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Rep Exploits Need A Stop


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Because this thread hasn't derailed to the point of saying other people beat their children like the other one did, if it needs to be locked mods will handle it


But what more discussion do we need on this? It's not an exploit, just like people playing with certain frames in order to beat the Overtake Tactical Alert weren't exploiting just because those frames provided a more efficient way of playing that mission. Someone's play style and choice of frame yielding more fruitful results than your (in a general sense) style/choice doesn't make that player's style/choice an exploit. Someone only accepting team members who play with certain frames doesn't make their play style/frame choices an exploit. Sure, it makes that person non-desirable to play with, but someone being rude doesn't make their style/choice an exploit. 

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I dont see the harm in it, it doesnt affect my gameplay at all. Even if DE shoves a gajillion Nullifiers into those missions not only will I continue not going there but the farmers will just go to somewhere else. Why do I care how they get their rep? It's not like I dont get rep because of them, and Im certainly able to cap it without a booster and by playing the game normally. They just want to spend less time doing it and I can understand their desire if all they want to get is rep for whatever they want to buy. God forbid syndicate only rep weapons and mods get cheaper as a result of an increasing supply, I certainly wont stop them. I have 4 weapons and a bunch of mods that I dont wanna get on my own so let them do the hard work for me.


Plus the recruiting chat spam point is moot, I get into and fill up my fair share of groups and have almost nobody ignored in this game. If there's any chat that needs to be toned down it's trade with people posting entire paragraphs of copy pasted lists of items.

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If I understand the OP, thread TL;DR:

1)  Everybody is playing one location.  That's bad

2)  Everybody is playing one squad composition.  That's bad.


Go through DE's videos on youtube and you'll see that from the earliest videos 2 years ago:

1)  Warframe was about the players playing how they want to play.  It was never about "playing the right way".

2)  DE didn't want players hammering the same spot over and over, getting bored of it. 


Yet, DE has been creating reward/loot/etc. tables that penalize the players for playing how they want and compelling them to hammer one spot, getting bored of it, since 4th quarter 2013.  DE's 2013 end of year lesson was "how much players would grind".  It was the wrong lesson.


I don't think it's bad that everybody is doing what they want.  That doesn't really bother me, even if it's not what I want to do. 


What's bothers me is that the other missions are such terrible rep sources.  If I want to play another mission for fun, I get penalized with less rep.  Fun is penalized, unless you just happen to like Interception.  Survival is endless but doesn't give good rep, because the spawns take time to wake up.  They spawn slowly in small groups until 20 minutes or so.  That's too long to wait for fun to show up.  If survival spawns would wake up fast, it would be another place to farm rep.


Fun is penalized at the drop tables too because getting the mod you want involves grinding a certain enemy instead of playing the faction you want to play for fun.


Fun is penalized at the mission reward tables too because getting the reward you want involves grinding a mission instead of playing the mission you want.


What draws people to interception to rep farm is the fact that enemy level does not ramp up over time as it does in survival.  It ramps up over rounds as it does in defense.  But, interception rounds have unlimited enemies like survival, unlike defense.  The result is that interception can provide a lot of lower level enemies for a long time unlike survival where they level up or defense where the wave runs out of them.


So, the solution is obvious.  Make enemy level increase over time in Interception to match survival.  And, wake those spawns up in survival so fun is not penalized.

Edited by ThePresident777
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We finally have team synergies in this game and people want to remove them. =\


what team synergy? Radial Javelin is obviously broken as is, and thats the only thing holding the whole team together. When DE fixed it you guys all threw a massive hissy fit so they reverted it in a show of cowardice


Team Synergy, lol

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Because this thread hasn't derailed to the point of saying other people beat their children like the other one did, if it needs to be locked mods will handle it


We can certainly get there if needed ;)



To put it bluntly, people should be able to play as they please. It's a video game, and if someone decides they want to ruin it for themselves, then so be it.

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I see all the people defending this as 'an efficient way to farm', and while that's also true in a way, the fact of the matter is that this is an exploit. An exploit to make gaining rep from a broken rep system feel a bit easier, but still an exploit. There is nearly no farming involved in what they are doing in those draco and stephano missions, not to mention them being nearly devoid of fun. I get that its a once-a-day occurance per player seeing as there is a rep gain cap per day, but this kind of, if you don't mind me saying, depressing 'gameplay' shouldn't exist.


I too am annoyed of seeing 'h draco lf excal/trinity' in the recruiting channel every 5 seconds. Sure it's ok if you see them ocassionally, but it's there practically 24/7. And playing those missions normally is almost out of the question, seeing as you'll get scolded if you don't 'play' Draco and Stephano in this way.


