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How About A Proc On Stalker Weapons?


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First off, I'm not saying they need it.

The thing is, these are special weapons with a bloody history, they kinda deserve something to make them feel a bit more special

So I propose the following

Stalker weapons get +1 Terror

Terror procs fear all enemies within 25m

Additionally, grants a 25% damage buff for 30 seconds.

It would give the Stalkers gear a bit more of a feeling of infamy, instilling terror in your enemies and cutting them down.

But in the end, I just think it would be cool.

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Huh, well bizzarely this would make the weapons better at terrifying people than Nekros. I dig it, though I think you could remove the damage buff and just have the actual terror damage buff...which is an odd sentence now that I think about it. 


Sure that be nice, but it be nice to let the Stalker do it as well

Well, that's a good idea, but then I'd have to ask how he'd trigger it. Would we also give out affinity to our enemies? Or would it trigger after a certain amount of time? Hmm...I'm just not sure.

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I like this. But the only real behavioural change you can make to players is radiation (which, if the player even notices it, will either make them hold fire or go on a teamkilling rampage) - you can't exactly make them choose to run away from the stalker.

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I like this. But the only real behavioural change you can make to players is radiation (which, if the player even notices it, will either make them hold fire or go on a teamkilling rampage) - you can't exactly make them choose to run away from the stalker.

Well, you could have it work like Alad V's mind control and make it so that it's just automated fleeing. Or prevent them from using weapons at all. I don't think that's the best way to do it, but I think it's certainly possible to pull off. ...Though on that transitional period a ton of people would die to the stalker...oh god, I can hear the whining now.

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Well, you could have it work like Alad V's mind control and make it so that it's just automated fleeing. Or prevent them from using weapons at all. I don't think that's the best way to do it, but I think it's certainly possible to pull off. ...Though on that transitional period a ton of people would die to the stalker...oh god, I can hear the whining now.

Oh no. Absolutely not.

The worst thing you can do in a game is to take the controls away from the player.

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That would be neat, so long as Terror doesn't alert enemies to your presence. Part of the charm of Stalker's arsenal is that they're stealth viable, so having your enemies scattering around like flies and alerting other enemies could break that aspect of them.


I guess it depends on how Terror would work, if it makes them flee like Nekro's Terrify skill, then meh. If they just sorta huddle in fear and wait for a headshot, then yay!

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I like the idea. but the 25% damage buff seems a bit much.


just think, player uses despair,  hate, or dread, gains buff, and then switches to boltor prime /  soma prime / synoid gammacor.


now with that said, if there was no AoE damage from the proc effect then it might be more justified.



but reduce it from 30 seconds to maybe 10. other wise, they may become a must have weapon to include in your arsenal. considering that De might be removing +damage mods (serration / hornet strike etc etc), having a weapon that granted +damage buff would be the same problem except with +damage mods you at least had the "choice" of what weapon you would bring.

with this effect players might feel forced to use a stalker weapon for maximum damage.


that is unless the buff would only increase the damage of stalkers weapons.


just my 2 cents.

Edited by RIOTx
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Kind of a cool idea.  Where do you draw the line, though?  Why not Brakk or Detron?  And if Detron has it, shouldn't Mara Detron?  And if Mara Detron has it, shouldn't all future void trader weapons get it?


I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but it could be opening the flood gate.


especially when 25k rep translates to ~45 plat


How do you draw this conclusion?  Anyone with half a brain isn't paying 45p for a Syndicate mod, and they certainly aren't paying 180p for a Syndicate weapon.  

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^^^ agreed. The flood gate should be drawn at the Brakk and Detron. Mara has seperate buffs along with other void trader weps. Though I would love it they dont need it and it doenst make sense. Besides what effects would they have?

I vote, stalker grustrag and zanuka weps get special procs.

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Kind of a cool idea.  Where do you draw the line, though?  Why not Brakk or Detron?  And if Detron has it, shouldn't Mara Detron?  And if Mara Detron has it, shouldn't all future void trader weapons get it?


I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but it could be opening the flood gate.



How do you draw this conclusion?  Anyone with half a brain isn't paying 45p for a Syndicate mod, and they certainly aren't paying 180p for a Syndicate weapon.

Void key pack is worth 75 plat in store and gives you 5 keys.

25k rep gets you 3 with a guranteed T3/4

So 25k rep is therefore worth approximately 3/5 of 75 platinum or 45 plat, which actually sounds pretty reasonable for a syndicate mod imo.

As for the damage buff, I guess it would be wise to limit it to just the one weapon.

But then again 25% is about a single rifle amps worth of damage. And that isn't op.

Plus no aoe damage kinda makes up for the big spike you'd get.

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