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Coming Soon: Devstream #45!


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On the Art/Animation side of things.


Is there any chance of getting a visual, and or overall rework for scythes?


They look more like pickaxes and just arent awesome enough.


Maybe rename the scythes we have now and actually create proper scythes? With only 3 total you could even just take the same ones we have now and rework them into proper scythe models while also keeping the versions that already exist and expanding it into a new weapon type alltogether.

That way everybody wins.


Appreciate your time.

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Hey DE, i have 4 questions i want to ask.

In the next update, what major quality changes are being made? (i.e balancing of warframes, AI changes, drop table changes ect. ).

And secondly, can you tell us specifically what is in store for end game or vetran players? (8 player raids seem to be just speculation at the moment).

In addition, warframe is a loot driven game based around getting new weapons and warframes, pushing them to their limits and having fun with mates along the way, why do players have to pay for warframe slots AND weapon slots as well? Could you look at this aspect of warframes business model and address it on the couch? (I'd favour the removal of warframes slots altogether, keeping the weapon slots, but allowing players to purchase Arsenal Expanders which could contain multiple warframe and weapon slots at a reduced price)

And finally, could you make the void traders appearances permanent for people with tight schedules and also could he sell the old event mods(high voltage, thermite rounds ect. ) and maybe allow us to trade a certain amount of duplicate mods or prime parts to get something we really want, (craftable wraith weapons, a certain prime weapon blueprint , void keys and even packa of resources.)

Thanks for the great game guys.

Edited by Cyberspace100
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Syndicate Medalions:


I have over 400 Syndicate Medalions. And I realy like the Idea to search for them in the Syndicate missions but... I dont want to trade them for reputation, because I get the feeling, that the Medalions are meant for more then just reputation. 


Are you planing to add more value to the Syndicate Medalions ?


Maybe you could add Syndicate Items, that need Reputation and a specific amount of Medalions to trade.


50 Shades of Gold: 


I recently got my Nyx Prime Warframe. Realy well done by the way. But there is one Problem with Prime Frames. They always have an Golden part. But the Gold isn't Persistent. I often use Nyx Prime and Paris Prime. Nyx has a lighter gold and Paris a darker one so that it looks a bit anoying.


Will there be a Option to tweak the Gold Color of the Prime Parts. 50 Shades of Gold would be nice ;)  

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- Will there be a rework on Kubrows and sentinels AI and Utility?


- Will there be any mission related to Rubs, like defend the rub from infested and so on?


- Will we have more missions related to the Sindicates? An what about there lore?


- What are the changes you guys are planing for the Dark sectos? For now they are far from beeing something atractive for casual players.


- Can we have more ship options and even more interaction with it inside missions? Like the ship passing by to drop suplyes and stuff like that.


- Can our ships have guns? Just to shoot some holes on enemy ships to let us in in a diferent way?

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Have you considered opening up the bosses to the star chart? Maybe not as soon as they are released, but after a while. I'm asking this because you obviously work hard on these guys, but sometimes it's such a chore (for some of us) to see them that some may be missing out on interesting and varied content simply because of how much it's hidden. 

Personally, I have never seen Vay Hek nor Mutalist Alad V (because the mechanics to face them are not really my thing), and I've been here since Nov/2013!


This one's for Geoff:
Would you be willing to replace all the "embarassing" animations for Tenno with more dignified ones? for example falling down flat on our faces (or behinds), and laying on our backs when bleeding out. We could get amazing things like three-point landings and other cool-looking movements! And wouldn't in be a lot more interesting to see a bleeding-out Tenno hunched down on one knee, in a position that says "I'm not done yet!"?

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How while you guys adapt to the new OS's coming out this year?


Any plans on adapting some game play to the mobile systems coming soon?


How will the software department bring a smooth evolution into the direct X12 envorinment, and are going to be able to expect some inprovments to the API and connections?


PS: Love this game and have been with it since early beta when only 3 frames exsited the team has been doing great. I can't wait to see what comes next in Warframe.

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I suppose that my questions have already been asked but here goes nothing:

1. Void RNG: We have a specific RNG-based drop table for void missions which have 3 distinct rotations and drops scattered among them. However the duration of these rotations are a bit off. We have Rotation A for 5,10,25,30 and so on. My question is why aren't we seeing a Rotation D which will effectively erase this matter of duplication that occurs under 5 mins? Introducing a new rotation will help with drop-table dilution and reduce frustration of getting repeated items in a short time. What are your thoughts ?