But I don't think the missions are really at fault. They are slightly, seeing as they somehow give more XP than others, but not mostly. The problem lies in the rep system, at least in my opinion. As it is now, using this exploit seems to be the only way to really efficiently gain rep, for a lack of a better way to put it. Normal missions give no more than 100~1000 rep, while defenses/survivals/interceptions that are played normally give around 500~2000 rep, depending on enemy levels and XP gained. Even the missions specifically designed for syndicates (the ones that drop marks) don't give all that much. And with syndicate items that reach a price of 100.000 rep, it's kinda ridiculous how much you'd have to farm.


tl;dr: I blame both the people and the rep system, but mostly the rep system.

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what team synergy? Radial Javelin is obviously broken as is, and thats the only thing holding the whole team together. When DE fixed it you guys all threw a massive hissy fit so they reverted it in a show of cowardice


Team Synergy, lol


here's the definition for Synergy:




I made no comment about Radial Javelin or any of the other stuff you're talking about.  


I'm saying that people are discovering combinations of certain warframes that work together synergistically (which is a good thing for this coop game), and now we have people trying to take it away.  It's a simple statement.


God forbid a support frame actually provide support and a damage frame actually do more damage when being supported with energy.


If you have issues with Radial Javelin, take that anger to the feedback thread on it.  Otherwise what's going on here is fully within the game's design and no one is exploiting anything.  


Why lobotomize people for being clever?

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here's the definition for Synergy:




I made no comment about Radial Javelin or any of the other stuff you're talking about.  


I'm saying that people are discovering combinations of certain warframes that work together synergistically (which is a good thing for this coop game), and now we have people trying to take it away.  It's a simple statement.


God forbid a support frame actually provide support and a damage frame actually do more damage when being supported with energy.


If you have issues with Radial Javelin, take that anger to the feedback thread on it.  Otherwise what's going on here is fully within the game's design and no one is exploiting anything.  


Why lobotomize people for being clever?

When I go to Draco I do not even care who is on my team, I only need them to cap points once in awhile while I sit in the middle of the map and let Homer's drinking bird do its job while popping energy restores in between. Yeah GREAT SYNERGY indeed! But hey I am cool with it. I do not need special team power farms I can do it perfectly fine in PUGs. It is obvious that the affinity gain of interceptions compared to other game modes is utterly ridiculous but hey if DE wants it that way who am I to complain. 

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What even IS this exca/trin thing that the thread is referencing?


How does it even work and WHY is it so broken?


The only thing I ever remember RJ being good for was WAY back when you could go excalibur + trinity + mag to gib bosses with the ORIGINAL energy vampire, and bullet attractor working on RJ's spears.


So what happened?  What even IS this?  Why RJ?  Why not Miasma or Crush?

Javelin has massive range over the other nukes and killing enemies just beyond the spawn points keeps a steady flow coming, so range is key. It can be done with other frames but Excalibur makes it very easy.

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Gatta sadly agree that no matter the case their will always be ways for people too spam the "Best" and most "Efficient" ways possible in every game of any type. Well at least 99% games, still however it was a unlucky run into and finding a way too fix it tweak it maybe would be nice for those people but that's very tricky again remember.


Grinding mainly is too get things done faster for many "Pro" players and most times they themselves hate this as much as you hating them doing it so you can then see why they wanted you out as soon as possible. Again though I can see were your coming from but you just happened too be going too a very pro farming spot as some people would say, if you do that your bound too run into people doing this just too get it done rather then play it any other way.

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Javelin has massive range over the other nukes and killing enemies just beyond the spawn points keeps a steady flow coming, so range is key. It can be done with other frames but Excalibur makes it very easy.

Yeah, see, I hadn't heard that they reworked RJ entirely to make it NOT suck.  Last I heard it was like max 12 targets, and that was only IF they spread around you in a perfect circle with no walls or obstacles in the way.

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i still need to understand how it is any faster than actually playing the interception mission given that intercept is time based not kill based.

Enemies respawn instantly as soon as you kill them all in an interception. With your average draco group you will gain 10k rep per wave. In a crap group you'll gain 5k-8k, in a normal game you'll get significantly less. Maybe 5k-6k for 4 waves.


Changing enemy respawn is not a fix because you just make the game mode really boring for people playing normally. Requiring Line of Sight for excal is a start, requiring line of sight on e.vamp would be another, but that wouldn't really stop draco.


It's the difference between capping in around 30 minutes at mr18 and capping in around 3-4 hours of play (on intercept/defense/survival). You can't even gain rep on other mission types because of how broken the affinity/rep gain system is right now. Excavation and HIve have some potential, but both have long periods of no enemies sometimes. And there are pretty much no rewards for hive/other missions.

Edited by Watlok
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