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Excalibur Prime Buff In Line With Other Primes


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Excalibur Prime is the only prime that can not be obtain through the means of the others. So I don't think the same prime rules apply. Also unless you like all the thread about people wanting Excalibur prime, no.

So your only argument is he shouldn't be on par with the other primes just because you don't have him? That's a horrid and weak argument.


He is a Prime, he deserves to be on par with the rest of the primes.

Edited by AlphaHorseman
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the only change is looks and polarities

This negates your claims that he is not better than his non-primed counterpart.


Not that he couldn't use a buff though. At least bring back his increased shield regen if nothing else.

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I am personally tired to ask for buffs on him ,from what I saw he's wach more as a beginner warframe or mascot that's the way he is and we can't change it all I can hope for now is maybe in the future we will have some warframe like him (blademaster) I hope in the future we will have a male warframe with a greatsword for his mach .

PS:(I'm a huge fan of Berserk the anime series )

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If they're gonna buff Excal Prime they better get around to all the others at the same damn time. I

Define 'all the others' because aside from Mag and Frost all the other Primes have some base stat that at least slightly surpases that of the originals, which is all the OP is asking for, if you have bothered to read.

Edited by RahuStalker
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To the non-founders saying it would be pay-2-win:


You're saying that an exclusive prime intentionally shouldn't be in-line with other primes just because you can't get it?


Do you not see how silly that is?


He's a prime, he deserves to be like other primes.


I agree If we want to bring him in line with the other primes he should be brought in line totally, including being in the void, or what is the point it being in line?

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I'm okay with a potential buff of Excal Prime - but if DE is buffing him there should be a way to get an stat-wise equal version of the buffed Excal Prime for those people who cant get him, maybe Excalibur Dragon (with a different look logically) like someone here mentioned already.

Otherwise it would be just unfair.


Edited by Monster-T
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I'm okay with a potential buff of Excal Prime - but if DE is buffing him there should be a way to get an stat-wise equal version of the buffed Excal Prime for those people who cant get him, maybe Excalibur Dragon (with a different look logically) like someone here mentioned already.

Otherwise it would be just unfair.



No, it would be fair. It's unfair right now that Excalibur Prime isn't on par with the Primes that came out after him. It's fair that he's exclusive as well, because for nearly a year he was available. If you didn't know about Warframe at the time, then whose fault was that? If you didn't have money at the time, then whose fault was that? I'm sorry that Excalibur Prime wasn't released around your convenience and your schedule. Yes, Prime Access is a better way of doing the Founders Program. But if DE doesn't have a legitimate, sufficient, and substantial plan to reimburse the Founders, then they shouldn't re-release Excalibur Prime. IF they plan to re-release him (DE has said a definitive NO to him coming back, by the way), then they will have to reimburse the Founders, because the issue of re-releasing him is a legal issue.

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No, it would be fair. It's unfair right now that Excalibur Prime isn't on par with the Primes that came out after him. It's fair that he's exclusive as well, because for nearly a year he was available. If you didn't know about Warframe at the time, then whose fault was that? If you didn't have money at the time, then whose fault was that? 

DE's marketing department would be my first answer. DE in general for not having an attractive game at the time, or someone's parents who didn't give birth to them early enough for them to be old enough play warframe two years ago, or perhaps the various factors (war, economy crash,personal loss, ilness or injury) during that period and you don't always have time or the resources to play online-video games during a period of poverty. Do I need more reasons why this quote is foolish? 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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DE's marketing department would be my first answer. DE in general for not having an attractive game at the time, or someone's parents who didn't give birth to them early enough for them to be old enough play warframe two years ago, or perhaps the various factors (war, economy crash,personal loss, ilness or injury) during that period and you don't always have time or the resources to play online-video games during a period of poverty. Do I need more reasons why this quote is foolish? 