2. Sentinels: Last Devstream, I was expecting something about our little companions from DE_Steve. But I was left with a severe lack of information, which doesn't sit right with me. What are you planning for Sentinels, what are your planning for these metallic guardians of doom ? What's your Roadmap ? For me, introducing specific buffs and debuffs as Sentinel auras to give them a more eximus-esque feel or even turning them into a point defense/offense system would be a more justified approach towards them.

3. Credits: Your mission outlays, planning and leveling are fine however, your balancing with Credits are bad. To be honest, right now bosses are affected by conclave ratings and other factors but the amount of credits I get for killing Ambulus or Lt. Lech Kril is pitiful. Frankly if a new player was good and true to the game, then he'd run out credits sooner than he could build new weapons. Fix the credits balancing. Scale it to the amount of conclave based difficulty and other factors. Boss battles are tougher for younglings now, let the spoils of war be sweet in accordance to the amount of bloodshed.

That's all for now.

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if we remove serration and the like why not have weapons scale like warframes do increasing dmg etc when they level >.>? i always have enjoyed the idea but am sad it has never been implemented/added to the game

Edited by V45H
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Question: Will we ever get to explore other galaxies in Warframe, besides ours? Say, in order to explore farther out into space, you would have to complete a quest regarding the constuction of a special Liset segment. Maybe a special event? 


Also, will we ever get a Saryn Prime?

Edited by (XB1)bacon broham
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Would there be any chance of having an option to override other players' energy colours (for yourself only, of course)? I've got a friend who's very sensitive to bright colours, so it would a game changer to them. Also, any chance of removing the flash effect from casting Loki's invisibility? It serves no purpose and obviously for the same reason.

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I'll keep it simple and clean:

Request: To truly give players the ninja feel, please remove Handspring and Speed Holster from being mods at all and make those innate to all Warframes.


The actual questions:

Question 1: Massive pauses in melee stances can get you killed - stalking fan is a big offender in this regard. Please give the melee component of your product more attention. Also, I ask for the return of the ability of players to slide some while meleeing - that really is a tremendous advantage in fighting the hordes, especially with the work-in-progress on enemy aiming capabilities.

Question 2: Please, devs, start joining your players and try to play melee only against level 26 and higher enemies


Solution to a problem:

Stealth 2.0

A quick solution to greatly increase stealth capabilities: require line of sight for all enemies to find you if the player changes position after an alert is sounded by an enemy.



Finally, are there any single ladies over there? ;-)


EDIT: Meant Speed Holster as my requested innate mod.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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Kubrow Kuestions


1. The kubs have this nasty habit of standing in front of you.


Which is extremely annoying since you have to reposition yourself in the middle of a battle from, probably, a good spot to be able to shoot at the enemy.

Can we get this fix? Dont know anything about this engine but linking a default spot behind the player doesnt sound that difficult, right?


2. How about adding kubrow commands to the emote wheel?

Two simple and helpful commands to start should be guard and heel.


Guard has the kubrow only attack enemies that coming within a certain radius from the spot where guard was cast.

This would be helpful in defense missions to guard the pod\computer and when doing stealth. Because when sneaking around the kubs goes pretty much everywhere because of the pathing its programmed with. So you could leave the kub behind until you clear the area.


Heel has the kub immediately stop whatever it's doing and returns to the side of the player.



Any update on kubrow kosmetics?

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Would PC be able to play with XB1 or PS4?


If you mean via cross play, I highly doubt it. DE were hoping to get cross play with PC and PS4 soon after warframe launched on PS4 but it never materialised. I would guess since we would have to be on the same update for cross play to work properly and well we (PC) have always been at least a couple updates ahead of them (PS4 and now Xbox 1) and while yes DE could slow down PC updates to match console updates to try to make cross play work, DE have already promised that they would not delay PC updates.


On to some questions:


1. Why was the guaranteed Prime Part at wave 20/ 20 minutes/ wave 4 changed to include forma and resources in the void and derelicts?

