out without stepping on too many people toes.

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Can someone who just joined the game and doesn't know anything max their gear in an hour, get all the resources scattered across the system to build new gear trivially? If anyone can do it without first putting in a hundred hours into the game then your answer should be "yes, every single one of those new players can build a akvasto prime on the second day".


If you're going to use an exaggeration as your argument, then I believe I am done wasting my time on you. Ciao.

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Mastery rank and conclave rating are not 100% safe when you want a player with high skill, but they are at least a hint in the right direction. Of course not all rank 18 players are gods in shooters, but my bet is that there are far more good rank 18 players out there than rank 4 players, at least in this game.

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If you're going to use an exaggeration as your argument, then I believe I am done wasting my time on you. Ciao.

I'm exaggerating nothing, you said anyone can level up weapons. "Anyone" new players. The argument was about whether MR is an indicator of skill acquired through experience. New players who do not have experience i.e MR 0 can not "easily level up weapons". The game is easy for you with your maxed serration and heavy caliber and lifetime supply of resources, it is not for someone with a new account, it is not easy to get MR 18. Or even 15.

You got some guts accusing me of exaggeration when that is exactly what you did.

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I'm exaggerating nothing, you said anyone can level up weapons. "Anyone" new players. The argument was about whether MR is an indicator of skill acquired through experience. New players who do not have experience i.e MR 0 can not "easily level up weapons". The game is easy for you with your maxed serration and heavy caliber and lifetime supply of resources, it is not for someone with a new account, it is not easy to get MR 18. Or even 15.

You got some guts accusing me of exaggeration when that is exactly what you did.

I free ride/exp power level all the time on my Vauban.. if they get to a high MR that way does it make them skilled player?

Cause if it does I gotta tekk em to stop die'n so much


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I free ride/exp power level all the time on my Vauban.. if they get to a high MR that way does it make them skilled player?

Cause if it does I gotta tekk em to stop die'n so much

Good for you and your Vauban. You are one player out of tens of thousands. Even the few whales who are willing to spend thousands of dollars to buy everything with plat are few. The majority of high MR players are normal players who played a while and gained MR gradually.

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