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One Of Warframe's Greatest Youtubers, Calypso, Is Almost Done With Warframe :(


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And we should care why?

He's just another warframe player, whether he is "the greatest youtuber of WF" or not is meaningless. In the end, he is a player like everyone else and should be treated as such.

Read my original post. "I understand not everyone will care, and that's fine". 


"Greatest YouTubers"


Wow, I hope children will be learning about him in their history textbooks a century from now.

No need to try be a smartass. I was merely saying that he's one of the well-known youtubers when it comes to Warframe. That's probably personal opinion, but still.


Oh no! Warframe is done now because of this YouTube guy being sick of the game.


DE had better get working on new stuff to keep this person on board.


So what he/she leaves??

As i said. My original post: "I understand not everyone will care, and that's fine"

I wish people would read that bit.

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Woohoo, at least some people are reading the entirety of my short post xD


Thing is, this is the second time, for me at least, that I've seen someone refer to this Calypso as this great Warframe Youtuber, yet nobody's really heard of this guy anywhere. It's just two people (might have even been another thread by you, idk) that called this guy great. If he's someone that the forum community is unaware of, in what way is he great? I get it, you say that some people won't care. But most people don't care, because they don't know who this guy is. You're coming here talking about how one person leaving spells doom for Warframe and is significant of burnout (that's the core of what you're saying with the whole "he only logs in for daily rewards"). Thing is, you have plenty of example of people being burnt out. Some Youtuber that is also burnt out isn't really significant of anything. So that's the deal. Even if someone said Mogamu is at that point (oh, and Mogamu is a Youtuber who actually is active with the forum community), his being burnt out isn't significant on its own.


And that's why you're getting sarcastic backlash here. Because you are, intentionally or unintentionally, elevating this Calypso to be a representative of this Warframe community, as if his being burnt-out is representative of the community being burnt-out, when the community did not elevate this Youtuber to that status. That's all.

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Thing is, this is the second time, for me at least, that I've seen someone refer to this Calypso as this great Warframe Youtuber, yet nobody's really heard of this guy anywhere. It's just two people (might have even been another thread by you, idk) that called this guy great. If he's someone that the forum community is unaware of, in what way is he great? I get it, you say that some people won't care. But most people don't care, because they don't know who this guy is. You're coming here talking about how one person leaving spells doom for Warframe and is significant of burnout (that's the core of what you're saying with the whole "he only logs in for daily rewards"). Thing is, you have plenty of example of people being burnt out. Some Youtuber that is also burnt out isn't really significant of anything. So that's the deal. Even if someone said Mogamu is at that point (oh, and Mogamu is a Youtuber who actually is active with the forum community), his being burnt out isn't significant on its own.


And that's why you're getting sarcastic backlash here. Because you are, intentionally or unintentionally, elevating this Calypso to be a representative of this Warframe community, as if his being burnt-out is representative of the community being burnt-out, when the community did not elevate this Youtuber to that status. That's all.

Nope, not once did i say that it "spells doom for Warframe". I never even hinted at the fact that he was a representative of the community, either. Come to think of it, not once did i mention that it even had a significant impact on Warframe. If you actually read the post and think about it, i said "it's a shame, because i enjoyed watching his videos". I didn't say "It's a shame, because this clearly means that Warframe is dying". No. I don't think Warframe is dying at all. I simply enjoy his videos. In fact, Warframe is clearly getting better and better every update. DE have confirmed that they know there is a lack of end-game content, and that will come in time as End-game content is a tough thing to create. I shared this video, because it may interest the long-time players of the game and/or people who have seen his videos. And yes, i did mention "He only logs in for daily rewards", but i really don't understand how you understood this topic to be anything to do with some guy representing the entire community as being "burnt out". I've spent 600 hours on the game, and i know for a fact i wouldn't put that amount of hours into any game that costs money. Being "burnt out" is a personal feeling to some people. In what way does that mean that anyone is suggesting it's a bad game or that the entire community feels "burnt out"? Soooo yeah, never mentioned this was significant at all. Please, think about the post before making assumptions that have no actual relevance to what the post is about.


Edit: I also never said he was "great" in the community sense. I merely stated in terms of Warframe videos on youtube, he is one of the best alongside Mogamu and PotatoPowered/Tactical Potato (that now plays for fun rather than treating it as a job). So yeah, in terms of Warframe videos he has been a great youtuber. I didn't mention he was in any way a "great member of the warframe community".

Edited by XxCurtennoxX
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We need to remember that not everyone who watches Youtube also goes to the forums, and this works for both sides. The fact that he gets thousands of views on his Warframe videos, means that there is a viewership out there. If a handful of people here on the forums do not know who he is, then there's also another handful of people who do. It's the same reason that not all the Warframe players are forum goers. Does that mean he is a major player / representative of the Warframe community? No. He does however have the ability (or should I say platform) to reach out to other players. What he says can influence a number of players on how one frame can be bad or how this weapon is amazing.


As for Calypso getting burnt out, I totally see where he is coming from. Also makes you think that even from a business standpoint, the will is weak to make more Warframe videos. He could easily make lackluster content just for the sake of getting the views and the subs, but his video made him vocal that that isn't the priority. Best of luck to him.