2. Why was the guaranteed T4 void key at wave 4 of mid to high level interception changed? People have been reporting that they get Natural talent and other mods at wave 4 instead of a T4 key?

3. In each of the Dev's opinion which frames need the most tweaking/balancing or changing? 

4. Any information on what you want to achieve in designing warframe during "The year of quality"?

5. Any information on the upcoming warframe and what is its theme?

6. What weapon type does Scott want to revisit next? More work on snipers, shotguns, scythes etc.?

7. With hubs now the place to socialise with other tenno, go for the void trader, trade in syndicate medallions, are you going to revisit the dojo to make it more than a place to get clan research blueprints and occasionally duel with other clan mates?

8. Any news on the upcoming underwater tileset that is hopefully coming along with Tyl Regor's rework?

9. How are you going to make kubrows more useful and make people want to use them over sentinels like Carrier?

10. Any progress on finalising account migration? A lot of people have been asking for another chance to migrate their stuff over to consoles

11. How is the concept for 8 player missions coming along and how would you balance the enemies to make them a challenge and not bullet sponges or have lots of invincibility phases?

12. Are kubrow cosmetics coming?

13. Will the trophy room statue in the dojo be changeable in the future?

14.  Will there be more opportunities for tenno-gen skins and will that include player made warframe skins and will player eventually be able to make skins that could get into the game with a different model to the base weapon or frame?

15. Many people don't use melee combo's as it leaves them open and vulnerable to enemies, will you be revisiting them to make them more effective?

16. How are charged attacks coming? Will they be added to the combo system as heavy attacks or something, or was Geoff not happy with them?

17. When will the Silva & Aegis be getting a buff? There was a community hot topics on it a while ago and nothing seems to have happened regarding it, I know not everything discussed in the CHT will happen but I think this is one of those things that should happen.

18. Buff for Rakts Ballistica? It is classed as the worst syndicate weapon, especially compared to buffed Synoid Grammacor.

19. T1 to 3 interception, to spread out void rewards? Not more duplicates please Sheldon.

20. Void sabotage cache return?

21. Balancing to Dark Sectors?

22. Extra graphics options, e.g. low, medium, high? Since some people are having trouble running the game, when they could run it fine in the past. 

23. How will Stealth be implemented into the game?

24. Lots of weapons have been released recently with D polarities in their first slot, are there more D polarity mods on the way to make this polarity slot more useful?

25. More emotes?

26. Any information on other boss reworks like J3 golem with archwing- ground combine missions?

27. Many people believe that some if not most of the augment mods are a band aid fix to warframe powers, would you consider rework them into the abilities and making new augment mods?

28. Mastery rework, to make it more than I grinded this much?

29. New cosmetic helms?

30. Improvements to archwing missions so that people don't think its a mini game with unneeded amounts of grind?

31. When will Dravo's shop be open for exploiting players business? 

32. Downgrading mods, either permanently or temporarily, would this ever be an option?

33. Rework to Nullifiers? They can be very hard to deal with when 5 or more come at you from the same direction at once.

34. Will past prime frames get a visual rework to bring them up to the quality of the newer prime frames or is their design final, not including the gold colouring option already stated to be coming to past prime stuff?

35. Will Lex and Vasto Primes get dual versions like Bronco Prime did with Akbronco Prime?

36. Ability to downgrade clan, what would the restrictions be?

37. HUD customisation? Will that be an option someday?

38. Augment slot coming? Any chance for Utility slots for Utility mods?

39. New stances coming? Geoff mentioned that they might be future rewards of tactical alerts, how will you make sure that they are accessible past the tactical that has them as a reward?

40. Toggle-ability for other abilities like Hydroid's Tentacles?

41. Weapons Skins on prime weapons? You removed the option on the Scindo Prime, yet the Reaper can still use the Candy Cane skin, will they skins be available on prime weapons through using the base model when skins are on or were prime weapons never suppose to be able to use skins in the first place?

42. When will old events and special quests be available in the quests system? What would be the rewards from them?

43. More warframe Skins? fulcrvm's proto skin concepts are amazing, could something like these be available in the game one day? https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/386373-prototype-warframes-added-ash/

44. When will you release more of the unreleased mods that people could get by accident through transmutation in the past? 

Edited by NovusNova
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