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Why Do People Think High Mastery Rank = Good?


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i am currently MR 13, with about 468 hours of game time.  i joined way back during the Grineer informant, but stopped playing from Moa Fusion to breeding grounds.  sometimes high MR mean they are expiranced in some way, weather that be just leveling frames and weapons, played the game and not exp farm, or played from early on and try out every new item that comes out.  when i can, i try and grind weapons and frames (tho the last few frames i need are either primes, or frames like Hypernoid....  who need cords to get parts for...)


as others have stated, play time is a good indicator to if they are expiranced or not.  but remember, they may be high MR back from a long time ago and just coming back to the game to see what content has came out.  i personally think the game should link more things to MR, so it would actually mean something.


my segguestions are:

link solar map to MR

make MR lock certain weapons (this way you dont have pubs who only ever use 2 weapons all the time, make them work for it a little)

possibly lock MR to time requirement (dont make the requirement crazy tho, that would just piss people off who bustin a nut getting MR)

challenges should not be locked to MR but should show if they someone who hallway hero's it or go and helps teammates.


these are a few things.  currently there are hardly any locks in place, thus allowing the system to be hint at best.


my 2cents ofc.

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Why do people think high mastery rank = good people to team up with. The answer is quite simple, being high in mastery rank means you have majority of the weapons masters, your are capable to do long runs. Also you have majority of the good mods maxed or almost maxed out.

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So I'm a newer player and lots of people have mastery rank requirements for squadding with them. I just got to mastery rank 6, and it isn't a problem, but it got me thinking.

Why do people care about it? Sure if there's a MR1 in my party they might not have much but a MR4+ can probably do anything you can do. Since all MR is a measure of how much of the content you've levelled up, why do people care? I can do t4 survival to 60 min or more, I have decent builds or can find them, I have corrosive projection, etc. I just haven't leveled everything because I'd rather grind for what I like first instead of leveling stuff for no reason.

Furthermore, I've played with absolutely terrible players with tons of rank, and players about my skill level with lower mr.


I'd imagine there is a direct correlation between time played and gear acquired.

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I usually ask for mr 10+ for most my void stuff because when I'm hosting a def,survival or int I want to get the most from my key, it's not even an experience thing for me but getting a squad of 4 people who are flexible in what frames and weapons they can bring. why bother taking forever trying to recruit a slow nova, despoil nekro, loki, rhino stomp, limbo, trinity etc when you can just ask for 3 players with 10+ MR in recruit and pick the 3 highest ranks and work from what you've got.

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I'm a mastery rank 18 and let me tell you, I've seen players around mastery rank 4-6 play and DEFINITELY communicate better than mastery rank 17-18 players. A lot of higher mastery rank players tend to be keyboard warriors for who knows what reason, lol. Like damn, did somebody &!$$ in your bowl of Cheerios this morning?


To me, mastery rank is nothing short of proof that you've touched almost every bit of gear in the Warframe universe, whether or not you're experienced with any of them or the game itself.

Edited by Trowicia
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High master rank means you've played through most of Warframe content and are sadly aggravated at any new content that requires waiting, grinding, or general unlocking.  Yes, that was me in that Interception trying to get a t4 sabotage key and cursing a blue streak when it didn't happen.

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Warframe seems to have a lot of players who want to be considered as seasoned veterans/pro/experienced, without doing the things that show it. Mastery is a part of the game, so the sooner you accept it and raise yours the better all around.

I pug my play and usually don't care what my teammates end up doing anyway apart from blatant trolling/leeching. But during events on the later stages and/or the harder Voids there's been times that I've either looked for or joined high MR teams. I relish playing with others who know what they are doing, and most of that crowd is in the MR 10+ crowd from my experience.

Any perceived slights to you based on your poor MR rating is self created because you can easily remedy it. Just play the game normally and you'll have decent MR automatically

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It doesn't, a player who stays at mr8-10 could be just as good as someone who grinds mastery.


With that said, I leverage that I used 4spam to go from mr10 to mr18 with only ~300 hours played total all the time in recruiting. I just msg people "I'll [x], mr18" and like magic I get invited when I was ignored 3 days prior while mr13 lmao. People are dumb.

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To a degree, rank mastery does not reflect the skill of a player but it means someone with a high level of mastery rank is well equipped and prepared for whatever they may be needed for.


There are high mastery ranked tenno out there that are not well equiped. Simply put they sell all of their stuff after maxing it. This is a free to play game and not everyone is willing to buy slots.

Mastery Rank means nothing other than the fact you spent quite a bit of time leveling gear, that's it. It does not reflect one's skills.

Agreed. All mastery rank shows is the amount of content a player has completed. If someone plays on mercury every day to level their gear then they haven't actually gained any experience in gameplay mechanics. The best way to just a persons aptitute is to play with them and find out then. Conclave, mastery rank, and win:loss ratios don't show anything but they have been with people who have done well. There are people who have lost tons of games purely because they tried to complete a difficult mission by themselves.

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Ahh, the age old argument in this game.

I've been playing this game 2 years, have around 500 hours or so invested, and am generally a better player than 95% of the people I meet out in random pub games.

I'm MR 9.

It means almost nothing after MR 6 or so, and it really means nothing after MR 8.  In fact, I'd go so far to say that most of the truly A******-ish behavior I've witnessed in game (the hallway heroing, the jackass with 1700 conclave in a mission on Mercury spamming his ult, etc etc... the real classy S#&$) is done almost entirely by very high MR players.  Ya know, the kind of people who actually care about MR and use it as a criteria to judge people on. 