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Although i can relate with Calypso's words i think what we and DE need to think about a solution for some of the issues responsible for burnout and the fact that after u reach a certain point or Mastery Rank in the game there is nothing else to do.


I know most ppl don't like when there are comparisions made between games but anyone that as been following Destiny knows that one of the major issues that are common between Destiny and Warframe is lack of depth, this is to say, there is nothing that gives the player a sense of emotional connection to these games and their universes.


I love Warframe and even when i want to leave for a month i'm drawn to play it after a week... but after realizing that the only thing that used to be fun for me and others (survival and defense runs) is just plain boring, repetitive and rewards me with the same ol samo drops it just becomes pointless (but yeah i'm still playing).


We need true endgame content (i know the devs already talked about it on the last devstream) raids and a new and fresh way to make us return everyday (syndicates are still imo for starting players not for veterans).


This discussion as been going on for a long time, perhaps 2015 is the year that DE solves this problem.  

Edited by Bazools
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We need to remember that not everyone who watches Youtube also goes to the forums, and this works for both sides. The fact that he gets thousands of views on his Warframe videos, means that there is a viewership out there. If a handful of people here on the forums do not know who he is, then there's also another handful of people who do. It's the same reason that not all the Warframe players are forum goers. Does that mean he is a major player / representative of the Warframe community? No. He does however have the ability (or should I say platform) to reach out to other players. What he says can influence a number of players on how one frame can be bad or how this weapon is amazing.


As for Calypso getting burnt out, I totally see where he is coming from. Also makes you think that even from a business standpoint, the will is weak to make more Warframe videos. He could easily make lackluster content just for the sake of getting the views and the subs, but his video made him vocal that that isn't the priority. Best of luck to him.


I'm glad someone understands where I'm coming from. Just because some people haven't seen him, doesn't mean a lot of people haven't! Even Rebecca herself has seen videos from Calypso, so the likely chance is you'll find Calypso, Mogamu, or Potatopowered/tactical potato if you're on YouTube looking for Warframe videos. But calypso definitely raises some good points, as do you.

Although i can relate with Calypso's words i think what we and DE need to think about a solution for some of the issues responsible for burnout and the fact that after u reach a certain point or Mastery Rank in the game there is nothing else to do.


I know most ppl don't like when there are comparisions made between games but anyone that as been following Destiny knows that one of the major issues that are common between Destiny and Warframe is lack of depth, this is to say, there is nothing that gives the player a sense of emotional connection to these games and their universes.


I love Warframe and even when i want to leave for a month i'm drawn to play it after a week... but after realizing that the only thing that used to be fun for me and others (survival and defense runs) is just plain boring, repetitive and rewards me with the same ol samo drops it just becomes pointless (but yeah i'm still playing).


We need true endgame content (i know the devs already talked about it on the last devstream) raids and a new and fresh way to make us return everyday (syndicates are still imo for starting players not for veterans).


This discussion as been going on for a long time, perhaps 2015 is the year that DE solves this problem.

I know DE are working on the mastery issue one way or another. Definitely will be rewards for each mastery at least.

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As i said. My original post: "I understand not everyone will care, and that's fine"

I wish people would read that bit.

And what? You expect us to not say it?

It's the truth. No one should care because this is nothing, you still have mogamu and several others to watch from. If Calypso leaves, big whoop, you have one guy who you used to watch play this one game no longer play the game anymore. 


He is just a player and does not deserve this kind of recognition for leaving the game. 

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And what? You expect us to not say it?

It's the truth. No one should care because this is nothing, you still have mogamu and several others to watch from. If Calypso leaves, big whoop, you have one guy who you used to watch play this one game no longer play the game anymore. 


He is just a player and does not deserve this kind of recognition for leaving the game.

"This kind of recognition"? That's like saying you shouldn't comment on a youtube video because it means someone is talking about them or their content. Get over the fact that someone cares that a youtuber is stopping what he became known for. No need for that kind of attitude just because you don't care.

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"This kind of recognition"? That's like saying you shouldn't comment on a youtube video because it means someone is talking about them or their content. Get over the fact that someone cares that a youtuber is stopping what he became known for. No need for that kind of attitude just because you don't care.

Look at this thread.

Did we really need a thread about someone leaving? This is the exact same thing as someone posting a "I'm leaving thread". We don't gain any constructive discussion from this as the original intent behind it was to say goodbye and be sad that someone has left. 

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Look at this thread.

Did we really need a thread about someone leaving? This is the exact same thing as someone posting a "I'm leaving thread". We don't gain any constructive discussion from this as the original intent behind it was to say goodbye and be sad that someone has left.

Look at this subcategory. General discussion. Is it supposed to be constructive? I think not. It's still warframe related, yet not feedback or anything else. Did you REALLY need to read the thread and take the time to write a comment that isn't "constructive discussion"? I think not:3
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People come and go in these sorts of games. It shouldn't be news.


Most of the YouTubers and posters that were around when I first started playing are no longer contributing. Just the way of it.