Your entire comment is foolish. DE's marketing department isn't going to market something massively that's not even finished or is in severely closed beta/alpha. Neither did they have the resources because they were a small independent studio. "not having an attractive game at the time", the founders gave the money to HELP DE make it into an attractive game. "someone's parents" yeah, that...made no useful sense in pertaining to this conversation.


The point Antoine is trying to get across is that the Founders bet on this game even when no one else would. It wasn't even on most peoples' radar because it was so new. The Founders gave them the means to make sure the game had a stable beginning. They placed their hard earned cash on something that DE themselves stated was a game they were only thinking of being 10-12 hours long and then people would move on (look for that in the DevStreams, I'm not doing it for you). The Founders gave their support with their money, to allow this game to grow and flourish. If it wasn't for them, none of us would be here right now to talk about this game and how much it's grown. The Founders were the ones who put their cash on the line, and DE was able to make this game grow because of them.


In essence, they deserve to get Excal Prime and the other exclusive weapons buffed not only because he is a Prime and the Primes have stat boosts, but also because of their contributions to help kick start this game we all play.

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No, it would be fair. It's unfair right now that Excalibur Prime isn't on par with the Primes that came out after him. It's fair that he's exclusive as well, because for nearly a year he was available. If you didn't know about Warframe at the time, then whose fault was that?

Men... did you have even understand what I've tryed to say?

Where is your problem with my idea of buffing Excal Prime but in exchange make an statwise equal Excal (not visually equal - maybe a Dragon Excal) available for those players, who hadnt the chance of buying him? I dont get it why you're dont can accept a win-win situation...


Edited by Monster-T
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Men... did you have even understand what I've tryed to say?

Where is your problem with my idea of buffing Excal Prime but in exchange make an statwise equal Excal (not visually equal - maybe a Dragon Excal) available for those players, who hadnt the chance of buying him? I dont get it why you're dont can accept a win-win situation...


It isn't going to solve the situation.


If you give a kid a chocolate bar, when he wanted the snicker doodle, he isn't going to be happy with the chocolate bar, because he wanted the snicker doodle, just to give an example.


People will still want Excal prime, even if they get another version of him. And then we're going to have people complaining on the forums why there isn't a Dragon version of their own frames, and then the entire cycle repeats and grows.

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It isn't going to solve the situation.


If you give a kid a chocolate bar, when he wanted the snicker doodle, he isn't going to be happy with the chocolate bar, because he wanted the snicker doodle, just to give an example.


People will still want Excal prime, even if they get another version of him. And then we're going to have people complaining on the forums why there isn't a Dragon version of their own frames, and then the entire cycle repeats and grows.

I dont talk about that guys who want Excal Prime... Im just talk about the fact that it would be simply stupid to buff an exclusive prime warframe without making an overall-available-version of it statwise equal. Or do you like to play a weaker Excal without a way of getting the better one?

Im repeating it: my problem is not the Prime - he should stay as exclusive as he is now, but dont buff him without an exchange.

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I dont talk about that guys who want Excal Prime... Im just talk about the fact that it would be simply stupid to buff an exclusive prime warframe without making a overall-available-version of Excal equal. Or do you like to play a weaker Excal without a way of getting the better one?

Im repeating it: my problem is not the Prime - he should stay as exclusive as he is now, but dont buff him without an exchange.

He is a Prime WarFrame, as such he should get the stat buffs. Why an exchange? It isn't unfair to people because they weren't the ones who laid their cash and time down when this game wasn't even half as what it is now. They deserve the reward, in my opinion.


Making an overall-available-version that is exactly equal to it sounds good, but it isn't going to stop people from complaining for the actual prime one. If it devalues their Prime Excal, I'd let the founders say that or not.


Oh I can play my Excal just fine and even great, a stat boost makes it objectively better, but subjectively I wouldn't be flustered if DE decided to stat boost Excal Prime, because I can play my Excal just fine and he does exactly what I need him to do.