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Ahh, the age old argument in this game.

I've been playing this game 2 years, have around 500 hours or so invested, and am generally a better player than 95% of the people I meet out in random pub games.

I'm MR 9.

It means almost nothing after MR 6 or so, and it really means nothing after MR 8.  In fact, I'd go so far to say that most of the truly A******-ish behavior I've witnessed in game (the hallway heroing, the jackass with 1700 conclave in a mission on Mercury spamming his ult, etc etc... the real classy S#&$) is done almost entirely by very high MR players.  Ya know, the kind of people who actually care about MR and use it as a criteria to judge people on. 


95%... really or are you just exaggerating ?


I just hope that you won't be part of the many who will cry about mastery requirements when DE actually decides to add some real incentive to leveling mastery up.


Call me an elitist or whatever, but i view people who refuse to level mastery even after having played the game a decent number of hours lazy.


I always play public games and it's the opposite for me, high MRs tend to know what to do and don't run around like headless chickens. MR9 and below on the other hand are a big RNG, some are good, some are bad, some are nice, some are absolute heks.

Edited by kiteohatto
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If anything I'd assume it's the belief that with more general grinding you're more likely to have more maxed mods. I mean heck, I still have half a rank left in my secondary damage mod after being MR 15.

I could've easily gotten it if I prioritized, but yeah, lots of things not maxed even now, reasonable belief.

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Not being elitist or something but usually lower MR players tend to screw off missions more often than High Ranked players with noticeable exceptions unfortunately. This is even worse at mid ranks when they become absolutely sure they already know it all, after building their ultimate spam frames, drifting away from mission objectives, messing up with spawn rates and ending up with horrible deaths.

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MR8s are usually at the point when they think they're hot S#&$, but really the don't know much more than a MR3 and don't have all of the necessary mods to do what I need them to do. This doesn't matter at all in pubs, only for specialized runs like T4 and rep farming.

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95%... really or are you just exaggerating ?


I just hope that you won't be part of the many who will cry about mastery requirements when DE actually decides to add some real incentive to leveling mastery up.


Call me an elitist or whatever, but i view people who refuse to level mastery even after having played the game a decent number of hours lazy.


I always play public games and it's the opposite for me, high MRs tend to know what to do and don't run around like headless chickens. MR9 and below on the other hand are a big RNG, some are good, some are bad, some are nice, some are absolute heks.

Lol how can you be lazy for playing a game how you want to play it? This isn't a job. You don't have to do anything.

Lol people are crazy.

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MR provides a player with two benefits when it comes to "why pick them over someone else"


First is this game is grind based in that the more you play the more gear you get, the more gear you get the more powerful you become.  You can be a MLG ready player with amazing aim, awareness, twitch skills, etc but at MR1 you are likely going to be gated by your weapon's TTK.  Sure you may find and track targets better and faster than 99% of the population but when you have to track for 6 seconds vs. a very average MR 10+ player who might only need to land 2 projectiles on a target, that skill gap doesn't matter as much and the average MR10 will likely end up killing more stuff.



Second, imagine you are trying to fill a job position and have 10 candidates with a masters degree and 10 who are first year drop outs.   You are much more likely to get what you need in a position from the first pool of people than the second.  This is not to say some of the master degree people might be dim when it comes to translating their knowledge into the work place or that some of the first year drop outs might learn fast and really excel. 


We tend to sensationalize the outliers rather than look at the pool as a whole.  The same can be applied to mastery rank with players.  We tend to remember the high level MR players who do terrible and the low MR players who really stand out, because they surprise us from what we normally expect.   Not every high MR player is going to be a top level player the same way not every low MR player is going to be a clueless noob, but if we do our best to put away our bias to remember outliers, you generally find that higher MR players tend to help your team go further. 

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I wish I could still gain exp once I max stuff to gain MR. 


I really don't enjoy leveling up horrible weapons I will automatically delete after; I find a set of equipment I enjoy and stick with those.


High MR only means you spent a crap load of time and boosters on leveling sub par weapons/frames that many simply just auto delete right after.


Anyways, a lower MR player can have max mods easily enough, either through shere grinding or RL $$ and also have a frame or weapon fully capable of contributing to higher end 'content'.


Like to also mention leveling those weapons and frames don't require much skill or knowledge; survival on appollo, use booster, and level almost any thing in about 1-2 hours depending on how much they suck.

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So what do I do today...slowly level up a S#&$ty weapon that I hate completely + will take around 8 hours to max without a booster just to raise MR....or hunt for prime parts, mods, rare mats, credits, etc with my favorite forma'd out equipment. Hmm! Tough decision!

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It takes around 8-10 minutes to max a weapon from unranked if you play trinity or a buffer in a draco group with no other weapons equipped. 


Or, you can go to a t1d and max it in an hour tops if it's the only thing you have equipped. There are plenty of other ways to level it too, but I gave you the "fastest" way and the "funnest" way, because you can actually shoot people with it in t1d.


I do agree, mastery being tied to leveling disposable/unfun weapons does kinda suck. Even "real" guns I don't bother using until I have 3-5 forma and a potato in them.


All of those methods are without boosters. You should never really buy an affinity booster. Resource booster (the doubled on pickup one) is useful, credit booster is useful, but affinity booster simply isn't due to the nature of the game. Resource/Credit will literally make you twice as productive, the affinity booster won't under the current system because in draco (as an example) your weapon goes from unranked to 30 in like a single wave. That doesn't change with the booster.

Edited by Watlok
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