When I was first getting involved in Warframe, I watched a lot of vids to get an idea of what to do and where I might want to go with the game. Guys like MikeyB, PCG, and so on are long gone, but they were a big help back in the day. Mogamu was part of that old guard as well and I still enjoy watching his stuff, though I've moved far past the build tutorial phase. Still, I enjoy it and that's enough.


I myself go through phases of play and I'm on a bit of the downturn now, since most of my farming from the last Prime Access is done. I may slack off some, but there's still key farming, pigment farming, and a few forma projects still simmering. I also have a huge backlog of Steam games to address, so that is going to be a distraction until something really new comes along.

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 Calypso is not first nor last. I say that because we had another youtuber who was also often referenced about anything concerning WF and shared the popularity throne with Mogamu (PeopleChoiceGaming), who simply burned out at some point and started reviewing other games. There is also a multitude of lesser known youtubers that come to mind, OriginalWickedFun, PotatoPowered, SovietWarlord, DogmanDan, some newer ones like Agayguyplays and my current favorite when it comes to laughs, QuitteShy.


  And we are only talking about the ones the do overlooks of general gameplay, when you go into specifics there are even more channels.



Now imagine this. You got a game you like and you like making and editing videos. Maybe you make a little money off of it or maybe you just do it to amuse yourself. The most popular youtubers  tend to go through any new weapon, max it out to it's fullest potential, whether they like it or not, record and edit the video, do  their best to make it entertaining too and post it within hours of the latest Tenno Reinforcements or update. Honestly, how some of this guys in that tempo don't burn out much sooner is a mystery to me and I am a sicko when it comes to hours played by the way.


  The game is better now then it ever was before. Except conclaves, they were best before U14 "balancing" but that's another story.


Sure it needs more polishing, lore, balancing, but it's good. It's finally starting to get challenging. Devs said this will be a year of quality not quantity and I salute that.


 Then you look at forum topics. Reading blindly through, not reading between the lines, impression is the exact opposite. I just wish people burning out would think for a bit before posting, take a healthy brake, instead of coming to forums with their doom and gloom story. A distorted, highly subjective version of reality when it comes to where the game is at.



P.S. Youtube is my TV, don't judge.


Edit. Added some more names for new people that might want to check out channels, but do these people come to forums?

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Nope, not once did i say that it "spells doom for Warframe". I never even hinted at the fact that he was a representative of the community, either. Come to think of it, not once did i mention that it even had a significant impact on Warframe. If you actually read the post and think about it, i said "it's a shame, because i enjoyed watching his videos". I didn't say "It's a shame, because this clearly means that Warframe is dying". No. I don't think Warframe is dying at all. I simply enjoy his videos. In fact, Warframe is clearly getting better and better every update. DE have confirmed that they know there is a lack of end-game content, and that will come in time as End-game content is a tough thing to create. I shared this video, because it may interest the long-time players of the game and/or people who have seen his videos. And yes, i did mention "He only logs in for daily rewards", but i really don't understand how you understood this topic to be anything to do with some guy representing the entire community as being "burnt out". I've spent 600 hours on the game, and i know for a fact i wouldn't put that amount of hours into any game that costs money. Being "burnt out" is a personal feeling to some people. In what way does that mean that anyone is suggesting it's a bad game or that the entire community feels "burnt out"? Soooo yeah, never mentioned this was significant at all. Please, think about the post before making assumptions that have no actual relevance to what the post is about.


Edit: I also never said he was "great" in the community sense. I merely stated in terms of Warframe videos on youtube, he is one of the best alongside Mogamu and PotatoPowered/Tactical Potato (that now plays for fun rather than treating it as a job). So yeah, in terms of Warframe videos he has been a great youtuber. I didn't mention he was in any way a "great member of the warframe community".

The point is that this is the way that it is interpreted, as you can see by others' responses to this thread. I'm just trying to explain why you're getting the responses that you're getting, and what your post suggests to some in the community.

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Well to be honest, youtubers aren't immune to effects of burnout. If anything, i'd say they're even more prone to it. No major updates in a long while and promises that go undelivered don't help. Also, i never watched any of these guys for 'their builds', warframe is as simple as it gets build-wise, even warframebuilder is just a tool for people to get their numbers to flap around with them. 

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Well maybe now more people would start understand why what Veterans have been talking about for a long time. The Focus system if good would fix this but other than that, this game does not have too much to offer. I play the game, because most other games are pretty terrible as well but all in all though, often times I happen to only play Warframe because I do not have too many other games to play and I do not like many competitive games.

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I will play this game a bunch, get burned out, stop playing for a while, play some other games or watch some new shows, then come back to this game eventualy, just as I do with every other game that I play so long as new content comes out in between.


I think this is the most normal and expected behaviour from players rather than playing the same game all the time forever.

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When you have been playing the game for almost 2 years, it is not a surprise that you will be burned out. It happens! The fact that Warframe is able to keep their players around that long is already quite impressive of a feat.

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(Can i have your stuff)


I have never understood this particular insult....


Why would anyone give a troll spewing this a single item at all? I know what I would give them but that's unprintable so I will just stop right here hehe.

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