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Imagine if I, by myself, Had Trinity prime and nobody could get it because I'm special and won some event or bought the frame during a tiny window that you weren't online for or somethin'.



Would you be upset If only an extreme minority of players, who aren't you, had a version of your favourite frame that had superior stats. With you not being able to get it or an equivalent? 




Excal prime has the advantage of looking far more ballin' and swaggin than the average excalibro. Every now and then when they play a pub match they get respect just for having it. That should be more than enough. 

Edited by Innocent_Flower
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Imagine if I, by myself, Had Trinity prime and nobody could get it because I'm special and won some event or bought the frame during a tiny window that you weren't online for or somethin'.



Would you be upset If only an extreme minority of players, who aren't you, had a version of your favourite frame that had superior stats. With you not being able to get it or an equivalent? 




Excal prime has the advantage of looking far more ballin' and swaggin than the average excalibro. That should be more than enough. 

I'd be fine with that.  You put in the time and effort to get the Trinity Prime and RNG Favored you, not me.  


It'd be insanely petty and immature of me to go around demanding something that I didn't know about or didn't put any effort into getting

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Imagine if I, by myself, Had Trinity prime and nobody could get it because I'm special and won some event or bought the frame during a tiny window that you weren't online for or somethin'.



Would you be upset If only an extreme minority of players, who aren't you, had a version of your favourite frame that had superior stats. With you not being able to get it or an equivalent? 




Excal prime has the advantage of looking far more ballin' and swaggin than the average excalibro. Every now and then when they play a pub match they get respect just for having it. That should be more than enough. 

Imagine if the Founders didn't pitch in the money to actually build this game? Imagine if that didn't happen. Now imagine that you weren't playing WarFrame because the Founders didn't do that. Imagine if this game got one offed because it didn't have the funding. Yeah, no, don't even try it.


"Tiny window"? Nearly a year is a "tiny window"? Oh please. Even if it were for months, that still isn't even a "tiny window".


I'm not going to be upset because these people gave us the foundation to build this game. Without them, this game wouldn't even be here. NONE OF US would even be here. Excalibur Prime was DE's way of showing gratitude to the Founders for giving them the means to grow this game. Without them, YOU wouldn't even have the opportunity to be on these Forums because they wouldn't exist.


Excalibur Prime is a Prime Frame, he should have stat increases on par with the other Prime Frames for that fact outright.

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He is a Prime WarFrame, as such he should get the stat buffs. Why an exchange? It isn't unfair to people because they weren't the ones who laid their cash and time down when this game wasn't even half as what it is now. They deserve the reward, in my opinion.


Making an overall-available-version that is exactly equal to it sounds good, but it isn't going to stop people from complaining for the actual prime one. If it devalues their Prime Excal, I'd let the founders say that or not.


Oh I can play my Excal just fine and even great, a stat boost makes it objectively better, but subjectively I wouldn't be flustered if DE decided to stat boost Excal Prime, because I can play my Excal just fine and he does exactly what I need him to do.

I dont get why you are talking about these guys who WANTS Excal Prime again and again... That isnt the topic in this case.

It will solve your problems; Excal gets a buff and will still be exclusive as F***, while the normal players can also play a better Excal - just with a lesser shiny look.

And really... I thought the founders bought the package for suupporting DE not for exclusive powercreep.

Edited by Monster-T
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I dont get why you are talking about these guys who WANTS Excal Prime again and again... That isnt the topic in this case.

It will solve your problems; Excal gets a buff and will still be exclusive as F***, while the normal players can also play a better Excal - just with a lesser shiny look.

Because it isn't going to solve the issue.


I'm all for Excal Prime getting his buffs. But if DE released another version of Excal, say a Dragon Excal, people are not only going to want that one, but also want Dragon versions of their own frames, on top of those people who want Excal Prime. It isn't just going to be a Skin, if that's the case, they're going to want stat boosts too.

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